Thought for the Week Lit'l Jack Sofs [he gr*«» ^ in9 work is to be on top LUMBERJACK Life leaps up like a geyser for those who 0f if, no! coru+antly chasing after it. drill through the rock of inertia. VOLUME 13 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1&, 1057 NUMBER I f ARIZONA STATE COLLEGE. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Activities Planned No Annuals Gamma Chi Beta's Sold After For Snow Carnival January 28 Dance On Saturday An exciting Winter Carnival Students have until Jan. 28 to will be held at ASC from Wed­ have 1heir individual pictures tak­ The feature event of the Gamma oritc Ftut Man". The "Favorite nesday. Feb. 6, until Sunday, Feb. en for the 1956-57 La Cuesta. There Chi Beta Club Win ertimc formal Frat M; *'n" will be chosen by liam- 10. sponsored by the Associated 'Cradle Song' will be no pictures taken after this dance this Saturday. Jan. 19. will 'nia Chis from a representative date. from each of the five social in* Students. be the announcement of the "Fav- Registration day, Jan, 28. will tenntics on campus. Students from the University of be fin-al day to buy annuals. They The theme fur this year s an­ Arizona, ASC at Tempe, Phoenix Leads Named can be purchased from Billie Soto nual dance is Winter Carnival. The College. Grand Canyon College, in La Cuesta office or Jeff Martin danee is a boy ask girl affair, las - Ralph J. Holly announced Mon­ Regents Plan Eaglem Arizona Junior College. in the college dining hall. Rudy ing from nine to twelve in the Wo­ day the cast for the “Cradle Song, ” Espino wilL sell to students living Westminster College. U C LA , Uni­ men's Gym. a drama to be given by the Play­ in the Cottage city area Jan. 14 to Incoming presdient. Evelyn Ie*a- versity of Niw Mexico, and stu­ makers Feb. 19 and 20 in the col­ 18. To Request £ Joe. is in charge of tiie danre. dent nurses from CJood Samaritan lege auditorium at p. m. Students who would like to ap­ I >ecora t ions arc bcin^ hintiled by and St. Joseph Nursing Schools of Those winning lead roles are pear in advertising pictures should Corrine Moore and M argaret Allen. Phoenix are in v ite d to a tte n d he contact Danny Young or Phil Dep Donna Roth as Prioress, Helen \h- $1, 501, 400 Helen Vladich is in charge of en­ carnival on Saturday, Feb. 9. zurkk as Vicaress. Mona Jean Ro­ pe. tertainment. and Elaine Crowd: r Preliminary carnival activities The activity section which in­ gers as Sister Joanna of the Cross, A capital outlay of 51.5Cll. 10C for is in chargc o-f refreshments. will begin Wednesday afternoon and Marily Morris as Teresa. cludes dances and Christmas act­ new construction and other im­ and continue through. Friday for ivities. division pages including Others in the cast are Kay Coop­ provements on the campus during local students. Snow sculpturing er as Sister Marcella. Jewell Ells­ sports, and advertising ■«il] be sent contests will be held Wednesday to the printers Feb. 3. A CHECK for $59,200 is being displayed by Presi­ science teaehers should make application through the next two years will be asked worth as Mistress of the Novices. dent L. A. Eastburn on its receipt from th** Na­ Dr. J. L Walkup, dran of the college. Shown above, President Attends providing there is snow on the Organizations having activities of the stale legislature, aeoording Sue Bushey as Sister Maria Jesus. tional Science Foundation to finance a apeelal sum­ lefft to right, are Science Proff. Kenneth Derifield, campus. In the -ebent that there is should contact th estaff so pictures to action taken by the Board of Joann Scott as Sister Sarario. mer institute in nelence and mathematics for higli- Dean Walkup. President Eastburn. Science Proff. none. the contests will be held at Sharon Allen as Sister Inez. Mar­ will be taken shortly after the be­ Regents in meeting Saturday, lan Blue Key Meeting the Snow Bowl. Trophies: will be ginning of the spring semester. se-hool teiLchers. Thr rollege will be 011c off 9& col­ Chester F. Deaver, and Math Prof. J. H. Butchart. garet Greer as. Sister Tonera, 5, Rt Tempe. awarded to the winners. Presidents should get in touch with leges and universities over the nation offering a Dr. Agnes M, Allen, head off the science depart­ President Ken Cogdill attended Steve Powers as the doctor. Tony National Scienee Foundation sponsored institute ment. will direct th» institute, scheduled to start Group singing ajid refreshments the editor ot arrange a time and In the plan for the college during tlie biannual convention of Blue Sanchez as Antonio, and Bob Cox of training this coming summer. The $->9, 200 will June 17. MI m Junia McAlister, acting for Dr. A l­ trill highlight a party in the Col­ place for these pictures. the first year are 1571, 400 addit­ Key in New Orleans Dec. 2S to 20. as the poet. be used to provide stipends of 8“ 5 a week t© len. was absent front the rumpus when this picture lege Union B'uilding Wednesday ional funds for the new education While at the convention Ken was Dates lor the presentation of science teachers enrolled in the summer institute was taken. appointed to the constitution com­ evening. A Jam session will be and laboratory" sheool building, for Mozart's opera, “ Cose Fan Tutte” and to meet other expenses or needs. lli-^ti school mittee, which was formed to de­ keld Thursday in the Ashurst Mus hare been postponed to March 14 which 90, 000 has; already been ic Hall. Gary Hunt Elected termine any needed amendments and 15. appropriated; $130, 000 for furni­ to the national constitution. I Plans are now under w ay for a [ party at the Snow Bowl on Fri- Prexy Yesterday Annual Song Fest Smith Kappa Band Groups Plan ture for the two new m en’s dormi­ The committee proposed five I day. If plana work out, there will tories being ror*sir"cted by bond new amendments, one of which E be. dancing and refreshments for Gary Hunt was elected president Sig President issues; and 5160, 000 for a new was introduced bv th<» ASC chan­ I the participants. Band Participates of the Physical Education Majors Planned March 7 Annual Play Day Wi* 'i 'house, ter. The amendment concerned | After registration Saturday and Minors Club. Elections were The second year planning in­ cmmginu the election dates of lo­ Delta Phi Alpha will sponsor its Kappa Sigma Kappa fraternity Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta I morning, ski team representatives conducted Monday and Tuesday, cludes 35DO. OQO for the extension of cal chapter elections. In Inauguration annual Song Fest on Thursday elected officers at a meeting Wed­ Sigma are planning the first of an­ I from the U. of A ., Tempe, W est- Jan. 14 and 15. thr ad; ni nisi rat ion and library The first evening banquet was night, March T, in the auditorium. nesday evening, Jan. 9, in tlie nual Play Days Jan. 31 at the r minster, and possibly UC LA and “ We appreciated the invitation Other officers of the organiza­ building and S&Q. OOO for opening, held at the famous Arnaud’s R.?st- AL1 campus organizations are elig­ union. • Snow Bowl. I the University of New Mexico will to appear at Govenor McFarland’s tion are Nancy Olivas, vice presi­ grading and paving the extension aurant. The second evening ban­ ible to participate in the Song Fest. Those elected were Bill Smith, I participate in ski competition. inauguration and the cooperation dent; Jonell Cope, secretary: Jua­ The groups will be excused from of Beaver Street south to the south quet featured Justice Tom Clark Each organization may also nom­ president; Al Alvarez, vice presi­ I Saturday afternoon there will be of the cafeteria personnel for pre­ nita Brewer, treasurer: Robert classes and plan to leave campus end dt the new dormitories and of the Supirme Court and the paring the two dinners for us. It DeLintt, men’s program chairman; inate a candidate for Sons Fest dent; Bob Mills, secretary; Cat in cars about 3 p. m. At the Snow west to Cottage City. Archbishop of New Orleans as [various types at ■competition for Queen to be elected in an all-school Justice, treasurer; George Rock­ was also v t-ry encouraging to see and Mary Louise Yanez, women’s Bowl students will ski. toboggan, This is part of the $11 million the speakers.. The prog-rum o f the con­ I the non-skiing students, such as election shortly before the Song the high morale of the bind asi program chairman. well, pledge master; John Bunch, and enjoy other snow activities. regents will ask the legislature to vention also included a sight-seeirv’ toBoggan races, obstacle races, Fest. assistant pledge master; Sid anew shoe races, and a baseball they had to come back from their Sponsors of the organization are Afer dark dinner will be served appropriate during the next two tour of the historic city of New Travis, chaplain: Vic Lopez, ser- game played on snow shoes. Tro­ Christmas vacations a day early Dr. Wilda Pickett, associate pro­ Song entries will be judged as in the lod®e, provided by the col­ years for the three' state institu­ Orleans. # most original, most humorous and geant-at-armh: and John Bree. lege dining hall. The students will phies jind prizes will be awarded in order for the necessary Sunday fessor of physical education for tions.
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