INDEX TO VOLUME XLV. [New generic,specific and subspecificnames are printed in heavy facetype.] ACANTHISlinaria fuscescens,457. 'General OrnithologyLaboratory 1. islandica, 452. Notebook,' 390. Accipiter velox, 167. Allen, Francis, H., songsof Field Acrocephalus,530. and Savannah Sparrows, 131. stentorius harterti, 534. Allerr, Oscar P., an unpublished Actiris macularia, 107, 288, 483. record of the Eskimo Curlew, for Aechmophorusoccidentalis, 108. Wisconsin 95. Aegoliustengmalmi beikianus, 411. Amazona coilaria, 344, 485. Aeronautessaxatilis nigrior, 406. leucocephalabahamensis, 343. Africa, birds of, 116, 356, 394, 517. 1. caymanensis,343. Age of birds, 344-348. 1. hesterna, 343. Agelaioidesbadius, 64. 1. leucocephala,342. fringillarius, 64. 1. palmarum, 342. Agelaiusphoeniceus arctolegus, 106. ventralis, 344. p. bryanti, 160. xanthops, 64. p. floridanus, 160. American Ornithologists' Union, p. littoralis, 157. forty-fifth meeting of, 70-82, p. xnearnsi, 159. report of secretary of, 83-90; p. phoeniceus,156, 280. CharlestonMeeting of, 270, 422; Aglaeactis aequatorialis, 294. ten year Index to the Auk, 270. Agriocharis, 247. Ammodramus savannarum savan- Aidemosyne cantans, 346. narum, 491. Aiken, Charles E. H., notes on the Ammospiza mirabilis, 289. Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Anas fulvigula fulvigula, 286. in Colorado, 373; Roadrunner f. maculosa, 274. first discoveredby Lieut. Zebulon platyrhynchos, 274, 403. Pike, 375. rubripes, 68. Aithurus polytmus, 486. Anderson, Rudolph Martin, the Aix sponsa, 274. work of Bernhard Hantzsch in galericulata, 348. arctic ornithology, 450-466. Ajaia ajaja, 426. Andropadus, 35. Alabama, birds of, 156. Anhinga, 287. Alaska, birds of, 441, 445, 521. Anhinga anhinga, 287, 426. Albinos,377, 381. Ani, 485. Alca torda, 91. Annam, birds of, 396. Alcippe abyssinicamicra, 412. Anodorhynchushyacinthus, 64. Alexander, W. B., review of his Anser albifrons gambeli, 201, 276, 'Birds of the Ocean,' 387. 348, 368. Allen, Arthur A., Fuertes, L. A., anser, 348. and Perhie, M.D., review of their Anseranassemipalmata, 348. (547) 548 znex. Loot.[Auk Antarctic regions,birds of, 396. Atkinson, J. Brooks, review of his Anthracothorax mango, 486. 'Henry Thoreau the Cosmic Anthreptes malacensis mjobergi, Yankee,' 243. 117. Auk, Great, 455. Antbus rnbescens,381. Razor-billed, 91. spinoletta japonicus, 521. •Ank, The' ten year index to, Antiurus maculicaudus, 523. 270. Antrostomuscarolinensis, 67. 'Avicultural Magazine, The,' re- vocfferus vociferus, 167. viewed, 126, 257, 409, 532. Apalis chapiui, 522. Aviculture, 250. Aphelocomacyanea , 289. unicolor coelestis, 362. BABBLER,Jungle, 346. u. griscomi, 362. Baeolophusinornatus transpositus, u. guerrerensis.362. 406. u. unicolor, 362. i. affabilis, 406. Aplouispanayensis suggrandis, '117. i. murinus, 406. Aptenodytespatagouica, 516. Baffin Island, birds of, 450. 'Aquila,' reviewed, 412. Bagg, Aaron C., some wintering Aquila chrysaetos,67, 212, 373, 375. birds for Massachusetts, 382; pomarina, 347. Fuertes' latest work, 412. Ara ararauna, 64. Bailey, Alfred M., an early banding hyacintha, 346. record,231; notes on the winter tricolor, 403. birds of Chenier au Tigre, Aramus, sp., 403. Louisiana, 271; a study of the vocfferus vocfferus, 287. Snowy Herons of the United Aratinga wagleri trausilis, 117. States, 430. Archibuteolagopus sancti-johannis, Bailey, Harold H., "an ornithologi- 211. cal enigma" explained, 216. 'Ardea,' reviewed, 260, 535. Bailey, Harry Balch, obituary of, Ardea cocoi,63. 264. egretta, 347. Bailey, Vernon, a hybrid Quail herodiassubsp. 276. from New Mexico, 210; review h. wardi, 287, 515. of his 'Animal Life of the Carls- occidentalis,165, 287, 515. bad Cavern,' 251. wi]rdemanni, 515. Baillie, James L., Jr., some late Arenaria interpres morinella, 278, records of the Snowy Owl for 483. southern Ontario, 99. Argentina, birds of, 116, 248. Baird OrnithologicalClub, annual Artisoruis,530. meeting of, 270. Asio fiammeus,213. Balaeuicepsrex, 298. Astragalinustristis tristis, 229, 510. Baldpate, 274, 286. Astur atricapillus, 99, 167, 227, 373, Baldwin, S. Prentiss, personalmen- 384. tion, see also Kendeigh, S.C. gentilis moscoviae•399. Baldwin, S. Prentiss and Bowen, Atelodaenisleucogenys panamensis, W. Wedgwood,nestingand local 118. distribution of the House Wren Vol.102S XLV• J •rndex. 549 (Troglodytesaedon aedon), 186- Eagle in Columbia Co., New 199. York, 212. Ball, William H., the Gull-billed Bittern, American, 67. Tern (Gelochelidonnilotica) at Cory'sLeast, 204. Washington,D.C., 367; the Hud- Least, 481. sonjanCurlew (Numenius hudson. Blacicus pallidus, 488. icus) at Washington,D.C., 371. Blackbird, Brewer's, 377. Bangs, Outram, and Peters, J. L., European, 110. notice of their, 'Birds from Rusty, 168. Maratua Island,' 117. Savana, 485. Barbour, Thomas, notes on three Yellow-headed, 168, 221, 346. Cuban birds, 28-32. Bluebill, Lesser, 172. Bassett, Anna S., Yellow-headed Bluebird, 282. Blackbird and Baltimore Oriole Bob-white, 210, 400. in Georgia, 221. Cuban, 242 Baxter, Evelyn, and Rinteul, Leo- Florida, 167. nora J., review of their 'Distri- Bombycilla cedrorum, 281. bution and Status of Birds in Bonasa umbellus, 513. Scotland,'394. Bond, James, personal mention, Baynes, Ernest Harold, biography 134; a remarkable Goatsucker, of, noticed, 393. 471-474. 'Beitrage zur Fortpflanzungsbiolo- Borneo, birds of, 403. gie der VSgel,'reviewed, 129, 260, Botaurus lentiginosus, 67. 412, 534. Bowen, W. Wedgwood, review of Bennett, Rev. George,obituary of, his 'Remarks on the Classifica- 540. tion of the Pteroclididae,' 523, Bent, Arthus C., review of his see also Baldwin, S. Prentiss. 'Life Histories of North American Boyson, V. P.. notice of his 'The ShoreBirds,' 238. Falkland Islands,' 515. Bergtold, W. H., more Colorado Branta canadensis,39. Ducks, 170-176; bird weights, c. minima, 348. 513; notice of his 'A Guide to leucopsis,456. Colorado Birds,' 518; biographi- Brazil, birds of, 60-65, 519, 523. cal note on Elliott Coues,541. Brimley, C. S., the Dickcissel in BiologicalSurvey, recentreports of, North Carolina, 508. 134. Brimley, H. H., the Passenger Bird banding, 41-45, 49-59, 231, Pigeon in 'EncyclopediaAmeri- 249, 310-320, 403. cana' 372. 'Bird Lore,' reviewed,123, 253, 404, 'BritishBirds,' reviewed, 126, 257., 528. 409, 532. Bird, Banana, 490. British Columbia,birds of, 99, 104. Old Man, 485. British Ornithologists'Club, 'Bulle- Birds on ships,420. tin,' reviewed, 126, 256. Bishop, Louis B., obituary of L. E. Brodkorb, Pierce, Franklin's Gull Wyman, 266. in Illinois, 91; paired ovaries in Bishop, Sherman C., the Golden the Marsh Hawk, 211; notes on 550 A• the food of some Hawks and Bi•ttikofer, Johannes, obituary Owls, 212; Flicker trapped by- notice of, 418. resin, 503; geographic variation Buturlin, S. A., on the molt of in Thinocorusorbignyanns, 499; Ruff, 415. Black-capped Chickadee in Illi- nois, 512. CACATUAroseieapilla, 346. Brooks, Allan, are the Boat-tailed galerita, 346. and Great-tailed Grackles speci- Calm, A. R., the Snowy Owl in tically distinct?,506. east-central Illinois, 215. Brown, C. Emerson, longevity of Caiea, Green-thighed,346. birds in captivity, 345-348. Yellow-thighed,-347. Bubalornis, 116. Caica leucogaster, 346. Bubo virglnianus,99, 384. xanthomera,347. v. virginianus, 279, 386. Calidris alba rubida, 483. Buffiehead, 165, 172. canutus, 206, 208. Bulbul, Madras Red-vented, 346. California, birds of, 104, 213, 247, Red-eared, 346. 403. Bullock, D. S., Hudsonian Curlew Calliphortyx, 210. and Greater Yellow-legsat Pence, Calopsitta novaehollandiae,346. Chile, 501. Calornis metallica, 346. Bunting. Indigo, 102. Campephilusmelanoleucns, 60. Snow, 221, 225. Canada, birds of 208, 244. Burleigh, Thos. D., occurrenceof Canaries,birds of the, 113. the Old-squaw (C/angu/a hyema- Canvasback,172, 275. lis) at Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., Capen, Ethel A., Bewick's Wren, 92; occurrenceof the Connecticut (Thryomanes bewickii) in New Warbler at Athens, Ga., 102. York City, 512. Burteh, Verdi, some notes on the Caracara, Audubon's, 288. birds of the Branchport, N.Y. Cardinal, 106, 222, 281. regionin 1926, 349-351. 'Cardinal,The,' reviewed,255, 530. Buteo borealis, 245. Cardinalis cardinaliscardinalis, 281. b. alascensis,245. Carpodacuscassini, 107. b. borealis, 278. mexicanns nigrescens, 403. b. calurus, 244. m. potosinus, 403. b. harlani, 245. Carricou, 370. b. jamaicensis,482. Casarca casarea, 348. b. krideri, 245. Casmerodiusalbus, .403. lineatus alleni, 288. egretta, 63, 108, 276, 287, 426. 1. lineatus, 278. Catarrhactes chrysocome,516. platypterus platypterns, 67. Catbird, 281. typhoins, 405• Cathartes aura aura, 482. Butler, Amos W., the European a. septentrionalis,278, 385, 501, Starling in Indiana, 219; nesting 503. of the SycamoreWarbler, 224. falklandica, 516. Butorides virescensmaculatns, 481. Celeus ochraceus, 50. v. virescens,287, 426, 498. Centurns radiolatns, 487. Vol.1028 XLV] J Index. 551 Cepphus grylle, 455. Chloephagamagellanica, 516. mandti, 455. Chloronerpessimplex aurorae, 403. Cercococcyxmechowi, 34. Chordeilesminor gundlachii, 486. Cercomacra nigrescensochrogyne, virginianus virginianus, 230. 534. Chough, Himalayan, 346. ferdinandi, 534. Christy, Bayard H., bird notes Certhia familiaris americana, 229. from southernFlorida, 283-289; Ceryle alcyon alcyon, 279. a wading-bird rookery, 423-429. a. caurina, 446. Chrysococcyxcupreus, 37. Ceylon, birds of, 240. Chrysotis caymanensis•343. Chaemepeliapasserina jamaicensis, Chuck-will's-widow, 67. 484. Circus hudsonius, 98, 211, 212, Chalcostethia, 403. 278. Chalyburaurochrysa
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