The Weather Average Daily Cirenlation Forecast ot II. 8.> Weather FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1945 For, the Moatb M Jaly, 1M5 - .\ Partly cloudy and continned hot FOXTRTEfli Manchester Evening Herald and humid today, with afternoon 8,890 thundefbhowera; Sunday fair Member ot the Aodtt with moderate wlnda. Bureau ot Circulations Manchester^A City of Villagp Charm :arh aacT— CORNELL STREET— 4 Rooma Doan—2 UnOnlah- A-Kooin Slagl* U 4 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ed Dp. OU hot air heat. Stove Advertialiig oa Pago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1945 DwelUlic. • rooma for hot water. Storm windows yOL. LXIV-, NO. 283 PrtM f t O ^ . 9S.000 and door. Price $0,500. $1,000 On* VM «at. , ' Down. OPBBAnNO COVENTRY-^^ROSS ST.— * Fire Rages at Kaiser Shipyard gTATlON \ : 8-Room . Single. Oil heat. Yanks Extend Steel 4>StaU Bticli BoUdlag Several greplacea. Fall bath. Mechanism Needed ■c a giMid kMhMaa. Located Large: tern. Approximately 0 alec seettaB at tewa. acrea of land. Near bua line. , Appnwdiiiately Price $8,.500. Terma Anaaged. ~ Dawa. To Keep Economy ‘V i____ ANDOVER— later CBNTBII STREET— . CIDER MILL ROAD— Grip on Tokyo Bay; 'J^R aoiB SlB ^. Price $4,500. 7*Room^ Hooae. Eleetrie ;^ ilM D a m . liglito, ronnUig water. S'/j aerea of land, brook, bordering, Clothes Of Nation Stable ^^PLORENCE STREET— t barna. Price $3,700. Terma $»P1amUy Dapics, 4 rooma Anaaged. q C A R T Price *5,400. $800 To Sign Surrender '^Oawii. - ROCKVILLE Orchard St.— \ : Snyder Endorses “ Full 8-Roem Single. Price $5,800. Tokyo Paper rIfnaXSRPKBET— $1,000 Down. , Employment Bill” as i.Paaa)l,, 4 rooma each ten- Method for Mohiliring Formal Capitulation of > amaat Price $8,0OO. Terma EAST HARTFORD — Totlaod Urges Change Jap Brutality No Herald ptom eged. Strae*— Resources So Every­ Japanese Empire to 8*Phmliy. an bonveniencea. ■4' + I ■“ ^ :jUROB STSiaCT— . 'X Monday Take Place i Aboard ^Pripe $8A0O. one Can Find Work; In Jap Spirit To Prisbiiers f $.dnMBBy D ireillaf, oae 7 C o X , Missouri; Men of 1 th t A a i a M 0 laema. PrlOe J0.70#. HARITORDT-Atwood St.— Urges Positive Action 8 I $ tA N Dawa. $.Phmlly. Price $8,800. Army Scheduled to Be­ Terma Arranged. Re-EHucation of People Told in Detail No issue of the Manches­ IsPRITOE STREET— Washington, Sept. 1.—</P) OLASTCINBITRY — Orore ter Evening Herald will gin Mass Landings in ^Raom Slagle, (fairly iene- __ Reconversion Boss John To Fit Them for Place I rated. Alt eoarealeaeea. (flee Streeb— be published on Monday, Bay Sector by Night­ 1 laeatioa. Large lot. ‘f^ear ga> $.Rooni Slagle. Price $5,800. W. Snyder said today the na­ In Modern Society; 95 American and Fight Sept. 8, Labor Day. fall ; Horror Endured I rage. Price $7J00. sorra Coventry — wau tion needs a mechanism to Democracy Seen Basis English Captives Liber­ Anaaged. street 1 X maintain a stable economy ADAMS STREET— t*FamlIy Flat, 4 rooma each. just as it has subscribed to ated from Camp Re- Bulletin! Price $7^590. $3,000 Down. By The Associated Press StRoom Slagle la got • X orte to keep the peace. En- /Jate Gruesome Tales Wa.shington, Sept.' 1,— Re-education of toe Japanese Report Allies . dttlea. Nice aelgbboriiood. IVENTRT LAKE— . dorsing the “full employ­ — The White House announc­ fr le e $$.800. S-Room Fdrnlahed Cot* people to fit them for a place In ment” bill, Snyder told the Ofuna Prison Camp, Near Yoko­ ed today that the JfapanesG { S3JI0O. modern society’ was a<l)rocated to­ ADAMS STREET— s4*Rnara Furninhed Cot* Senate Banking committee that hama, Sept. 1.—(AT-^Nlnety-five Hold Bormann surrender ceremonies on the AiffBaBlIr DwaUlBg — 4.4 day by to% i^romlnent Tokyo news­ lage. $$,300. the legialatlon won’t ’’produce ae American and eight English pris­ battleship Missouri in Tokyo ‘ faaaaa. Nice aelglibariiood. much aa a alngle Job” In itself but paper, Yomlurl Hochl, which Price $SJM>*. TOLLA( oners, liberated from toe filth o f a bay will go on the air at 9:80. doe« provide a method for mopi- warned that “without * change In No Details Given “In Grant Hlir^^oad — 8-Rbpm lizing the country’s resources oo hidden concentration camp today p. m., c.w.t., tonight. Gea. ADAMS STREET— Slagle. Alt conVenlencea. Ap* •«AIE IV JIE jm ill irx toe people’s, spirit and adequate everyone can find work. related toe war’s most gruesome Berlin Broadcast Re> Douglas MacArthur, supreme | ' SiRoeia Slaglo, good eoadl- prexlnMtely 8 aceea of land. training democracy cannot be es­ L-. tales of Japanese bestiality. Raa. Price $5.8N. Couldn’t Prevent ,De>prcMlon H JtM . tablished. Smoke billows up as the most costly fire In Portland’s history roars through the outfitting basin of They saw one man beaten to garding HiS" Arrest Allied, commander in ^apan, •In the past,” he said, "vft have WOODBRIDOE STREET— TOLLAND— iThe basis for modem society Kaiser’s Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation. Caused by welding sparks, toe blaze destroyed the outflt- death and seven die of malnutrl-* notified the White House t o ; had no machinery by which to or­ 7.Raaai Hooee, P>dl batS BeaotlfBl Ooabry ^NU-ENAM€LJ Is deipocracy,” Yomlurt added, tipg dock and adjoining bulldlngt and serloualy damaged several of toe seven completed ghips—valued at tion. London, Sept. 1— (4P) —MarOn this effect. From \Vashing- ; f yearn aM. Approx. •• HOUWSKmKKS^ ganize In a systematic way for Unless repentapCe and allegiance . ..gome were spit on In toe streets ..ritb aboarer. Floirer gardeaa. the prevention of depression or *25,500,000— lying In toe baaln. (A P wlrephoto.) ' ‘ '____________ , Bormann, stocky, square-JoWled ton, Prraident Truman irfil-i Steam beat. Improred street, of lead. TegetaUe and are based on democracy, it Is fu on forced- marches through Irate o f warm. W o need tuch machinery. chief deputy of tofr Nazi party gliaplaee. Imltattoa tile la gardean well cored for. Largo^ tile to hope for political results crowds. ■ broadcast a speech of about 'i aad kttebea. Flae loca- Snitom bonae with aD loodom BfTBRIOR GLOSS ENAMEL— • ; " I t fias -taken two catastrophic from the rebirth ^ the Japanese Many were compelled to wear once rumored to have died, at Adolf eight or nine minutes durine j I aeigbborboed. Short ■ooecolencea. Fireplace wHb W orld wars to bring us Into an nation^’ ’ metal bits in their mouths for 14 Hitler’s ' side, was reported by toe the ceremony, after whiebi Plre Colors ................................. ".........*«». 4 5 gal. international organizaUon equipped Would Change lrBll^4^ aebool. Beatalator . In living room and The Potsdam declaration can W orst Black Mfirket hours at a time. Berlin radio to be in Allied hands ireplace In tenement. Mndeia 4 , PURPOSE VARNISH .................... .$2.95 gaL with effective means of invesU- be carried out by mere paaslve ob­ Others were- left , with their the broadcast will be switch­ »R O A D —' gating and solving problems which again today.. ed back to the Missouri for] .Uteben. Permanent flniab P.MIOT CLEANER ......... ........»-15c pkg. servance of Its terms,' -.I the Benefits Plan hands tied behind thepi for 24 ^■PaialHi la baalneaa hardwood floora tbrnogboat. SKIRTS threaten peace. _ newspaper advised in an editorial hours. The broadcast gave no details brieJl, addresses by General kjine. All coa* I d History of Japan of where Borfipann was o f ~What Uoa. Oa ! Thin hnmie well ennatrneted LINOLEUM LACQUER— “I feel certain that It is not nec­ which was broadcast from Tokyo Naval Flier Tortured X, MacArthur and Admiral | official announced his awest. ateam and the beat in equipment. P la ^ White Clear........................95c pt., $1.85 qt. essary to suffer another catastr^ and recorded by the FCC, but A 21-year-old pilot, Ensign ■niH. Good alte atore. Blue, red, gold, plaids. Siees 8 to Vandenberg Molds Pos- Shortly liefore toe radio Jui- Chester W. Nimitz, Padfle ] Light Sxtnrea bi brnnM aaA phlc depression to awaken us to there must be "spontaneous and Fred .Turnbull, of Highland Park. P wiperOy alao Inctadmvlarge sPARvXronsH— fiouncement. A lisuelated P ress Gor»- fleet comiiiandei'.------------- pewter. Door Imote, note 14 — 9 to 15. the need of establishing a mechan­ vigorous action’’ in the forming Of iFomise on Mich., tortured after hU carrier ■at Ipt. Good loeattobtor Will N ot^m White .................... ........... $1.85 qt. ism for, a systematic attack on eco­ sible respondent Charles Chamberlain ' braae. Muat be neep to be democratic government. plane was‘ shot down over For­ ■tarioo. If latereatcd^ . a p p r ee I a t e d. Sale Price nomic Instability. We must take “vXaSrThrr”!" Trading Terms reported from Hamburg that INTERIOR PLAT WHITE ....................... .$«V5 gaL W ill Govern DeenpaMon Tim e Idle Pay Proposals Yokohama, Sept. 1.— (A*)— m , trill balld it. $17,000. Teima Arranged. positive action to help us achieve mosa, said; "British military circles believe The duration of occupatiori will Nation Seems on Way I tried to die and m ade peace American troops extraded ^ V E N T R Y — VARNISH STAINSk-l. • • • ............ .55c '/* pt., $1.85 qt. full employment.” . To Be Sought that If he (Bormann) la a priepn- ■AMIPORD ROAD— Snyder, director o f war mobiliza­ depend largely on how long . It Washington, Sept. 1.—(A’l—Sen­ with my God. er, he is in the Russian zone.” their steel grip today along $.11amliy DwelHag—S apart* Yeqr ’Round Cottage, 4 AUTO ENAMEL .. ............... .60c pt^ $2.95 qt. takes toe people to prepare them­ ator Vanddnterg tR., Mich.) mold-, To Financial Riiin “ M y captors tied my hands be­ $3.98 to $5.98 tion and reconversion, said the bill Name nt Top.
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