THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY (Founded 1792) 134th ANNUAL REPORT For the year ending March 31st, 1926 LONDON: PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY AT THE CAREY PRESS 19, Furnival Street, E .C . 4. Telegraphic Address : “ Asiatic, Fleet, LondonT elephone: Holborn S882 (2 lines.) %*** CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTORY NOTE .................................................................... 5 THE MISSIONARY ROLL CALL ... ... ... ... 6 MAPS ............................................................................................................ ... 9-12 PART II. THE SOCIETY : COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS, 1924-25, &c. 13 LIST OF MISSIONARIES .................................................................... 2G STATIONS AND STAFF ................................................................................. 46 STATISTICS AND TABLES .................................................................... 53 PART III. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SOCIETY .......................................... 87 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS ...................87-91 GIFT AND SELF-DENIAL W E E K ....................................................... 92 WOMEN’S FU N D .................................................... 97 MEDICAL FUND .............................................................................................. 98 BIBLE TRANSLATION AND LITERATURE FUND ................ 100 LONDON BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION ............................. 101 ENGLISH COUNTY SUMMARIES ....................................................... 109 WALES : COUNTY SUMMARIES ....................................................... 142 SCOTLAND: COUNTY SUMMARIES .......................................... 159 IRELAND, CHANNEL ISLANDS AND ISLE OF MAN ... 162 SPECIAL FUND S .............................................................................................. 164 SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THREE YEARS ... 166 GENERAL SUMMARY OF CASH ACCOUNT ............................. 167 T R E A S U R E R S ’ C A SH A C C O U N T _ 172 SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS ....................................................... 174 AUDITORS’ CERTIFICATE .................................................................... 176 T H E “ W A N T S ’1 DEPARTMENT AND GIRLS’ AUXILIARY TOTAL CASH STATEMENTS ........................... 177 TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR AT HOME AND A B R O A D ............................. 179 The Baptist Missionary Society 1925-6 THE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR INTRODUCTORY NOTE. T has been customary to include in this Annual Volume an account of the work overseas, compiled from the reports of the missionaries on'* the fields. It has been decided to I omit this feature on this’occasion as lone of the many economies necessary in view of the unprecedented deficit. The Herald for May contained an attractive summary of these reports, and copies are still obtainable on application to theTMission House, while brief reports on the Women’s Work and Medical Work are available in separate form at a small charge. The Indian Mission also issues a report which may be obtained at a charge of one shilling by those who are specially interested in that field. The present volume contains, however, all the other features of the B.M.S. Annual Report’, including the Lists of Home Committees and the Foreign Staff, Statistical tables, and complete financial statements up to March, 1926. The “ Summary of Statistics ” on page 53 gives a large amount of useful information in a convenient form. The year closed with a deficit of £34,500, and at the time of writing, gifts for its removal have amounted to £12,000. W e may add here what could not be said in the Report number of The Herald, that the Special Commission of Enquiry has made certain recom­ mendations which have been adopted by the General Committee with a view to avoiding a recurrence of such a deficit in future. These recommendations include : (1) The reduction of expenditure by £18,000 a year. (2) The increase of income by £18,000 a year. The first resolution will be carried out by the curtailment of expenditure abroad at the rate of £16,000 and at home by £2,000 a year. The missionaries on the field will be asked to consider certain proposals made to them by the Committee by which a saving of £16,000 can be secured, or to suggest others which will bring about 5 6 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 9 2 6 . the reduction recommended. All allowances to missionaries, except grants for children, are to be reduced by five per cent., and the amount thus saved will be credited to the Fund for Widows and Orphans and Retired Missionaries. A t the July meeting of the Committee this arrangement was modified by a resolution that if the deficit should soon be cleared the claim on the Missionary Staff should be withdrawn. At home the reduction will mean readjustments in staffing arrange­ ments, and a very determined effort to effect a saving on current expenses. The Committee, in asking the missionaries and workers on the field to co-operate with them in reducing expenditure, invite the churches to accept the suggestion of the report that they should co­ operate by endeavouring to increase the income of the Society by £18,000. It is obvious that unless this is done the only alternative is the abandonment of some of our work abroad. This is a course which the churches have always refused to contemplate, and we believe that they will once again make it unnecessary. Those who have read the reports, and those who will examine the results as set forth in the tables in this volume, will acknowledge the value of the work which is being done and will bend every effort to place it beyond the reach of danger. To-day, as ever, it is the glory of the Baptist Denomination. THE MISSIONARY ROLL-CALL, 1926. The following new missionaries have been appointed : INDIA. Nurse E. L. Gillings, for Lungleh, Bengal. *Rev. G. E. C. Batten. Rev. L. V. Dickins, B.A. Miss H. Macdonald, M.A., for Delhi. Miss F. Pitman. *Miss M. A. Davies. Miss F. K. Laughlin. Miss J. F. Robb, M.A. *Miss B. Rodger. ♦Miss W . L. Wardley. Miss G H. Newell, M.B., B.S., for Berhampur. Mr. R. W. Thomas, M.B., B.S., D.T.M., for Palwal. CHINA. Mr. Gordon King, F.R.C.S., for Sianfu. Nurse E . S. A. Wheal, for Sianfu. * Sailing delayed for one year. 1926.] THE MISSIONARY ROLL-CALL, 1925. 7 CONGO. Mr. K. W. Todd, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., for Yakusu. Nurso P. Lofts, for Yakusu. The following B.M.S. missionaries have married : Rev. D. S. Wells, of Udayagiri, to Miss D. Milward, of Udayagiri. Rev. J. T. Sidey, of Gaya, to Miss P. E. Harris, B.Sc., of Patna. Rev. H. A. Emmott, of Sinchow, to Nurse W . F. Cropley, of Taiyuanfu. Rev. W . H. Ennals, of Yakusu, to Miss G. Fereday, of Walsall. Rev. W H. Ford, B.A., of Yakusu, to Mile. C. Maurer, of Brussels. The losses by death have been : Miss M. E. Shekleton, at Sianfu, 7th July, 1925. Miss E. A. Ewing, at Almorah, 6th September, 1925. Rev. J. S. Whitewright, at Tsinanfu, 10th January, 1926. Rev. W . K. Landels, at Rome, 18th February, 1926. Miss E. Atkinson, at Calcutta, 23rd March, 1926. Mrs. T. C. Vicary, at Calcutta, 12th May, 1926. The following retired missionaries have passed away during the year : Rev. T. W . Norledge, at Croydon, 7th June, 1925. Mrs. Baylev, at Ipswich, 27th November, 1925. Mrs. George Kerry, at Hornsey, 6th December, 1925. Mrs. J. H. Weeks, at Tooting, 17th January, 1926. Miss E. M. Dyson, at Norwood, 23rd January, 1926. Rev. T. R. Edwards, at Eastwood, 30th May, 1926. The following missionaries have retired from active service during the year: Miss L. Edwards, of India. Miss Edwards was appointed in 1906, and served at Agra until invalided home in 1914. She returned to India in 1920 and worked in Calcutta until her retirement. Rev. S. C. Gordon, of Congo. Mr. Gordon is a Jamaican, educated at Spurgeon’s College, and appointed a B.M.S. missionary on the Congo in 1890. On his retirement he has accepted a pastorate at Sudbury, Jamaica. Rev. F. W . Hale, of India. Mr. Hale has served in North India since his appointment in 1893, first at Agra, later at Palwal, and more recently at Delhi. He and Mrs. Hale have done notable service for the depressed classes. Rev. F. Harmon was appointed in 1887, and with Mrs. Harmon has served for thirty-eight years in Shantung and Shansi. He has done much famine relief work, and has been associated with the late J. S. Whitewright in his work. 8 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT. [1 9 2 6 . Rev. C. H. Harvey, of India. Mr. Harvey joined the staff in 1895, and since 1901 has been Superintendent of the Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta. Under his care the Press has greatly developed. His marriage took place in 1902, and Mrs. Harvey has been engaged in many kinds of missionary service. Rev. R. M. McIntosh, of India. Mr. McIntosh was appointed in 1884, and with his wife has served at several North Indian mission stations. Rev. F. W . Savidge, of India. Mr. Savidge was, with the Rev. J. H. Lorrain, a pioneer of the work in South Lushai. He served among the aboriginal tribes since 1902, and was joined at Lungleh in 1904 b y his wife. Rev. E. C. Smyth, of China. Mr. Smyth joined the Society in 1884, and married in 1891. The missionary career of Mr. and Mrs. Smyth has been spent in Shantung, in latter years at Chowtsun. Rev. A. E. Summers, of India, was appointed in 1908 with his wife. They have served ever since in North Bengal. They are now going into retirement in Australia. Dr. F. V. Thomas, of India, joined the staff in 1894, and served in North India. On the formation of the M.M.A. he was transferred to the Palwal Hospital, where he and his wife have worked ever since. The following missionaries have resigned : Nurse 0 . Dicks, of Lungleh. Miss A. Dryburgh Smith, of Agra. Miss A. Sowerby, of Taiyuanfu. Miss W . N. Potts, of Barisal. Rev, W. Wallace, of Wathen. Miss H. G. Gibbs, B.A., of Delhi. Rev. and Mrs. L. G. Webb, of Chittagong. Rev. and Mrs. F. Beale, of Kibokolo. Rev. and Mrs. P. J.
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