V. The Morehead Independent ‘QNE OF KENTUCKY ’S GREATER WEEKLIES’ MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, DECEBfBER 2, 1937 Number 48 LIKELY SUCCESSOR TO VINSON Judge Vinson Being Automobile Accidents Fatal To Congratulated While 2 Rowan County Men; Murvel Successor Pondered Hogge Succumbs Alter Wreck EigThth District Congressmra Has One Of Dr. yah Antwerp Driver, Blinded By Truck Lights, Crashes Best Records Of Any Legislator Ken­ Into Simmie Johnson, 45, at Hilda; tucky Has Ever Sent To Washington Gives Address At Held In Court Here On Bond Leaders of official Washington, and on Capitol HOI Was Brother Of Mrs. Allie ¥. 'Hogge Rhes Conducted Wed- Joined thin week in expressing hearty congratulatic^ to State Hort Meet Mann in Of More ­ nesday From Par ­ head Congressman Fred M. Vinson, of Kentucky, upon learning of ents’ Home Apples From His Orchard At his recent appointment by Preaident Roosevelt i Funeral services for Sim-njoi A broken neck and other injur- justice of the United States court of appeals fn- the District Farmers Take High Johnsoo, 45. accident victim, were ies received 1 of Cdumlia. First to express bis felicitations was Attor ­ Award held at Pisgab. near Hilda, with i ney General Homer S. Cummings, who wiginally sent Con ­ burial there. The Rev. .Dr. H. Van Antwerp. M Far ­ gressman Vinson's name to the chief executive for con- mers, long recognized as one of Moore officiated at the rites. son of Arthur Hogge, twice County Johnson, a native of this county, mderation. .When reached at his office in the department the State ’s leading Horticultur- Judge of Rowan County and Mrs. was kiBed almost instantly Sun­ of iustke here today Attorney General Cummings stated alirts was a speaker on the Hogge. of Second Street. day evening when he was struck *-3tncere beat wishes and hearV Wednesday program of the The accident occurred on the while walking on the AUie Young Kentucky Horticultural ^ety. Midland Trail Highway about 1$ Highway near HUda. by Dr. Van Antwerp spoke/on the I miles east of Ashland. The car. Morehead Is 2nd mobile driven ,^y Walter Goodan. driven by Murvel. attempting to ) tbc JudteiwT." value and the working^of his Senator /.Iben Williams Barkley of Ohio. ' round a curve went into a doubli air cooled storage h<w^. was anotbr:' te consratu- Goodan was pasting a truck ot skid, crashed over an embank ­ In Stai^g Of The undergraduate Rort Club latiom to ( aagreaBoan Vinson as of the University of Kentucky the time he struck Johnson and it ment and turned over several news of h;: appointment by the is thoueht he micbt have been times, seven other ocupants at staged a fruit show at president v os announced. "I am All St^e Teams Phoenix Hotel during the blinded by the other motor's lights. the car, including Mr. Hogge ’s more than happy to extend my Johnson was walking on the side wife were not injured seriously. (Uy meet.D The Home Economic most bear.y consratalationa to Eagtes Ramers-ap To Mon of the University of the road. Mr. Hogge lived untU tdonday Concressm. j Fred M. Vinson upon Surviving are his father. Jasper afternoon, although he was never Od BtsU Of All Games countered with an apple pie learning c his recent appoint ­ Played contest with the “Big Apple" Johnson, of Hilda; four chUdren. given, much chance to recover by ' ment to th District Court of Ap­ Shelby Johnson and .Mrs. Thelma attending physicians at the Kings dance as the theme. Miss Ro ­ peals. Prt ident Roosevelt has berta Adkins, of Pikeville, was Lewis, of HltaarandXowell John- Daughters Hospital in Akhland made a fin choice urd 1 am sure BLUE AND GOLD HAS llw Ukety od togicaJ t« Ooi crowned Queen of the Apple d Harold JohnsoB.1. of Wrts- where he was rraioved. Practic ­ that C-oat '♦—tap Vfbsun will REMARKABLE SEASON ally aU of family were at toe - M. ViasoB bi the Eighth District is Joe Bates, of Grecnap, Show. bring to h i new post the same ....M., ...... -....V,.. .w---------------------- ...... v.M. Local School Has Record Of 7 iaeambeat Clerk of Greenop County. Mr. Bates has been Dr. Van Antwerp won the grand courage end understundinx which ,ta Reynolds, of Aberdeen. O.-iiu; | Funeral services were csnlucted he hu alv jys maintained as a a Ufe-kwe friend of Congressman Vinson and one of hh championship in that part of the Victories, 1 Defeat show for commercial growers. His Sirs. Jason Payne, of Hillsboro. ' from his parent's Wednes- Represenu-ve of the Sute of key-nen in the district. Os Grid trayg-W Kentucky.” Hr. Bates, the seventh son of a family of thirteen four trays'^ Red DeUcious were placed at the top of the 300 trays •- Lyons. G H. Fern and B. H. Joining h., coanoguo In Um up- »» children,, was bom in Beaver Credt, Kentucky, Oetob«r.29, exhibition. The judge wass Dr._. sr house was Senator Marvel I Kentucky s FIGURE IN X 1893. He received his education in the common sehot^ at R. S. Marsh, horticulturist of the Mills Loi,gaL. who describing Con-:*™ Conference game with Flor- I ANOTHER ACCUMNT the Eastern SUte Teachers CoUefo, Rkhmoad, Ky. He was University of West Virginia. Dr- gretaman Q Vonsoo's appointment as'**^ "*** Saturday aftenwon. the MAY RESIGN AS i While returning from Aah- married Febmary 1*, 1916,>, to Miss Virsinia„ ______ Rke. Hie. Van Antwerp received the New admu tble choice." btea tupg m \ land where they had beef’aTN Bates ’ have two children, Joe Rice Bates, student at the Phoenix Company's silver trophy. LOCAL PASTOR “Congressm .n Vinson may indeed: «nd^n season for Kentucky i the bedside of Murvel Hdgge be proud of such a well deserved ** “°>*- University of Kentneky and Becky Bates, who is attendinc Winners in the commercial ex­ I when he died Monday of in- hibit were: First, Dr. H. Van Ant- bodor. Prcfideot Roosevelt could! The bulk of Uie honors go to Ward-Belmoot College at Nashville. Tens. ' juries received in an automo ­ wprp; second, M. Y. Nunn, Sturgis; not have nwle a better choice. Murray CoUege's Thoroughbreds, Hr. Bates, who has been Clerk of Greenop Coonty for bile accident, Mrs. Arthur 1 am happy to Join in - a'who ................................................. third. J. W. Fagenbush. Buechel; Hogge, his mother, was injured the last sixteen years is a memher of the Presbyteriu fourth, Ben E. inies, Henderson; my hearty congratulations slightly when a car driven by the best winning Chnrch, a Mason, Elfc and Jr. O, U. A. BL Prior to his election fifth, Wallace Baldwin, Henderson; best wtotoe:." Attorn^ Lester Hogi^ ancle Kei^ky mua. ^ Tber- as Ckrfc he os for nine yean a teacher and Ugh school sixth........ .......... J. w.............. KeeUng, ................ Hopkinsville,..... of Murvel. wretkuL ■eduin) Teoe&ms M t ^ -a —S ^ Kazee. otficUtfog. 1 Wedneiday, the triumph cd tlendcr. mergoUc 1 '. Bates enjoys the cenfidenn of Pedeeal oCce- made in the Lee Cemetery. (heir eighth against one defeat Qv« Fred M. Viamt of Kentucky hoMen ami the SUte AdmiaistiatieK. 1> all pnbabilitr he Mr. Hogge was a graduate kA and one be. Homy's only loss to the Covi-t of Appeals for the wiO receive Umaapport of both te the Co6«n—' *--■* - Razee To Accept d High School where District at Columbia. e te the 2S emtks eomprtelng the he excelled in several sports. Ha season's opener. Tte 47 -year-old Kentuckian, : Eighth Dtetrkt tedicate that be ia aimoat eertate of receiving was' bom ia Morehead September Reteesentatives Dou^tem of North i Two other Kentudey «—■-« lost Pastor’s Position ,10, 1917. but one game. The Morehead Ea ­ the esteocBement of 18 of the 20 eeafy chaimeB with a . Carolina c.id Cooper of Tennes-i 1 On October 4, 1936. he wtf gles and Strang poasihtlHy of BBanimens anpport from them when see arc credited with wielding i married to Miss Lillian seven tests. Horchesd was they naam a Democratic nomtefc to swcoed CongresBrnaa At Mayslick, Ky. ■ " e on the Ways and , of Olive Hill. They have a tour-- Means Cemmlctee. beaten by Murray in its season's Vtew|3.V Western was tied by Local Minister WiD Resign months old child. Gary Alden. Viruon has made ^ hobby ^ defeated by the Wes- Here Before First Also surviving are bis latt^ Of Year and mother, a brother. Carl Hogge Agreement Being Ten Comities In of Oklahoma City, Okla.; and two Bob Davis, Wildcat veteran half- The Rev. B. H. Kazee, pastor sisters. Mrs. Sadie Fieldlnc and Mrs. G. D. Warren of Win Drafted Hae For for the last eight lyears of the Path Of Tmnado; Morehead Baptist Church this Active bearers at the funeral ^ . His toUl of 4g week Bceepted a position as Pas- ^re Joe Tolliver. Jack Sadth. anv otter IpotDU. however, ia IS less than Rural Road Work Bath, Fleming Hit Ur of the Mayslick. Ky., Baptist m REV. B. H KAZEE ! Jimmie Babb. James Johasoa, BO. Annouacement was made today !ly Ramey and Theoplus Barker, %r. ppt'isisrip.™,, i»two?“ seasons.. 2-r;.The former Oayteo, Church, it was learned today. that the Rev. B. H. Kazee, Pastor Honorary bearers were: Jack Ky.. High school star^ one more Stole And Ftecal Coot May DuMce to Rawa Goaty Is The Rev. Kazee in a statement game in which to^ual or sur­ Issued from the Parsonage today of the Morehead Baptist Church ! Carter, Wilson Hogge, ElWood Dll- Come Te Terms On SBcht As Hfite Break pass his fonne^^Srard. said that be would probably bad accepted a position os Pastor'Ion.
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