• Somebody once said: If hon­ Exam Schedule esty did not exist we should in­ vent it as the best means of get­ Is Announced ting rich. On Page 4 ' VOL IX. HONOLULU, HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1931. NO. 16. Normal School ·-No-Iss-ue_N_e_x_tW-ee-k-+ Hawaii Union To . i-Se-co_n_d_S_e_m-es-te-r-j Stanford ·Wins . As· Ka Leo Scribes Debaters From Registration Will I ·· . May Be Annexed +_s_tu_dy_F_or_Ex_am_s + Sponsor Speaking Stanford Prove + Be Held On Jan. 27 !~ Second Debate Immediately following examination Whew! This will be good news to all c· ril Ch • s Ka Leo scribes. There will be no issue ontest week, January 19-24, ~egistration for n atn ·tore To University of Ka Leo next week so as to give the In Ap . More Convincing the second semester will be held on 0 , staff a much needed rest-(ah, noD- Tuesday, Jan. 27, at the usual hours.· we mean, all the time they will need · As yet no raise in university tuition Decision A warded on, Basis Plan Will Be Considered at to prepare for the semester exams! Thirteen Japanese Students Invading Team Influences has been announced. On registration day all freshmen, as well as the upper To all our friends and subscribers Coming Here for Inter­ of Audience Vote on Coming Legislative 37 in Audience to classes will register; in the morning r~­ Ka Leo wishes to announce that this the Question gistration blanks will be issued to those Session is the final issue for the first semester. national Meet Change Opinion --- whose surnames fall alphabetically be­ The next issue will come forth on BALLOT STANDS: 170-143 tween A and 0 , and in the afternoon SMITH FAVORS CHANGE January 28, two weeks from today. PARTY ARRIVES MAR. 26 BIG CROWD ATTENDS to those who fall in the 0-'Z group. Visiting Debaters Sailing for Two Other Plans Presented Negotiations Now Underway Contest Was Fine Example MainlanQ,.Today at . by Superintendent Date Is Set For Between Mr. Beck and · of English ·Style of Harada Discusses Noon Crawford Prof. Omiya Debating By a vote of 170 to 143, the audience Dickens Banquet League Of Nations decided in favor of the proposition, A transfer of the Territorial Nor­ Plans for the visit of the thirteen Speaking before a capacity crowd "Resolved, That the chain s.tore does mal school to the University of Ha­ Japanese students representing six in a debate against the University of more harm than good to the commu­ waii as a school of education and 1931 Plans of FelloWiShip to Tokyo universities to the University Hawaii team on the principle of de­ Political Science Classes Hear nity," thus giving the decision to Stan­ abolishing the present institution is of Hawaii in April are nearing com­ mocracy, the two Stanford debaters ford, in .the second of the 'two debates be Discussed at an pletion, according to a letter from Talk on the Work of one of three plans' for · the reorga­ Robert M. McClintock and Daniel Geneva Body held in the Lecture hall on •.ronday nization of the Normal school to be Early Meeting Prof. Kentaro Omiya, of Nihon uni­ Bryant convinced 37 persons who had night, January 12. considered by the 1931 legislative ses- versity, recei ed by N. B . Beck this beem undecided before the contest, to Daniel Bryant of Stat;lford declared week. vote in favor of democracy. Donald "The time of secret diplomacy has that the chain store was a great men­ sian. Announcement of the s·econd annurul Layman and Kenneth Chun of the ace to the commimity for it drew Th.e other plans are the establish- Dickens ba,nquet, which will be held The party will sail from Yokohama passed and we are now living in a ·on the Tatsuta Maru March 26, ar­ University of Hawaii influenced 13 · in period when negotiations are carried .money out of the community and also ment of a four year educational cur- on Saturday, February 7, is made this riving in Honolulu April 2. They will the audience to cast . ballots against drove the· individuals out of business. riculum as a territorial teachers' col- week by Prof. Gregg M: Sinclair, ad­ on openly," declared Ken Harada, son· attend classes at the University of the success of democracy. The de­ of Dr. Harada and a Japanese mem­ Isamu Sato ably showed by a mass of lege as presented in the biennial re- viser of the Hawaii Quill, which is Hawaii and spend a few days visiting bate was held last Friday evening in statistics that the chain~ were actually port of Will C. Crawford, superinten- sponsoring the affair. The program ber of the secretariat of the League of the islands of Maui and Hawaii. the new Lecture hall. saving a great deal of mioney to the. dent of public instruction, Govern- will include a dinner and theatre Nations, in a talk on the league before to . Several big events are planned for community. Straw Vote Taken. several combined classes at the uni­ 1 or Judd, or the retainment of the I party. · Defends the Individual th eir visit. The first will be an inter­ Just before the debate opened a versity last Thursday morning wpich present status of the Normal school as Last year 268 pe~;sons attended the national oratorical contest, in which happened to be the eleventh anni­ Robert McClintock of Stanford dis-· ' a •separate institution, but limit it to banquet which was hela on the birth­ straw ballot was taken on the ques­ University of Hawaii speakers will tion: "Do you believe that democracy versary of the birth of the league. counting. the value of the statistics a two year curriculum, requiring a ju- day · of Charles Dickens. This year compete against the visitors, some of went ort to ·deliver a peroration on nim· certificate equiyalent to two years because of a· smaller dining r6om, only has been tried . and found wanting? . H.arada- also stated .that the le~ue the value of the individual, a value whom are rated as Japan's best. This The vote was as follows: Yes, 243; university work, ' for entrance. 175 persons can be accommodated and lS m close touch w1th the Uruted which was being destroyed by the will be the second contest of the kind no, 158; undecided, 87. After the de­ The plan for transferring the Nor- the 131 charter members. of the Dick­ sponsored by Hawaii Union. The first Sta_tes and seats are rese_rved for the chain st9re. He delivered a philosophic bate' the vote stood : Yes, '256; no, 195; Uruted. States and Russ1a, whenever discussion showing that the price that mal school to the university has been ens. fellows~lP will be g.1ven the first was with Doshisha University April 4, undecided, 31. I advocated by Representative Nolle R. optwn for twkets, accordmg to the an­ 1930.- they w1sh to enter. the community paid for chain store The debate was replete with wit, Smith who is expected to support this nouncement. Discuss Immigration He gave a general survey of the three efficiency was the price of fair com­ humor, ,and repartee, and was pro­ divisions of the league: the secretariat, petition and· human values. Richard change at the coming legislative ses- Preliminary Meeting Another event will be an interna­ bably one of the best· exhibitions o! sian. Preliminary to the banquet, a meet- tional intercollegiate debate on the the · council, and the assembly. In Coke Wood in closing t.he debate show­ ing, at which plans for the · Dickens the English style of debating that we spite of the 34 languages spoken by ed that the chains actually drew man­ question of Japanese exclusion from have witnessed here. McClintock was Wlhatever plan is adopted, Crawford Fellowship of Hawaii will be discuss­ the United States: This will be the members of the secretariat, this body ey to the community and took part in his report emphasized the need of ed, will be held on Friday, January especially effective in wit, though. all has maintained a wonderful esprit de in community welfare.' developing the present facilities of the · first debate in which a Japanese uni­ the speakers were very interesting. Normal school with the addition of 16 at 7:45 p. m. in the Y . W. C. A. versity team has participated, for corp. This, Harada said, was largely A straw ballot was taken on the community room. Speakers at this Cites Examples in History due to the.leadership of Sir Eric Drum- proposition after the debate, and by American debating procedure has not Openip.g the debate, Kenneth Chun, new buildings, including a training meeting will be Mrs. Arthur G. Smith, been introduced. in Japan. mond. a close margin Stanford was gi1(en the school with necessary facilities for ac- who will tell of her trip to London, contended that democracy was fun­ verdict. Former-Governor Wallace R. "The council has become the direct­ tual practice in school teaching. and Dr. Clarence Wilson, who will It is rumored that Hawaii Union damentally unsound_ for t he people Farrington presided at the debate. is planning to invite the University of ing body of the le11-gue although pres­ speak informally on "My Favorite were wholly unfit to exercise the du­ The Stanford team will leave today Southern California to send speakers tige of the assembly has not beeri im­ Dickens Book." ties under democracy intelligently. He at noon for the mainland on the MauL to participate in these contests. further showed that democracy had paired as shown by the fact that nine Extension Will Give The second Dickens banquet wiil be In.
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