Savio's Group ~ 01 To Investigate University at Iowa and the People of IoWa City Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirepboto Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1965 Calif. Regents· 119 Parking Spaces BERKELEY, Calif, ( P) - A campus rebel leader ad­ dreSSing a rally lega1i:i'ed by the University of California's new In Today's Berkeley campus cbancellor declared Monday his group would Lost To Construction not bait the new chancellor's ------------ Students rctul'Ding from vacation Monday found 119 (ewer spap!s Iowan administration. In the north end oC the Library parking lot than )lad been the~e • :Instead, student Mario Savio they left. • Time for finals is nearing. told a raUy crowd oC 4,000 to 5,000 City Landlords For a complete schedule of the Free Speech Movement he The north end of the lot, the old Iowa Field, is the site of the tests, see Page 6. leads wilt create a committee to University's newest construction project. Prelimif)aJ'y work ~ umer • In its opening conference investigate the university's Board Hear Plans game, lowa defeats Wisconsin of Regents. He said the investiga­ way there on the $1 ,960 ,000 classroom-of(ice building which will 92 to 62. For story of game and tion will determine whether the house the English, Literature and Creative Writing Departments. locker room comments. see regents' policies "interfere with The new building will Pfovidc 39 classrooms, 156 offices and a variety Page 5. education, particularly undergrad­ For Renewal • The Daily rowan is exposed uate education." o( special rooms. as a haven Cor leCtist-leaning More than 100 Iowa City proper­ students and socialist faculty Martin Meyerson, who was A~cording to Campus Police Chi cf, John Hanna, several park­ named hy the regents Saturday as ty owners attended an information members by an editor of an session at the civic center Monday ing changes have been made to compensate for the spaces lost to Iowa newspaper. For The Daily acting chancellol', issued tempo­ rary regulations Sunday night de­ night to hear City Planner Earl E. new construction. Iowan's answer to the charges, Stewart describe plans the city has see Page 2. claring the steps of Sproul Hall, The norlh end of the lot neal' the Hydraulics Laboratory, which the administration building, avail­ for reshaping the central business • Pope Paul appeals anew Cor district. will Dccommodate 58 cars, has been changed from an open to re­ closer relations between Arabs able as "an open discussion area" at the noon hour and between 4 Stewart stressed to the capacity stricted classification and the paint shop in the quonset hut south of and Chr~tians "as sons of the and 6 p.m. crowd at the city council chambers the Libral'y alley, holding 19 cars .. Crom reserved to restricted. same "" For story, see that the meeting was only to pro­ Page's,. Nearly 800 students and support­ ers were arrested last Dec. 3 at a mote the landlords' understanding Hanna encouraged students to use the University Theatre lot '::::::::=::::::::::::::~~~~== sit - in demonstration protesting of urban renewal possibilities. Construction Site which has a capacity of 139 cars. This lot will remain restricted, university regulations restricting There will be no definite city ac­ Burge!:r-.. campus political activity. tion taken until the results of a Meyerson. in a statement on loan application to the Federal Mayor in 3-2 Vote; taking over from Dr_ Edward Housing and Home Finance Agency Strong, 63, declared his expecta­ are made known . The city applied CaJis ~or Unity tions were that there would not be fol' the loan to conduct a study on and should not be another sit-in. urban renewal several months ago. Iowa City Mayor Richard W. Dr. Strong was given a leave of Stewart said federal funds could be Burger, re-elected for a one-year absence, on grounds of ill health. available by mid-February. Johnson .Urges lax C~t : term last week, forecast a busy "Civil disobedience is warranted The entire program in Iowa City, yelir (or community government only when there is no recourse to Stewart said, must be considered affairs in 1965. reasonable deliberation," Meyer­ unique. He said plans should be Burger said Monday that 1965 son said. made with the cooperation of the will see a decision on the city's ur­ Savio, 22, a Manhattan-born phi­ University. because of its closeness ban renewal pro­ losophy junior, addressed a noon to the central business district. posals, action on rally on the first day of classes Stewart told the property owners expansion of sew­ after Christmas vacation over a that they will have several oppor­ age f a c iii ties, loudspeaker provided by the uni­ tunities to consult with city offi­ On New Congres$ planning of a by­ versity. cials on plans when the project be­ pass southwest gins_ He added that owners would the city, and im­ have close control throughout land provements in the Holiday Death Toll purchase, resale, and reconstruc­ banks of tion. Creek to prevent Wants To Double Flooding damage. Tops All Records He said every attempt would be made to see that the original own­ Bur g e r was re- elected mayor re- BURGER For ers of the property would have a 3-Day Period chance cenUy at a special meeting of the to buy back their property. Education Funds city council. He had resigned as By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Stewart Dnd the Citizen's Advis­ mayor earlier and the meeting was The nation's worst New Year's ory Committce will conduct a simi­ W SHl GTON (AP) - President Johnson urged on the holiday observance in pOint of traf­ lar briefing for tenants in the cen­ -called to elect a successor. new Cong]' ss Monday night a excise tax cut this year Councilman William Maas, long fic deaths ended with a record­ tral business district at 7:30 Fri­ hefty critical or Burger's previous failure shattering toll of 474 fatalities for day night. and massive assaults on ignorance,' poverty and deadly disease. the thl'ee-day period. to resign, was nominated lor the And in a State of the Union Message that actually em­ mayor post, but received only two Not only was the final count a braced the world, he voiced hope -----------­ votes of the five cast. record for a three-day turn-of-the­ Britain Flies that the new Soviet leaders can to keep the economy growing, open Maas previously had gone on year celebration, it also far ex­ visit this country. opportunities to all Americans and rec!lrd as favoring opportunity for ceeded the record toll for the four­ HE PREDICTED a continued improve the quality of life for all. all councilmen to serve as mayor day New Year's weekend of 1955- More Troops "Houri hing o[ the Amel'ican econ- JOHNSON PROPOSED: for a year. Following the special 56 when 409 pel •./n were killed ill lraffic. omy." He said in an address de- • A health-care program for the meeting, he said he would continue livered in person to Congress and elderly under Social Security. to work to see that councilmen The previous record for a three­ telecast to the nation that his new _ A massive attack on crippling would have that oPPOl'tunity. To Malaysia day New Year's holiday was 374 in budget will be designed to move and killing diseases. Burger ended the meeting with a lhe 1959-60 transition. KUALA LUMPUR. Malaysia til'l­ the economy 10l'ward and to move _ A national effort to improve Illea to all councilmen to work to­ The current traffic toll was Malaysia and Britain put a mili­ toward a .balance between income ' the American city. gcthcr in J965 on all city projects counted in the 78-hour holiday pe­ tary buJId-up here into high gear and spend mg. • To increase tne beauty of the riod that began at 6 p.m. local Monday. Malaysia warned Indo­ Th~ President ~id not ment~on nation and end the poisoning of time Thursday and ended at mid­ nesia that any large - scale attack the SIze of an excIse tax reducllon rivers and the atmosphere. Cloudy night Sunday. will be met with a stiff counter­ bU.t ~hit~ H,ouse officials sai~ !he _ To belp develop regions suf­ blow. Incre•• ing cloudiness ttlrough The council had estimated be­ thlOkmg IS m terms of $1 'blllion fering from distress and depres- Tuesd.y night with occasional fore the start of the holiday period As British troop reinforcements to $2 billion. sion. Ii,ht mow north late Tuesday that 300 of 360 persons might be began flying into Singapore, the A new education program would • To launch new efforts to con- iI • night. Colder Tunday night. killed in highway accidents. government said it IS "prepared cost. about double th~ current trol and prevent crime and de- to take retaliatory action under the I year s funds for educatIOn. linquency. Congress Hears Johnson rule of hot pursuit when and if * * * JOHNSON WANTS to double the • To wipe out all obstacles to Voice of 'Lost Generation'- . (orced to do so for our own exist­ Cunds for fighting poverty, now at voting. HOUle Spe.ker John McCormack (left) and Sen, Carl Hayden, pr~ ence." LBJ/s Plans the $784 million mark. • To support achievements in ident plIO tem of the Senate, listen to President Johnson d.liver hi' The statement was issued by Specific , detailed bids ror all th~ (ield o~ thought and art.
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