E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1995 No. 1 House of Representatives are too many lobbyists, too many law- show that the House of Representatives is RULES OF THE HOUSE yers and too many special interests not for sale, I urge you to say no to gifts, say (Continued) with too much influence. They are no to personal gain in the people's House, and support the gift ban. b 1700 angry because they see Members tak- ing money and gifts from well-con- Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 nected insiders and, in some cases, try- minute to the distinguished gentleman minute to the distinguished gentle- ing to use their offices to amass per- from Texas [Mr. GENE GREEN]. woman from Georgia [Ms. MCKINNEY]. sonal wealth. (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked Ms. MCKINNEY. Mr. Speaker, I sup- This is supposed to be the day when and was given permission to revise and port many of the important rules we address the rules Members live by, extend his remarks.) changes being presented here today. yet in the entire Republican rules But, Mr. Speaker, it seems strange to Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. package we are considering today there me that the first opportunity that the Speaker, we will soon be voting to is not a single amendment that ad- Republicans get, they start doing what change the way the House operates in dresses any of these issues. I would they have complained about for years. several ways, but it is not enough. suggest to my colleagues on both sides They claim to be willing to open up Later, we will also be considering a bill of the aisle: this body's proceedings, but the first to bring the Congress into compliance ``If you really care about changing day's business is being conducted under with many private sector laws that the way Washington worksÐÐ'' closed rules. That means that any apply to the rest of the country. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Democratic ideas, regardless of merit, Last Congress, Mr. Speaker, many of will not even see the light of day. We WALKER). The time of the gentlewoman my Republican colleagues pointed to will start this Congress with business from Missouri [Ms. MCCARTHY) has ex- the closed rules as an example of the pired. as usual and a gag on the voice of tyranny of the majority. It is, there- Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 15 Democrats. This is not the way to start fore, disappointing that the Congres- additional seconds to the gentlewoman the 104th Congress. The Republican re- sional Accountability Act, the first bill from Missouri. sort to closed rules is as unbelievable to be considered by this Congress, will PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY as their last-minute defeat of lobby re- be offered under a closed rule. Open Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I have a form and the gift ban last year. rules allow the minority the oppor- parliamentary inquiry. Mr. Speaker, I say to my colleagues, tunity to amend legislation and to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ``Saying that this is open debate just allow all points of view to be heard. I tleman will state his parliamentary in- don't make it so.'' was led to believe that the House will Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 quiry. be operating under a more open sys- minute to the distinguished gentle- Mr. SOLOMON. Are we not supposed tem. Today, Mr. Speaker, it is not woman from Missouri [Ms. MCCARTHY]. to yield time in no less than 30-second open. Ms. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I am increments? one of the new Members of this body The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Despite my disagreement with the the voters elected to change the way tleman from Michigan [Mr. BONIOR] has rule on the bill, I intend to support the Washington works. Many of us cam- control of the time. Congressional Accountability Act. This paigned on the issue of reform. I want Mr. BONIOR. Is that is the package bill is no stranger to those of us who to say to other new Members, ``Don't that the gentleman is offering? are Democrats because we offered it get cold feet now. We're considering a Mr. SOLOMON. No, but I will be glad last year, and it passed last year before lot of reforms here today, and I support to put it in. this 100±day blitzkrieg that we are many of them, but let's be honest. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- going through. I believe extending em- These reforms don't go nearly far tlewoman from Missouri [Ms. MCCAR- ployee protections is an important and enough. They don't begin to address THY] may now proceed for 15 additional meaningful step for Congress, and I the real concerns of the American peo- seconds. hope my colleagues on both sides of the ple.'' Ms. McCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I say aisle will extend that to all workers in Mr. Speaker, the American people to my colleagues on both sides of the the future. are not angry at Washington because aisle: Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 there are too many proxy votings in If you really care about changing the way minute to the gentlewoman from Colo- Congress. They are angry because there Washington works, if you really want to rado [Mrs. SCHROEDER]. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 39 H 40 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 4, 1995 Mrs. SCHROEDER. Well, Mr. Speak- States of America. Suppose your con- Republicans take note, for this is an argu- er, I thank the gentleman from Michi- stituents paid more taxes than each of ment that ought to be dear to GOP hearts: gan [Mr. BONIOR] for yielding this time six states. There is a major difference between the situ- to me, and I want to say many times I How would you feel when you ation of the District and that of the four ter- ritories. It can be summed up in one figure: have voted against my side and voted watched other Members vote on your $1.6 billion. That is the total amount of fed- for open rules, and how disappointed I taxes, and I mean local taxes, my eral income taxes paid each year by resi- am today to find out that we not only friends, vote on your laws, and I mean dents of the District of Columbia. It com- have a gag rule, but we have a choke local laws, my friends, because our pares with $0 from the four territories. And rule because this side has been totally local business comes before this House. it is near the very top compared with con- choked off from offering any kind of The vote to be erased means nothing gressional districts nationwide. amendment or any kind of addition to to this body, but it means everything District residents deserve some consider- the reforms. As I look at this reform to the taxpaying citizens I represent. ation in exchange. Mrs. Norton's retention of her limited voting powersÐwhich, by the package, I got to say it is reform-light. After all, a re-vote will be taken if del- way, hardly constitute ``representation'' egate votes are determinative. You b 1710 commensurate with taxationÐare worthy of claim that you will democratize this serious discussion. And let's also begin the Now, you know, there are some House, and in some measure you will, discussion about whether justice wouldn't be things in there, sure, they are easy, re- but not in this measure. better served by a District whose govern- form them. But the real thing I find I suspect that the denial today is not ment receives no federal paymentÐbut people are angry about is the fact that an act of meanness, but an act rooted whose residents are not taxed by the federal this body operates like a coin operated in the partisanship of the past, rather government, either. legislative machine. They are real than in the events in which you take [From the Washington Post, Nov. 19, 1994] tired of the guys who have the most such pride today. For you, this was a coins to put in being the only one to plot of the Democratic leadership. For- THE THREAT TO D.C.'S HOUSE VOTE get the legislation out. We dealt with get that, my friends. It was my plot, Among the galaxy of rule changes expected that last year. We passed a bill by 311 my memo, my taxpayers. in a Republican House of Representatives votes. We are trying very hard to get next January, one provision deserves to re- My Republican friends, I say to you main on the books. A House rule adopted that in here. today that there is no need to return to early in the current CongressÐunanimously We also do not deal with many of the the partisanship of the past now. You opposed by House RepublicansÐallows D.C. other abuses that have gone on in this have won. Leave it be. Let it rest. Be Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton and representa- place.
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