University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-6-1994 Central Florida Future, Vol. 27 No. 14, October 6, 1994 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 27 No. 14, October 6, 1994" (1994). Central Florida Future. 1256. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1256 • Golden Knights football moves up to No. 6 in Sports Network poll-Sports, p. 16. • • Central Florida Future • Students, faculty-learn safety tips at UCPs Crime Prevention-Fair • by SCOTI HOLBROOK prevention te~hniques until crime "Wearen'ttellingstudentsof News editor becomes personal. Then it hits legal age notto drink," said McNeil. home." The brochures on crime "We want to educate them about the • It's late at night, and you're prevention on Kay's table were DUI laws and the potential outcome walking through the parking lot af­ printed using money seized in drug of their actions. We stress aware­ ter class. Suddenly, you hear foot­ busts, something he pointed out was ness and responsibility about alco­ steps behind you, approaching one of the few beneficial outcomes hol use." McNeil also pointed out quickly. Do you know what to do? of the crimes he fights daily. the P.A.R.T.Y. (Promote Alcohol That was the focus of the sixth an­ Information was not the only Responsibility Through You) pro­ nual Crime Prevention Fair held thing available to students at the gram available at the center, which Wednesday· on the UCF student fair. Many freebies were also dis­ is an educational tool available to green. tributed by the organizations present. students. UCF Police Sgt. Sandra One tool given out by Trooper John Home security was a key ele­ McClendon, Coordinator of Crime Battle of the Florida Highway Pa­ ment of the fair, and Gary Calhoun Prevention Services, organized the trol was a keychain that holds two of the Maitland Police Department fair, which drew over a dozen orga­ quarters for making those all-im­ displayed the best basic means of nizations from around the Central portant phone calls when. you've home protection - the deadbolt Florida area. Although the main had too much to drink and shouldn't lock. Calhoun said that the majority point of the fair was crime preven­ drive. He said his department is of home invasions don't occur by (c • tion, associations dealing with the giving out the keychains because of breaking down the door, but by a psychological aftermath of crime the increase in drunk driving. burglar simply knocking on the door. on the victim were also given atten­ One of the UCF campus or­ "Many people don't ask tion. ganizations in attendance was the who's there when answering the Scott Holbrook/FUTURE "People tend to overlook the Peer Education Outreach Center. door," said Calhoun. "They just Crash Test Dummies Vince and Larry, from the Orange immediacy of crime," said Richard Michael McNeil, a peer counselor County Sheriff's Department, were on hand for UCF's Crime Kay of the Seminole County at the center, stressed the emphasis Prevention Fair this Wednesday. Sheriff's Office. "Nobody listens to on education at the center. see FAIR, page 3 Professor's tenure status under attack UCF cross-counby coach Tenure reform slated to end slacking-off by professors • • • by OMAR DAJANI ommend that a task force at each issues without the fear of reprisal. Staff writer of the 10 public universities look Additionally, some argue that res1gns 1n mid-season into how the tenure system could people in academia are not prima­ by ALYCIA SEVERSON ply with Title IX requirements. A national trend to reform be overhauled. rily motivated by financial inter­ Assistant news editor . Until his resignation, Loftus was tenure for professors has made a Tenure virtually guarantees ests, but rather by the job security. a leading candidate for the job. stop in Florida and will likely re­ lifetime job security for profes­ Thus, any significant change to After waiting a year to be After a year of waiting for sult in a least some changes in the sors who are awarded it. It has the tenure system might make it promoted to full-time coach, UCF. a response from the athletic de­ way it is awarded here. come under attack by some who harder for Florida's public univer­ cross-country coach Doug Loftus partment, Loftus quit the posi­ With the addition of Regent believe it has slowly made profes­ sities to attract and to keep highly resigned his position this Mon­ tion Monday when he was told it Steve Uhl felder last year came the sors complacent and at ease, low­ qualified professors. day. would be one more month before initial action on reform. Last June, ering academic standards and ul­ The process of tenure works Even though Loftus had a decision could be made. the Board of Regents held a work­ timately producing less educated like this: When a professor is hired, been a part-time coach for three In a month, the cross coun­ shop at the UCF campus in which students. he or she is given seven years to years, the athletic department con­ try season will be over. Uhlfelder indicated his disagree­ Most professors disagree, achieve tenure or leave. During tinued to solicit applications for Nevertheless, his decision ment with the way tenure is saying that with job security comes see TENURE, page 4 the ope~ full-time position to com- see COACH, page awarded. Now, the BOR has rec- the ability to debate controversial 2 UCFStudentsgetcall downtown by RICHARD AGSTER ous languages of English, German, Contributing editor Hebrew and even Mayan. Walker added, "The whole Last week marked the open­ point is to express the emotion, to ing of Nightclub Cantata on Civic the point of sacrificing everything Theatre's Second Stage. Second to get that emotional content across. Stage projects are produced on a The composer envisioned a mix of volunteer basis, and two of its fea­ many different styles to not be lim­ tured performers are UCF students, ited tooneparticularartisticchoice." Will Braun and Darla Walker. "It's not a vocal recital or a Nightclub Cantata, by Eliza­ play ...It's a coffeehouse, nightclub, beth Swados, is a series of 18 pieces vocal recital, play compilation," of prose and poetry set to music. Braun said. Each vignette "explores different These different styles are rep­ ways of presenting that poetry resented in the music. Music runs through movement, music and the gamut from jazz to birdcalling to sometimes even dialogue," ex­ monophonic chant with drones. plained Braun. Differentpiecesareinthevari- see THEATRE, page A-11 Inside News 1-5 Opinion 6-7 Opinion Classified 8 Features 9-13 Johnny Depp talks about Ed Wood- p. A-14 What's wrong with professional sports? -p. 6 Sports 14-16 2 • Oct.6 1994 • The Central Florida Future Cross-country team says it will finish season Until there's a cure, • COACH, from page 1 Monday evening Loftus told selves," said freshman runner there's the the team about his decision and then Ktanah Bresnick. American Diabetes went to administrators on Wednes­ Other team members feel a bit to quit while in the middle of a day with an official resignation. more angry about the situation. Association. season surprised team members Last year, Loftus led the team 'This is ridiculous. The ath­ as well as athletic directors. to a fifth place finish in the Trans­ leticdepartmentdumpsoncross-coun­ • ''We were surprised to hear the Arn eri ca Athletic Conference try," said runner Jeanne Lesniak. news. He was a good coach. We hate Championships. "Theywouldn'thavewaitedthislong to see him go," said UCF Athletic This Saturday, the team has a to get a new head coach for football.'' Director Steve Sloan. • meetscheduledatFloridaState Uni­ UCF is supposed to host the Hewlett-Packard Sloan explained that the pro­ r .. ="""'- ~1~ versity-a team they beat last year TACCConferenceon Oct. 29, with or r ···· ---=~")) i~ cess of selecting a head coach for • Full line of • HP 48GX Graphic for the first time under Loftus' guid­ without a new head coach. {~·fi ~ any sport is a difficult one. He also HP scientific & Expandable --.. _:__J • ance - which the team plans to Mary Kaufinan, AssistantAth­ added that Loftus was one of a few business . The best calculator for ~~~;;~~ attend, with or without a coach. leticDirectorforwomen' s sports, said applicants, out of a pool of many, calculators. your education and your :·: :,: : : "We're having a great sea­ the team will finish out all scheduled who was seriously being consid­ • HP 1OB career - 128KB of RAM - ••• • " son. I'm sure we will pull together activities. • ered for the position. • HP 17 Bii built in, plus expandability. ,~~f:.}~ as a team and work things out," said 'We have other staff members Loftus was hired in 1992 as a •HP 95LX •HP 48G Graphic .::::...:.:.:.~ Rene Plasencia, a senior and one of and volunteers who will help. Wecare part-time coach for the track and • HP 200LX 32-KB RAM built in. ~;.,ii HEWLETT the team leaders. "We are upset about the program. We want it to • cross-country.teams and stepped in • HP 32SII All HP 48GX features a:..~ PACKA~o because the coach is quitting, but as continue to grow and succeed," she to act as head coach in 1993 when • HP 42S included except plug-in option.
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