BROWNLEE'S INDEXED RAILWAY AND GUIDE maR 01 manitoba --+----- PUBUSHED tlQcQ¥vY OF THE PROVI4I.@~MENT. ----- A COMPLETE ENCYCLOPJEDIA -OF-- THE PRAIRIE PROVINCE. -- -+ --- +- ----. PUBLIEHED BY J. H. BROWNLEE, BRANDON, MAN., NORTH\\ .. " 1 AhEN 1 FOk "The Dominion Illustrated." II IN-~ENDING SETTLERS In Manitoba and the Northwest Territories will find it to their advantage to call at the Northwest head office of the Massey Man­ ufacturing Co., Market Square; Winnipeg, or at their permanent local offices through­ out the country, where they will in a few hours gain more reliable information about the surrounding district' than they could learn in weeks by ordinary methods. Wherever you Pitch your Tent Look up the Massey Agent. He can tell you all about the settlers, the kind of soil, wood, water, proximity to schools and churches, the average price of land per acre, where the Free Grant Government Lands Are located, the average price of horses, Oxen, Cows, Lumber, &c., &c., and If you don't like his Plows, Harrows, Seeders, Drills, Wagons, Mowers. Horse Rakes, Self Binding Harvesters, &c., profit by his experience. SEE THE BACK COYER. {jr.2J" Cons u I r your' fl'iencls ca nnot get this CUIDE supply it by rnail on ,'eceipt or ~5 <·ts. nevvs dealers, the Publisher vvill 1. H . BROWNLEE, Brandon, Man. The Glory of a Man is his Strength 1l'he Great Strength Giver It is· not a Illere Extract or Meat, but contai"ns all the nutritious and life giving eleIllents of Meat. ., '" I A PERFECT FOOD FOR THE SICK. L " A WARMING AND NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE. A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR. I MANITOBA ADVERTISEMENTS. Hudson's Bay' Company WINNIPEG, Portage la Prairie, Kamloops, B. C., Fort Qu'Appelle. Yale, B.C., Calgary, Victoria, B.C., Fort McLeod, Morden, Deloraine, Manitou. The Company beg to call the attention of the travelling public and intendinl: settlers to their t CENERAL STORES I Established at the above points on the Canadian Pacific Railway. All these stores are supplied with A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. The quality of all articles, as also the prices, will be found eminently satisfactory, and patronage is solicited. BUDSON'S lAY COMPA IY INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. ------..-..~ MANITOBA. -\.[I\"1':R 1'1"1"", \1.01.1'''- T. n. Hrownlf'c .Page 2 ALl.OWAY.'\: CllA:\II'r,,~:- Banker,;;, \\·inllipq~. " 8 CANADIAN PAl lFle R.\lL\\"AY-- L:wd 1)<:\,1.- \\"irlflipeg. 27 CLARENDON H'lr'l., Winnipeg. 10 EIIIFR..," ...· & .\I( NFIL, Brandon.. .. 16 HF:,jJ}<.!, ... nn· ... P'Jf_h:ET GAZETEER, \\,innipeJ,!;. " 28 H'II'E.'\: C().--Tentc., dc., Winnipeg. 8 Hl'Lo~(J"'" gAY C".,\\'irlllipe~ ....... .. 27 hll'ERJAI. llAl"K OF CA:\Al!A, Winnipeg. 29 KEf LV, T. E., Livery, I~ranuon. " 16 LA:--:(;HA:\! H')II·L.llr:lIldnn. .., ....... 10 \fA ....... EY :\I'F'~, (")' -Implement..; .Outside Back Con;r .\1 """icY \I'~ \; C".-- HInt .. to Settlet.... Inside Front COH:r \IA"II'-'1'.,\ 1,,".:\1,.., [,(1R ~.\1.E-P. S. :-;tevenson, \1<>ntn:al.Page 14 ,\1.\'<1 r,>lI,\ LOA;': Cn.\!I'Al"Y<; . ..... ... ...... , •.10 Xlo!{TJJJ'"'' PAllJ-JL A~I) .\IANITC'IlA RAILWAY.. .. 7'\nR rJ!J f..:N PACIFIC Rv.. 6 PLAxri'~', C. & \\'" Furn;:lce", \Vinnipeg....... ... ..... 29 SUN LIFE INSURA:-;'. E Co.-Tho"". (iilruy, Mgr., \Vinnipeg. " 24 WHITLA, R. J. & Co.,-\\·h"le .... ale Hr)' (~ood~, \Vinnipeg. \VINNII'EG DISTRICT J\IAI'-R. E. Yuung, n.L.~. \Vr.:STERN HOTEL, Carberry-To Huckell, Prop. 10 \VII c;nN &. SMYTH, Furniture, Brandon. 19 MONTREAL. BE:-;:-':\", l\hU'1I1:1~"()N & Co.-\Vholesale Hardware.. "18 bALMOI~A'- H"TEL-S. Y. Woodruff, Mgr .. From C. P. R. Map Bl'RLAND LITHOGRAPHING Co.. .................. PaJ!:e:2o CAl'ADA BANK NOTE Co. ... Back of Manitoba Map DOMINION IU.VSTRATED, THE-G. E. De~barat!>, hfgr. Back of Manitoba Map EDISON SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING Page 22 and Back of hlanitoba Map GOLDIE & MCCULLOCH-Safes (Montreal Agency) Hack of Manitoba Map JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF-The Great Strength Giver Back of C. P. R. Map L\',\lA~, KNOX &: Co.-· \Vholesale Druggists Back of Manitoba Map MORin ... , A. W., & Co.-Binder Twine.. Back of Manitoba Map l\IALlNT\"RE IllT:-.'L"A:-' S., '\letal Broker.,. Page 13 PFt-K, n~ '.' \" 8.:. ('u.-Y\ail~, etc.... " 24 St':". LIFT' I:". .... l·k.A~;u·_C".. ... " 24 TEES & Co.-Desks, Revolying Book Cases, etc. Hack of Manitoba Map THE \VILLtAM JOHNSTOK Co.-Prepared Paints Back of Manitoba Map OTTAWA. AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR C,)... , Hack of Manitoba Ma'p HARRIS &.: (',\:'II'IIELL---Art Flllniture . Page 26 MASON &.: ].J'.;"-,>-Printers" " 30 INDEX: -TO- BROWNLEE'S MAP OF MANI1~OBA CITIES, TOWNS, POST OFFICES AND MUNICIPALITIES ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. Towns, etc., ................. pages 5,7,9, II and 13 Municipalities................ .. 15,17,19,21and23 Homestead Regulations ...................... page 25 Government Land Offices and Addresses. ..... .. 27 NOTE.-The LETTERS after the names cor­ respond to those in the outer borders of the Map and indicate the square or township in which the name wIll be found. The names in large capitals are the more im­ portant grain centres in the Province. Those in italics are Railway Stations. ABBREVIATIONS. C. P. R.-Canadian Pacific Ry. M. & N. W.-Manitoba & North Western Ry. e. N. W. C.-Great Northwest Central Ry. N. P. &. M.-Norther Pacific & Manitoba Ry. S. & W.-Saskatchewan & Western Ry. H. B.-Hudson Bay Ry. USE JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF The Great Strenl'th Giver. 2 ~L\XITOBA ADVERTISEMEXTS. THE VACANT LANDS AROUND WINNIPEG. Intending purchasers and absentee owners requiring re­ liable information about the VACANT LA"ns should purchase YOUNC & BROWNLEE'S WINNIPEG DISTRICT MAP, In neat Cloth Cover, Price $1.00• .\[)DRFSS R. E. YOUNG, D.L.S., WINNIPEC. MAN. fO ADV~RfIS~RS_ The publisher of this Guide is prepared to furnish close estimates for SHEET MAPS for any Province in or part of the DOMINION OF CANADA. J. H. BROWNLEE, D.L.S. BRANDON, MAN. I;I;DEX TO MAP OF ~IA;I;ITOllA. A. Bridge Cl'uk, M.& N.W.............. N n Assessippi ........... B f Blake ............... R n Auelpha ............ K bl Be~ver Creek .. '...... T q Ardpatrick . .. .. A b Bagol, C.P.R ........ U r Arrow River ......... D P Beaconsfield ......... U w Aikenside ........... L q BII",sid., C.P.R..... V r ArrO'wl01l, G.~.\Y.C.E 0 Bamsley, c.P.R. br .. Z v Aweme.. .... .. N u Bonnie DOOD ••.••.•• Al 0 Alcester ............. K Y Bhunenort. .......... B' b' .//exander, C. P. R .... I s !laic St. Paul. ....... B' q Irdm, lI1.&N.\\'.. P n Blythfleld . : ... Ct 11 Austin, C.P.R... .S r Balmoral. ...... E' n Almassippi . X w BergClt, C.P. H...... EL r Ash Creek. .. P x BONIFACE, S7:, Assiniboine .......... \" q C.P.R... F'r Archibald. ........ \. z Birti's Hi/!, C. P. R. G' r Argyle... ........ 00 Beausejour. C.P.R ... J' p Agathc, St .. ..... E' \" Brokenheau . K' 0 Aubigner ............ E' w Broquerie, La. K I W A1'naud,br'nchC.P.R.Fl z Balsam Bay ......... J' I Anne, St ............ P u Beaver Rapids. A 11\ Andrews, St. ........ F' q Alphonse, St ........ R x c . .\rnes. .......... Gt h Castlea\"ery. .. ... A Crewe .............. B B. Carlingville .......... E P Butterfield..... ..\ b, Clmmah, G.N.\Y.C. .. F 0 Balmerino ........... B k Cadurcis.... .. .... K n Binscarth Farm ...... B Carrolton............ K \" BINSCARTH, 111.& Chaler, C.P.P ....... L s N.W. Ry. Junc .... ll Clan William ........ Mm Belleview ........... E v Creeford ............ M p Belilah, G.N.W.C .... D n Craigilea ............ O x BIRTLE, M.&N.\\'.D I CA R TWRIGHT, BOISSEVAIN, br'cn C.P.R. branch ..... P a' C.P.R ............ J z CARBERRY,C.P.R.P s Basswood........ .... K n CLEARWATER, BRANDON, C.P.R. C.P.R. branch ..... R a' & G.N.W.C. ...... K s CRYSTAL CITY, Brandon Hills ....... L t C.P.R. branch ..... R a' Brookdale .......... N q CYPRESS RIVER, Bradwardine ......... G q C.P.R. branch ..... R v Brierwood .......... G r Camille ............. S u Burnbank ............ C p Calf Mountain ....... \Ya' USE JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF The Great StrenE'tla Giver. 4 MANITOBA ADVERTISElIIENTS. NorthBrn Pacific &Manitoba RAILWAY. The only Daily Line running TBROUGH VESTIBULED TRBllS Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars -FROM- WINNIPEG TO THE SOUTH. THROUGH TICKETS -SOLD- TO ALL POINTS IN CANADA, Including British Columbia and the United States, making close connection at all Union Depots. All Baggage destined for points in Canada checked through, doing away with Customs troubles. OCEAN PASSAGE AND BERTHS SECURED To AND FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND EUROPE. AU First-Class Steamship Lines represented. Round TriD Excursion Tickets to the Pacific Goast, GOOD FOR SIX MONTHS. For full information, call on or write to any of the Company's Agents. H. J. BELCH, City Ticket Agent, 285 Main St., Wpg. HERBE~T SWINFORD, General Agent, 457 Main St., Winnipeg. J. M. GRAHAM, Gen'l Manager. INDEX TO MAP OF l\lANITO:8A-ColI. Clarkleigh ........... Y k Fort Ellice, H. B. Post.B m CampbeIlville ........ Y w Fox Warren, M.& CARMAN .......... Y w N.VI' ............. C k Charles, St. ......... E' s Florenta ............ Q m Clandeboye .......... G' n Fairburn ........... K z Chortitz ............ H'v Fortier .............. AI r Cook's Creek ........ H' q Foxton .............. E'm Clearsprings ......... 1' v Fran90is Xavier, St... C' r D. G. DARLINGFORD, Griswold, C.P.R ..... G C.P.R. branch ..... W z Glendenning ........ 0 z De Clare, G.N.W.C .. C n Grund ............. P w DELORAINE, GLElvBORO, C.P.R. C. P. R. branch ..... G z branch ............ P v Dalton .............. H s Glenora ............. Q z Desford ............. J a' Grange .............. R w Drumconnor ......... V q GLADSTONE, M.& Douglas, C.P.R ...... M r N.W ............. S 0 Dry River ..........
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