Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Armenian Action Pennit No. 262 Fresno, CA. The Newspaper of CSU, Fresno Armenian Students Organization & Armenian Studies Program Fresno, Ca 93740 15th Year Anniversary: 1978179-1993194 November 1993 Vol. 15, No.2 (46) Supplement to The Daily Collegian rt gives genocide new angle larities of. the two cases. The third By Nina Momjian major part will be the common fea­ Staff Writer - tures of both genocides and the fourth part will be some conclud­ Dr. V ahakn Dadrian, an expert ing analytical remarks. on genocide and victimology ,spoke I would like to think that the to more than 250 students at CSUF genocide. is essentially a problem on Nov: 4. of intergroup conflict. Without The lecture was co-sponsored conflict there can be no genocide, by the Armenian Studies Program, so we h~ve to assume the presence Armenian Students Organization, of a conflict, that is there is a his­ and the National Association for tory of conflict between two groups: Armenian Studies and Research. the perpetrator group and the vic­ Dadrian delivered a speech en­ tim group. titled "Emerging research in Eu­ The second common element in rope and the near east on the Turk- the definition of genocide is the disparity, the critical dispapty .of power relations between the perpe­ " ... genocide is trator group and the victim group. Unless, the power relations are criti­ defined as a cally and substantially discrepant, so no perpetrator group may extend crime against the idea of vi~timization from geno­ cide. So power relations, specifi­ humanity.'' cally disparate power relations are -Dr. Vahakn critical for any definition of geno­ cide and finally I should think that Dadrian the third critical element in the defi­ nition of genocide is that the more powerful group seeks to resolve the ish Genocide of the Armenians." conflict by resorting to what I con· The following is an excerpt from sider little violence. ·the first part of his speech: We know the victims of geno­ "First of all I would like to make cides tend _to immunize themselves some introductory remarks about to the extent that they become to the topic and problems of analysis. water of Lake Sevan ai the some extent oblivious to the prob ~e second part will be about com- hydroeleetrlc.p<)wer plant be­ Matt Soby/Special to Hye Sharzhoom . mon features of the Armenian and cause both facilities already Jewish Genocide or rather dis simi- See Dadrian, Page 4 Dr. Vahakn Dadrian; expert on genocide and victimology eXist, Both $0UTCes of ~Jietgy ca,n J?Q~enti~Uy: p~s~n~ disa.s­ tioli$· effeets ;iJ{:Ar'irl~nit'· · " Medzanior w.~-s closed · Fonner congressman bashes Annenian struggles down after the . !'988 earth­ best to the political and military Moody strongly supported can Society), h~ has said, "Call quake of Atm;e~A .and hasn~t By·Lara Simonian agendas of the United States. AzerbaijaJ?. .in crushing the drive Congressman Moody's office now reopen~ ~incefor ~a;fety r~­ Staff Writer Much has been written over the for self-determination by Nagorno­ to arrange your (Turkish) fundraiser Productipti ·bf .h.ydro- $0ns. ·· years criticizing the fact that, as Karabagh, whom he called ''the at (202) 225-3571 and speak with . el~tricity · frofli - th~ ~~tet:_S of "Armenians living in Armenia," one· source wrote, "The American aggressors." He then foll<nved his assistant Marcus." · '·Lake Sevan . w~ - S~qpp~& · in or America, "are not interested in government has unexcusably ca­ through by actively opposing leg­ Moody freely used his position ·... the early i98oS~liec~useofffie · ~ .< ,. ' - •'· • <. .... • ,. <~ :f$ ' tered to the threats and demands of islation which would gave imposed in Congress to raise money for and "e:tivironmen;. dredging up and pursuing the old decrea8ing the Turkish government instead of restrictions on aid to Azerbaijan ... Turkish issues, and built Turkish d~gerous · wat~t ·levels controversies between Armenians ·tiilly following in its pursuit of the truth." Moody has, however, supported support for himself by taking credit of the l~e. · · and Turks over allegations of geno­ To the Armenian people, Jim economic and .military aid to Tur­ for defeating all pro-Armenian leg­ MedzamorNucleat Power cide from seventy-five years ago." , ;.;,: .·• .• Those imni.ortal words spoken Moody, a symbol of this unbeliev­ key, despite their "dismal human islation, while endorsing all pro­ Plant was. deSigned in' the late able neglect, is once again " ... put­ rights record." He has opposed all Turkish issues in Congress. 60s andopened:fn the rnia70s by, the now former House Repre­ ting the Armenian-American barriers again~t Turkey and has pub­ In a short summary, Moody h1S in a suburb sentative, Jim M9ody in 1990, ·outside.Yerevan. people to the test to see how far lished articles stating so. denied history by opposing impor­ Sin.ce its o~fu:ng the -powet .· earned him a defeat in his attempts at running for the position of a U.S. people can be pushed." For example: In aletterin 1987, tantArmenian legislations such as: plant has be_en s!lfrounded by Senator in 1992. Jim Moody, the former US Rep­ he opposed the issue on whether TheHJResolution 192in 1985, the housing proj~ts>'and teslden- tfat areas. · For Armenian-Americans, truth resentative (D-WI), has openly held the Armenian genocide should be HJ Resolution 132 in 1987, and anti-Armenian views in govern­ taught in schools; in 1990, he criti­ most recently, the SJ Resolu~ion the. earth­ and justice has been denied for al­ After di$astrous ment, and actively participated in cized Armenian lobbyists in Wash­ 212 in 1990. quak~in 1~88 -~edzamorwils most eighty years. For those eight decades, defeating any ,legislation which ington, and in articles printed in In all instances he fought against acknowledgement of the Armenian would have helped the Armenian VISION issue #1 (The publication genocide of 1915, was put second people. For example .. of the Federation of Turkish Ameri- See Moody, Page 3 2-0pinion Hye Sharzhoom November 1993 Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, I think that this anniversary issue and teachers: should cause one to reflect on what With great pleasure and sur- has ~ontributed to Hye Sharzhoo 's • Miss. Tamara Shakarian prise I found in The Daily Colle- . success and its maturity since vol.1, __ AHagobian St. No. 1 Apt. 104 gian dated October 25, 1993, No.1. Although being a new and Yerevan 375033 your newspaper titled Hye somewhatregularreaderofthe Hye Republic. of Armenia Sharzhoom. I felt ·very proud Sharzhoom, I feel confident in say­ She i~O years old, pretty, an archi­ about the Armenian society in ing that it is continually growing in tect a~1tknows 3languages: Ar­ CSU Fresno since in a way it also it& relevance and substance of mate­ menian, Russian and English. represents part of our culture. rial, in the eyes of the Armenian and Coming from a small Greek is- non-Armenian readers. • Mr. Ortiom Shakarian (her land on the east side of the Medi- · I believe that publications, simi­ brother) terranean Sea, Cyprus, I feel lartotheHyeSharzhoom,aretempted :He is 27 ye<l!s old with high educa­ closely related to the Arinenian tocompromisethemselveswhenthey tion. culture, as both cultures have al- become solely an entertainment me­ ways had and still have problems dium rather than a source of relevant • Krikor Meskarian with the Turks. Cyprus was in- information to the readers. Such Leningradien St. No.30 Apt.30 vaded by the Turks in 1974 and newsworthyarticlesnotonlyincrease Yerevan 375038 38%· of our homeland has been thecred.ibilityoftheHyeSharzhoom, Republic of Armenia occupied since then, through the they also stimulate the reader to en- . He wants to correspond in English forces of guns. ter into silent dialogue concerning with a young girl between 19 and Nevertheless, I was very sur- the issue raised. This is just what we 25 years old. High education, km;>ws prised to see that throughout your need, more people that think and 4 languages, and is a 26 year old newspaper there was not even a have convictions based upon well Armenian. single article talking about the thought out facts, rather than flimsy Armenian Genocide in 1915; I opinionsbasedonnon-factandemo­ • Emma Pajoyan ~ Nor Zeitoun, 2nd St. House No.32 · · · feel this is one of the most cruel · tional trivia. I am confident that this and inhumane events that took level of professionalism to promote Yerevan 375038 place in modern ·history and defi- relevance will continue to rise in the Republic of Armenia She writes in 3 languages:. Arme­ nitely marked with grief the Ar- coming years. menian population. As .a short note, I am also excited nian, English, and Russian. I strongly believe that you to see non-Armenians writers con­ should reconsider your target tributing. I feel that these observa­ • Samuel Abrahamian readers. I also feel that you should tions allow Armenians to see some A 36 year old geologist who wants aim in approaching people that of the things we often miss because to correspond in English with a have no idea about.the Armenian of our inability.. _to step outside our young lady between 20-35 years history so that more people will own ethnicity and heritage. It adds a old. become familiar with the Anne- special flavor that I feel is very ap­ nians and their culture. Finally, I pealing to the Hye Sharzhoom. Prof. Shahen Hamandjian Yerevan, Armenia think that.this paper should not be Once again, congratulations on exclusively published for the Ar- your fifteenth anniversary. I look Editor's note: Forfurtherinfor- menians and the people who are forward to many more years of qual­ mation write to: .
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