ECHNICIAN of NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE Grits To Pounds o... NoTotal 3942,ooo Honored By Egineering Fraternity At N. C. State College Rush Wool: Terminates Textile Foundation With 104 Men Pledgod Leads With $704,000 0 Gifts to; North Carolina State College foundations now total Pi Kappa Alpha leads' $942,000 it was announced Wednes- Caurse In Industrial State Begins 57th day by R. D. Beam, Director of With 31 New Members State College Foundations. The foundations at State College serve As a result of a week’s feverish Statistics Started Year In Educating in a very important capacity since rushing, followed by a five day A total of 22 executives, repre- they make it possible for the var- silent 'penod 104 freshmen became senting several of the giant indus- Future Businessmen ious schools and the college to make pledges of eight Greek-letter social tries of the United States and improvements through the gifts of fraternities on the campus, the Canada, have registered for an in- "mum-s WW.“ Jars-ow" D.M.Mstusew‘ JuarlM.Meansl.W.lasaell,Jr. 305011th Without missing a step in its of Student’s office announced vast academic and research pro- alumni and organizations which Dean tensive 10-day course on Industrial The N. C. State College Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma, M. Adams of Winston-Salem; Robert W. Kelly of grams, State College celebratcd the hold an interest in State College. yesterday. Statistics and Quality Control honorary mechanical engineering fraternity, recently Merrick,N..Y; Jerome Weyne of Raleigh, formerly 56th anniversary of its founding A breakdown of the assets and The number; of men to pledge which will be held at State College electedto'lts membershi seven to -ranking_ students. of Bixschoote, Belgium; D. M. Matusow of New the objectives of the various foun- this year represents slightly less beginning on Wednesday, it was These students wereta en into t e organization on York City Joseph8“M. Monroe of Hamlet; R. W. last week and heard six disting- dations is given as follows: than double that of last year, when announced recently by Paul Peach, the basis of their scholastic and leadership attain- Russell, Jr., of High Point; and Robert E. Wooten uished speakers laud its contribu- The North Carolina State College only 57 men accepted invitations to the college’s industrial statistician. ments. The new members (shown above) are Horace of Raleigh. tions to education, scientific pro- Foundation pledge after the ’44 Rush Week. The course, which has attracted ress, social advancement, the ag- Assets' of the North Carolina During the rushing period, each the greatest interest from the ricultural and industrial develop- State College Foundation now total fraternity entertained extensively Great Lakes area, is expected to ment of North Carolina, and to the $68,000. This foundation is incor- with parties and dances. draw additional industrialists from Chance For Students Girl Awarded 4-Year promotion of technology in the porated under the laws of North The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity North Carolina and the South this South and nation. Carolina, and is empoWered to re- led the field with the largest num- week before classes get underway. To Earn Cash Prizes lextile Scholarship The speakers, all of whom ceive, hold, and administer gifts and ber of pledges, having secured 31 Many industries, intent on getting praised the record of achievements donations for the objects and pur- men. The SPE's- were second with their processes reconverted from ‘ C. E. Palmer, Southwest Arkans- Betty Jane Abernethy of Forest of the faculty, students, and alum- poses outlined below. 16, and the Sigma Chi’s and Sigma war-time tasks to peacetime pro- as newspaper publisher, announced City has been selected to receive ni, told of the progress made by The membership of fourteen Di- Pi’s each got 15. duction, have signified their inter- recently that he was making $100, the first four-year scholarship pro- the technological institutions of the rectors of the Foundation is com- Seventeen out-of-state men ac- est in the course which is designed 000 available for the establishment vided by the Abraham and Charles nation, such as State College, to posed, of the President of the Uni- cepted their bids. New York led all to provide statistical techniques to of the Palmer Foundation which Erlanger Textile Scholarships and the firm establishment of both ag- versity of North Carolina, the Dean the states with 6. Virginia was sec- spur reconversion, Peace explained. will have as its paramount objective began her academic studies at riculture and industry as precise of Administration of State College, ond with 5. Three South American Late developments and methods the promotion among the people of State College at the beginning of technology rather than depend as four trustees of the University of men pledged fraternities. Florida, in the field of statistics, which an attitude of fairness and unself- the present school year, it was an- did the farmers and business men North Carolina, and eight alumni South Carolina, and Georgia had have been held under tight military ishness in personal a n d p u b l'1 c nounced recently by Dean Malcolm of a generation ago upon almanac or former students of State Col~ one boy each to pledge. censorship until recently, will be affairs. E. Campbell, head of the School of platitudes. The addresses also por- lege. The directors serve without The following is a complete list included in the State College H. W. Stilwell, superintendent of Textiles at State College. trayed the values of the utilization compensation. of al lnew pledges and last year’s course, Peace stated. Many devices Texarkana, Texas schools, has been Miss Aberncthy, daughter of Mr. of scientific knowledge gained from The purposes for which the State pledges who were re-pledged at the will probably be revealed for the appointed president of the Founda- and Mrs. Albert D. Abernathy, was State College to the elevation of College Foundation has been beginning of the year: first time at the local meeting, and tion. chosen to receive the scholarship, the living standards of the people formed are benevolent and educa- Alpha Lambda Tau thus. an attempt is being made to It is Mr. Palmer's idea that the valued at $1,600, from all of the of the State. tional. All income, other than that N. A. Price, Rocky Mount, N. C. offer aid in stepping up efiiciency, work of the Foundation be carried competing children of employees of Messages were delivered by John needed for operating expenses,, Delta Sigma Phi reducing wastes of production, en- on through the public Schools, but four textile enterprises in North W. Clark of Greensboro, a prom- shall be used to foster the welfare, G. S. Benson, Reistertown, Md.; hancing the quality of the prod- it would not be limited to the Carolina operated by the Erlanger inent textile industrialist and news- promote the progress, and increase R. W. Boling, Henderson, N. C.; ucts, and'1n providing modern tests schools if other effective media were a? 6.6lacunae/(e family of New York. paper executive, who made the the usefulness of North Carolina R. J. Carr, Godwin, N. C.; W. H. and inspection methods, Peach found. The families of the late Abraham main address; Cedric Foster, noted State College. In fulfilling these Cashion, Statesville, N. C.; J. C. added. A plan procedure has not been and Charles Erlanger recently es- news analyst of the Mutual Broad- objectives the foundation will at- Cowart, Newport, N. C.; J. E. A special staff of instructors, adopted, and the first project of the New Head Of E. E. tablished a trust fund in an amount casting System and the Yankee tempt to provide financial assist- Deas, Canton, N. C.; C. B. Elks, selected because of their close con- Foundation will be award of cash sufficient to permanently maintain Network; Josephus Daniels, editor ance to students, to enlarge the Washington, N. C.; T. M. Haislip, tact with industry, will include prizes for the most meritorious Department Named four $400 scholarships at State Col- of The News and Observer and one educational mission of the College Oak City, N. C.; H. V. Rhodes, Dr. W. Edwards Deming of Wash- suggestions as to how the work lege each year in commemoration of of the founders of State College; in teaching and in research, to en- Norfolk, Va.; K. A. Sherrill, ington, D. C., an authority of the should be carried out. The Founda- Dr. Cornelius G. Brennecke of their father and uncle who were Dr. Frank P. Graham, president of rich the students' opportunities for Mooresville, N. C.; D. W. Stewart, Bureau of the Budget; Dr. Ralph tion will award a $1000 cash prize Bethlehem, Penn., former associate among the nation’s textile leaders. the Greater University of North both teaming and recreation, by Durham, N. C.; A. W. Wilson, Hefner of Atlanta, Ga., professor for the suggestion deemed most professor of electrical engineering Any son or daughter of an em- Carolina; and Col. John W. Harrel- providing concerts, educational Hillsboro, N. C. of mathematics at the Georgia worthy, and $500 for the next pro- at Lehigh University, has assumed ployec of the Erlanger Mills, Inc., son, chancellor of State College. demonstrations, lectures, and the Pi Kappa Alpha , School of Technology; and Fred- posal. his duties as head of the Depart- in Lexington, the North Carolina Clark, who is president of the like, and to contribute toward Herbert L., Benton, Lynchburg, erick Mosteller of Princeton Uni- Specifically, suggestions should ment of Electrical Engineering at Finishing Co. in Salisbury, the College’s General Alumni Associa- permanent improvements of the Va.; Robert L.
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