INCORPORATING HIGH RONNY' THE DIGITAL NINETIES WHAT'S NEW IN CD PLAYERS? SPECIAL TEST REPORT: ammat.SONY'S DIGITAL PREAMP ALSO TESTED: SANSUI CD PLAYER, JVC RECEIVER PHILIPS COMBI:PLAYER, AND MORE... ZZC) AN 371IASIflOI MNSOL 'Id 1300MMOT13A0069 KVNVII0fla S 2114 06NVr L60A0068 Hog ZEI02 81.60A006914398 ZZO IIDIU-S *********86SZ* 1111 11 Alabama Fresno Bananas Valley Stereo Colorado Georgia Indiana Lenngion Ovation Audio East Lansing Hr Ft Buys Birmingham Likis Audio Glendale Marconi Radio Bouidm Lisle, Up Athens Hi Fi Buys Bloomington Concurs Audio Louisville Sound Gallery I bpiT he Stereo Center Dothan Sight A Sound Hayward Good Guys Colorado SpringsI isten Up Atlanta Atlanta Soundworks Al Wayne Lehman s Maine Grand Rapids Stereo Showcase Huntsville Audio video I as North Hollywood Sound Factor Denver listen Up Manta Hi Fr Buys ,Cotib Pkwy Indianapolis (Mum Audio138th St Ellsworth Sound a Sup Grosse Pointe Pointe Electronics Mobile Fidler Hr Fr Palo Alto Western Audio Imports Grand Junction Sound Company Atlanta HI Fi Buys ,Peachtree rid. Indianapolis Nation Audio 182nd SI Kalarna200 Stereo Showcase Alaska Pasadena Sound Factor Connecticut Atlanta Hi Fr Buys iRostvell Rd Lafayette Pro *Aro Maryland Petoskey Kurtz Sound Redondo Beach Systems Design Group Anchorage Pyramid Audio Kamen] Sounds Incredible Brunswick Sound Advice Muncie Great Sounds Annapolis Midsnmmen Store Saginaw the Court Street listening Room Riverside Speakercraft Fairbanks Horn s Stereo a Strings Croton Leiser Suoershres Macon Stereo WarelatMSe South Bend Audic Seeciatists BaltimoreSoundscace Stevensville Soundwaves Sacramento Good Guys !Wen Way, NMCPOSS Hi Fr Buys Bethesda Prolessional Products Bemeley Honkers Sound Co Inc Danbury Sounds Alive Terre Haute Stereo Crafters traverse City. Kurtz Sound Sacramento Good GuysiStockton Blvd , Berkeley Sounding Board Norwich Leiser Superstores Savannah Audio Wareoouse Valporaiso Auden Junction GaiMersburg Audio Buys West Bloomfield Ind G:amoolione San Diego The Sound Company %CUM Hr Fr Buys Berkeley Good Guys Orange. Sounds Alive Owings Mills Lightning Evperrences San Francisco Good Guys .20th Ave Valdosta Stereo Connection Iowa Minnesota Burlingame kustom Hk Fi Stamford County Audio Ames Stereo S vend Studio San Francisco Good Guys ,Chestnut St Massachusetts Duluth twin Ports Video Center Illinois Auburn Leiser Superstores Arizona San Francisco Good Guys Nan Nessl Delaware Davenport Audio Odyssey Minnetonka Sound Center Carbondale Southern Stereo Trolley Stereo Jerry s Aponte San Jose Century Stereo Wilmington Bryn Mawr Stereo Des Moines Stereo Sound Studio Belmont Rochester Amaigamated Auer° Champagne August Systems Braintree Nantucket Sound Audio Emoonum San Jose Good Guys Blossom Hrlll Iowa City Havikeye Audio Florida Chicago Belmont Electronics Marshalltown Johns Hi F, Framingham lechmere Missouri ' Jerry s Audio San Jose Good Guys .Stevens Creek BM Gainsville Discount Audio tEdwardsl Chicago Martroy Electronics Framingham Natural Sound Cape Girardeau Stereo One San Mateo Century Stereo Slow City Auch visions CalifOrrlia Key West Audio Video Internal anal Chicago. 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Musicraft Inc Weymouth Lechmere Sr Lours Best Sound Tarzana Wildon Audio Video Corte Madera Good Guys iFashion Sparc Palatine Musicrah Inc Overland Park kcent Sound *AM lechmere Ventura Dealers Camera a Hr Fr Overland Park /mho Electronics Montana Daly City Good Guys Orlando The Electronic Shop ,Edda MalliPalos HiltsGill Custom House Woichester ()Coins W Los Angeles Radioactive Sound Salina Del s T v Vdeosat Dublin Good Guys Stuart Word of Sound Rockford Absolute AudIO Sys Helena Stereo SMO I rneryrille Good Guys Walnut Creek Sound Distinction West Palm Beach World of Sound Villa Park Maven Inc Menne Audio Visions Michigan Ann Arbor Hi.Er Buys Kallispeu Audio Visions nano Sound Factor Westminster Audio Today Kentucky Westminster videotek Birmingham The Gramophone Snac-is POWERFUL ISAMAZING FREE CD OFFER ENDS SOON! EXPERIENCE CARVER AMAZING Fill the voucher card out, mail it to us and we'll send you an LOUDSPEAKERS AT AN AUTHORIZED DEALERexclusive Carver/GRP Records CD containing over 41 minutes AND GET A FREE $15 VALUE TEST DISC. of useful test signals. Sine sweeps, broadband pink noise, individ- We wouldn't call our Silver Edition and Platinum ual 1/3rd octave center channel frequencies Edition loudspeakers "amazing" if they weren't. and more. Use them as an aid to room equali- So we're offering a serious induce- zation, to evaluate speakers, cassette decks, ment for you to visit a specially -authorized preamps, power amps and CD players or even Carver dealer today. An inducement to as a test of your own hearing. The disc also share the amazement over this remarkable speaker includes 25 minutes of superbly recorded music by design. GRP Records artists such as Billy Cobham and Lee Ritenour. 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