---------- ------- QUAID-E-AZAM Solar Power (Pvt.) Ltd. Ref No: (;)AS-14!DLt/25 - oB April 23, 2014 , I The Registrar National Electric Power Regulatory Authority ~ . ! NEPRATower Attaturk Avenue (East) : , Sector G-S/1 Islamabad Subject: APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF GENERATION LICENSEIN THE NAME OF QUAID-E• AZAM SOLAR POWER (PRIVATE) LIMITED FOR lOO-MW (PV) SOLAR POWER PLANT AT BAHAWALPUR. Dear Sir I, Najam Ahmed ShahChief ExecutiveOfficer, being the duly authorized representative of Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power (Private) Limited by virtue of Board Resolution No. QAS/02/13-4 dated rs= February 2014, hereby apply to the Nati?~al _E1~~tricPow_er_~~gulatory_Authority(NEPR!'\)_f(J__~~~~_~r:_a_t_nto a__get:l~~ati()r1 license to Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power (private) Limited for setting up of a 100-MW Solar Power plant pursuant to Section 15 read with -Section...1{.2)(a)of the .Regulation of- Generation, Transmission and --- ----- Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997, Whilst the 100 MW solar power plant shall be functional at full capacity upon achieving commercial operations, it is expected to generate for sale 10 MW prior to commercial operations. I certify that the documents-in-support attached with this application are prepared and submitted in conformity with the provisions of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999, and undertake to abide by the terms and provision of the above-said regulations. I further undertake and confirm that the information provided in the attached documents-in-support is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. A bank draft of the sum of Rupees 329,080/- being the non-refundable license application fee calculated in accordance with Schedule II to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations 1999 is also attached herewith. Yours Sincerely V .~~:... NAJA A MED SH H CHIEF EXE TIVE FFICER QUAID-E-A AM S lAR POWER (PRIVATE) LIMITED 3rd Floor,83-A Ell, r"lain Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.+9242 923 7063 www.qasolar.com Ref Noff/4£. Ie? :.LiA:r- /. 7 1 7 February 25, 2014 Chairman National Electric Power Regulatory Authority e Islamabad Subject: BOARD RESOLUTION FOR 100 MW POWER GENERATION LICENSEFROM NEPRA Dear Sir In the 8th Board meeting the following resolution was passed by the Board members unanimously, extract of resolution is given below Resolved that Quaid e AzamSolar Power Pvt Ltd to apply for power generation license to NEPRAfor 100 MW project .. Further Resolved that BOD authorized the Chief ExecutiveOfficer to Correspond with NEPRAfor •Power generation license. Extract certified to be true copy ad Badar UI Munir,ACA Company Secretary CompanySecreta~ Qn\",,v:U;r!, ~v,,47.·,amSolar Power tPvt} Ltd. 3ed Floor, 83A/E-l, Main Boulevard, Gulberg 111L,ahore If 1 111.1111 1111II • I II 11•• 1111•• I. II • Itt _ , ...... _..... _ ... 100 ', ~J) Rupees -..': BEFORE THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC POWERREGULATORY AUTHORITY AFFIDAVIT of MR. NAJAM AHMEDSHAH S/o Mr. Aftab Ahmed Shah, CNIC No. 42101 9779292 5 resident of B-18, GOR 6, Mohala Fcrozpur Road,Lahore, Pakistan and authorized representative of Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power (Private) I.imitcd, 3,,1Floor, NIB Bank Building, 83-l\, E/l, Main Boulevard, Gulberg-III, Lahore ("Company"). I, the above named deponent, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that: 1. I am the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. 2. I am the authorized representative of the Company by virtue of Board Resolution No. QAS/02/13-4 dated 13th February 2014. • 3. The contents of accompanying Generation License Application dated April 23, 2014 to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPfu\) along with the supporting documents arc true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material or relevant thereto has been concealed or withheld there from. 4. I also affirm that all further documentation and information to be provided by me in connection with the aforesaid Generation License Application shall be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. VERIFICATION It is hereby verified on solemn affirmation at Lahore, Pakistan on the April 23, 2014 that the contents of the above Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing, material or relevant thereto, has been concealed or withheld there from. No. PPDBI :).0 H 12014 PUNJAB POWER DEVElOPMENT BOARD __ 1.HERG'l-llEfAIll'.MENI-- st ....~~ 1 Floor, central Design Building, Irrigation Secretariat, Old Anarkali, Lahore (Ph: 042-99213877 Fax: 99212796) Date 17 -- (,'.2 -- 12014 l~ Quaid.,e-Azam Solar power (Pvt) Ltd. SL!it# 503, s" Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore Subject: Letter of Interest (LOI) for Development of 100 MW Solar PV power Project (Raw Site) Located at Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park District Bahawalpur. Reference: Your request to PPDB through letter No. QAS/02/10-4 dated February 10th, 2014 for issuance of Letter of Interest (herein after referred to as LOI) to your Company under Punjab Power Generation Policy -2006 (Revised 2009) (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) for development of 100 MW Solar PV power project (the "Project") to be located at Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park District Bahawalpur. Your Company has submitted Feasibility Study Report (the "FSR") of the Project, alongwith your statement of qualification to pPOB. The blanket exemption about submission of Bank Guarantee under the Policy before issuance of LOI, granted by the competent authority, on a Summary moved by Energy Department will be available to you subject to approval of FSR by PPOB appointed Panel of Experts (POE). This LOI is being issued to your Company on behalf of Government of the Punjab, without submission of Bank Guarantee to PPOB, subject to the following:- PPDB appointed Panel of Experts (POE) shall examine and approve the . e su?mitted FSR. The FSR, alongwith other content should include; 1) Environmental Impact Assessment Study, ~ Detailed design of power house, 2) Load flow and stability studies, design of interconnection/transmission ~ 3) lines, ~. Details pertaining to infrastructure, Project cost, its financing and terms & ~ 4) conditions, and Tariff calculations and assumptions of financial calculations including -: 5) econornic and financial analysis. Validity of this LOI is till the approval of FSR by POE, where after or before it, any violation of the policy will automatically terminate this LOI. Issuance of this LOI or its termination or your failure for getting approval of FSR thereunder, cannot form the basis of any claim for compensation or damages by your Company or any party claiming through • your Company against Government of the Punjab/PPOS or any of its agencies, employees or consultants on any grounds. This LOI has been issued in duplicate on the date hereof, and it shall come into effect when one copy hereof is received by PPOS after having been duly cQunteIsjgned b-y~y.ou._NavertbeleSs,t~PSe-if---tI:le-GOOnterSigFleG--oopy--~S-Ret-~- received at PPOS within thirty (30) days of its issuance. (.m~ (M~.~·A~I~A·AWAIS) Managing Director Punjab power Development Board Accepted and agreed for & on behalf Ofr N~ ~ fr oated~ '1irX17~I 1. Chairman Board PPDB Government of Punjab, Lahore 2. Secretary, Ministry of Water & Power, Islamabad 3. Chairman, P&D, Government of the Punjab, Lahore 4. Additional Chief Secretary Energy Department, Government of the PlJ.Djab,Lahore. 5. Chairman, NEPRA, Islamabad 6. Secretary to Chief Minister Punjab. 7. Chairman WAPDA, WAPDA House Lahore 8. Chief Executive Officer ,MEPCO Khanewal Road Multan 9. Chief Executive Officer Alternate Energy Development Board, Islamabad NATIONAL TRANSMISSION & DESPATCHCO. LTD Chief Operating Officer / General Manager (CPPA) NTDCl ~ No. GMlCPPAJCE-DlMT-IV/(}SPPLI \1~),.._?>.b Dated: (7 I tjJ/2014 The Registrar, National Electric Power Regulatory Authority, Government of Pakistan, NEPRA Tower Attaturk Avenue (East), Sector G-5/1, Islamabad. Fax 051-9210215 . Subject: Power Acquisition Request for Purchase of Power from 100 MW Solar Power Project offered by M~.,;Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power (Pvt) Limited (QSPPL) at Lal Suhanra against Upfront Tariff for Solar Power Projects In pursuant to NEPRA Interim Power Procurement (Procedures and Standards) Regulation 2005 and its amendment to-date, Power Acquisition Request (PAR) of subject project is attached. Following information required vide ;Clause (4) of above mentioned NEPRA Regulation, on prescribed formats (Schedule I) are also enclosed for supporting the request: a. ForJT!_1(1of 2): ~ -J'D. ISCQ-Wise Peak Demand & Demand at Interconnection Points (MW) ~~ Form I (Z·of 2): . '- Peak Demand at Interconnection Points (Grid Stations) of NTDC & DISCOs ~ e ;:;FormH (1 of 2): . , II'~ Peak Load < (}''': d. Form III: .;' Information about Generation Capacity under Proposed Procurement Request This issues with the approval of Procurement Committee of BOD NTDCL. ,, DAlAs above .'.~J~' ~A~'" > (TAHIR MA~o6V1~<~ General Manager (epPA) NT CL CC to: i. Chief Executive Officer AEDB, 2nd Floor, OPF.Building G-5/2. ii. MD PPDB, 151 Floor, Central Design Building, Irrigation Secretariat, Old Anarkali, Lhr. Mr. Najam Ahmed Shah, Chief Executive Officer, Mis Ouaid-e-Azarn Solar Power (Pvt) J Limited, 3rd Floor, NIB Bnak Buildng, 83-A, E/1, Main Boulevard, Gulberg - III, Lahore. CQO/GM(CPPA) 229-WAPDA House, lahore, Pakistan TEl:+ 42 99203515, Fax:+924299201179 www.ntdc.com.pk CE-II(CPPA) s' Floor PIATower Egerwn r:,ad lahore TEl:+ 4299201489, Fax:+92 42 99201488 [email protected] f,.).1_1,d~}q "':"(8' i.J, SECUR1Ti AND EXC~tAJ,iGE COJVUv'lISSION OF P,!\KISTAN SEep CO\lPt\'\'{ lU~G!STJ(AT10'\ OFFICE LAHORE FiC/\TE OF INCORPORATION ( r \,/ r 1 en j t'~ ~ ,.. Corporate it QUAID-E-AZAlVl SOJJ/\l{ PO\VER , " (I)H,J E) I"IlVIITE I) lS , v.vr / tn:s or SCprCnlDCT i \"C' 1/ ,q Dared: ."L~:_l_ ·A I OF QUAID-E-.:\ZAJ\I SOLAH PO\VER (PI{,IVi\TE) LIIVIITED 1.
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