JOHN CHUECH & CO. PUBLISHERS OF AND DEALERS IN $f)GGT • Ulam • ^HD • lllam • BOOKS, AND ALL KINDS OF ^ mum^l * mGH(^I) ADDING -i: GENERAL WESTERN AGENTS FOR AND *^ (/^LoaGi)*AnD • UJAKHGH+OHG AD? -^ AND OTHER GOOD PIANOS AND ORGANS OF VARIOUS MAKES. PIANOS AND ORGANS RENTED BY THE MONTH, QUARTER OR YEAR, AND THE RENT APPLIED TO PURCHASE IF DESIRED. WB HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE' STOCK OF SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS WEST OF NEW YORK. *** ANV PIECE OF MtJsic OR MUSIC BOOK, NO MATTER WHERE KUBLISHED, SENT'TO ANY ADDRESS BY MAIL, POSTPAID, ON RECEIPT OF RETAIL PRICE. PUBLISHERS OF CHURCH'S MUSICAL VISITOR. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF MUSIC AND LITERATURE. EACH NUMBER CONTAINS ABOUT TWO DOLLARS' WORTH OF NEW AND GOOD MUSIC. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR, WITH CHOICE OF SIX ELEGANT PREMIUMS. JOHN CHUECH & CO. 66*UJe:^T*B0URTB*5TI^GeT, (jmeinnATi. JOHN s; Race, Seventli & George Streets, Are showing Special Lines of good reliable goods of every grade in the followii% departments.: — BIi ANKETS, YIMte and Colored, all sizes ; COMFORTS, covered with. Chintzes, Cretonnes, Oil Prints and Silk. lATOOL AND CANTON FLANNE-LS, MEN'S, LADIES' and CHILDRENS' HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LADIES' FELT AND CLOTH SKIRTS, CORSETS and MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, KNIT ZEPHYR GOODS, FANCY RIBBONS. and an endless variety of :n' ji^i<T ciir .A. I^T i o L ES Suitable for Holiday Presents. jm- FOR SPECIAL ARTICLES SEE EOLLOWING PAGES. •=©& MAIL ORDERS. We have a Regularly Organized Department for this branch of our business, and confidently assure those entrusting their orders to us, that they may rely upon having them executed with the same promptness, care and accuracy of detail, and at the same prices as if under their own immediate supervision. Samples sent when requested, FREE OF CHARGE. IMPORTED DRESS GOODS IN CHOICE SILK AND WOOL NOVELTIES. The very latest Paris designs at 75 cents, $ 1.00, $ 1.25 and $ 1.50 per yard. Also, very low prices for PBKIN STRIPE CASHMERES, PLAIN" COLORED CASHMERES, FANCY PLAIDS AND BROCADES. FRENCH SUITING, BROADCLOTHS etc., etc. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Black goods, always popular at this season. BLACK CASHMERES at .40. .50. .60. .75, .85 and $1.00 per yard. CASHMERE DES INDES. .75. $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. Also large lines of materials specially adapted for mottrning^ including HENRIETTA CLOTHS. BOMBAZINES, ARMURES. AUSTRALIAN CRAPES, &c. tm- PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. ^ AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. These fabrics are stylish and serviceable. The styles are equal to the most desirable foreign designs, and the prices are such as to make the cost of a dress pattern merely nominal. By the yard, we offer a large line of STUFF DRESS FABRICS in fancy and plain styles at .8X, ,10. .121/2, .15, .18, .20, .25, .30, .35, .40 and .50 cents, which are worthy the attention of careful buyers. JOHN SHILLITO & 00. LADIES' SUITS. HOLIDAY TRADE. An enumeration of the specialties would be impossible in the limited space, but ladies will find the latest PARISIAN COSTUMES for Carriage and Evening Wear. SItK COSTUMES, Blacks and Colors. BLACK CASHMERE SUITS, STUPP AND COMBINATION SUITS, at prices seldom quoted. I.ADIES' WOOI.EN WRAPPERS, from «3.50 up. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. What more elegant present can be made to a lady than a CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWL? Prices are very low compared with former years, viz.: $35, SftSO, !S3.5, .^40, $50 and upwards. BROCHE SHAW^LS, all sizes and qualities. FRENCH, ENGLISH, SCOTCH and GERMAN SHAWLS of every description. -8®" BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS A SPECIALTY, -^m^ LAOIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. In style to please any taste, and quality to Meet the requirements of any purse. LADIES' GOSSAMER RUBBER CIRCULARS full siae, $3.00 each. MISSES' CHECK BACK, GOSSAMER CIRCULARS, $2.50 eacb. For protection in stormy weather; indispensable. MEN'S GOSSAMER COATS, from $5.00 up. AH sizes, weight only twenty ounces. MEN'S SMOKING JACKETS from $13.00. MEN'S ROBE DE CHAMBRE from $13.00 up. JOHN SHILLITO & CO. HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. This department offers a line of goods from which handsome and useful Holiday Presents may be selected. NOTE THESE PRICES. LADIES' PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 50 cents per dozen. LADIES' PURE LINEN HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, at $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $3.25 per dozen. LADIES' FANCY BORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, Extra Fine, Pure Linen, $3.00 per dozen. LADIES' COLORED EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, all Linen, from $6.00 per dozen. Up to tlie FINEST FRENCH NOVELTIES. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS. ALL LINEN, PRINTED BORDERS, $1.50 per dozen. EXTRA QUALITY, 3.00 EXTRA FLNE QUALITIES, at $5.00, $6.00 and $9.00 per dozen. Children's Handkerchiefs in Choice Designs. A special line of all Linen Handkerchiefs, put up in Fancy Boxes, J^ dozen in a box, Ladies', Men's and Children's Sizes. LADIES' NECKWEAR. RUCHINGS from 10 cents per yard up. DOUBLE CREPE LISSE RUCHING, 12% cents per yard. LADIES' FRENCH EMBROIDERED MUSLIN TIES, at .35, .50, .75 and $1.00. LADIES' SILK TIES AND BOWS In a large variety of new and beautiful designs. Fine- assortment of ALSATIAN BOWS, in the Choicest Novelties. LADIES' LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS itt endless variety. JOHN SHILLITO & CO. LACE DEPARTMENT. This is now one of the most attractive departments to our customers, and nothing will make a more elegant Christmas present than a Lace Barbe, Lace Scarf or Lace Handkerchief. Complete Lines of LACE BARBES in Point, from $9.00 upward. POINT APPLIQUE, $3.00 upward. DUCHESS, $3.50 upward. RAGUSE, $1.35 upward. REAL BRETONNE, $1.75 upward. THREAD, $4.00 upward. BRABANT, 50 cents upward. VALENCIENNES, TORCHON, &c., &c. THREAD LACE SCARFS. SPANISH LACE SCARFS, LLAMA LACE SCARFS, $3.00 upward. CHANTILLY LACE SCARFS, $1.00 upward. TORCHON LACE SCARFS, 35 cts. upward. LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. Large variety in POINT LACE, from $10.00 up. DUCHESS, from $5.00 up. APPLIQUE, " 5.00 " POINT VENICE, from $30.00 up. LIMERICK LACE, 50 cents up. LACE NECKERCHIEFS. 75 cents upward. EMBROIDERED CREPE DE CHENE NECKERCHIEF, $3.00 up. DUCHESS LACE TIE GOODS, 40 cents up. REAL THREAD LACE VEILS, $5.00, Extra Value. LACE TIDIES. Beautiful designs, in Exquisitely Embroidered Antiques, $4.00 up, LACE TOILET SETS, $8.00 upward, LACE CUSHION COVERS, $3.50 upward, And a large and choice assortment of high novelties, specially adapted 'for the holiday season. JOHN SHILLITO & CO. SILK DEPARTMENT. Exceptionally good values at .65, .75, .85 and $1.00 per yd., with a large assortment of Reliable Brands at $1.25, $1.35, $1.65, $1.90 and $2.00, •wrliicli are tlie best goods offered this season at the prices. COLORED SILKS AND RICH SILK NOVELTIES In the largest variety ever -opened here. Also exquisite combinations in SILK AND VELVET, SATIN AND VELVET, and SILK AND SATIN Fabrics for overdresses and trimmings at very IOTV prices. No more thoroughly appreciated present can be given to a lady than a silk dress pattern. KID GLOVES Are a favorite article for Christmas Presents. They are inexpensive, and yet are an elegant and useful gift. In variety, quality and price, we offer special advantages. LADIES' KID GLOVES, warranted the best manufactured. 2-button, $1.50; 3-button or 10-hook, $1.85; 4-button or 14-liook, $2.15 ; G-button or 20-hook, $2.50. Newest shades. OUR SECOND QUALITY A perfect fitting, and fully equal to those usually sold in the market as first quality. 3.-button, $1.35; 4-button, $^1.50; 6-button, $1.75. Newest shades. SPECIAL. All sizes and shades In Ladies' 2-button Kid Gloves. Excellent Quality, 80 cents per pair. MISSES' KID GLOVES, best Quality, all colors and sizes, $1.00 per pair. MEN'S KID GLOVES, ell sizes and shades. Ladies', Men's and Children's TTJB.lf GLOVES in large variety of materials at Popular Prices. JOHN SHILLITO & 00. KING'S POCKET-BOOK OF CINCINNATI, Copyright, iS^q, by McisES KING. A Bit of History.—Cincinnati, or nor wild speculation has roughly disturbed Losanteville as the place was first named her course. What ad\'ance has been made (I'os-ante-ville, the town opposite the has been maintained, and in this fact lies mouth), was settled in the latter part of the explanation and cause of the city's 1788 or beginning of 1789 by a party present position. under Israel Ludlow. The ground on The name of Cincinnati was given in which the city stands was purchased by 1790, when St. Clair came to the place as Matthias Denman, who associated with governor of the North-west Territory. himself Robert Patterson and John Fil- Cincinnati was incorporated as a city in son. The latter was killed by Indians on 1819, and from that time has been a great a visit to the site of the proposed settle­ centre, and holds a high rank among ment, and Ludlow took his place in the American cities in every department of enterprise. The date of the settlement is trade, culture, influence, and wealth. involved in doubt, although Dec. 28, 1788, A single lifetime has covered the exist­ is generally celebrated as the birthday of ence of Cincinnati; for the first white the town. While no especial incident child born in the place (William Moody, marks the early history of the city, the In­ March 17, 1790) has just died in 1879. dians gave more than the usual trouble; By the annexation of Columbia the and it was not initil after Harmar and St. city has obtained the right to date back Clair had been successively defeated by its settlement to November, 1788, as a them, that Wayne secured, as the result party had landed and settled there previ­ of a decisive victory in.
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