SELECTED ARTICLES OF INTEREST IN RECENT VOLUMES OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK The American Jewish Family Today Steven Martin Cohen 82:136-154 Attitudes of American Jews Toward Israel: EytanGilboa 86:110-125 Trends Over Time The Bitburg Controversy Deborah E. Lipstadt 87:21-37 California Jews: Data from the Field Polls Alan M. Fisher and Curtis K. Tanaka 86:196-218 A Century of Conservative Judaism in the Abraham J. Karp 86:3-61 United States A Century of Jewish History, 1881-1981: Lucy S. Dawidowicz 82:3-98 The View from America The "Civil Judaism" of Communal Leaders Jonathan S. Woocher 81:149-169 Counting Jewish Populations: Methods Paul Ritterband, Barry A. and Problems Kosmin, and Jeffrey Scheckner 88:204-221 The Demographic Consequences of U.S. Jewish U.O. Schmelz and Sergio Population Trends DellaPergola 83:141-187 The Demography of Latin American Jewry U.O. Schmelz and Sergio DellaPergola 85:51-102 The Impact of Feminism on American Jewish Life Sylvia B. Fishman 89:3-62 Israelis in the United States: Motives, Attitudes, and Intentions Dov Elizur 80:53-67 Jewish Education Today Walter I. Ackerman 80:130-148 Jewish Survival: The Demographic Factors U.O. Schmelz 81:61-117 Jews in the United States: Perspectives Sidney Goldstein 81:3-59 from Demography 648 SELECTED ARTICLES OF INTEREST / 649 The Labor Market Status of American Jews: Barry R. Chiswick 85:131-153 Patterns and Determinants Latin American Jewry Today Judith Laikin Elkin 85:3^9 Los Angeles Jewry: A Demographic Portrait Bruce A. Phillips 86:126-195 The National Gallup Polls and American Alan M. Fisher 83:111-126 Jewish Demography New Perspectives in American Jewish Nathan Glazer 87:3-19 Sociology The 1981-1982 National Survey of American Steven Martin Cohen 83:89-110 Jews The Population of Reunited Jerusalem, U.O. Schmelz 87:39-113 1967-1985 Recent Jewish Community Population Studies: Gary A. Tobin and Alvin A Roundup Chenkin 85:154-178 Recent Trends in American Judaism Jack Wertheimer 89:63-162 Reform and Conservative Judaism in Israel: Ephraim Tabory 83:41-61 A Social and Religious Profile Religiosity Patterns in Israel Calvin Goldscheider and Dov Friedlander 83:3-39 The Social Characteristics of the New York Paul Ritterband and Area Jewish Community, 1981 Steven M. Cohen 84:128-161 South African Jewry: A Sociodemographic Sergio DellaPergola and Profile Allie A. Dubb 88:59-140 South African Jews and the Apartheid Crisis Gideon Shimoni 88:3-58 Trends in Jewish Philanthropy Steven Martin Cohen 80:29-51 650 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1990 OBITUARIES Leo Baeck By Max Gruenewald 59:478-82 Jacob Blaustein By John Slawson 72:547-57 Martin Buber By Seymour Siegel 67:37-43 Abraham Cahan By Mendel Osherowitch 53:527-29 Albert Einstein By Jacob Bronowski 58:480-85 Felix Frankfurter By Paul A. Freund 67:31-36 Louis Ginzberg By Louis Finkelstein 56:573-79 Jacob Glatstein By Shmuel Lapin 73:611-17 Sidney Goldmann By Milton R. Konvitz 85:401-03 Hayim Greenberg By Marie Syrkin 56:589-94 Abraham Joshua Heschel By Fritz A. Rothschild 74:533-44 Horace Meyer Kallen By Milton R. Konvitz 75:55-80 Mordecai Kaplan By Ludwig Nadelmann 85:404-11 Herbert H. Lehman By Louis Finkelstein 66:3-20 Judah L. Magnes By James Marshall 51:512-15 Alexander Marx By Abraham S. Halkin 56:580-88 Reinhold Niebuhr By Seymour Siegel 73:605-10 Joseph Proskauer By David Sher 73:618-28 Maurice Samuel By Milton H. Hindus 74:545-53 Leo Strauss By Ralph Lerner 76:91-97 Max Weinreich By Lucy S. Dawidowicz 70:59-68 Chaim Weizmann By Harry Sacher 55:462-69 Stephen S. Wise By Philip S. Bernstein 51:515-18 Harry Austryn Wolfson By Isadore Twersky 76:99-111 Index Abbas, Mohammed Abu al-, 251 Alkallay, Rachel, 318 Abed, Shukri B., 414 Allchild, Charles, 334 Aberbach, David, 332 Allen, Jim, 325 Abrahams, Alfred, 334 Allen, Woody, 258 Abram, Morris, 208, 231, 259, 260, 261, Alliance, David, 331, 334 265, 266, 267 Almagor, Gila, 510 Abramovich, Pavel, 329, 384 Aloni, Shulamit, 463 Abramsky, Harry, 320 Alperin, Aron, 606 Abuhatzeira, Aharon, 85 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 565 Abu Jihad, 233, 248, 324, 486 Alter, Viktor, 392 abu-Lughod, Ibrahim, 247, 446 ALYN—American Society for Handi- Achille Lauro, 251 capped Children in Israel, 570 Adamec, Ladislav, 389 AMC Cancer Research Center, 566 Adhami, Ali, 322 America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Adiv, Assaf, 413 570 Adler, Chaim, 3, 60, 71, 117 America-Israel Friendship League, 570 Adler, Hans Gunther, 334 American Academy for Jewish Re- Affo, Abd al-Nasser al-, 416 search, 539 Afn Shvel, 600 American Associates, Ben-Gurion Uni- versity of the Negev, 571 Agudath Israel of America, 546 American Association for Ethiopian Agudah Women of American-N'Shei Jews, 544 Agudath Israel, 546 American Association of Rabbis, 546 Children's Division—Pirchei American Biblical Encyclopedia Soci- Agudath Israel, 546 ety, 539 Girls' Division-Bnos Agudath Israel, American Committee for Shaare Zedek 546 Hospital in Jerusalem, 571 Young Men's Division—Zeirei American Committee for Shenkar Col- Agudath Israel, 546 lege in Israel, 571 Agudath Israel World Organization, American Committee for Weizmann In- 546 stitute of Science, 571 Ahimeir, O., 106 American Council for Judaism, 535 Akale, Shlomo, 502 American Federation of Jews from Cen- Akzin, Benjamin, 81 tral Europe, 565 Alba, Richard D., 105 American Friends of Alliance Israelite Alderman, Geoffrey, 333 Universelle, 544 Aldoubi, Roman, 430, 431, 432 American Friends of Beth Hatefutsoth, Algemeiner Journal, 600 571 651 652 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1990 American Friends of Ezrath Nashim American Labor ORT, 545 Hospital-Jerusalem, 571 Business and Professional ORT, 545 American Friends of Haifa Maritime National ORT League, 545 Museum, 571 Women's American ORT, 545 American Friends of Haifa University, American Physicians Fellowship for 571 Medicine in Israel, 572 American Friends of Hebrew Univer- American Red Magen David for Israel, sity, 572 572 American Friends of Israel Museum, American Sephardi Federation, 565 572 Americans for Progressive Israel, 573 American Friends of Shalom Hartman Americans for a Safe Israel, 573 Institute, 572 American Society for Jewish Music, 539 American Friends of Tel Aviv Museum, American Society for Protection of Na- 572 ture in Israel, 573 American Friends of Tel Aviv Univer- American Veterans of Israel, 565 sity, 572 American Zionist, 600 American Israeli Lighthouse, 572 American Zionist Federation, 573 American Israelite, 603 American Zionist Youth Foundation, American Israel Public Affairs Commit- 573 tee (AIPAC), 256, 271, 272, 572 Amir, Y., 65 American Jewish Alternatives to Zion- Amit Women, 573, 600 ism, 535 Amital, Yehudah, 462 American Jewish Archives, 550, 603 Ampal—American Israel Corporation, American Jewish Committee, 227, 271, 574 272, 275, 276, 350, 374, 535 Anctil, Pierre, 318 American Jewish Congress, 258, 259, Anda, Torleiv, 488 272, 276, 536 Andersson, Sten, 453, 455, 488 American Jewish Correctional Chap- Andreevna, Nina, 383 lains Association, 567 Andreotti, Giulio, 346, 347 American Jewish Historical Society, 539 Andriko, Miklos, 490 American Jewish History, 599 Angelico, Irene, 317 American Jewish Joint Distribution Anne Frank Foundation, 342, 343 Committee, JDC, 544 Annenberg Research Institute, 546 American Jewish League for Israel, 572 Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 213, American Jewish Periodical Center, 550 214, 215, 218, 223, 262, 272, 536 American Jewish Philanthropic Fund, Appelfeld, Aharon, 333 544 Arad, Moshe, 208, 224, 231, 471 American Jewish Press Association, 539 Arad, Nili, 412 American Jewish Public Relations Soci- Arafat, Yasir, 209, 228, 247, 249, 250, ety, 580 251, 252, 261, 262, 328, 346, 394, American Jewish Society for Service, 401, 406, 437, 441, 450, 451, 452, 567 453, 454, 455, 456, 461, 463, 464, American Jewish Times Outlook, 603 473, 480, 487 American Jewish World, 599 Archer, Peter, 326 American Jewish Year Book, 600 Arens, Moshe, 241, 246, 447, 459, 471, American ORT Federation, 544 476, 477, 485 American and European Friends of Argentina, 491, 523 ORT, 544 Arian, Asher, 86, 479 INDEX / 653 Arieli, Yehoshua, 413 Awad, Mubarak, 212, 233, 417, 418 Arizona Post, 597 Ayed, Muhammad al-, 425 Armacost, Michael, 486 Aronson, David, 606 Bachi, Roberto, 3, 4, 51, 60 Arouri, Ribhi, 413 Bacon, Josephine, 332 Aryan Nations, 214, 307 Bahbout, Mino, 354 ARZA—Association of Reform Zion- Baker, Mark, 400 ists of America, 574 Baker, Zachary, 318 Ashkenazy, Ruth, 320 Bakr, Mustafa Abu, 426 Asofsky, Isaac L., 606 Baldwin, James, 223 Aspler Baila, 319 Ball, George, 272 Assad, Hafez al-, 238, 239, 240, 447 Baltimore Hebrew University, 547 Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Bernard Manekin School of Under- 419, 423, 439 graduate Studies, 547 Association for Jewish Studies, 547 Perggy Meyerhoff Pearlstone School Association for Social Scientific Study of of Graduate Studies, 547 Jewry, 539 Baltimore Institute for Jewish Com- Association of Hillel/Jewish Campus munal Service, 547 Professionals, 547 Baltimore Jewish Times, 268, 599 Association of Jewish Book Publishers, Bangemann, Martin, 356 540 Banks, Lynne Reid, 333 Association of Jewish Center Profes- Barak, Aharon, 413 sionals, 536 Barak, Ehud, 231, 476, 478 Association of Jewish Community Or- Baram, Uzi, 458, 473, 474 ganization Personnel, 567 Bar-Ilan University in Israel, 574 Association of Jewish Community Rela- Bar-Joseph, Uri, 332 tions Workers, 536 Barkoff, Edward, 320 Association of Jewish Family and Chil- Bar Lev, Haim, 231, 476, 477 dren's Agencies, 567 Baron de Hirsch Fund, 567 Association of Jewish
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