Northern Joint Police Board No. 4 2010/11 Minutes of Meeting of the Northern Joint Police Board held in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, on Friday, 26 November 2010 at 1.00 p.m. Present Representing the Highland Council Mr W J Ross Mrs P Munro Mr J Rosie Mr P Corbett Mr G M Smith Mr N Donald Mr W MacKay Mr D Cameron Mr H Fraser Mr B J Murphy Mr I Renwick Mr B Gormley Mr H Wood Representing Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Mr N M Macleod Mr P Carlin Mr C Nicolson Mr I Mackenzie Representing Orkney Islands Council Mr A Drever Mr R K Leslie Representing Shetland Islands Council Mr A Duncan Mr A Cooper Also in attendance as an Observer: Mr D Mackay (Substitute Member) Officials in attendance: Mr I Latimer, Chief Constable Mr G Sutherland, Deputy Chief Constable Chief Superintendent A Cowie Mrs E Ward, Force Director of Finance and Asset Management Ms A Sillars, Force Director of Human Resources Mr R MacDonald, Force Estates Manager Mrs M Grigor, Treasurer’s Office Ms M Morris, Clerk Mrs R Moir, Assistant Clerk Mrs J MacLennan, Board Development Officer Ms L Lee, Clerk’s Office Mr S Taylor, Clerk’s Office Mr N M MacLeod in the Chair 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mrs D MacKay, Mr A Millar and Mr M Rattray of The Highland Council. 2. Declarations of Interest The Board NOTED the following declaration of interest: Mr B Murphy declared a non-financial interest in item 28 due to previous contact with one of the complainers referenced and, having applied the test outlined in Paragraph 5.18 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, indicated that he would leave the room during discussion of this item. 3. Minutes – Previous Meetings There had been circulated and were APPROVED Minutes of Board Meetings of 27 August 2010 and 22 October 2010. 4. Presentation The Board NOTED that Chief Superintendent Ronnie Liddle, Team Leader, Scottish Policing Board Sustainable Policing Sub-Group, had been unable to attend the meeting. 5. Review of Policing Structures in Scotland There had been circulated Report No POL46/10 dated 16 November 2010 by the Chief Constable which advised Members that Northern Constabulary had submitted a discussion paper “Review of Scottish Policing Model” to the Scottish Policing Board Sustainable Policing Sub Group. This Sub-Group, chaired by the Scottish Government and comprising representatives from COSLA, the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS), the Scottish Police Authorities Conveners Forum and other policing partners, was scheduled to report to the Scottish Policing Board (SPB) on 6 December 2010. It was envisaged that three or four options for the future structure of policing in Scotland would be identified for more detailed assessment. The Force discussion paper had suggested the inclusion of a four-force model in the final list of options and had outlined proposals for an expanded Northern Constabulary Force area. In speaking to the report, the Chief Constable expressed the view that it was vitally important to influence the decision-making process at this early stage. He advised Members that he had received by email late the previous day the first draft of the Sub-Group’s Interim Report, with an invitation to comment on it within a day, prior to its circulation for the 6 December SPB meeting. He expressed concern and disappointment over the limited time given, which had permitted only a cursory examination, and over the proposals outlined in the document. Particular concern was raised at the apparent lack of any adequate consultation at this stage with local communities, other stakeholders and the Board. The Vice-Convener also expressed his concern as to the content of the Interim Report and suggested an urgent need to make strong representations in response. He highlighted the importance of providing an opportunity for the Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services, chaired by Dr Campbell Christie, to integrate the review of both Police and Fire services into its deliberations, to maximise potential gains from proposed changes. The Commission was charged with reviewing the future delivery of public services in Scotland and was due to report in June 2011. During discussion, Members made the following comments: • the Chief Constable’s report would be a useful tool in informing decision- making • a meeting should be held with representatives of the Review team • it was important for the Board to express an opinion on all options put forward • the short notice given to comment on the draft Interim Report prior to its submission to the SPB was disappointing • a single police force for Scotland would see a real threat of reduced resources in the Highlands and Islands and would represent a move to centralisation • there was concern at the senior officer structure being proposed • time was required for consideration of the Interim Report – it was difficult to discuss a document which had not been seen prior to the meeting • it was vital that the Government hold a full and meaningful consultation process. In response to a comment, the Chief Constable highlighted his professional view that policing should still be locally responsive at community level and his concern that the report did not address concerns over future local accountability. Reflecting the discussion, the Vice-Convener suggested the following Board approach: • to make strong and objective representations • to highlight this Board’s significant concerns over the Interim Report and the conduct of the review process to date • to seek to promote key principles and processes as part of any review of policing structures • to recommend that this review should be part of the work of the wider Public Services Commission • to seek opportunities for this Board to participate fully in any future review process. The Board NOTED the content of the discussion paper, as appended to the circulated report; and AGREED: i. that the Interim Report of the Scottish Policing Board Sustainable Policing Sub-Group be circulated to all Members at the earliest opportunity; ii. to seek a meeting with Chief Superintendent Ronnie Liddle, if necessary in the form of a Special Meeting of the Board, to be convened at a mutually suitable date; and iii. to seek active engagement with the Sustainable Policing Sub-Group and the Scottish Policing Board on this issue, and in doing so to adopt the approach suggested by the Vice-Convener during discussion. 6. Minutes – Appointments Sub-Committee There had been circulated Minutes of Meetings of the Appointments Sub- Committee of 10 August, 22 October and 19 November 2010. The Board welcomed the appointment of Mr George Graham, currently Deputy Chief Constable, Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary, to take up the post of Chief Constable following the retirement of the current Chief Constable, Mr Ian Latimer. The Board NOTED the position. 7. Minutes – Audit Working Group There had been circulated and were APPROVED Minutes of Meetings of the Audit Working Group of 27 August 2010 and 5 November 2010. 8. Revenue Budget Monitoring Statement 2010/11 There had been circulated Report No POL47/10 dated 12 November 2010 by the Chief Constable comprising a statement and commentary on Revenue Expenditure and Income for the period 1 April to 31 October 2010. The Convener highlighted the success of the Force’s efficiency savings “Lightbulb” scheme, which had received over 800 suggestions since first introduced in autumn 2009, and suggested that a more detailed report be made available to the Board. The Board NOTED the report and AGREED that all Members be given a copy of the list of budget savings suggested by Northern Constabulary officers and staff under the Force’s “Lightbulb” scheme. 9. Capital Expenditure Monitoring Statement 2010/11 There had been circulated and was NOTED Report No POL48/10 dated 12 November 2010 by the Chief Constable comprising a statement and commentary on Capital Expenditure for the period 1 April to 31 October 2010. 10. Best Value Review i. Shared Services Best Value Review Programme There had been circulated Report No POL49/10 dated 17 November 2010 by the Chief Constable inviting the Board to consider the approval of efficiency measures proposed to be taken across the Force in the course of the financial year 2011/12. The Chief Constable gave a presentation on work undertaken in preparation for submission to the Board at its January meeting of a balanced revenue budget for 2011/12, during which he outlined proposals to achieve £3million of savings following the Scottish Government’s recent budget announcement. A number of proposals had previously been discussed at a meeting in September of the Force’s Shared Services Best Value Review Programme Board, which a number of Board Members had attended. The £3m in savings would be achieved primarily by: the loss of 50 police staff through redundancy; station closures/reduction in reception hours; and other identified Divisional/Headquarters savings. The Chief Constable stressed that difficult choices had to be made if the Force was to maintain its commitment to providing a visible localised police service across the Highlands and Islands. It was hoped that redundancies could be achieved through voluntary severance, although compulsory redundancies could not be ruled out. The Chief Constable highlighted that consideration and decision on savings would ultimately be made by the Board and that he could only provide his professional advice with regard to his recommendations. The Scottish Government had announced in November 2010 that, for 2011/12, all local authorities should plan for a reduction of 2.6% from the 2010/11 budget level. This had implications for the Board’s budget, as its requisitions would impact on its constituent authorities’ budgets.
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