3 P 5 f ■ In F o c u s In Perspectives ■ ■ In s id e Ooaifitd ----- 11 Horsing around Lauper returns Pac. National Service P f Focus................ ....12 IUPUTs equestrian team jumps to a Sngcr/actress stores her thoughts and Q New law enacted last week by the president Penpretim....... ..........8 new start and series for additional feelings about her latest album, bow she was X seeks to extent the opportunity for higher Sports................. ............€ interested members to participate. inspired and her new direction. V _ J education to more individuals in America. 12 Voict.................. ......... 5 H The IUPUI For advertising information, call 1(317| 274-3456 Monday Morning Sagamore 1 S e c tio n September 27,1993 0 1993 th e Sagamore l i e weekly newspaper of Indiana UnKenityPunhie University at Indianapolis Vol. 23. No. 8 Free National Darn Tootin’ Day care children health plan affects learn fire safety ■ Fire Protection Service organized the program specifically for IUPUI their understanding. teach toddlers on campus. The NFPA has programs for the’ ■ Dean of Nursing, Angela elementary kvel students,” said Black,;, By Christina Knarr Ctmmkfi* t# 7k Sofa**? "but pre-school age children were; McBride, invited to White overlooked.” House to discuss Black added that the fire safety!, Children who are placed in the program was put together with a lotqO America’s health issues. IUPUI day care center will be thought. He had spoken with the! learning more than just finger painting Marion County Fire Department and: By Cindy Conover Daahnaw and the alphabet this year. some of his other contacts and no one: CmtnM jff tt Tkt Saftmm _____________ Fire Protection Services will begin has implemented a program like this; implementing their Fire Safety anywhere in the metropolitan area. One of IUPUI’i own helped shape Program within the next few weeks 'This puts IUPUI child care in the what may be the most comprehensive for children to “truly leam fire safety” forefront,” said Black. and complicated legislative proposal said Lowell Black, FPS director. The biggest problem with fire safety in American history - Hillary and Bill Black realized a program was education, according to Black, is that Clinton’s healthcare reform package. needed after reports from the National it is sporadic. Angela McBride, university dean of Fire Protection Association on fire Black's program contains Nuning, was invited to Washington deaths. Statistics showed the two information on fire safety which will to meet with members of the highest risk groups arc the elderly and be dispersed throughout the year. the very young. ‘This isrta one time deal” staled Black. force in April. Since the day care center on campus Against the historic backdrop of the is made up of the latter group. Black Please see FIRt on page 3 Indian Treaty Room of the WhiteHouse. McBride and nursing Students to take role split into smaller working groups to discuss specific issues. McBride's group addressed how tobring health care to people in AIDS awareness shereferred to as the “unserved andunderserved," those that for ■ Indiana AIDS walk to Since founding the Qiilt in 1987, onereason or another fall through over three million people have visited thecracks and do not receive the raise funds for those it. carethey need. infected with HIV/AIDS. There are 24.281 individual three- “AIDS patients are a by-six-foot memorial panels, each one example;’ McBride said. made to remember the life of •Their care is so expensive, By LUm S tar* someone who has died of Therehave been some groups that T b S q w w ________________ complications related to AIDS. These havechanged their insurance rates panels have been made by friends, afterthey find out somebody has On Sunday October 3.1993 Indiana lovers and family members. AIDS. Then, aa the patients get sicker, Cares and the Indiana Community The Quilt is now representing 29 find themselves AIDS Action Network, will be putting on its third annual Indiana AIDS Walk 50 states and Puerto Rico. One issue struck near and dear -From All Walks of Life. The walk is a fund raiser for Indiana toMcBridc's heart “It's important to the community Cares and ICAAN Indiana Cares ’They talked a great deal about because it raises money for education, was the first HIV/AIDS fund-raising thdmportancc of nursing to healthcare services and direct financial assistance organization in the state to provide reform/' she said. for PWA's (people with AIDS) in financial assistance to those in need The task force specifically discussed Indiana,” said Jane Gleason, because of HIV/AIDS. administrative assistant in the ICAAN is made up of 32 HIV/ women who not only complete the Division of Infectious Diseases in the AIDS groups in Indiana, they provide requirements to become a registered IU School of Medicine and education, advocacy, human service nurse, but who spend two additional Chairperson of Volunteers foe the provision and resource development. yean becoming specialized in certain AIDS Walk. The first Indiana AIDS Walk areas. Anyone and everyone from all walks involved over 1,500 pcopl* and raised ‘They have been saying how much of life will be involved in the walk. $70,000. The second walk involved advanced practice nurses are going to Individuals as well as teams will be even more people with 1,700 raising be important to providing health care collecting donations for the walk. $93,000. to the country because they are cost- The route starts and ends at Military “This year we hope to raise over effective and they can meet the needs Park and is approximately 5K (3.2 $ 100,000 and have over 2,000 people including individuals, churches, of so many people/' McBride said. miles) and it is accessible to all companies and clubs,” said David Some rural areas and small towns physically challenged individuals. cannot entice doctors to set up The walk will be led by native Koemer, Walk Chairperson. practices, so advanced practice nurses Hoosier Cleve Jones, founder of the may take care of a community’s International NAMES Project AIDS medical needs instead of a doctor. Memorial Ouilt. Please see AIDS on Page 4 The task force sees these nurses as a way to bring quality health care to people who otherwise could not get iL Training to become an advanced Workshop to aid educators practice nurse is expensive. McBride force that nursing schools will need financial help if they are to fill the need for these nurses. She said in programs for recycling monks currently are availabk for .........................................not for of campus recycling programs such as elementary and secondary schools and ■ Featured speakers will purchasing recycling containers. those in solid waste management, but task force seemed to accept those discuss appropriate IUPUI did not apply for a 1993 grant. IUPUI students seriously interested in arguments at face value. To inform solid waste districts and the environment and recycling are “You never know when you talk to methods for recycling. teachers on how to educate about welcome to attend. somebody whether they’re just being recycling within schools, the IDEM Educators may bring recycling and pleasant or whether this is something B yJ.M . and the Indiana Recycling Coalition solid waste management curricula and that they truly agree with you on. But will co-sponsor “Working With other materials from their school to I have since attended a summit Schools: A Workshop for Recycling display as informational exhibits. meeting of the American Nurses Educators" at the Environmental Tom Neltner and Brian Cohee. of the Association, and I heard that they are individual teachers hive implemented Management Institute Sept 29. IDEM’s office of pollution prevention continuing to think in terms of making M Hptfrr/7*/ batons successful recycling education In cooperation with the Indiana and technical assistance, will begin the such monies available/' she said. Steve LeBeeu, e communications major, toeeee cen In recycle bln. programs in schools,” said Brian Department of Education, the One of the biggest criticisms of the Cohee, of the Indiana Department of workshop will begin at 9:30 a.m. in i why it is important for reform plan is its cost Analysts Suite 15 of the Institute located at municipalities and solid waste districts At 2:30 p.m., there will be a panel estimate the U.S. government will Over the past five years, the IDEM 5610 Crawfordsvilie Road. to work with environmental education Sam Carman of the Indiana that will illustrate potential harriers in spend $700 billion over five years, has awarded $130 million in recycling Janet Neltncr with the IRC said the in school systems. Department of Natural Resources even though employers will be workshop's main purpose is to work who will discuss his experience in the most effective ways to work with required to pay for most of their on recycling education programs and Haock, education coordinator for employee's coverage. The schools, universities and organizations offer a networking opportunity for West Central Solid Waste Jane St. John from the Monroe Co. The workshop will conclude administration says it will pay for the recycling educators. > will describe how Solid Waste Management District discussing the availability of IUPUI received a grant in 1992 for She also added the workshop is who will present methods she has environmental education resources $20000 to assist in l mainly for recycling educators from environmental education materials for used in Monroe County schools. 2 • The Sagamore Sagamore 27,1993 PAID ADVERTISEMENT 4 I THE STUDENT ACTTVmES PAGE In f o r m a t io n Co m p il e d By A n n ie Wo o d le y Avoiding the Ten Most Commonly Made Business Etiquette Faux Pas & i t e t t d a n presented by Mary Starvaggi, At-Ease, Inc.
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