Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.37.6.652 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from British Heart Journal, I975$ 37, 652455. Right atrial laceration Complication of external cardiac massage J. D. Biggart and J. McClure From the Queen's University of Belfast, Institute of Pathology, Grosvenor Road, Belfast Right atrial laceration is described as a complication ofexternal cardiac massage in two patients. In each there was a pre-existent cause of weakness of the atrial wall. There was pronounced right atrial dilatation with attenuation of the wall in one case, and in the other there was a granulomatous myocarditis involving the atrial wall. The significance ofatrial laceration as a complication of traumatic injuries to the heart is discussed. Stephenson (I969) has comprehensively reviewed traumatic lesions of the heart after resuscitative efforts for cardiac arrest. In only one case, however, has laceration of the right atrium been recorded as a result of external cardiac massage (Wolfe, Dudley, and Wallace, I968). Recently within a period of one week we have had the opportunity of examining two patients post mortem who had received terminal external cardiac massage and in whom lacerations of the right were found. In view of the of this com- atrium rarity http://heart.bmj.com/ plication of cardiac resuscitation and of the dis- covery of an underlying condition in each case which could have predisposed to rupture, we feel that the findings should be reported. Case reports Case I A man, aged 6o, with a io-year history of symptoms on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. relating to rheumatic heart disease, was admitted to hospital in gross heart failure and with electrocardio- graphic evidence of digitalis toxicity (bigeminal rhythm). 0 5 b 7 The patient collapsed shortly after admission and re- c m suscitative efforts including external cardiac massage were unsuccessful. FaIuG. I Case i. Transverse laceration of right The following were the relevant post-mortem find- atrium (arrowed). ings. Thorax There was a transverse fracture of the upper (Fig. i). This laceration was situated 7 mm above the sternum, 2 cm below the manubrio-sternal junction and tricuspid valve. The latter was incompetent with mild bilateral fractures of all ribs anteriorly 2 tO 3 cm lateral fibrous thickening and adhesion of its cusps. The to the costochondral junctions. chordae tendineae were shortened and thickened. The Pericardial sac This contained Iooo ml of fresh right ventricle was hypertrophied (8 mm) and slightly blood. dilated. The left atrium was much dilated with an atten- uated wall (2 mm). The endocardium was rough, opaque, Heart (540 g) The right atrium was considerably and partly covered by a thin layer of mural thrombus. dilated, thinwalled, and showed a transverse laceration The mitral valve showed 'button-hole' stenosis (2.5 X (4 x 1.5 cm) through all coats of the posterolateral wall 0.2 cm) and shortening and thickening of the chordae Received 2 September 1974. tendineae. The left ventricle was not hypertrophied Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.37.6.652 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from Right atrial laceration 653 (13 mm) or dilated. The aortic valve was stenosed, with fusion of its heavily calcified cusps. The histological findings confirmed a healed rheumatic carditis with valvulitis. Case 2 An 83-year-old woman, on admission to hsopital, gave a 3-week history of severe breathlessness with increasing incapacity. On examination she was in atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure. Three days after admission she collapsed suddenly and resuscitative measures in- volving external cardiac massage and intracardiac injec- tions were unsuccessful. Relevant findings at necropsy were as follows. Thorax There was a transverse fracture ofthe sternum 3 cm below the manubrio-sternal junction, with bilateral fractures of all ribs anteriorly just outside the costo- o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 chondral junctions. - f- Pericardial sac This contained 2 to 3 ml of fresh FIG. 3 Case 2. Several sm,tall pale inflammatory foci blood. (arrowed). Heart (420 g) Several needle puncture marks were present in the anterior surface of the left ventricle, but not in the right atrium. The right atrium was slightly dilated. There was a triangular laceration (2 X 2 X 2 cm) extending from the inferior margin of the fossa ovalis to involve the crista terminalis (Fig. 2). This laceration involved endocardium and myocardium but spared the epicardium. The tricuspid valve was intact. The right ventricle was slightly dilated and myocardial thickness was 3 mm. The muscle was mottled in appearance with multiple small pale areas visible through the endocardium (Fig. 3). The l _ http://heart.bmj.com/ left atrium was normal. The left ventricular wall was slightly hypertrophied. The muscle was soft and showed 20 slight mottling and streaking on the cut surfaces (Fig. 4). 50mm 40 on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. _; '^9 0II Z1 _^_22-- v 1567sE@k5=Z=^MWW cm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cm....! FIG. 2 Case 2. Triangular laceration of right atrial FIG. 4 Case 2. Mottling of cut surfaces of left wall (arrowed). ventricular wall. Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.37.6.652 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from 654 Biggart and McClure Histologically the myocardium of all chambers of the ternal cardiac massage was that described by Wolfe heart was involved by a widespread granulomatous myo- and his co-workers (I968). The patient was a 69- carditis (Fig. 5). The inflammatory reaction was ex- year-old lady admitted for evaluation and treatment tremely intense and of a mixed cell type. There were of severe and progressive congestive heart failure. some neutrophil polymorphs and plasma cells with larger numbers of lymphocytes and large mononuclear At necropsy the patient had a flail chest with bi- cells. Many eosinophil cells were noted and moderate lateral haemothorax. There was also a haemoperi- numbers of giant cells ofthe Langhans type had formed. cardium resulting from a 4.5 cm full thickness sup- The small intracardiac coronary arteries showed a focal ravalvular laceration of the anterior wall of the right acute arteritis. In several areas there were small foci of atrium. necrosis in the muscle. Similar granulomatous lesions Our two cases differed in that the lacerations were were noted in the liver. not present on the anterior wall of the atrium and damage caused by bone fragments could be excluded Discussion with certainty. Extensive fractures of the rib cage In these two cases resuscitation was attempted after were found in both patients and these findings might cardiac arrest. In each case the resuscitative efforts indicate that the force applied during external car- resulted in high transverse fracture of the sternum diac massage may have, in this instance, been some- with bilateral fractures of the ribs anteriorly pro- what excessive, though the presence of osteoporosis ducing a flail chest. The striking feature was the in both cases was probably a more important factor. presence of right atrial lacerations. In the first case Wolfe did not specifically exclude this possibility in the laceration was transverse and situated on the his case. Also in our cases there were factors causing posterolateral wall. The laceration involved the pre-existing weakness to the atrial wall. In the first full thickness of the atrial wall causing a massive case the atrium was dilated with conspicuous atten- haemopericardium. In the second case the lacera- uation of the muscle because of tricuspid regurgita- tion was situated on the inferior margin of the fossa tion. In the second case the myocardium was in- ovalis and involved the endocardium and myo- volved by a widespread granulomatous myocarditis cardium but spared the epicardium. Massive haemo- associated with small focal areas of necrosis. These pericardium was not, therefore, a feature of this lesions were similar to those in a case described by case. Intracardiac injection had been performed in Waugh (I952) in which there was strong circum- this instance but needle puncture marks were stantial evidence of an association with penicillin present only in the anterior wall of hypersensitivity. However, evidence of such an the left ven- http://heart.bmj.com/ tricle and not in the anterior wall of the right association could not be elicited in the present case. ventricle or right atrium. In both cases the atrial It seems most likely that the atrial lesions were lacerations were remote from bone fragments. caused by a sudden abrupt rise in intracardiac The one previous published case where right pressure caused by external cardiac massage. atrial laceration occurred in association with ex- This concept derives support from several authors. Thus, Mason (1973) quotes a case de- scribed by Krefft of a man who ejected from an aeroplane into water and died from drowning and in whom lacerations were present in the right on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. atrium. Moritz (I954) stated that sudden increased intracardiac pressure after an impact over the prae- cordium was an important cause of cardiac rupture which may be partial or complete and may be near to or remote from the site of impact. Moritz also listed the common sites of traumatic rupture in order of diminishing frequency as: right atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle, left atrium, interven- tricular septum, and valves. The traumatic complications of external cardiac massage previously reported include tears of the aorta and inferior vena cava, pneumothorax, haemo- thorax, and laceration of the lungs, liver, spleen, stomach, or colon (Stephenson, I969). Many of the extracardiac complications mentioned above are at FIG . 5 Case 2. Giant cell granulomatous myocardi- least potentially amenable to treatment if resuscita- tis. Separated myocardial fibres (arrowed). (x 175.) tion is successful.
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