Initial Environmental Examination Document Stage: Draft Project Number: 42267-031 May 2020 IND: Rajasthan Secondary Towns Development Sector Project – Sewerage Subproject in Pratapgarh Town, Pratapgarh District, Rajasthan Prepared by Project Management Unit, Rajasthan Urban Drinking Water Sewerage and Infrastructure Corporation Limited, Government of Rajasthan for the Asian Development Bank. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 27 May 2020) Currency unit – Indian rupee (₹) ₹1.00 = $0.01324 $1.00 = ₹75.5425 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank ASI - Archeological Survey of India ASO - Assistant Safeguards Officer CFE - Consent for Establishment CFO - Consent for Operation CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board EAC - Expert Appraisal Committee EC - Environmental Clearance EHS - Environmental Health & Safety EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment SEIAA - State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority EMP - Environmental Management Plan; GOI - Government of India GOR - Government of Rajasthan IEE - Initial Environmental Examination; PIU - Project Implementation Unit; PMU - Project Management Unit LSGD - Local Self Government Department MOEF - Ministry of Environment and Forest MLD - Million Liters per Day LPCD - Liters per Capita per Day DWC - Double Corrugated Duct NGT - National Green Tribunal NHAI - National Highways Authority of India NOC - No Objection Certificate PHED - Public Health Engineering Department PWD - Public Works Department REA - Rapid Environmental Assessment Checklist ROW - right-of-way RPCB - Rajasthan Pollution Control Board RUDSICO - Rajasthan Urban Drinking Water Sewerage and (EAP) Infrastructure Corporation Limited - (Externally Aided Projects) RSTDSP- - Rajasthan Secondary Towns Development Sector Project SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 STP - Sewage Treatment Plant ULB - urban local body TLMC - Town Level Monitoring Committees SLEC - State-Level Empowered Committee PMCBC - Project Management and Capacity Building Consultants CMSC - Construction Management and Supervision Consultants CAPC - Community Awareness and Participation Consultants WEIGHTS AND MEASURES °C - Degree Celsius km - kilometer LPCD - liters per capita per day mm - milli meter m - meter MLD - million liters per day mm - millimeter Nos - numbers km2 - square kilometer NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars. CONTENTS Pages I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Project Background 1 B. Purpose of Initial Environmental Examination Report 2 C. Report Structure 3 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 4 A. Introduction of Pratapgarh Town 4 B. Present Situation 4 C. Infrastructure Improvements Proposed in Pratapgarh under RSTDSP 5 D. Proposed Subproject Components 7 E. Subproject Benefits 10 F. Investment Program Implementation Schedule 10 III. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 19 IV. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 22 A. ADB Policy 22 B. National and State Laws 25 V. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 41 A. Physical Resources 41 B. Ecological Resources 45 C. Economic Development 46 D. Physical Cultural Resources 48 E. Environmental Settings of Investment Program Component Sites 50 VI. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 52 A. Introduction 52 B. Pre-Construction Impacts – Location and Design 53 C. Pre-construction Impacts 61 D. Construction Impacts 63 E. Operation and Maintenance Impacts 75 VII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 81 A. Overview 81 B. Public Consultation 82 C. Information Disclosure 84 VIII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 85 D. Project Specific Grievance Redress Mechanism 85 IX. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 89 A. Environmental Management Plan 89 B. Institutional Requirements 126 C. Institutional Capacity and Development 139 D. Monitoring and Reporting 140 E. EMP Implementation Cost 141 X. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 143 APPENDICES 1. Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) checklist 2. Compliance with environmental criteria for subproject selection 3. Ambient air quality, vehicle, diesel generator emissions standards 4. Effluent discharge standards for STPS order by NGT 30 April 2019 5. Ambient air quality standards in respect of noise 6. Extract from construction and demolition management rules, 2016 7. Salient features of major laws applicable to establishments engaged in construction of civil works 8. Biodiversity Assessment Report - Pratapgarh 9. Geographical position coordinates of all project sites 10. Sample chance find protocol 11. Excerpts on reuse from Rajasthan state sewerage and wastewater policy 12. Guidelines for sewerage system operations, reuse of treated effluent and sludge from STP for beneficial purposes 13. Sample asbestos containing material (ACM) management plan 14. Sample outline spoil management plan 15. Sample outline traffic management plan 16. IFC benchmark standards for workers accommodation 17. Guidelines and emergency plan for handling and storing chlorine 18. Details of public consultations 19. Minutes of city level stakeholder committee (CLC) meeting 20. Sample grievance registration form 21. Officer order for establishing GRM 22. Sample environmental site inspection checklist 23. Semi-annual environmental monitoring report format 24. Environmental monitoring plan - ambient air, noise, water and soil 25. Details of land availability, ownership and NOCs for sites 26. NOCs for proposed works 27. Guidelines for safety during monsoon/heavy rainfall 28. NOC for disposal of treated effluent 29. WHO Interim guidance on water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for the COVID-19 virus EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rajasthan Secondary Towns Development Sector Project (RSTDSP), the fourth phase of investment projects financed by Asian Development Bank (ADB) and implemented by the Rajasthan Urban Drinking Water Sewerage and Infrastructure Corporation Limited-Externally Aided Projects (RUDSICO - EAP), previously known as Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (RUIDP). RSTDSP will support the ongoing efforts of the Government of Rajasthan (GOR) towards improving the water and wastewater services in about 14 towns.1 RSTDSP seeks to improve WSS services in secondary towns with populations between 20,000- 115,000 through a sector loan modality. The project is aligned with the following impact(s): access to potable, affordable, reliable, equitable, and environmentally sustainable drinking water supply in all urban areas of Rajasthan improved;2 and health status of urban population, especially the poor and under-privileged improved.3 The project will have the following outcome: urban service delivery in secondary towns of Rajasthan improved. There are three outputs. • Output 1: Water supply infrastructure in project towns improved with climate- resilient and inclusive features. By 2027: (i) about 1,350 kilometers of water supply pipelines will be commissioned through a district metered area approach for effective NRW management, (ii) about 100,000 households will be connected to an improved water supply system (including at least 95% BPL households) with 100% functional meters allowing for the introduction of volumetric billing, (iii) 3 new water treatment plants will be commissioned with total capacity of at least 28 million liters per day and (iv) 2 water treatment plants will be rehabilitated. • Output 2: Sanitation systems in project towns improved with climate-resilient, cost- effective and inclusive features.4 By 2027:(i) about 1,300 kilometers of sewers will be constructed, (ii) 19 STPs with co-treatment of wastewater and fecal sludge and with a total capacity of about 80 million liters per day will be commissioned and 3 existing STPs will be upgraded to meet current effluent standards, (iii) about 103,000 new household connections (including at least 95% BPL households) to sewer system will be installed, (iv) 1 fecal sludge treatment plant with total 10 kilo liters per day capacity will be commissioned, and (v) agreements for reuse of wastewater mainly for industry or agriculture will be signed in at least 5 project ULBs. • Output 3: Institutional and human capacities strengthened for service improvements, gender equality and sustainability. Under the sector project: (i) at least 500 women will gain professional experience through an internship program at RUDSICO, (ii) about 500 staff and 500 elected representatives of project ULBs, including 80% of eligible women, will report increased knowledge on O&M of WSS services, CWIS, financial sustainability and GESI action plan implementation, (iii) about 500 girls will report enhanced knowledge in conducting water audits in 1 Secondary towns under consideration are Abu Road, Banswara, Didwana, Fatehpur, Khetri, Kuchaman, Laxmangarh, Ladnu, Mandawa, Makrana, Pratapgarh, Ratangarh, Sardarshahar, and Sirohi 2 Government of Rajasthan. 2018. Rajasthan: Urban Water Supply Policy. Jaipur. 7 3 Government of Rajasthan. 2016. State Sewerage and Wastewater Policy. Jaipur. 4 Climate resilient and inclusive features included are: improvements in the distribution
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