N° 24 - New Series, October-December 2010 Supplement to L’Eco of Saint Gabriel, December 2010 Sped. in a.p. -45% art.2 comma 20/c legge 662/96 SINODO GENERALE GENERAL SYNOD SÍNODO GENERAL XIV SOLIDARIDAD SOLIDARIETÀ PARA UNA NUEVA VIDA Y MISIÓN PER UNA NUOVA VITA E MISSIONE ROME 2010 INDICE Passionist International Bulletin N. 24 - New Series - October-December 2010 Supplement to L’Eco of Saint Gabriel, December 2010 “ON THE ROAD TO RESTRUCTURING WITH GENEROSITY AND HOPE” Fr. José Luis Quintero Sanchez, C.P (CORI) . pag. 3 Editor General Curia REPORT OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL of the Congregation of the Passion TO THE XIV GENERAL SINOD PART I . » 4 General Consultor for Communications Denis Travers, C.P. PART II - STARTING AFRESH AFTER CUERNAVACA . » 6 Editing and Translation of Texts PART III - INFORMATION ABOUT VARIOUS MATTERS » 10 Lawrence Rywalt, C.P. Luis Enrique Bernal, C.P. THE CHRONICLES OF THE XIV GENERAL SINOD Marco Pasquali, C.P. COMISSIONE PER LA REDAZIONE . » 13 Ramiro Ruiz, C.P. MATTERS PROPOSED FOR DIRECT VOTING Joseph Barbieri, C.P. IN THE SYNOD AULA . » 25 Massimo Parisi, C.P. Tarcisio Tagliabue, C.P. HOMILY FOR THE CLOSING Alejandro Ferrari, C.P. OF THE XIV GENERAL SINOD . » 27 Fernando Pielagos, C.P. PROFESSIONS AND ORDINATIONS . » 29 Photographs Paul Francis Spencer, C.P. NEW PUBLICATIONS . » 30 Lawrence Rywalt, C.P. Miguel Ángel Villanueva, C.P. NOTITIAE OBITUS . » 31 Address Ufficio Comunicazioni Curia Generalizia P.zza Ss. Giovanni e Paolo 13 00184 Roma - Italy Tel. Fax. 06.700.84.54 Web Page: http://www.passiochristi.org e-mail: [email protected] Graphics Florideo D’Ignazio - Editoriale Eco srl Cover Logo Loretta Lynch Cover photo Official Logo of the XIV General Synod of the Congregation of the Passion Final page photo Participants in the XIV General Synod Printing Editoriale Eco s.r.l. Località San Gabriele - Colledara 64045 San Gabriele (Teramo) - Italy Tel. 0861.975924 - Fax 0861.975655 E-mail: [email protected] “ON THE ROAD TO RESTRUCTURING WITH GENEROSITY AND HOPE” Fr. José Luis Quintero Sanchez, C.P. (CORI), Secretary of the Synod hese two attitudes, generosity and hope, cha- Synod pointed racterized the members of the Synod of 2010. out how impor- TThis was the second Synod following the 44th tant it is that all General Chapter that placed the Congregation, follo- the religious and wing the call of the Spirit, on the road of the members of Restructuring to give new energy to Passionist Life the Passionist and Mission. Family recog- Discernment and decision-making characterized the nize and feel 2008 Synod that was celebrated in Cuernavaca, that they are Mexico. And this 2010 Synod was intended to be a active partici- verification of the process that was chosen and under- pants. With taken at that time. It was a time for common evaluation great confidence of the projects that were planned and initially put into and conviction it practice, with a generous spirit of discernment, was stated that notwithstanding uncertainties and fear of the unknown. this process In a spirit of openness, the Synod Assembly stems from the Fr. José Luis Quintero Sánchez (SANG), received the numerous reports that were presented essence of the Secretary for the Synod. each day by the Configurations that included their Passionist planned activities in the three areas of proposed soli- Charism and for darity – formation, personnel and finances. They its Life and Mission in today’s world. also heard about the new forms of Passionist pres- On the first day of the meeting, prior to officially ence in China, Vietnam and Nigeria and the work that beginning the Synod, the members participated in a for- was done at the UN. The report of Fr. Ottaviano, mation workshop that studied the topic of JPIC and the divided into three parts, offered enlightenment and Passionist charism. Again, the session was designed to also questions for further common reflection and heighten awareness of this topic that influences many decision-making. All of these reports, including that religious congregations and other movements to make of the General Council, originated from their per- an evangelical commitment to justice, peace and the spective of the process of Restructuring and their integrity of creation. Since this dimension is closely respective roles in this process. The courage needed connected with the heart of the “Memoria Passionis” it to open roads and overcome the difficulties that arose is a way of living out our charism. in communicating new ways of living and being Fr. Aquilino Bocos Merino, CMF, also reflected together was concretized in proposals. These propos- on the process of Restructuring by noting priorities, als were prepared based on a new capacity for mak- offering criteria for discernment, dissipating doubts ing decisions and putting them into practice in the and fears, and situating all of this process within the entities of the new Configurations and in a new way context of Mission. of exercising the ministry of authority. The days were marked by periods of tranquility and In an ecclesial spirit, the Synod shared the pain of work, and also weariness and repetitions. There were the Church over the issue of the sexual abuse of times of moving forward and other times of hesitancy minors, assuming an attitude of mercy for the vic- and questioning, of desolation and consolation. In all tims, condemnation of evil, help for the perpetrator of this we trusted that the Spirit was continuing to and responsibility for the formation of candidates for unfold salvation history and recreating the world and Passionist religious life. also the Church, wherein is the Charism of the The Synod also began to program the participation “Memoria Passionis” entrusted to St. Paul of the Cross. of our young religious and the members of the The Synod assembly invites the entire Passionist Family for the World Youth Day 2011 in Congregation to continue to develop and embrace Madrid, Spain. It also reaffirmed communication this process of Restructuring in a spirit of solidarity projects, using new forms of technology to facilitate that will lead up to the General Chapter of 2012. At greater interaction within the Congregation and for that time we will make decisions about structures that more vibrantly presenting the message of the Cross in will enable Passionist life and Mission to grow in cre- today’s world. ative fidelity and be at the service of the Reign of In this process of revitalization the members of the God in our world. ● October-December 2010 - BIP n. 24 3 REPORT OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL TO THE XIV GENERAL SYNOD Editor’s Note: The Report of the Superior General to the XIV General Synod is divided into three parts. Following are excerpts from each of the three sections. The complete text can be found online at www.passiochristi.org and in the “Documentation” of the Synod to be published at a later date. The official logo of the XIV General Synod. PART I life and mission”. The words follow the path of the curve of the continents between South America and 1. Dear brothers in Christ Crucified and Risen, Australia, encircling lower Africa. It is meant to sig- Fraternal greetings and best wishes to all of you nify our unity as an integrated family immersed in the here and, in particular, to each of you who, with var- charism. The Passionist Sign which envelopes it is ious titles and responsibilities, are participating in meant to enhance solidarity, enlivening our commu- this Synod. I especially wish to greet and welcome nity life and mission. In addition to being an ideal those of you who have recently been elected as Major and a hope, as is symbolized by the color green of the Superiors and who are at a Synod assembly for the contents of the Logo, solidarity is a goal to which we first time. You will enrich us with your creativity and aspire and is indicated by the red-colored fire that enthusiasm. forms the background of the Sign, which is immersed 2. The theme of the Synod, “Solidarity for a new in the light of the resurrection and a new dawn. life and mission”, is intended to unite us ideological- 4. This is the objective that we hope to achieve ly and substantially with the last Synod of 2008 that during these days of the Synod. We are not alone as was celebrated in Cuernavaca, Mexico… The graph- we look for answers; we are aware of the presence of ic design of the Logo of this Synod consists of a the Lord in our midst. It is He who has convoked us Passionist Sign surrounding the world, lands and with the voice of the Church and He is with us in the seas, along with the inscription: “Solidarity for a new boat of this synod hall. And even if his place here seems to be vacant, we need to have faith: He is with us and we should not fear the headwinds of the diffi- cult moments that we may encounter during the Synod, or the rough seas of doubt and fear. We must trust that we will arrive at the other shore because He is awake: He calms the winds and the waves become navigable once again. 7. Using appropriate discernment we want to seek the future course of our life and identify the current challenges that arise from the process of Restructuring that we have been developing during the past six years. These are possibilities for renova- tion that are well-rooted in our past and in the charism that the Holy Spirit gave to St.
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