Reeth & District Gazett Langthwaite - Arkengi EVOR J. HIRD EREED LI(Onf . prcAt coNTRAcIon FreeHouse-Real/ osmoll --Fnffr estimotes \Jo. Bar Snacks att year. Boo I rotes for Senior citizens lssue: 84 JUI-Y 2002 Tel. 01748 EE42' )hone 01748 886885 vc STUBBS ELECTRICAL LTD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS NORtr1AN F. BROWAt/ For all your Domestic & Chartered Surveyors & Estate Agents Commercial Requi rements LEADS THE WAY FORWARD IN ESTATE AGENCY Rewires, Security Lighting, Free market Appraisat withor.rt obtigation - Free tisting on lntemet Showers, Storage Heaters, www. normanfbrown. co. uk Inspections & Testing & Catt now for a professionat Service - Bedate & Richmmd Offices now Portable Appliance Testing. on Intemet for property cietaits with photograph arrC ialout pians Richmond O'ffice : 01748 E22173 | 8229(17 Tef : 01748 822907 Bedate Offke : 01677 42?J287 Fax Ol 748 822345 Letpurn ffiice : 01969 622191 otloz email - stephen@stubbsclectri cal ltdco.u k FREE ESTIMATES V\AMW.OCtipas.COm Pop, Punk, Rock, lndh, R&8, Hig tlop, Jazz, Country, Folk, w Nic erc Soundtracls, and Chlsicrl cd's start fiom f 5,9lll Approved Contractot 04/o1 t-n ail: in foOo(tiprs,com €ffi Tel: 0l 746-884381 Far: 0l 748-88495i w IIIITERE IS ONI,Y ONT] ANVTL SCDf]ARE, RNIXTH CLOCK WORKS TEL : O1748 88476.3 m/ol Clocks & Barometers . Repaired, Cleaned, J. E. HrRD M. GUY PLUMBINC Mobile Eutcher For all your Serviced & Restorecl Prime quality fresh & cooked plumbing requirements Ian Whitruorth meat. Groceries. Weekfy local AGA's & RAYBURN'S visits & Reeth Friday Market SERVICED Dales Centre - Tel: 017683 71709 Rrc Tef : 01748 825640 vc Reeth, Swaledale North Yorkshire. DL116SP DAVID E. LLOYD - Chartered Builder Tel: 0L748 884088 Rrc The Gables - Healaugh - Richmond Tel. 01748 - E84315 un2 llembcr Brltlsh Watch & Oo<k Makers Guild L RESLEK SERVICES Repains to all makqs of washing machines, hidges, freezerc, cookers, microwaye oyens, etc. - ALL WORK GUARANTEED - FREE COPY TEU FAX : RICHMOND ( 01748) 823376 07to2 REETH & DISTRICT GAZETTE RRMH & DISTRIA GAZBTLE Keld URC and one in Low Row Villrg" I'Iall. CHURCH SERVICES Is that srgnificant? I wooder? N{aybc I'm iust in Arkengarthdale & Swaledale out of touch with modern day perception as to what should be at the centre of ttre 7th fuly 21st Iuly commutrity. Anyway, I was a litde taken aback when I read the article on pa.ge 32. 9.00arn Kelcl URC 9.00am Keld URC I)ue to grants Ghat word aga:n) from an 9.l5am St Mary's lvluker Euclrarisl 9.15erm St Marl''s Muker Ccwtmtmion Hi there ! l,ots of interestjng stuff in this innovative scheme by North Yorkshire CC, l0.30am Lor,v Row URC (ttttnt.uutittn 10.30arn Lorv Ror+'URC issue, hostelries signed have Reerth Methoclist Reeth Methodist but there is one article I found re-ally 15 have up to 11.00am Holy Trinitl Low Row 11.00am Hoiv Trinih' Low Ron' E.uclwrisl interesting. Wc all know horv diffictrh it has conrputers on their premises to allow people Euchnist Reeih Congregational been for most businesses in our two [)a-les of AI-1, agcs acc(:ss to ICT. I could not but Reeth Congreg.rtional St last feel that there was slight contradiction Edmund's Marske Euclnist this year, and it is pleasing that there are ^ St Edmund's Marske 2.30pm Arkengarthdale Methc'rdist initiatir.es and grartts to tr!, and support here. It is in the bringrng/ encouraging of Fosnthl Euchanst Hol11Cunffimiol them. Also of cotuse we are most gratefi.rl to young people into licensed premises, when in I1.1Sam St Mary's Arkengarthdale Muker Methodist any rnput golrg for IC'I. I\{any homes are rll,arry places the authodties are working hard Cit ic krcice - Mstins tr.30irm St Man''s Arkeng.rrthdale without computers, lives are to keep them OUT. Alcohol abuse is the 2.00pm Gunnerside Methodrst Ez,en;ctng yet all our Midswnmsr Fesfii,nl Gtrnnersicle Methodist govemed through thern It is irnportant *rat biggest social evil of our sociery, and often is 6.00pm St Andrew's Grinton Marske Methodist we have access to them and the 'netl There the ptelude to d*g abuse. The following Et orcrng! Holq Cwuntmion have already been grant initiatives in our Two questions also sp-rang to mind : In qpite of 6.30pm Gururerside Methodist Reeth Congregational f)ales to introduce both hardware and the hrg" input of frnances, what happens hlidsttmmer Festital instructional coutses. T alking of grants, I wa^s whcn the computer hardware becomes Reeth Congregational readrqg this week that the fr*drrrg for tlus obsolete and nceds replacing? If money is years nnrth1 uruses in the way of village halls available for such proiects, why are th*y and cornmunity centre upgrades etc, has decmed to be of more value/irrportance 14th Iuly been drastically reduced, and so many, if not thafl the local rilage or cornmunity h^X? rnost cases will not ggt fundrng as had been And, who decided that 'The l\rb should be 9.30am St Andrew's Grinton hoped. Crrants are necessary to enable small the Hub, of the commtrnity ? Anyway, eveq/ Euchnist mral areas like ours success to all the hostelries in the scheme, St Michael's Downholme to update and modernise orrr community facilities. It would be th"y seized on an opportunity offered to Holy Euclnrist 28th 10.30.rnr Low Rorv URC July virtually impossible to improve our them and will offer the best service they can- 11.00am Reeth Congregirtional 8.00am Holy Trinitl' Lorv Rorv cornnruniry burlding widrout them. The I-ocally, go and have a look in the Punch St Edmund's Marske Holy Corunniut Community is something we all profess to Bowl, sce what you think. But, for me, there lv[oning Prayer 9.30am St Andrew's Grinton lurlnist want and value, but whcrc is its centre? is strll the question, vital though the iocal pub 11,15am St it4ary' s Arkensarthclale St Michael's Downholme I)unng the celebmtions of the Golden mav bc to the community, is it 'the I{ub'? [-ldt1 Contmunion Holy Euclnfist what stnrck rne wa-s that it was not Clr 'should it be the Hub'? Maybe its 2-00pm Kelct Methodis t Ctnunrrtiryt 10.30am Cr-urnerside lv{ethodist Jrrbilee, lust 4.00pm St Marv's lvluker t-he concerts, frr.y dress, qports days and me. Wrat do y'ou think,? Please let us know ! lv[trcic Festiunl - -Sor.F $ Proi;t F nmily kn ica Low Rcxv URC barbe<1ues ttrat were important, but the NE\F Em+il Address 6.30pnr Fremington Sunclay School 11.00am Reelh Cory;regational comirg together of all the people involved. Please note the NEW Email addtess for the Llnitecl Praise und Worslip St Edmunc['s Marske Eurltruist That seemed to make el'erl.thing so worth Editor [email protected] co.uk Gunnersi cle M eth oclis t 11.15am StMarv's Arkengarthdale while. The inte.raction and involvernent of All material please to the George Lundberg, Marske Methoclist Holv Cdninlffiint the peopte is the heart of our cornmunity Editor, Gallows Top, low Row, Richmond, Reeth Congregatjonai 6.30pm Reeth Congregational Interestirrgly there werc only two special DLI I 6PP. TeUfax An48 886505 church services to mark the Jubilee, one at Or leave at Reeth P O marked FAO Editor You wilf receirre a warm d all the churches in the THE GAZETTE TEAM THAAIK YOU F'OR READING AI{D FOR YOUR SUPPORT NREITI E DISLNICT GAZBTIE Page 5 Page + REETH E DISTRICT GAZETIE HAGUE DES'G'" DORANT 4x4 STONEY END GARAGE woRTol{ General Building Gontractor NEWGATE no job too small Tel. 01969 650652 BARNARD CASTLE Plastering & Stone Slate * Ter. 01833 630620 * We offer the foflowing servicesz o7n2 . Upholstery & Furniture repair Roofing Specialist Your Four Wheel Drive Specialist ( Contract E Domestlc ) Tef : 01718 - 884621 otnz In the Dales for: . Small householdrepairs Discovery Honda Isuzu o Light haulage R. &W. GIBSON & SON o Chickly, efflciently and with no fuss Range Rover Subaru For a free quotation contact illKE HAGUE CERAMICWILL 6T FI.IOORTILERS Freelander Daihatsu JAMES PEACOCK SHOWROOMNOVOPEN Mitsubishi Defender Please ring us with your requirements FOR YOUR COAL & Monday - Friday 1 pm - 4.30 pm or visit our web site at Satrrday 10 am - 2 pm SMOKELESS FLIELS www,doronllx4.co.ttk (or by appointment) Approved coal & Fuel merchants At Firby Road, Speedy & reliable deliveries of Gallowfrelds Trading Estate Solid fuels & Oils throughout the LEYBURN I-AUNDRETTE 4SS Swaledale & Arkengarthdale area. DL1O & LINEN HIFIE Tel. 01748 - 822682 (Home) COMMERCTAL SQUARE Tel, 01969 - 650465 .nroz Tel. 01748 - E21909 (Showroom) LEYBUFIN * 'We cover the Dales" R/c Tel. 01969 - 622ffi5 Domqstic/@mmerclal laundry YOUR LOCAL "GAZETTE" Self Service/ SeMce l-aurdrette APRIL to EI\D of OCTOBER The "Gazette' welcomes artides and Collection and Delivery 10am-5pm shon news items written in longhand, AQUATEX CLEAI\ING We offer morning coffee, lunches and afternoon teas. Everything from fresh salads qped, or sent by e:mail. Floppy discs in Kinder to clothes Brighter Colours - Fresher Smell to thick bacon rolls and different lunch Microsoft'Word or Publisher Please. MB LOCAL AGENry AT specials each day! @tttffiu,rkfrntel THE GIFT SHOP - REETH R/C Full facilities for the disabled and child friendly displays. T]PPER WENSLEYDALE & DELICIOUS Homemada calres lnclude our'Gluten fr*' SWALEDALE TRADITIONAL lango - Plus award winning *ymor ice Window Cfeaning & Odd Job SUNDAY LUNCH cnenm including a'diabetic' tange, Services - Competitive Rates The Coppice is situ,ated inside the JOINERY > < PAINTING The Buck Hotel, Reeth O Contract Work ir,, .f; Aysgarth Falls, National Park Tourist Information Centre.
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