Camping, Fishing and the Roads Were Never Better in Aroostook Than N ow -Com P m A ^ Z jT SHIRE TOWN OF AROOSTOOK TIMES AROOSTOOK COUNT) April 13, 1860 To BOULTON TIMES December 27, 19l6 VOL. LX I HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, U)21 No. 25 STRONG-HUSSEY ODD FELLOWS The home of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. ANDERSON-OLIVER T. Hussey on the Ludlow road was FIELD DAY OF AROOSTOOK At 12 o'clock at the home of Mr. the scene of a very pretty wedding Miles MeElwee on Green street. H0LSTE1NFR1ESIAN JNTERTAIN June 15th, at 4 o’clock, when their Afliyln, (laughter of Mrs. Jennie Oliver J daughter Viola M. was married to was uni:ed in marriage to I)onald | HELD DAY HELD ! Cecil H. Strong. Rev. A. M. Thomp- TELEPHONE COMPANY Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. j -------- - Vistfng Degree Teams Work j son, pastor of the Congregational Anderson of North street, by Rev. A f Q P If ■ | church performed the single ring Henry Speed, pastor of the Baptist ; I/WIICF Of uU IM nil f 31*111 llO S t Two Degrees j ceremony before the immediate rela- Business and Pleasure Combined Make the Day One Long church, who performed the single j tives. / j ring service. to Farmers The long looked for event in Odd The bridal party stood under an to be Remembered The bride wore a blue traveling suit _____ Fellows circles, the Dirtrict meeting arch of cedar and white roses. The with hat to match and wore a corsage j That the Field Day of the Encampment branch of the bride wore a navy blue suit, black The second annual Field Day of Powers, Directors Simon Friedman, boqu<>t wt white roses and sweet peas. , was complete in ever, at.... Davidson every detail goes order, was held in Houlton Tuesday, j picture hat and carried white roses the Aroostook Telephone and Tele- Geo. A. Gorham, E. T. MeGlaufiin, ^ ' Refreshments were served and th e ; without saying, although it June 14, at which time visitors from The groom who is in the Radio service graph Co. was held at Crescent Park F Spear and L. E. Tuttle. On each i younR 0 Juple Iett on the noon train ! opinion of was the Penobscot and Washington county every farmer from all over wore his uniform. Mildred Hussey.10" W<N,nei“,a-v ,ast 'Vi,s « *"»*« j of th" ,tmK »«“ "■ a «''“Phone wus ! l° r ^ '1 New York, after which the county who attended the third with the encampment took a prominent part in sister of the bride was bridesm aid,;'"0" ^ 1,1 ovorv w,,v' lh" sho" " r installed eonnoeted with the entire! ^ . groom’s j annual Field Day of the Aroostook the Interesting program of the day. and Frank Scott of Presque Isle was thelIu; aiw;rnoonafternoon cominscoming afu'rafter thothe I>ro-1pro-I countycountv and duringflu rim' then.o meal— — i the | parents-• I Holstein Breeders Association at The Grand officers present were: best man. Following the ceremony a , f ram ba(1 been ('arried °nt and only j following conversation was heard,) The.Tbe brideJride isis a graduate from j Summit farms, Davidson Grand Patriarch Samuel Adams of I supper of salads, cold meats, hot 1 ‘nterfenng with thoso who ha(1 (,(,me | ever-V Present “listening in” on | Rlcker (']assical Institute in the class j The automobiles began to come BalffeSt, Grand High Priest Dr. Harold ! rolls, ice cream and cake was served. : by autom°bile, which taken as a whole j what the two people talking had to 01 1916 an(1 has been employed as ! early in the day and bv the timo J. Toward of Waterville, Grand Senior j Mrs. Strong is a graduate of H. H. : bac no effect on the Pleasures of the J say and as is often the ’ heard ’ j stG1J°8rapherstenographer inin thethe lawlaw office nffi™ of Harry“ | 1 dinner’• Warden Dr. Ellery Blanchard of Port-! S. in the class of 1917, and since her! day' things which wore not M. Briws. The Kroon. I„ bookkeeper °VCT ‘W° hun‘ were on the grounds. land, who were assisted by D. D. graduation has been employed as j This field day, the getting together their ears: meant or ^ Houlton Lumber & Ice Co True to their reputation every one Grand Patriarch W. S. Lewin of this | stenographer. They left amid a show-' of all the employees of a company, is Many useful gifts were received Telephone rang. present was royally entertained by er of rice and confetti on the evening! something that was originated by the ( , and a host of friends extend con- town. Miss Hemphill - Answered. the Gilpatricks of Summit farm and Aroostook encampment today is train for Portland, as the groom is ! Manager of the Aroostook Tel. & Tel. | Hemphill? Miss gratulations for a happy future. the Emersons of Barker Ridge, Island larger by 65 members than before the stationed at Ft. Williams. Many gifts I Co ’ and the results have been so Falls, from the time they arrived event, while several visiting candi­ including linen and silver were reeeiv- j satisfactory that it will doubtless he Telephone rang again. Miss Emma Pearce, who has been until they started for home. dates were given their degrees. ed. j taken up by other subsidiary eom- M iss Clark — Ans. Miss Clark.!10 Boston for a week, returned home Prom ten thirty until 11.30 the The program for the day opened at ------------------- j panys of the well known New England Thank you. Hello Hemphill. It has j on Saturday, 2 p. m. when Eastern Maine Encamp­ been along time since I have talked j ----------- - Island Falls Band gave an open air HOULTON HIGH SCHOOL CoTh ( , concert, and at 11.30 the tables in the ment No. 40 of D&nforth exemplified WINS rUAMPIHNSUID e operators an<> employees of with you Why did you go to Caribou ! PIANO RECITAL BY ........... _ If IHo vflAirli lUiiMlIi ! the different exchanges of the com- hall which would accomodate 125 the work of the Patriarchial degree without letting me know? OTTPIfC OF MR<s RliriC ! p6op,e were 8000 filled and besides in a very pleasing manner, each For the second consecutive season I PanM commenced to gather about 9.30 Miss H.—'Well, you know Susie left w » - W"-t * XJA mIF1..... iW|\ijv „ ’ OUVIWK*OU vlV 1 imcu ami oesiaes suddenl n.— wen, you know Susie left; the many good things in the baskets, member of the degree team doing his the Houlton High base ball team arei Wednesday morning, and at 10 a. m. Iv to take a position in Boston, i A very delightful and interesting | baked beans, rolls, coffee and ice Miss work with a snap that showed careful champions of the Aroostook county | Gen’s. Manager L. S. Black called the C.—Did she go? j recital was given by the piano Duoilspupils ; -------- •tody and rehersal. inter-scholastic league, and this year j meeting to order at Society Hall Miss H.—She left our company, and j Mrs. M. L. Buck on Saturday eve- cream were served by the hosts. Following the work of the first the wearers of the “Black and White” I where the formal part of the program the last I saw of her she was trying; n*n^’ duite 18th, at her residence on Not only were there eats in abundance degree a procession was formed for have gone through the entire season | took Place, and in introducing Pres. on suits at Ray Brown’s store. ! Highland Ave. Each number was but music by the band and Davidson’s own orchestra. a march to Mounment park where a without tasting defeat. F. W. Story of the Aroostook Tel. & Miss C.—How did vou leave Cari- i Plaasingl/ rendered and received At one thirty those present drove group photograph was taken. From H. H. S. has run up a total in 11 Tel. Co. told of the success of the first bou. anv late news? * j Renerous applause. to the barns, headed by the band, the park the delegation continued the games of 173 runs, against 45 scores Field Day which had brought about Miss H .-I left Mr. Vose very busy At tle close refreshments of j Here alone was a sight worth driving march to Watson hall, where an for their opponents. In their two the second and that it was now an looking after the poor. You know he j Herbert and fancy cookies were serv- miles to see, with two stock barns elaborate banquet under the direction final games the score totaled H. H. S. annual event. is fifth Selectman this year, and ( ed> ci Portia Rebekah lodge, was served. 41, opponents 12. Pres. Story reviewed the financial Watson and Hall at P. Isle trying to j P^^ram w^s as follows: modern in every respect with about 150 head of purebred Holsteins, some Upon returning to the hall the The A. C. I. team of Mars Hill won history of the Aroostook company find a Food Committee for Field Day, J 1 Bluette Waltz, Op. 272, No. l and how to cook the ham, and trying j of which hold championship records- degree work was continued, Patten the championship for the northern and by means of charts told of the J. B. Duvemoy to get a discount on a crate of straw-1 Doris Johnson for New England. Encampment No. 6 working the Golden part of the county without losing any ups and downs of th^ receipts and berries from Chas.
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