CENSUS., 1951 RAJASTHAN AND AJMER DISTRICT CENSUS HANOBOOK BHARATPuR PART I - GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND CENSUS TABLES. Pt. YAMUNA LAI~ DASHORA. 8.4., LL.B., SUl'lerint.endent of Census Operations, Rajasthan and Ajn"ler. BTKANER. PHIN'1.'En AT THE GOVERNMENT PR]~SS 1954. LIST OF CONTENTS B. NfJ. Pal't-icu. lars I>ages. 1. In trod. nction • • • • 1-XIX 2. Review of popula.tjon flgurel::l • l~J 3. Scheme of CCI.HHlH tables • K 4. Definitions and key to symbols H-io 5. District census da.ta at a glance • • • 11-13 6. A-General Population Tables_ A- I. Area., HUllI::>cs and Population ] t3 ~\.- If. Varia.tion in population during fifty years 15 ,\.- 111. To\\ ll~ and village~ classified by population If> --17 A- 1 V. r_l_1owns classified by population with variation since 1901 It>-20 A- V. rj_'owns arranged territorially with population by livelihood classes. 21 7. B_Economic Tables- B- 1. Livelihood classes and sub-cla.sses • • • • 26--29 B- II. Secondat·y llleans of livelihood aO-.J0 B-1lI. Employers, l'lllployees and independent workers in in,dustriclS and 4.4-Ut; serviem; by divisions and sub-divisions. ~. C_Household and Ag'!_(~ple) _Tab~!!.. - c- I. Honsehold (siy.c and cOlnposition). tiD C- II. T..Jivelihood classes by age groups • • 70 '7 ..1 0-111. Age :-tnd civil condition • • • • 75-77 C-IV. Age a.nd literacy. • ~ 78-t>0 c- V. Single year age returns • • 81-t:!D 9. D_Social and Cultural Tables_ n - 1. (i) ':\1other tongue • DO (ii) 13ilingualit:Hu D1 D- II. Hcligion vI D-I1I. Seheclulcd. ca.stc::; and scheduled tribes • D1 D-IV. :Migrants • • • 9:2 D- V - (ii) 1)isplaced person::; by livelihood classes U3 D- VI. Non-Indian Nationals 93 ]_)-VII. Educational Standards 10. E--SnulIllary figures by administrative units . 96-99 11. Local (~) IntiClnitic~ • .100-101 l.~. District Index of .N on-_\g-ricultural Occupations .103-118 PREFACE. The Oensns Reports in olden times were printed one for the whole Province of RR.jputana and another for Ajmer Mmowara. Some of the Principal Stn.tes llO"\-,," lnerged in Raja.sthan published their own reports. This time the State Census Reports have been published in the following vo]umes;- 1. Part I-A Report. 2. Part I-B Subsidia.ry TahlAR and DiRtriet Inuex of Non-Agricultural Occupations. :-3. Part I-C ApP(,lldie(,H. 4. l:Jart II-A General Population 'l'ables, -]-Iousehold and Age (Sample) rrn.bIAR, Social and Culturn.l '.rnblpf'l. Table E SUmnll1.1'Y FigureR by Adluillistrative Units, and local 'K.A' infinnities. !J. Part II-B EeollOluic '!'abh·R. rrhey contain statisticH uown to the di~tl'ict level. The ideo. of preparing the District Census HR.ndbook sepR.rately for each district was put forwa.rd by Shri R. A. G·opalaswalni, I. C. S., Registrar General, Inuia, and ex-Officio Census Commissioner of India, as part of a plan intended to secure an effective method of preserving the census records prepared for areas below the district level. He proposed that all the district census tables and census abstracts prepared during the process of sorting and cOlnpilation should hc bound together in a single D1.annscript volume" called the District Census Handbook, and suggested to the State Governments that tho handbook (with or without the addition of other useful information relating to the district) should be printed ana published, at their own cost, in' tbe same Dl::Lnner as the village statistics in the past. Tn accepting this suggestion, the Govemment of naj::t~than decided to print and publish the more important portion of statistical data roln,ting to the district and to preserve the rest of the }Oecords in a manuset'ipt '\'01U111e for any future use, to which they may be put. This Handbook contains five General Population'ra.bles of A Series, three Econoluic '.rabies of B Series, five Household and Age Tables of C Series, seven Social and Cultural Ta.bles of D Series, one table E giving HUlnmary for the district and teh~ils, a loeal table 'KA~ showing infirmities by age groups and an Index of Non-agricultur::tl Occupations. Each table contains an explanatory note necessary for the proper underst:l.nding of the figures. The numbers given to thf' tables in this IIallc1book corrcRpond to those given in Htate Census Reports. ·Village Directories were puhli::;hell fot· the first time in 1931 by a few States of Rajputana. The exalnple \Yas followed boy all the Stn.tes in 1 U-t-l. "l'hey contained for eacb villa.,ge the population figures by religion and also SOIne other useful inforrnation. They were bound in a volunte one for each State. t.rhis time the Village l)irectories arc also incorporated in this Handbook under the fla1ne of" Primary Census Abstract and Village Directory" which show the basic population figures separately for each village or town-ward classified by livelihood cIasRes instp.ad of religion and also S01l18 information of general nature. Opportunity has been taken to put ill a, short introductory note detailing the salient points eonnected with the district, sucb as the physical features, clilllatp, rn.infall, irri­ gation and drainage facilities, l'oads and other cOl1nnuuicatiol1s, agl"icnlturo, education, ~ndustries and other lnatters of general interest. '1'he informn.tion contained in the lntroductory note is based on the 11.1ateria.l furnished by Collectors of distl'jcts n.nd Depart- 111ents of Government. In adllition to thc above, SOlllC figlu"P~ of gntH'l"n.l iuterest a.nd a review of po)1ulatiou fi~ures have also been illcorporn.teJo Tilo H(:hndnled dn,te for the puhliC'fl,tiolJ of the rlandbooks A,R pn'>scl·j}lf~d by the RegiAtl"n.r General, India, WRoR, H Not In,tm" tban l\-lal"ch, 1 ~52 '" but practical cxpel'ience showed its publica.tion by that time an ilupl.·acticn.biJity. E,Ten the compilation of the tabh~R together with its final touch could not be completed by tha.t tilue, Then came the question of printing which proved to be a huge task. There are 25 districts in Rnjasthn.n ana 1 in Ajm_er. The total number of pl'inted pages turned out to he nearly 9000. The Government Presses were a.1r·eady over burdoned with the printing work of other depart­ rnentA and in the printing of census publications priority was given to Central Govern­ ment Pnb\ications i.e the Sta.te Census l:tepo1"ts. rrho result was that til] 1\f arch, ] 954, for 14 out of 21:) districts the P. C. A, and Village Directory could Dot be printed Flpecially bec~uge tho press bR.a. no stock of slu3.11 type which was essentiR.l for their printing. It was, therefore" decided to publish the handbooks in two vo'umeR. Part I, consists of introduction, a brief review of popula.tion fignres and, (1) (4eucrfLl popUlation Tn..bles ( A-I to A-Y. ) (':2) Fkonomie ~rn.hles ( B-1 to B-TIT) (:3) I=rOlu~ehold and Age ( Sn.mple ) 'l_'n.blm:: ( C-I to C-V ) ('1) So('ial and C1l1tnrnl rl'n.hleR ( D-T to D-VJI) (0) V.-SlltnuHtry fignreR by Auwinistl·n.ti'l,'C' Unit.s. (G) f ... o('a.l Table' K.A ' infirmitieR, and (7) ])iRtrict Index of Non-AgTicuJtura.l OccnpatiODs. P:l.Tt II contaius only PrimRl'Y Census Abstracts and Villfl.gc Directm·y. rrhe l-Iaudbooks of the Ajmet·, Sirohi :Lnd JhaJa,war Districts are, hOWfW~l", being l)ubliRhec1 in one vO}llme because they have been completed by this tiJne. "'hile every ca.l'e baR been taken to ensure the cor}'ectness of figures and YiJlage ll:l.meS, certn,in Tnistakes might have crept in. I sha.ll bo grateful jf the.y tue brought to )llY noti('~~. Y. L. I)AHI-TOHA. BHARATPUB. z)ISTRICT. INr.l'RODUCTION. I.-::Physical Aspects. 1. Bharatpur District has been formed of two covenanting Sta.tes of Bhara.tpur <a> Position Area a.nd Dholpur. and Boundary. There has been some territorial change as a. result of transfer of the following villa.ges to a.nd from the unit:- Seria.l Populatiion Transferred NamA of Village No. 1U41 From To 1 N agda. Bohrn •••• 368 Tehsil Bharatpur U. P.; ~ Nagri 263 ." 3 Umri 963 " "n 4 Samarpur Kalan 581 " " ., 6 Bad .... • •• 863 IJI" " 6 Buensn. 1,129 " " 7 Dharalllpura. _. 538 ",. " •• 8 Karari 267 ":n " 9 Kaeda Jat ... 342- Tehsil" Rupbas ,." 10 Khobri 46 Tahsil Ka.m.an GurgaoD. (Punjab). 11 Neem Khera. 352 ., 12 Samdika 333 Gurgaon" (Punjab) Tehsil" Kanaan." 13 Fatehpnr 502 '7 14 Ghatmika 555 " " " " H 15 Gajuka 402 " n " 16 Phulwarn. 446 U. "P. " Tehsil Bhara.tpur." 17 Mai 154 n " " r.rhis district is the eastern portion of the Rajasthan State. It lies between 26~ 22' . and 27° 50' North latitudes and 76° 53' and 78° 17' East longitndes. Its a.rea. is 3,132-6 square miles as supplied by the Surveyor Genera.l of India. It is bounded on the north by Gurgaon District of the Punja.b, on the east by GurgR.on (Punjab) as well as by Agra and Mathura. Districts of Uttar Pradesh, on the south by_Qwalior (Madhya. Bhara.t) and Sa.wai Madhopur Districts and on the west by the Alwar and Sawai Madhopur Districts. 2. Bharatpur and Nadbai Tehsils are level, Ka.man Tehsil and Pabari Sub-tehsil are to some extent level.
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