d i TA TAU DELTA INTE RATERNI 1$ .1.. ^ - ONE BROTHER'S DREAM3ECOMES ' i A BREWHOUSe'rEALITY 1 PAGE 74" 1 50 Years is a Long Time to Keep a Promise... 38 generations of college students have. ."Remembered those who followed." You can create a legacy with Delta Tau Delta that will endure through time. we complete our $18 million campaign for Delta Tau Delia W- ^iring the 150th Celebration ofour founding, we want every jl^T^ ^elt to be able to make a legacy building gift. NO HASSLE AND EASY TO ACCESS 1, Just go io www.dcUrouiidatioii.org 2, Click Oil "Planned Giving - Remembering Those Who Follow" 3. Design the gilt that is right for yon ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW Our Website is complete and updated monthly � LEARN how different gifts can provide benefits to you today or in the future for yourself and your loved ones Be a part of one of the � CALCULATE benefits with our online calculator your gift largest Campaigns in the � DETERMINE the right gift and how current tax laws make certain gifts World better for you and your beneficiaries. Fraternity YOU CAN CREATE A BENEVOLENT LEGACYTHAT ENDURES Discover the Benefits We are to with additional information. Feel free lo happy provide you of Giving�and Create contact Ken File at 888-383-1858 or ken.file@dclts,net with any questions� a specific or general�about gift options that best fit your philanthropic and Legacy! financial goals. DELTA TAU DELTA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 10000 Allisonville Road. Fishers. IN 46038 88S-.183-I858 kcn.flkra delts.net vvww,deltfoundation.oro INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS FROM THE Dr.KenneUl U"Rocli" Clinton. JrPresidenl PRESIDENT Travis O, Rdcltey Vice Prelideni and Rptualilt Aim G. Brackett SKond Vice Presideni James O. Seller Treasurer- James W. Garboden Secreury *Good' seldom makes headlines Gregory A. Peoples Director- of Academic Affairs Laurence M.AItenburg, II Eascem Divisior> president Bruce L. Peterson Northern Division president Andy Rooncy, a broadcaster on "60 Minutes," did a that iUusttated ihe news piece RosarJoA- Palmier! Souchern Drvision presidenc media's "orientation" to the world. The piece showed a plane lifting off in Memphis and Jack M. Myles Western Pacific Division president landing safely in Los Angeles, water flowing genily down lhe Mississippi River and traffic Ben R, Byers Western Plains Diwslon president mnning in smoothly Chicago, CENTRAL OFFICE DIRECTORS What was point he making? These events would seldom make the news, because lhe The DettaTau Defta Ceaual Office mjffcan tte reached by scenes were tailing 217-284^03. boring. What we want to see is the plane crash, the river running over its Jim Russell Executive Vice President banks and the traffic or jam accidem. Gardi Eberhart Assistant Executive Vice President The recent ilrug bust at San Diego State generated headlines about fraternities. Although Alan Selking Director of Business Affairs Brect Benson Director of Alumni Affairs only one was primarily involved and most of those fraternity Jeremy W. F. Scainchorp Berggren Director of arrested were not even fraternity members, this type of inci Leadership Development dent is what gets the media's attention. Unfortunately, the Nick Goldtberry Director ol Growtf^ D^ve Sullivan Assistant Director of Leadership headlines contribute io the of Greeks. stereotypical picture Developmerii The thousands of positive events sponsored by fraternities Jack C. Kreman Director of Chapter Services Director of Residential Li^ and sororities don't even Andy Longo ; make (want for making) the back Christopher J- Marcz Director of Communications page ofthe school newspaper, much less the national news. The alumni of sororities and fraternities through their CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Greg Budney Communications Assistant foundations more than S40 million a to respective give year Vicky Hafsey Eicecutive Assistant leadership development, scholarships, education and general Candlce McQuirty Accounts Receivable Veronica Administrative Assistant for support for their organizations. Our Gamma Mu Chapter at McSorJey E:rpansion the of raised for cancer Universiiy Washington S85,000 Lesa Purcell AdmlnlslrMive Assistant for Chapter research this year through its Miss Greek pageant. Since its Services Theresa Robinson inception in 1986, this Deli inspired and organized activity has raised $1,15 million. Receptionist KaChy Sargent Administrative Assistant for Member The Washington Delts are not alone in their philanthropic efforts. In the past four years, Records ihe University of San Diego Delts created "Bleed Purple" when one of thcfr brothers was ^Afendy Weeks Accounting Manager struck cancer. Their cause Delts across the to make "Bleed by inspired Fraternity Purple'" CHAPTER CONSULTANTS our intemational philanthropy and a center piece of the Sesquicentennial celebration with a Nick Aylwarcf Nathan goal lo raise $15(1,000 to support undergraduaies�Greek and non-Greek�who have been Easley Ken Herman cancer. impacted by Kyle Keefe Programs such as our Adopt-a- School iniiiative, chapter community service projecB to Justin Poche Jameson Root benefit our campuses and towns and are all ofthe Dell college highway adoption part lega David Sirey cy. Outside the Classroom, Inc. honored Delta Tau Delta this year wiih a 510,000 Mike Slaughter Prevention Excellence Award for our "Dells Talking about Alcohol Powered by EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION BOARD AleoholEdu" those kinds of stories don't make the news. program. Again, (but) Norval B. Stephens. Jr. Chairman I am not implying (I don't mean to imply) thai Greeks don't have issues or challenges. Richard H. Englehart Life Director Edwin L. Heminger Lrle Diiector Alcohol abuse, dale rape, and poor of property are all issues. hazing upkeep recurring A. Carter Wilmot Life Direclcir Recently, our chapter at Maryland was closed because of hazing. The code of conduct Charles E. Bancroft signed by Delts clearly states hazing will not be lolerated. Yel, h occurs, 1 must confess I Richards O. Barge r Murray M. Blackwelder was in the ofthe thai allowed this behavior to occur. disappointed leadership chapter Alan G. BrackeCC Why was 1 so disappointed? Because I'm from the "old school," and I could not under Dennis A. Brawford John A. Brock stand why not one person asked for their membership lo be revoked since tbey bad violated Thomas F. Calhoon, II the Deh code. is a of a Delt or of in com- Responsibility key part being membership any Dr, Robert F.Charles, Jr. mtmity. The Delt Rimal, creed and code of ethics offers guidance to live lives that honor Kenneth L,"Rock" Clinton, Jr. Daniel L, one's self, and fraternity. Earley family JohnW, Filher As I close my tenure as president, I will not reflect for long on the negative aspects of James W, Garboden the fraiemity world. Instead, I choose to remember lhe hundreds of volunteers who help John W, GEeeson Kent R, Hance the that abound when colonies become the excitement of develop young men, joys chapters, W, James Host the Court of Honor and Hugh Shields recipients, the alumni and undergraduate support of David B, Hughes 0,K, the Foundation and the leadership of Norval Stephens, Johnson Kenneth ], Kies I will remember an Arch Chapter that was uniled in making the Fraiemity "the hesi it Donald G, Kress could he," and a Central Office staff thai is committed to the mission and values of Delta David L. Nagel JohnW, Nichols Tau Delta and of the "best support service" possible to chapters. being Gregory A. Peoples In May, I participated in the lOOih anniversary of Gamma Mu at the University of Travis O, Roc key James O, Seller Washington, It was an honor and a privilege to be there. I hope to see all of you at the as we celebrate 150 of Delta Tau Delta. We will Kamea in Pittsburgh, August 13-16, years EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION STAFf= Arete. The DefcoTou Derto together, "honor the legacy and look beyond." Etfucfltionjf Foundolion sttrff con be reached by cd/jng J ( 1-28^0210. Ken File President Maurie Phelan Vice President- Finance Todd Bolster Annual Fund Director CarIa Parent Executive Assistant Karen Baric h GiflAdmrnistrator Dr. Kenneth L. Clinton, Jr.. Intemational President CarIa Bullman Administrative Assistant Fam Reldy Accounting Assistant 4 I THE RAINBO'iA' | JULY 2008 JULY 2008 JAMES B, RUSSELL PUBLISHER CHRJSTOPHERJ. MARTZ EDITOR JOSEPH "JAY" LANGHAMMER SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT COLUMNIST LAURA [X>UTMrTT COPY EDITOR HOW TO CONTACT i. luiiiicl HtK' /(�iiitl^Ai alJiT vij c-mdiL al nimbow^udtiit&.nel or by cjillini! .^t7-2S4- 11203. MAGAZINE MISSION hilVuni mcmlxTi ol" Iho t-vi'nis. iii-ii\iTic\ jiml concerns ofinlcrL-sl lo iihrriiK'is ul'lhc Krnlcniilj'. Allrut:! iinj in\nKc members or lhe I rjiL-miix \i-.\ iippropnjic ci>\ i_t-jj!,v-, inlor- Liuiutii and (ipinioh siories. Hducale pcescnl und polenljal ntenilKTS on perlineni issjiCN. pcrs<.'iis, evmK iiiid ideas M thai meiiihers may be ;iu^n.- of jn<j ''� -ixiaie Iheir heniui^^ -ja Dehs Sene ^> jii insliuiiwnr olpuMie reblmn^ lbr[he hrjlemiK by pre^enliiig an miu^^ol' lhe Fralemiiv cunimcnsumte h iih iis inuli- M^ ty and slulure. I iiEcriikin re.ndei> �itti ns inroniioiion niiui qiiLitiiy Hfilm^ jnd rtlhmy;, so ihai ii is a pleiiburt' U) it'iul ,iiid share \^ ilh olhera. At age 18. Michael One block from the SUBSCHIPTION5 campus of Indiana Sessions became the M<:inhcrs mil l[ili^d prior In Januarv 1.20(11, of University Pennsylvania iihii tMxuii-d tlic lojall; 1 und imlo mayor of Hillsdale,Mich. ivhcn along South Seventh n.\|uired lhi-> ivl-ti- iniiiaii.><l shul! be cnnMdi.'n.-d Its .sub-^-ritvt^ lo /Vn- ffiiiiihn^ Street, the main street lot lilc- wiihuiil lunhci thai^i-. Monihcrv that ON THE WEB runs through inilialcd ilfloi Jjnuj|> l,:ilOI,HilliiVi;|i.i; /fti" ftiiwNiM- Hi ni> Indiana, Pa., sits a new i-hiiriii,' rurtcn(l(t> yCiir, iiIUt Ihc Jitit' imhulcd at vihich icon for the Zeta Pi lime Iht Delts: mi'mhi'r Hill tixoiic' an npnon lu renew hi- feet of 6,000 square suhM-cipiiim for \ a^.lu^ lemK m tosK i.i he affordable, high-end dclcrinineil fri'm imio-iit-Timo h\ jnim atlion iiJ" Ihc An-h that will welcome tliupUT and housing 1 'iiJergrjiUuUO t ouncil.
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