QJMS Title Index- Volume 1- 100

QJMS Title Index- Volume 1- 100

QJMS Title Index- Volume 1- 100 A Note on George Thibaut’s Translation of Brahmasutra I 1-3 -SHARMA, Arvind-72(1-4) 1981, 66-69 Abhayasasanas and their historical significance -KUPPUSWAMY, G R-66(2) 1975, p.1-8 Abhinavagupta’s Contribution to the theory of Dhavani -KRISHNAMOORTHY, K-38(4) 1948, p.155-166 Abhiras in the Deccan -SALETORE, R N-30(2) 1939, p.147-162 About “Swatantrya Sangramada Smritigalu” -KAMATH, Suryanath U-74(1) 1983, p.83-90 About a “Wild Identification” -HERAS, H-33(1) 1942, p.102-107 Acheulean Artefacts from Lankelapalem, Moprtherm Coastal Andhra -MURTI, D B-76(1-2) 1985, p.29-41 Acheulean occupation at Diguvametta, Sagirelu Valley -MURTHI, D B and others-75(3) 1984, p.283-293 Acheulean Situation in Andhra Pradesh-SRINIVASULU, K-75(2) 1984, p.131- 146 Acheulian Culture of Shorapur Doab, Karnataka -PADDAYYA, K-66(2) 1975, p.9-17 Achievements and Actions of Sir Mirza Ismail-URS, R S Veeraraj-88(4) 1997, p.6- 12 Acting in Kerala -PISHAROTI, K Rama-12(3) 1922, p.282-294 Adapur-A Buddhist Site in Rayalaseema -KAMESWARA RAO, V-90(1-2) 1999, p.43-46 Administration of Criminal Justice in Ancient India -RAMANATHAN, A V-5(2) 1914-15, p.8094 Administration of Justice in the Jeypore Zamindari under the British Raj: An Appraisal-MOHANTY, S and MISRO, R C -100(2) 2009, p.48-65 Administration of the British in India in the first Half of the Nineteenth century - SASTRI, Venkatasubba K N-25(4) 1935, p.212-223 Administration vis-a-vis the Public and the Press during the Regime of Sir Mirza - RAMASWAMY, S R-88(4) 1997, p.13-24 Administrative Machinery in Medieval Karnataka (Third to Seventeenth Century A.D) -KARMARKAR, Anant P-31(3-4) 1941, p.435-451 Administrative set-up in an Andhra Zamindari, Punganur -SHESHAN, K S S- 78(3-4) 1987, p.101-145 Advaita and Sannyasa -JAGADISWARANANDA -24(2) 1933, p.100-106 Advaita Vedanta -RAO, Nagaraja P-30(2) (3) (4) 1939-40, p.207-219; 332-338; 418-422 Aesthetic approach to God: A Study in the Aesthetic elements in Bhakti - YAMUNACHARYA, M-27(1-2) 1936, p. 108-121 Aesthetic Categories -SASTRI, P S-44(4) 45(2) 1954, p.138-149; 113-126; 46(2) 1955, p.108-119; 47(1) 1957, p. 28-37 Agastya, the Spiritual Preceptor of the Lata Chalukyas -DISKALKAR, D B-18(1) 1927, p.68 Agastyesavara Temple of Guntur-SRI RAMACHANDRA MURTHY, V-73(3-4) 1982, p.98-102 Age of Bharavi and Dandin or the Literature History of the Pallava period - SARASVATI, Rangaswami A-13(3) 1923, p.670-688 Age of Kalidasa -IYER, K G Sankara-8(4) 1918, p.278-292; 9(1) 1918, p.17-56; Age of the Brahmanas -AIYAR, Kamesvara B V-12(2) 12(3), 12(4) 1922, p.171- 193; p.223-246; p.357-366 Age of the First Manu (Svayambhauva) or the Antiquity of the heretical (Pakhanda) schools -RAJA, Ramavarma K-16(1) 1925, p.25-31 Age of the Third Tamil Sangam-IYER, K G Sankara-8(1) 1917, p.34-60 Agnikarya rite in the Indian tradition -PRABHAKAR, C L-86(1) 1995, p.44-50 Agrahara: Some Aspects of Its Rise and Fall-SWAMINATHAN, S-99(2) 2008, p.11-23 Agrarian Agitations and freedom movement in Karnataka -KAMATH, Suryanath U -73(2) 1982, p.14-23 Agrarian unrest in Northern Karnataka the Nipani Tobacco growers Rasta roko Agitation (1981) -KULKARNI, D K-82(1-2) 1991, p.101-109 Agricultural Practices Reflected in Rgveda: A Note-ABMIKA, K G-98(3) 2007, p.63-67 Aihole Inscription of Chalukya Trailokyamalladeva Somesvara I Saka 989 - PADIGAR, Srinivasa V-78(1-2) 1987, p. 221-226 Aladangadi Inscription of Timmanna Ajila-SHENOY, Umanath, Y-98(1) 2007, p.81-83 Aladangady Inscription of Ramadevi -SHENOY, Y Umanath-77(3) 1986, p.314- 316 Alagarkoyil and its Inscriptions -AIYAR, Venkatasubba V-27(1-2) 1936, p.122- 135 Alampur: An Epigraphical Study -RAO, H S Gopal-83(2) 1992, p.217-228 Alangudi Inscription of Vikrama Chola (No.165 of 1894) - BALASUBRAHMANYAN, S R-21(3) 1931, p.275-279 Alexander-Did he Really Win? -PHADKE, P N-88(3) 1997, p.46-49 Alvars and their times -AIYANGAR, S Krishnaswami-4 (4) 1913-14, p.169-71 Amarakosa as a source of Hindu Botany-SUNDARA RAJAN, S-68(2) 1977, p.58- 70 Amatory poems from Narrinai -AIYAR, Sesha K G-25(4) 1935, p.203-211 Amazing Knowledge of Ancient Thinkers -DYUTIKAR, C B. Comp.-85(2) 1995, p.103-108 Amazons-PHADKE, P N-96(1-2) 2005, p.62-64 American Philosopher R W Emrson (1803-1882): The First Boston Brahmin- MURTHY, B M N-99(1) 2008, p.115-120 Amir Haider Khan: Profile of a Forgotten communist-THANKAPPAN, T-86(3) 1995, p.53-67 An Acheulean site at Botlaguduru on the Manneru, District Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh-SRINIVASULU, K-73(1) 1982, p.53-60 An image at Hampi-SRIKANTAYA, S-26(3-4) 1936, p.232-235 An unique amuletic pendant from Nagarjunakonda -MARGABANDHU, C-66(3- 4) 1975, p.36-42 Anandabodha’s Authorship of Nyayadipika and limits for his date -GODE, P K- 26(3-4) 1936, p.153-156` Anatolian Bull and Vedic Horse in the Indo-European diffusion-KAZANAS, N- 97(3) 2006, p.1-13 Ancient beliefs or modern superstitions- The search for authenticity - COOMARASWAMY, Rama P-82(1-2) 1991, p. 110-134 Ancient City of Bijapur-SLATER, A R-3(2) 1911-12, p.45-52 Ancient Game of cock-fight in India -SARMA, Karthikeya I-54(4) 1964, p.113-120 Ancient Hindu Education as revealed in the works of Panini, Katyayana and Patanjali -MOOKERJ, Radhakumud-12(2) 1922, p.156-170 Ancient Indian approach towards Plants-SUNDARA RAJAN, S-85(2) 1994, p.80- 87 Ancient Indian Attitude towards the Earth -MURTHY, S R N-85(2) 1994, p.7-29 Ancient Indian History and Culture-SALETORE, B A-93(2) 2002, p.39-48 Ancient Indian Navy-VAIDYANATHA AYYAR, R S-8(1) 1917, p.77-83 Ancient Indian Society and modern Materialism-SOUNDARA RAJAN, K V-54(2) 1963, p.41-51 Ancient Indian’s Attitude towards Nature and Environment -HALAPPA, G N - 85(2) 1994, p.1-6 Ancient South Indian Theatre -IYER, K G Sesha-19(3) 1920, p.205-208 Ancient Story of Devarayadroog -GOODWILL, F-12(4) 1922, p.349-356 Ancient Tamil Dame -AIYAR, Sesha K G-10(4) 1920, p.354-55 Ancient’s Approach to Ocean -PRABHAKAR, C L-85(2) 1994, p.30-45 Andhra Buddhist monks and their viharas -SITAKUMARI, I-78(1-2) 1987, p.33- 37 Anglo-American Reactions to the Quit India Movement-VEERATHAPPA, K-64(1- 4) 1973, p.14-21 Animal Husbandry as seen by Buchanan-GRACY, C P-98(2) 2007, p.35-43 Annamacharya and Purandaradasa- An Interaction-SEETHARAMALAKSHMI, T-94(3-4) 2003, p.1-7 Annexation of Burma: A sequel to British Commercial Pressures-YASIN, Madhavi-77(1-2) 1986, p.207-216 Another Inscription from Agastyesvara Temple of Guntur-SRI RAMACHANDRA MURTHY, V-74(1) 1983, p.19-21 Anthropological Research in India -RAO, Hayavadana C-26(3-4) 1936, p.236-246 Anthropometry of the Kanikars of Travancore-IYER, Krishna L A-18(3) 1928, p.210-211 Anti-Colonial Struggle: Native Resistance of Dindigul Poligars-KUPPAN, R-99(2) 2008, p.47-54 Antiquities of Kunnattur -GUPTA, R N-49(2) 1958, p.79-86 Antiquities of Tenneri -RAMAN, K V-47(2) 1956, p.113-116 Antiquity and Evolution of the Concept ‘Karnataka’-KAMATH, Suryanath U- 95(1) 2004, p.107-114 Antiquity and Rituals of ShriManunatha Swamy Temple of Dharmastala- SHENOY, Umanath Y-91(1) 2000, p.76-82 Antiquity and Tradition: Rural Settlements and Brahman Families of Dakshina Kannada -NAGENDRA RAO-92(3-4) 2001, p.169-184 Antiquity of Idagunja: An Historic Perspective-VASANTHAMADHAVA, K G- 89(3) 1998, p.1-8 Antiquity of Mysore -AROKIASWAMI, M-45(2) 1954, p.99-104 Antiquity of some field and forest Flora of India -AIYAR, Yegna Narayan A K- 42(1) 1951, p.5-29; 42(2) 1951, p.52-72 Antiquity of the Vedas -RAO, Subba H N-21(3) 1931, p.280-283 Antiquity of Tirukkovalur -GOPALAKRISHNAN, K V-53(1) 1962, p.11-14 Ants and Folk-Beliefs in South India -MOSES, S T-19(1) 1928, p.41-44 Anuradhapura-SRIKANTAIYA, S-10(4) 1920, p.331-353 Aphaeresis and Sound-displacement in Dravidian -AIYAR, Ramaswamy L V- 22(4) 1932, p.448-480 Apostle Thomas and India -AIYAR, Ramaswami M S-20(4) 1930, p.271-283 Apostle Thomas: was it a Mysore Maharaja that brought him to India? -AIYAR, Ramaswami M S-20(1) 1929, 26-31 Arabesque in Mughal Art -NATH, R-69(1-2) 1978, p.40-47 Archaeological Data on Metals in South India -NARASIMHA MURTHY, A V- 77(3) 1986, p.296-313 Archaeology a tool in Historical Research: A Case Study Vijayanagara- VERGHESE, Anila-83(2) 1992, p.169-197 Archaeology in Mysore -RAO, Venkoba B-31(3-4) 1941, p.307-322 Archaeology in Mysore -SASTRI, H Krishna -20(1) 1929, p.1-4 Archaeology of Shimoga District Vis-a-vis Ecosystem: An Appraisal-PATEL, C B- 98(4) 2007, p.106-119 Architecture as a source of History -SADASIVAN, K-82(3-4) 1991, p.92-115 Architecture in the Ganga period -RAO, Krishna M V-25(1-3) 1934-35, p.161-181 Archival Materials on Karnataka and Historical Research -DESIKACHAR, S V- 80(1-4) 1989, p.78-83 Archival Wealth and Post-Vijayanagara Karnataka History -DESIKACHAR, S V- 68(2) 1977, p.19-35 Are All Religious Equally True? Radhakrishnan Revisisted -SHARMA, Arvind- 90(3) 1999, p.1-10 Are the Pit circles of Brahmagiri Macerating pits?-SUNDARA, A-64(1-4) 1973, p.8-13 Art and Architecture of Vikramashila -CHAULEY, G C-72(1-4) 1981, p.200-217 Art in Ancient India -RAM, Vyasa N -17(3) 1927, p.227-239 Art of Chennakesava Temple at Macherla I -RAO, K Subba-85(1) 1994, p.93-97 Artisans in Medieval Karnataka-NAYAKA, Hanuma-92(1-2) 2001, p.124-147 Artisans of India and Vishvakarmas of Karnataka -BROUWER, Jan-82(1-2) 1991, p.1-30 Aruna Pracna and the Atharva Veda -PANTULU, Venkatesam N K-28(4) 1938, p.260-268 Aruppukkottai Disturbance of 1860-SOBHANAN, B-73(2) 1982, p.51-54 Aryan Invasion Bites dust (Seminar Proceedings)-RAJARAM, N S-97(4) 2006, p.107-112 Aryan Parentage of Astrological systems of Chaldea, China and India -SASTRI, Subrahmanya V-21(3) 1931, p.197-205 Asafia Civil War – Age of Treason 1755-1757 A.D-GADRE, Prabhakar-99(1) 2008, p.29-43 Asafia Civil War – Age of Treason (1751-1754 A.D)-GADRE, Prabhakar-98(4) 2007, p.51-66 Asafjahi Civil War and Rahuji Bhosle I -GADRE, Prabhakar-83(3) 1992, p.305- 327 Aseptic Precautions Regarding Food and Drink Revealed by Vedic Literature1-2 - BHATTA, Putta N V-77(1-2) 1986, p.120-125; (3) p.290-295 Ashtamangala Symbol on an Inscription from Nilagunda -SHANTHAKUMARI, S L-75(2) 1984, p.218-220 Asian Contacts of South Indian-DIKSHIT, G S-99(3-4) 2008, p.29-48 Asoka Tree (Notes)-VENKATESAM, N K-28(2) 1937, p.

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