CORPORATEOFFICE: 301, 'ARCADIA', PRANAVADITYA 3RDFLOOR, NCPA MARG, NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI - 400 021. SPiNNING MILLS TEL. : (91-22) 4341 9500 FAX: (91-22) 2282 3098 PRANAVADITYA LiMiTE.D www.pranavaditya.com ._--_ .._._-_.._._._---------------------- February 2, 2021 BSE Limited Department of Corporate Services Floor 25, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001 Ref.: Scrip Code: 531172 Subject: Submission of copies of Newspaper Advertisement for Notice to the Members with respect to Postal Ballot Dear Sir/Madam, We wish to inform the exchange that the Company has issued a Newspaper Advertisement in connection with Postal Ballot to be conducted under applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, read with relevant rules made thereunder, and other applicable laws & Listing Regulations, as amended and in terms of the circulars issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Please find enclosed herewith the copies of Advertisement published in below newspapers: 1. Times of India (English - Kolhapur Edition) date: 01/02/2021 2. Lokmat (Marathi – Kolhapur Edition) dated: 02/02/2021 The same is also available on the website of the Company i.e. www.pranavaditya.com Kindly take note of the same. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Pranavaditya Spinning Mills Limited Amruta Avasare Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Membership No.: A18844 Encl.: A/a GIN: l17119PNi990PLG058i 39 Rf:CD. OffiCE & MilLS: Office No.2, Plot No. 266,VillageAlte, KumbhojRoad,Taluka Hatkanangale,Dist. Kolhapur - 416109. Tel.: (0230)2403100{2461929• E-mail: [email protected]@pranavaditya.com <bha>B8BuVtyZKih68ivpJfKJ8KNZAe4aLRlmjlo0kTxUSdu0acuwH9F7nATVrkM4QXs2bCTbN1XITzGgkARSTy03CMKUfjWSBUMGwC9Ic6OyvhJUN62hNQYVdure1UJJF/aYp1xhOioR4ClzFP1k3PXBPw==</bha> CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIPuneBS PubDate: 01-02-2021 Zone: Kolhapur Edition: 1 Page: TOIKLP05 User: cci Time: 01-31-2021 21:02 Color: CMYK -- -------- ------------ --- --- ----- --- ------------------------- THE TIMES OF INDIA, KOLHAPUR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2021 TIMES MAHARASHTRA 5 Palghar likely to get its own State retains number 1 rank in prison spread over 25 acres justice delivery again: Report Swati.Deshpande Mateen Hafeez & @timesgroup.com PRISON OCCUPANCY RISES IN 25 STATES, UTs Sandhya Nair TNN Mumbai: Maharashtra ranks first INDIA JUSTICE REPORT Mumbai: The state prison de- in the second edition of the India Criterion: Ranking of partment has identified around Justice Report (IJR) 2020, that jud- TOP 10 STATES 18 states, each with 25 acres to construct a jail in ges states on delivery of justice to State Rank Rank population of over Palghar district. With a popula- people. Released on Thursday, the 2019 2020 tion of over 29 lakhs, the dis- report said Maharashtra retained Maharashtra 11 1 crore trict was carved out in August its number one position among 18 2014 but does not have a jail. Ac- large and mid-sized states—each Tamil Nadu 3 2 cused and convicts from the dis- with a population of over one crore- Telangana 11 3 trict are generally lodged in —followed by Tamil Nadu, which Punjab 4 4 Thane central prison and Talo- improved its ranking from its pre- Kerala 2 5 ja central jail in Navi Mumbai. viously third position in 2019, and There are 23 police stations Telangana. Gujarat 8 6 in the district. Another six in The IJR tracked the rise and fall Chhattisgarh 10 7 Mira-Bhayander may benefit in each state’s structural and financi- Jharkhand 16 8 with this new prison. The need al capacity to deliver justice, using Haryana 5 9 for a prison in the district was the latest available government figu- Rajasthan 14 10 felt when mass arrests were res from budgets, human resources, made after the lynching of two infrastructure, workload, and diver- SMALL STATES seers and their driver in Kasa sity across police, judiciary, prisons Tripura 7 1 village of Palghar in April last and legal aid in 25 states. Telangana Sikkim 2 2 year, amid Covid-19. The accu- showed the highest improvement in Goa 1 3 sed were initially lodged in poli- justice delivery and ranking as it ro- PRISON OCCUPANCY Share of undertrial prisoners (as of Dec 2019) Thane civic body to make Himachal ce stations in the district. So far, se to the third position from 11th in 34 7975 72 68 84 71 65 64 6071 251tribals have been arrested in 2019 while Kerala slipped from se- Pradesh Figures Arunachal in % the case. They were later shif- cond position in 2019 to fifth in 2020. 65 hosp deliveries compulsory ted to Thane and Taloja jails. Of Prison occupancy has increased Pradesh them, 115 are now out on bail. in 25 states and Union territories, Large States Small States Thane: The Bhiwandi Nizampur Prison department officials part of the reason being a high pro- Municipal Corporation (BNMC) he- These deliveries at home are recently identified land near portion of undertrials. Accor- REPRESENTATION re in the state has decided not to al- carried out by midwives, and Umroli village, around 6km ding to India Justice Report low deliveries of pregnant women at OF WOMEN Maha WB, Raj Meghalaya Sikkim women and children do not get from the district headquarters. (IJR), in 35 of 36 states and Improvement in women’s Bihar, home due to lack of adequate health “We will send a proposal to the UTs, they exceed 50% of in- Odisha facilities there, an official said on representation across police, K’taka, UP Jharkhand Goa Mizoram HP proper health facilities, office of additional director ge- mates. Many states, of all si- prisons, judiciary and legal aid, Sunday. Bhiwandi Nizampur Municipal neral (prisons),” said a senior zes, have vacancies that ex- It has been observed that many a says India Justice Report 2020, IJR fosters inter-state The fulfilment of our prison department official. Af- ceed 25% of the state’s own times deliveries at home in slums Corporation health officer noted but the increase is ter it is sanctioned, it will be for- sanctioned strength, said the competition, but more civilizational aspirations and rural areas lead to death of the warded to the state home de- IJR, charting posts in police, concentrated in the importantly places a state in is contingent on laws that give pregnant woman and the child, the zampur municipal limits, he said. partment. prisons, judiciary and legal aid. lower ranks competition with itself to provide effect to constitutional provi- civic body’s health officer Dr K R The Arogya Sakhi programme tra- It may have a jail factory The report, an initiative of Tata its people with the best possible sions... Strong laws are by them- Kharat said. Around 12,000 to 13,000 ins women health entrepreneurs where convicts can work as per Trusts in collaboration with the justice delivery. Justice reform selves inadequate in ensuring deliveries are recorded in Bhiwandi (Arogya Sakhis) from communities their skills or learn new skills Centre for Social Justice, Common must be taken up on a war the welfare of the people town in a year, of which 3,000 to 4,000 in resource- poor rural areas to pro- while serving sentences. Jail Cause, Commonwealth Human are non-institutional, he said. vide home-based preventive care, factories are usually part of Rights Initiative, DAKSH, Tiss-Pray- footing — Madan Lokur | RETD SC JUDGE MN Venkatachaliah | FORMER CJI These deliveries at home are car- perform diagnostic tests and screen central jails. At Thane prison, as, Vidhi and How India Live 2020, ried out by midwives, and women for high risk factors and ensure ear- convicts work in the bakery, highlights stark conclusions when prise only 29% of judges in India. rise in women’s employment across 18.2%, and Tamil Nadu in the third and children do not get proper he- ly referral during antenatal and in- carpentry and shoe-making aggregated for an all-India picture. There has been an improve- all departments of police, prisons place with 16.7%. Maja Daruwala, alth facilities, he noted. Hence, Bhi- fancy period. sections. They get paid and the The report, which aimed at a com- ment in women’s representation and judiciary in 2020. “In 27 states who helmed the report, stressed on wandi Nizammpur Municipal Com- Kharat said the civic body will so- products are sold at exhibi- prehensive big picture from “other- across police, prisons, judiciary and Union Territories, the share of the importance of “access to justi- missioner Dr Pankaj Ashiya has de- on appoint 20 ‘Arogya Sakhis’ in eve- tions. Initially, the land will ho- wise siloed statistics”, said, “Two- and legal aid, says the report, but women judges in subordinate courts ce”. She said, “For the edifice of rule cided to compulsorily implement ry health centre of BNMC for imple- use jail and residential quar- thirds of the country’s prisoners are the increase is concentrated in has improved. However, in high co- of law to remain unscarred by the the ‘Arogya Sakhi’ programme and mentation of the programme of in- ters for prison staff. Most jails yet to be convicted” or acquitted. In the lower ranks. Maharashtra urts, the increase is seen less, and the consequences of the past, access to make it mandatory for deliveries to stitutional deliveries. These sakhis have an in-house hospital. The the last 25 years, since 1995, only 1.5 saw a decline in women police of- glass ceiling remains,” said the re- justice—easy, efficient and everyda- be conducted at government or civic will move around the slums and land is close to Palghar court, crore people have received legal aid, ficers— less than 10% are women- port. Andhra Pradesh has the hig- y—cannot pause for a natural cala- hospitals, he said. other areas and ensure that women collectorate and government though 80% of the country’s popula- —but a rise in women overall.
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