200 Sign for S<:out Leaders Carson CC A Complete TV Log for the Week S unday to Saturday, Aug. 31 to Sept. 6 | h Class to Open September 22 Makes Survey Some 200 Scout 1i<nili<rs from "A Iwy becomes a Scout by * TORRANCE HERALD COMPLETE iP Ills anil nfiHT 15 district!* of doing tlie skills of the te'nde A business survey of (lie Car­ hr> Ixw AriRi'livj Arfa Boy Scout foot ii>i]tilri'meii(s." (irniiiitn ex­ son community was launched F Council arc i-xpiwti'd to unroll plained, "and he grows and late last week under the cha r- n tho Cminfll'N first advanced Stays In Scouting when he ha.s manship of Mrs. Barbara Henry, ralnlnK school, which opens '[ fun doing Ihe skills of Hi-roml appointed by Alex Wysocki, Jcpt. 22 for a scries of five class, first class, star, life, and TELEVISION LOG Monday nifiht sessions ond one Eagle with his Seoul Patrol in president of the Carson Cham- weok-ond camp. Evening' ses­ the out-of-doors. XT of Commerce; , Four TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA, SUNDAY. AUGUST 31, 1952 1 sions, starting at 7:30 p.m., will "ATS No. 1 IB based on the Wysockl said there is a need 'HI je hi'ld In the Goodyear Co. ® doing the.se skills and a directory leader ii the community for 1 Telcmnlurt recreation room. learning how to help 'his boys of business and Industry and In­ 7 Space Patrol WEDNESDAY 6:46 Hlokrv ft Maglo Trolley F Announcing I'the course, R. T. do them. The main idea of the formation gathered will be com SUNDAY 11 News 6:00 Komedy Klub . '^ HB 1 Si Oraha'm, district training chair­ AUGUST 11 11 Clete Robert! SEPTEMBER 3 Film course is In assist the Scouter piled and put Into a suitable B:f,r, 4 News Western Movlo man, warned that deadline for find ways .In ilo Scnuling that book. 8:16 7 Inspirutliinnal Hour 9:30 4 Cinema Carnival Pick The Winner in tho course is Sept. 7:00 1) Newa 10:00 4 Morning Movie 1 Welch at Airport si pnrolllng are rrloro fun and more effect­ Tlie chamber has called on 9:15 , 7 Rainbow Soinpvniv* 4 TBA 10:30 13 Women Are Wonderful 6:80 Time for Uoany 15 because capacity is limited ive in the Troop or Explorer business men to cooperate fully 9:30 ' 7 In»iilr«tloniil Hour a Summer Theater 11:00 Mike Hoy's Kitchen Kdllor's Hound Table ti: nnd the demand is great. He 0:1X1 Tut I'mtcrn Star Hostess Party This la the Story 0! mill. Scouting should he fun foi with the canvassers who will 10:16 Film Fritun-tu 5 Newsreel Foods for Thought 1 Sports. Bill Welch said that ATS No. J, deeifined men as well as boys, and we present proper credentials. The 10:30 Churrtl In Dm Horn. 7 Cisco Kid 11:30 Monty Margetts 1 KLAC Telepaper o rnako Ihe Scoutor'n work guarantee ATS Will offer some project will take about five Frontiers of Faith 11 Western Film 11 46 Art Llnkletter 6:46 1,. 13 Newa P Sunday Thriller Night 13:00 The Big Payoff (M) Space Patrol tl simpler nnd more fun, is open surprises along these lines." \vee'ks, Wysockl said. 0:<!> Mornlnir S»rrimil«> 13 Movlo 12:16 Film • Handy Hints o all local registered Scouters 0:65 Neva 7:15 9 Film Fcaturetta Film 6:55 News g who hold the Scoutcr's basic 1:00 Sllpir Ohfilt 5 Crusade .In Europ. 12:30 Johnny Dugan 7:00 Range Rider In Goil Wo Truft . 7:30 > What'* Num. of Song Ncwsreel '" ^ raining certificate and he es- 1 Grpat Churchtu pf Wf«t 1 Hollywood on Television . The lluggles' ' Feature Movl« ' 4 Those Two PuhlliJ Service Film News ' . - c pcciany urged Scoutmasters, and 40th Division to Return 1 Hitching Post . -7 Kit Carson " '" 13:50 News and Farm Market 1 In Our Time 5xplorcr A'dvisors to enroll. 1:30 Cinema Carnival I Holler Derby 1:00 Matinee In N. Y. 13 Film Playhouse Film Featuretto Gary Moore Show 7:16 Flicker Snickers Si To 'Old Stands1 Tuesday 2:00 Movie Theatre Comedy 1:46 4 News Gaffney's Kitchen Fan on tho Street Prorram Prevlewn 8:00 4 Quiz Kids 7:80 Dinah Shore Show tl Sunday Featura 6 Dixie Showboat 1:26 News I've Got k Secret i: Southern- California's lOtl'i In fa itry Division, already reorgan- and Personality . nl-autv for a Day 1:30 Don Leo World Ncwa Hollywood Opportunity izi-il twice in1 the National Guarc , will start on its third stretch 1J:16 1 Polyzoidos. Forelltn Ell. H Queen Marjorio Held All Tlmo Favorltea Film 11 Front Page Detecllv. 1:40 Suspects Wanted 1 Tho Open Road \ next Tuesday. Toolsle Illnpodrome 2 News 1:45 Movlo Matinee The famous Southland outf t, called up for service In the 1J:80 Canily Carnival 7 You Asked for It 2;00 Stulla's Parlor Party 7:45 Vewa Caravan In the Faith for Today 8:1S 13 Movie Night Guiding Light 8 00 Groucho Marx n Korean war on Sept. 1. 1950, vvill go back in business 1 (iarden Chats 2 1'crry Como 1 Hollywood on Television Newa National (itiard on that day and 1:00 Hollywood Hour 8:30 4 "Voice of Flrestone" Movfotown News Film recruiting officers will open at Wlmt In the World 2 Lui Theater 3:06 Jarvls Show Wcxtern Feature 9 Movie Express 3:16 California Living Date With Judy 1 ...K* EASY LISTENING many of its "old stands." Clilmpn 11 Legion Wrestling 8:30 1 Jackson's Theatre Theatre Auction Park 7 Famous Playhouse Movlo Matinee 8:1.1 MuHlc Hall I ' The 40th served In France in Exam 1 Homo To Live In 8:00 4 Meet tho Press 2:(B Headline Report Sheriff's Assignment 8:30 Dangerous World War I. in Hawaii, Guadal­ 1:16 Hlake of Srnt. Yard 7 Feature Film 8:00 Mary McAdoo at Home Al Pierce . Dugnut Dopo 3 "My Little Margie" Strlko It Rich Wrestling canal, the Solomons, New Brit­ 1:36 Baai'ball 9:16 6 Thrill Feature Chance of a Lifetime ain, the Philippines, and Korea 1:30 Film Short 9 Feature Theaier 8ilO Defense "Theater*" Action Fishing Deadline Posted Hurrleaiic Exprcaa , In 9:30 4 Robt. Montgomery Jack Mcfflroy Show Star Time Theater ' P in World War II, and fought 1 Bishop Sheen 2 Files of Jcffr.y /MM Ncw> and Music 8:45 l: District Attorney Korea, after training in Cali­ Young men planning to file 1 Film 9:46 9 Mama Welss Mama Wrlss 9:00 Gang-Busters KFWB 1:l,r. Mlrandv'a linrden Shop 3 KNXT Nc'va .1:65 Pollco Calls HO M Yow'KeiHn Dial fornia and Japan, during the 0:00 Amos A Andy for deputy sheriff's examina­ 2:00 Mr. Wizard 6 Teleforum 4:00 : Brldo and Groom Mystery Banker Movie present hostilities. i Twin Movie 18 Movie Nile Chef Mllanl 1 Korla Pandit Maj. Gen. Daniel H. Hudelson, tions were warned today that Super Circus (M) 0:80 4 Thin Blue Lino Featura Film 9:16 ! Feature Film . out as the 1 770 on TV 3 Chrnnoseope Movlo. Quick Quli 1.' You're Never Too Old / outspoken commander who time was running 3:30 Sky King 7 N.wa 1 Nancy Dlxon 9:30 Mr. Pccp.T rocked the Pentagon on his re deadline for receiving appllca- 1 Sunday Matinee » News Hollywood on Television Racket Hi<uad 1 Jalopy J>erby 0:46 11 Looker Ilnom 4:16 1 Goo. Putnam, Nowa 1 Your Town's Talont MUSIC. iioju "VVbcrl at I'uii.mc" le > turn from Korea with the as­ t ons has been set for 5 p.m., 3:00 Sunday Service » Star1 Time. Search for Tomorrow 0:00 Martin Kane, Pvt. ry. tympbMmr hf BrabnM. They are sertion that he believed trip Friday, September 5. : Mght o( Faith T Oeo. V. Dennv News KNXT Ncwa AIB BOUND . JLovely scl TWOT n~o r«« >n loox-d to no. Twin Movl. 3 Table at Giro's 4:30 Mc'coy's" Wild West Film - ., ho Chinese Reds could force UN All prospective Sheriff's offi­ Public Service Film 1:00 45, 11, 1.1 News Mews lonna Sousa. San Ferruuido Tk~. Me. ot Mtnlc know vour troops from the embattled pen­ cers must be able to pass the 1 Film 3 The. Late Show I Ladles Matlncc. alley "Farmerette," U pictur­ likes awl dMifcn and "tailor .uke" insula, is heading reorganization 3:30 Film 7 Moonlight Movletlm* 4:46 Gabby Hayes 0:16 Hshlng Facta ci\ .r*ry profrai* especially for you .. examination of general mental 1:11 4 Cinema Carnival 6:00 Walter O'Keefn Show 0:30 Star Salon ed with one of the prize Here- of the famed Sunburst division abilities and be of good charac UnTted-Or Not? 11 Sports Shots Plnycrafters Club Film in the California National Ouard. 3:60 Baseball 18 Newi Blllle Burke at -Horn. Nowa rd« to he exhibited at the ter and reputation. 4:00 World Dlge.it 1:30 U Monies 6:30 Howdy Doody annual Valley Fair at Devon- / Guard service, the general Applicants must he at least Politics on Trial l.m. It Movies Cowboy Thrl'lli 1 Opinion. Please pointed out. calls for attendance 4:30 Your ^ucky Clue News, Weather, Sports 0:46 Sports Parade lire Downs, Northridge, Aug.
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