dministration Defends Spending by Kishore Jayabalan a press conference on September 11 to unallowable indirect costs, plus some Management and Budget (OMB) Circu­ The University of Michigan offer its side of the story. Walter Harrison, $400,000 as inappropriate, for a total of lar A-21, which designates what is the misallocated $2 million in indirect Gen­ Executive Director of University Rela­ $8.3 million. The U-M did not support proper use of university funds. The re­ eral and Administrative (G&A) expenses, tions, was visibly angered by the Detroit $474,121 of its costs, which left $7.9 mil­ port cites unallowable costs as those that according to a report released September News headline, which he called "a lie ... lion that the HHS-OIG office cited as "did not benefit organized research or 9. Approximately $300,000 of this remains [and) yellow journalism." questionable. provide only incidental benefit to re- in dispute. For fiscal year 1989, the auditors ini­ All guidelines for unallowable and The report, based on the findings of tially questioned $7.9 million as inappropriate costs are under Office of PleilSe See Page 10 auditors sent by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG), was leaked from the Washington, D.C. HHS office. The Coursepack Ruling Costly for Students auditors had started their work in April , .. and completed the audit in August,at by Joe Cole«( sons, and therefore was not covered un­ that disagreed on the fundamental rul­ which point the HHS-OIG sent a report As you hav~. probably noticed, der the doctrine of "fair use." ings that determine whether a document to the U-M. The U-M was then given a coursepack prices have increased this The "fair use" doctrine, the rule of falls under the cover of "fair use." month to respond to the report, and no­ year, even though some coursepacks are thumb by which printers determine Kinko's regional director, Douglas tified that a final report was to be made smaller than they were previously. This whether a particular reprinting requir~., " Kempton, says that the March decision is public in early October. is the result of a U.s. District Court de­ the payment of royalties, is only vaguely actually a blessing. PrevioustY, Kinko's The leak from Washington issued cision last March brought against Kinko' s defined. The idea of the doctrine is that obtained permission for most things but the confidential findings before the U-M Copies by eight publishers. no permission is needed from the pub­ had to make difficult flfair use" determi­ could respond, however. A September In the case Basic Books us. Kinko's lisher if one is only printing small sec­ nations on others. Kempton says the 11 Detroit News headline read: "Audit: Graphics Corporation, Kinko's was found tions of works which are used for educa­ court decision makes things clearer. to U-M Misspent Millions." The ghosts of guilty of copyright infringement by Judge tional reasons. Since the guidelines of the avoid similar problems, Kinko' s now gets the Stanford scandal, where President Constance Baker Motley, who ruled tha t law are not concrete, personal interpreta­ permission for everything it prints and Donald Kennedy was forced to resign, Kinko's was printing coursepacks for tion is required, and in the past, cases will not print anything without receiving were revived. As a result, the U-M held profit-making, and not educational rea- have been overturned by higher courts permission from the publisher. The effects of the ruling will be felt throughout the photocopying industry. 00190n Headlines at Regents' Plaza At present, there are almost as many ...... - . K: _ - - processes for dealing with copyrights as there are copy shops. Kinko's system involves working with some publishers in a "Partners in Education" agreement Please See Page 11 UC299 6 1 Seven Nights at the Nectarine 7 Interview: ," :~t.~}. Erick Anderson 8 iew 16 GEO lead guitarist Corey Dolgon, with supporting vocals by Pattrice Maurer, serenades a standing-room only crowd of Cru,sty's Comer over nine people at a recent rally in Regents Plaza. The concert album should be available at finer music stores soon. ..-----~-. "";- -------,.----~-.- ." " ~ ..... ,,,.-.. ~.""' .... """"" -.. --.. ~,, --.,.- , -- . ,...,............,.. - . " .''''~, ..... '' '''' ' ''''' . ~ -- ,''', '''" ..... ''''',-''''---. ---,---,-...,~"'.-,------------------- 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIE~ September 25, 1991 ~. t'. :~",l.' THE Serpent's Tooth MICHIGAN Moose droppings are the latest rage of notices? tions that the University misspent mil­ the Alaskan tourist industry. Visitors to lions of public dollars with this epigram: REVIEW the great northern state apparently can­ "Our job is to pinch every penny until not get enough of the nuggets. Says Terry "An item in Thursday's [paper] about Abe Lincoln screams." We thought this "We are the Establishment" Boyer, associate professor of wildlifeecol­ the Massachusetts budget crisis made comment to be a bit odd, and concocted ogy at the University of Alaska in referen~ to new taxes that will help put a number of possible interpretations: Fairbanks, "What you get in the feces are Massachusetts 'back in the African­ 1. The U-M is a racist and sexist really fine pieces of undigested vegeta­ American.' The item should have said institu tion. Abe Lincoln, who was a whi te The Campus Affairs tion that produ~ patterns that are sort of 'back in the black,'" read the correction male, has a voice. The oppressed multi­ Journal of the attractive." And they make fine gifts for column of the Fresno Bee, reports the tudes, however, remain silent and voice­ University of Michigan environmentalists. University of Texas' University Review. less. According to our sources, the person who 2. We must awake from the alter.nate Editor-in-Chief... .. .. ...... .. Brian Jendryka made the mistake was pummelled by universe of Abe Lincoln'sdreams, which "In the University undergraduate body fellow staff members until he turned Af­ we call "reality." It's still 1862 and ques­ Executive Editor .......... ... .... Adam DeVore there is probably enough support to sus­ rican-American and blue. tions of research fraud are merely Executive Editor.. ......... .. .............. Jeff Muir tain affirmative action policies, but imaginatory. enough opposition to create tensions as a 3. Mr. Harrison really, really likes Contributing Editor ... Karen S.Brinkman result of such policies," said U-M profes­ The Michigan Student Assembly recently Abe Lincoln. Contributing Editor.... .... .David J. Powell Contributing Editor.... ...... .5tacey Walker sor of sociology Howard Schuman in the began the process of nominating a mem­ ~ 4. No waste occurs on campus be­ University ReaJrd (Sepl9). In other words, ber of the community to serve on an cause the U-M bureaucracy employs lots Publisher........ .. ............. ..... Mark O. Stern if all of us agitators would just shut up interview committee. Onemernbernomi-:: .. of bureaucrats and pays them lots of and let the social engineers manipulate nated Tami Gd<Xistein, from SODC. money to make sure every penny is spent Assistant Editor.... ..... ... Peter Daugavietis us as they please, things would be one RackhamrepresentativeJeffHintenomi: wisely. Tuition increases well above the Assistant Editor........................ Corey Hill heck of a lot better. Sorry Howie, we nated failed MSAvice-presidential can­ rate of inflation are necessary because Assistant Editor.. :........ Kishore Jayabalan won't go for that. Next time maybe you didate, convicted chalker, and MSA tag­ the administration needs to hire more Assistant Editor.............. ........ Jay McNeill should consider whether or not it's the along Todd Ochoa to the position, Presi­ administrators so it can be absolutely r~ f"""'" policies themselves that create the ten­ dent Green asked, "Ms. Goodstein, do certain no administrative waste ocCurs, ' ,,' Music Editor........ ............ .......Chris Peters sion. you have anything to say in support of Uterary Editor.. ................ Adam Gargiola your nomination?" "No," she replied. MTS Editor............................ Doug Thiese ''Mr. Ochoa, do you have anything to say There has been some concern lately that, The Office of Minority Affairs recently in support of your nomination?" "No." well, U-M students are not very sharp Staff placed an ad in the Daily and claimed to he replied." Then Green asked, "Do you dressers. Heck, just last week a Review Chris Bair, Mike Beidler, Andrew be a non-discriminatory, affirmative ac­ have anything to chalk?" editor on the Diagspotted someonewhose Bockelman, Ryan Boeskool, David tion employer. Hardee, har, har, Cmon socks did not match! To curb this disturb­ Boettger, Mister Boffo, Kevin M. Bowen Chris Cloutier, Joe Coletti, Brian Cook, folks, isn't it about time to admit the fact ing trend, the University Activities Cen­ Chris Daniel, Tim Darr, Keith Edwards, that you discriminate on the basisof race? Walter Harrison, the U-M's chief dis­ ter will be spending your tuition dollars Athena Foley, Tony Ghecea, John Or is it just easier to lie and hope nobody penser of propaganda, answered allega- to sponsor aMademoiselle Magazine Fash- Gnodtke, Chris Gutowski, Aaron \ ion Show in October. Hamburger, Mike Hewitt, Nicholas Mr. Boffo by Joe Martin The Bland Appear­ Hoffman, Aaron Hurst, Beth Martin, ance Movement Kirsten McCarrel, Peter Mil>kech, Bud (BAM) has threat­ Muncher, Crusty Muncher, Bill Murley, K~P YOOR 1).\1:: k iND o~ SHIf2T ON ... ened to boycott the Hashim Rahman, Tracey Robinson, -n41\.) & 1 'leu ITS David Rothbout, Camran Shafii, AS5,JW TQY HEI2E event. BAM argues OO!J-rWPN-r SOME:W~. I that fashionable Michael Skinner, Dan Spillane, Jay ij Sprout, Jim Waldecker, Tony Woodlief, IV VEAL clothes dispropor­ wrm AFTER !i Chetly Zarko. A R:)RlY- . !~ tionately affect at­ yEAR WArT tractive people. In Editor-at-Large ___, __ ,__ John J. Miller addition, BAM de­ Editor Emeritus ___._ ..... .Marc Selinger mandsthat UAC .. can~l its show, the ~ ~iJ "·z~ U-M create a gradu­ The Midtigan Reuitw is an independent, non­ ation requirement profit, student-run journal at the University of Michigan.
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