DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22516/25007440.226 Original articles Experience in Ocaña, Norte de Santander, with a Scale for Visualization of the Gastric Mucosa during Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in Patients Medicated with N-acetylcysteine plus Simethicone Henry Alberto Royero G., MD1 1 Internist and Gastroenterologist at Hospital Abstract Emiro Quintero Cañizares in Ocaña, Norte de Santander, International member of the American Introduction: During upper digestive tract endoscopy, visibility of the gastric mucosa can be limited by adhe- Gastroenterological Association (AGA) and the rent mucus and bubbles. Objectives: This is a study of visualization of the gastric mucosa and the number American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of washes needed to clear bubbles and foam from the gastric surface. The modified Kuo scale by Chang was (ASGE). [email protected] used with patients medicated prior to esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Materials and methods: This is a des- criptive and prospective study of 120 patients who were medicated with 400 mg (10cc) of 4% N-acetylcysteine ......................................... plus 133.3 mg (2cc) of simethicone (Dimethylpolysiloxane) and 100 cc of warm water 20 minutes prior to Received: 12-06-17 Accepted: 22-01-18 esophagogastroduodenoscopy from October to December 2016. Data were tabulated in Excel and frequen- cies and percentages were analyzed using the Epi Info statistical package from the Centers for Disease Control version 7.2 for Windows. Statistical significance was considered to be p <0.05. Results: The optimal score for total visibility of four was achieved 57 patients (47.50%). Thirty-six patients (30%) had scores of five points, ten patients (8.33%) had scores of six or seven points, six patients had scores of eight points (5%), and one patient (0.83%) had a score of nine points. There were no scores from 10 to 16. Hundred patients (83,3%) did not need additional washes with water to visualize the gastric mucosa, thirteen patients (10,83%) required less than 50 cc, and seven (5,83%) required more than 50 cc (p = 0.00). Limitations: This study was done by a single observer which could result in detection biases. Also, the sample is small. Conclusions: Administration of a solution of N-acetylcysteine plus Simethicone diluted in 100 cc of warm water prior to upper digestive tract endoscopy provides for optimal visualization of the gastric mucosa in most cases. A smaller volume of water was needed to clear the gastric cavity of mucus and foam. Keywords Premedication, endoscopy, simethicone, N-acetylcysteine. INTRODUCTION may be limited by adherent mucus and bubbles that pre- vent adequate visualization of the gastric mucosa. (2). One Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is sometimes performed strategy to overcome this disadvantage is to use antifoa- to detect early gastric cancer, (1) but this diagnostic tool ming and mucolytic substances. One of these substances © 2018 Asociaciones Colombianas de Gastroenterología, Endoscopia digestiva, Coloproctología y Hepatología 1 is Pronase, a product of culturing streptomyces griseus. It procedure. Endoscopic procedures were performed in serves as the basis for a preparation of digestive and anti- an open access endoscopy unit attached to the local hos- inflammatory enzymes. (3) A review of the effectiveness of pital. Premedication had become part of patient care one Pronase for improving visualization of the gastric mucosa year prior to the study. The study was conducted between has been published recently by Kim, (4) but these bene- October and December 2016. Patients over 15 years of fits are of no use in our environment because Pronase is age who required upper endoscopy on an outpatient basis not available in the Western Hemisphere. A second simi- were included while those excluded consisted of patients lar substance is simethicone (SIM) which is a mixture of with histories of gastrointestinal surgery (because the polydimethylsiloxane and silica gel. It is physiologically cleaning visualization scale could not be applied), pregnant inactive, non-toxic and is not absorbed in the gastrointes- women because of the precaution on prescribing NAC to tinal tract. Its reduces the adhesion force of air bubbles, this group), patients experiencing upper digestive tract does not interact with other medications, and no compli- hemorrhaging as indicated by blood from the gastric cavity, cations due to its use have been reported. (5) Finally, there patients who had not fasted, and patients with known is N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a mucolytic with antioxidant disorders of gastric emptying and allergies to NAC or SIM. and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains a free thiol The study obtained the approval of the ethics committee or sulfhydryl group that breaks the disulfide bond in the of the local hospital, and all participants provided informed mucin monomer to reduce the viscosity of mucus adhering consent. Patients who met the above criteria were included to mucosal surfaces. (6) The properties of these drugs have in the study. Endoscopic procedures were performed by been quantified using several scales for visualization of the a single endoscopist with extensive experience who used gastric mucosa with good results. (4, 7, 8) Pentax i-SCAN endoscopes. Excess secretions were remo- Several guidelines for detection of early gastric cancer ved by aspiration or washing with water through the wor- strongly recommending cleaning the gastric surface of king channel in the segments examined. For the purposes patients who are about to undergo an upper endoscopy. of the study, the following segments were examined: the (9, 10). In Bogotá, two massive campaigns conducted by fornix, upper corpus, lower corpus and antrum. Emura to screen for preneoplastic lesions and early gastric Visualization of the mucosa of each segment examined was cancer used Pronase and polydimethylsiloxane to remove quantified according to a version of Kuo’s scale modified by adherents from the epithelium and dissolve saliva bubbles. Chang (Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4). (8, 13) Each segment obser- (11) This substantially improved visualization of the gas- ved was quantified from 1 to 4 and the sum of the scores of tric mucosa. Another study about endoscopic treatment the four locations was defined as the total gastric mucosal of early gastric cancer by the same author mentioned use visualization score (TGMV). The best score of four was con- of NAC plus SIM prior to submucosal dissection in 53 sidered excellent while sixteen was the worst possible score. patients. (12) Pronase is not available in Colombia, and no In addition, the volume of water required to wash the gastric studies have been reported quantifying the effect of muco- cavity was measured as more or less than 50 cc. lytics and antifoams for cleaning of the gastric mucosa. For these reasons, our objective is to show the results of appli- cation of a visualization scale of the gastric mucosa during the upper endoscopy following premedication of patients with a solution of SIM plus NAC diluted in warm water. We include visualization scores of the gastric mucosa and the volume of water used in washing the gastric surface to remove bubbles and foam. MATERIALS AND METHODS We designed a retrospective descriptive study based on information collected from 120 consecutive patients who had undergone upper endoscopy after being medicated with a solution of 400 mg (10 cc) of 4% NAC, (Fluimucil®, Zambon Laboratory, Bogotá , Colombia) plus 133.3 mg (2 cc) of SIM (polydimethylsiloxane), (Siligas®, Incobra SA laboratory, Barranquilla, Colombia) and 100 cc of Figure 1. Kuo scale modified by Chang. Score: 1 point. Non-adherent warm water twenty minutes prior to performance of the mucus and clear visualization of the gastric mucosa. (8, 13) 2 Rev Colomb Gastroenterol / 33 (1) 2018 Original articles Figure 2. Kuo scale modified by Chang. Score: 2 points. A thin layer of Figure 4. Kuo scale modified by Chang. Score: 4 points A large amount mucus that does not obstruct gastric view. (8, 13) of mucus on the gastric mucosa that required > 50 cc of water for its clearance. (8, 13) The total number of patients with each visibility score of the gastric mucosa were as follows: a score of four (exce- llent): 57 patients (47.50%), five points: 36 (30%), six and seven points: 10 (8.33%), eight points: 6 (5%), and nine points: 1 (0.83%). There were no cases with scores of 10 to 16 (Figure 5). One hundred of the patients (83.3%) who were premedicated did not need additional water washes to visualize the gastric mucosa, thirteen (10.83%) required less than 50 cc of water, and seven (5.83%) t needed more than 50 cc of water (p = 0.00) (Table 1, Figure 6). No overt complications such as aspiration or allergic reactions were observed during the study. Figure 3. Kuo scale modified by Chang. Score: 3 points. A large amount Table 1. Frequencies of total gastric mucosal cleaning scores according of mucus on the gastric mucosa that required <50 cc of water for to age, sex and water washings clearance. (8, 13) Scores for visualization of 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-16 p The data was tabulated in Excel. Then frequencies and the gastric mucosa percentages were calculated using Epi Info CDC (version Sex 7.2 for Windows, United States). For all results, p <0.05 Female 32 24 8 6 4 1 0 0.66 was considered to be statistically significant. Male 25 12 2 4 2 0 0 Age range RESULTS <30 years 11 4 0 1 0 0 0 0.27 31-45 years old 12 12 6 1 1 0 0 Between October and December 2016, 120 patients were 46-60 years 18 10 0 4 2 0 0 included (Table 1). O these, 75 (62.50%) were women and > 61 years old 16 10 4 4 3 1 0 45 (37.50%) were men.
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