)/1,,r, t. \, J,. ~.--l;;- COPY OF CONTRl1.CT N:). B7 ll8 ·J * iu:MORANDUU OF AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 18th day of June 1940, by and between the BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD,hereinafter called the 11Boston & hlaine11, and the HOOSAC TUNNEL AND WILMINGTON ·RAILROAD COMP.A.t'lY, hereinafter called the 11Wilmington11, both railroad corporations duly organized and existing under the laws of the Com• monwealth of Massachusetts, WITNESSETH: That WHEREAS it is desired to make clear the rights and duties of the parties with respect to certa.in tracks used for interchange of carload freight and for turning locomotives at Hoosac Tunnel, Massa• chusetts, NO'.V THEREFORE, in consideration thereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: The tracks covered by thi.s agreement are shown upon a plan marked "Boston and Maine Railroad Fitchburg Di vision Main Line TRACKS USED BY Hoosac Tunnel & Wilmington R. R. HOOSAC TUNNEL,llASS. 0, $; Robinson, Asst. Chief £ngineer Scale: 111 - 1001 Oct. 193911, blueprint copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this agreement. The tracks marked 3-C and C-F, partly on land of the Boston & Maine, and track D-E, all on land of the Boston & Maine, are the property of the Wilmington. All other tracks shown on said plan are the property of said 3oston & Maine,Cprovided, however, that upon payment of the sum of $142.31 to the Boston & Haine, the agreed value of the trackage mat0rial in the section of track form• ing tho northwesterly leg of the wye easterly from the insulated joints shown between the letters A and Bon the attached blueprint, said track shall become the property of the Wilmingto~ ( The Boston & Maine hereby gives to the Wilmington the right ', to own, maintain and operate the tracks owned by it on the property -, .! of tho Boston & Moine during the term of this agr eemen t , It further agrees that upon the termination of this agreement the )ilmington may within a reasonable time remove all the rails, ties and other mater• ials in said tracks from the property of S8id Boston & Maine. The Boston & Maine gives to the Wilmington, subject to the conditions and limitc1tions hereinafter set forth, the right to oper• ate upon the tracks shown on said plen for tho purpose of delivJring and receiving carload freight in interchange on the so-called middle track shown by the letters G-H on the attached blueprint,also for the purpose of turning·its engines. The iVilmington agrees that the Boston & Maine may operate on traclcs of the Wilmington for the purpose of turning engf.ncs ,and fur• ther agrees to go no greater distance westerly of the East Portal tower in its operations upon tracks of the Boston & Maino than is necessary for the purposes of makine: its movements to and from the Ln te rchange track and turning its engines. It further agrees to make all such movcmen ta under tho dd r ec td on and control of an opc ra t i ng representnti ve of the Boston & lfo.ine and subject to the oporating rules of said Boston & Maine. The ,Hlmington further agrees to con• form with th0 rules of the Interst;:ite Commerce Commission with res• pect to inspection of steam locomotives o~ any motive power used by it on any trucks belonging to the Boston & 'Maine. .,.2- The Wilmington agrees to qualify ~11 its agents and emp'l oyeea used in operating engines and cars on said wye trac~s and tracks or the Boston & Maine and to reimburse the Boston & Maine for the ex• pense of examining and qualifying such men. The Wilmington agrees to pay the Boston & Maine as rental for the use of its land under traclcs owned by the said :iilmington the sum of Ten Dollars ( $10. 00) per annum. It is agreed that each Railroad shall be responsible for the maintenance and up-keep of the tracks owned by it •. The Wilmington agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Boston & Maine, its successors or assigns, and its officers and em• ployees, against any and all loss, cost, damage or expense and against any claims for loss or damage to property, personal injury or death, caused by or arising out of its use of Boston & !Aaine traclcs, whether such loss or damage occurs to the 7ilmington, its officers or employees, or to others, unless such loss or damage shall be due solely to the negligence of the Boston & Maine. This agreement shall talrn effect as of the 28th day of Movem• ber, 1938 and shall continue in effect for a period of one year and thereafter until terminated by either party by thirty days' written notice given to the other of intention to terminate. Form Approved HOOSAC TUNNEL AND WIL:!ilNGTON J.B. S. RAILROAD COMPANY By (sgd) S. M, Pinsly Pres, Execution Approved J.B. S. BOSTON AND lUINE: RAILROAD By ( sgd) J W Smith Vice Presidant & Gen. lfanager. MIJiU;.c; lef■, M4e tn Alh'!lioa1:e th.ti 1,- a., •t iJt,-ot., 1,,1. • . .,1»J Ud bet.w;e n IQS'fotl . AID IIA.TU lll.,lUIOA.1• a ooroorat1oa t.\ll.7 organ1_19d '1 ~-. bePdftat"hl' ftllet th• ••111-...•., ... 'lb• aooa.&a Tl.flflj]:l All lflLMU(fTO• lUll.ROAJ) i:OM,PUJ, & H1"'1iO!'~t1-. tlaly Ol'gartiH4 ll7 i.1r._ --~-"~t't;•,- -11:•• the •_Vi111iagh11•. "~ That. Wl«RtAS th• 11&111• 1, a ..b .uUtH• to tll• Au.001 ... tin id ~•:rloaft 1(111:reat• Gode of lulee (iH'H'1llllg tlle C,oalttU• O,t t' 4- J\epail'~ ,.. J'retght u4 Pa, ....... ou.. h•r.elna1'hP talhcl ,._ •a.. e of ""lH•, ... '-..!'"' Gott• et_ llll'l.H, aatl . ~~ w.aue tb• llalne amt tu w11■1ngioa 1nnch ...JII ~ ••r• •• •••••• 't'IUUlel, Naua.a)nauu,. •al ntull7 bet.re h ot :tutlll ea whoa_ tbo 1u,, 4••111 o, hstncu~ .•t ••r• •h•11 tall w!l•!I'. nell 011ra are ln the ))OOH.ton of' t.Jl@ WU•lngt:oa, _ IOW,. ,f1Kll£10U, _ 1n. oona~du•tion of t11• roncol.ng, tl,.e1r Qtllal t\Hlru, ant ol __ t~ fol'le,,ua1. ~• plll't,J.•• b!'.rel,e ., ~•--11' •"· •• t.011.- .. ,, . l,.. 'ldltn a aaP of 'PJ"lTale owtsel'!lh1 J.t wbleh hu lion .. Unred 1n lllhNh,. .. I• the WJl.llliJ\itO,t 1rf 1:h• MatH 1• ~•• _or 4HtHpf cm_ th• tr"'°ka et tke "~•S.ngtoa 01' ~~• ~ Jll"lYato tnh•trla\ tn~ ••nea ltJ tbs .lf1111.1JrCton, tu 4 ~~•1qh• alla.11" luodiahl.J l!Otit'J UM lla1"9 •(. •uol\ ..,. ... ~' 4••truet1JD ~- aball iwa, ·•••r tQ tk• •a1na, ,apon fn~ llJ- t~• lfai.no, th• •••ut •~ •one7 tha ••la• •a, h 01'Ug11t~i. to.,., to tllae O¥U1' ar tllo ea:, t.-, --~. ._~• ,q •••t~U,OII When a oa 0¥11•1 or eo11tr•lbt_" a r•1lwa1 ONJ'l_,. baa ~••A 4e11YaPe4 1n 1nt•~oh-ni• to I~• 1f1lm1ngtltl't lt7 the • • ' • # 11&1111 ud h 11 .. ~ee OJ' « .., r-,_•• t1n nae tra~k• ot tho Wlbltnaton or •pon • prlYa,• 1sdll11trbl tru• te:rn4 tt, tbtt ' ' WUaln,ton, tM W"-»ctoss ohall baetUat.111 .1to\1fJ Ibo ~dno •r ,.-1' h•Af• •r 4otn•n•n ucl •bell pq .._,. h th• Pl111••• IQN ...... ., .. •at•· ......, ., ...., ... 'lat.. .., .. - l - . · · .. 11\lJ 1b• tMmU -, Ult OU - ......... .,. ~4 ~~- t• t ••tNe 1en _, ....... tf th• COt'!t ot »-•h•. ,.. n ,H•"· hOY11N.r,. tba . .·. t ta ,u ••ee Of• . ._.. • .,..a., ,ulila.1aa •• ••••1.0 ell' 4 •atroJe4 t•~lllaiagt•~ tllal.1 ltp._ c....,_ li,r the ••1n• ra, te Iha ·R•1•• u ~t .r •••1 ""•1 \o tht. 4Mage nota11'ftdl llr . 'hl• .. ,._ lit' NJaao1t o'f" ... ...... ff hdflatt\tea at t.h.4 ••J"• 1'8 fvtheran•li •t 1b tw 1• ... a~1a,i ~~• •t thh ·••t1011. ftVMhre& !ll•, h\ Ht "1- ,,.,. of'~u.. tt.d!q tlit.ffet. · Ill~ •U•l•r-toa a.u at bal'ltltf qr••• h 11u1eaa1r,, aat ._.. llan1 u9 Ua liaiM tl!'M all.c1 •ad••t _.., . .., ell i.e., ••••• tuag• ... ~-·· ... t~ ••• ar111aet tlil\J' ... •11 e1'11m• .. nth tu "PN!lllet•IJ' la111-r• lll!'ld.n« cnat -1" •• 1a--, .•r atn-11-• lalth to •1'1 1•••• •-•r •• •••tl!llot1.0ll of u, ••• •el1'f'ff'e4 .,. tla• hlae to th• WU111Jt-4tn11 1ft lahNllaq• -.11 •11eh le ... tn•1• •-I" ••••rv.etlo ... .,.. nU.e """ ••r h .. tu tl"ael:a fd th• lfllllllngb,a er ,ape11 • r,1"1Yate lnheti'tal tratl: H1"'ff l ~ the Wfi•ta«t ... : flt• pNTh101I• et thh i,&Pa,-ft,-h wtn lNt ••t1~1M ta the •••11t ot •---• to -.1_.at tt the 1fUatngtq Ae.11 ■u• a4ecaut• ~• •• .. •••llil• te ,,_. x.u_. 1• u.-.. ot ,., ...,. -.uerw. 2. ftl• •I"--- shall t-a'ke tff'eet' o tll• 1,th jq '9t ••»~ ... 1911,. u, aan •onuau lit •t-hn wetn 'ffntaat.« . • HJ Uf l>J •1fll•1' ,-:rt7 heNto bf" gh'1a« '1\lJ'ty (~) faf•1 111'1.U•• MU•• ,. ,• • otbn• ... I.Q•ntHm ,. hNbt-.t•i 'ON--' 'Y14H, ll-onY•r. t.ltd lf an PG&IH' h1'111n•••t t'l\h agr.••""' thaU :ta AQ' ··••t -. ..1 .., • .twlta.neo••l.7 with ,11. hhbdlq_ ~ en a«NHeat 4-t.« h•• 11. 1940. M4• ·itr ••« 'fftw.H \lnt pu-tu• !lltnt.e NttS ••.,.. ,__, tl!i• ••111hniiao• •af ... .-t oertdn lftoks at fll• Wal.at all4 ..:J' h1:,- truks et \tit Wllt1lftfi,.oa •I BoaMo 'l'Un•l• •••••-1\•••tta.
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