VOLUME XXXI-NO. 18. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1892. WHOLE NUMBER 1610. me ANOTHER LINK « IN THE EXDLESS CHAI.V FIRST OF MAY Of popular offerings! An absolute revelation to the public of what can be done in the way of selling reliable OFFERING! DRY GOODS AT LOW SPECIAL AI Otjn Evening Shades arid Black Surah Silks. ' PEK YARD SALE! One lot China Silks. blaeV: and colors, at , 50c 25-inch $1 double-warp Black Surah and Pongee Silks at 75 22-inch $1 Black Faille Silks, Gros Grain and Peau De Sole, for 75c All our $1.S5 24-inch Black Faille Silks, Satin Rhadame, Alma Royal, elegant Gros Grains—the best $l.Sl rilks in the city, all go at $1 CARPETS AND DRAPERIES. Printed China Silks, black and colored grounds, fancy colored fig- ures, beautiful summer silks for waists and dresses, worth $1, a big purchase, all to go at 65c 25 pieces Black Silk Grenadines, fancy stripes, figures aud satin brocades, worth $1.25, all to goat 97c OUR CONGRESSMAN SOWING THE SEED-WHAT WILL THE HARVEST BE? AT OQn 5 pieces satin-stripe Black Wool Dress Goods. 500 yards new Gimp Dress Trimmings, worth 26c, all to go at 10c HENRY GEORGE THEORIES. • A BRILLIANT METEOR! people, Grover Cleveland" Clause.) "Let your voices be for God and SPECIAL—500 pounds "White Star" Carpet our country and Grover Cleveland, Being Put in Practice by the New Warp at 15c a pound—the 22c quality. That Flashed on the Local Democratic forever." Cause.) Tax Law—and Our City will Lose Skies Last Thursday. "For the democratic party and for $1,000,000 Assessment Grover Cleveland" we shall never cease Notice This 5e List—All Big Bargains: Everyone has heard of people be- to fight, God being our keeper." PEK YARD 000000000 Thereby. 0 0 coming greater than their creator. On fuse.) 60 pieces Light and Dark Prints 6c 0 Sixty different styles o Thursday last Hon. Chas. R. Whit- 1 bale 8c Linen Crash 6c 0 China Matting, 18 to o The eraziness of the last legisla- The democratic party never made a man did a rash deed. He introduced 50 pieces new Dress Ginghams 6c o 60c a yard. LOWELL O ture is becoming more and more ap- hiomopoly." It never laid an oppres- o CARPETS, Body Brussels o to the democracy of the county in 26 pieces new Striped Flannels 6e o and Ingrain, have no o parent as the days glide by and the sive hand OTI labor. It never levied convention assembled at the court 20 pieces White Check Muslin 6c o equal. Art Squares and 0 laws enacted by them are put into ft tax on the people tinder the guise o Rugs, all kinds. Goat Rugs, o house, a brilliant, dashing-, fire-eat- 10 pieces fancy stripe Curtain Scrim 5c 0 all colors, 30x64, $2.60. o into practice. The last evidence of of protecting- them." (But when the ing, republican devouring, opposition 50 pieces 10c embroideries to go at 6c o DRAPERIES—Oriental Cur- o their incompetency and running after Hemocratiue party had the power to o tains, Chenille Silk Cur- o smashing, splood and thunder, pliti- 1 case soft-finished Bleached cotton 6c o tains, Japanese Curtains, o vagaries comes to the people in the •repeal these alleged bad laws, why cal pyrotrehraic, who will without the Pretty Seaside Flannels, wortli-JOc, for L_ 6c 0 Irish Point Curtains, Brus- o new mortgage tax law which asses- •ftitm't it do <t?") It never proclaim- o sel Lace Curtains. All o least doubt, eclipse Mr. Whitman, May- ( • o purse openers o sors have to observe. ed a loyalty with its lips that it did or Doty, Mr. Liesemer, Mr. Sheehan, AND THIS— 1 case Dress Prints ..8^c ooooooooooo The law as it stands on the statute toot entertain in its heart. It never, and many other heretofore supposed 1 case pretty Challies 3%c books to-day practically wipes per- •with flushed cheek, crimson nose, good democratic speakers, and force 10 pieces Bed Ticking at 6c sonal property off the tax rolls, and (Bachanalian breath, and wabbly knees them into the background of oblivion. 200 mounted Holland Curtain Shades, each 25c places the burden of raising the reve- condemned the saloon as against the This new elephant anihilator hails 1 lot Ladles' fancy stripe Wash Skirts, each 25c nues for the support of the local and home." Cse.) from the fens of Bridgewater, and is 50 dozen Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose, per pair 5c state governments upon land alone. He said, "I would like to take Mc- Hightly named, Fenn,—Webster gives The old law required that all mort- Kinley and the McKinley law and this definition: gages should be assessed to the man shake them as a dog would a skunk." Don't miss this—Three bales Argyle Sheeting—a good holding them at his place of residence, Fen, n. [A-S. fen or fenn, marsh, mud, 0e.) (It will be noticed that this e Cotton at 8c; our price until sold, 5%c a yard. as personal property, and that real dirt, etc. is the end of "applause.") He is called "Col.," but where'he se- estate should be assessed as real Just here the probable secret of the —IN OUR— teured that military title is unknown, estate. This new squawbuck law re- "Colonel's" bitter hatred of the re- though he is said to have been born quires the assessor to put mortgages publican party showed itself. Muslin Underwear Department in 'Georgia, which may account for on his roll as a part of the realty. He said in effect: "I have a good 1 lot Ladies' Fruit of the Loom Drawers at oooooooooooo it. It is said that he came into this This is how it works: reason to hate the republican party. o We intend to make this the o section from Indiana, though no oneThere was a time in its history 25e a Pair. A is on the tax roll for $2,000 seems to know exactly. 0 Banner Week in our Carpet o personal property. This consists of when by the tinkling of a bell, a man 1 lot Night Robes at In opening up, this Bffiel tower of avho was not a republican was tak- o Department and give you a o a mortgage on B's house and lot,eloquence congratulated himself that 47e Each. whkh is on the roll for $3,000, mak- en from 'his horn eand dragged off to 0 House-Cleaning Benefit. o lie stood in the presence of the follow- prison -without a trial or without 1 lot Fine White Skirts, trimmed with ing a total assessment to the twoers of Jefferson—he didn't add Davis Torchon Lace and Embroidery, oooooooooooo men of $5,000 on the roll. Now the I authority from judge, or jury." (It —and Jackson. (applause.) He de-"will b eremembered that during the new law says that A's assessment of nied the assertion of republicans that 75c Each. $2,000 shall be stricken from the roll war, when the "Knights of the Golden y put down the rebellion and saved Circle," were somewhat numerous in entirely, and that B's assessment shall the country. It was a lie, they did- Indiana and some parts of other be divided, $1,000 to B, and $2,000 bot do it, but it was the great demo- states, there were eome copperheads to A, leaving a total assessment of cratic party that did it, and the repub- Sind southern sympathizers who found $3,000 in place of $5,000 as hereto- licans had stolen the credit. (Cheers.) AlLUN, fore. 'their way to Fort Lafayette, in New This campaign Nvas to be the last To ascertain how many thousands York harbor.) Leaders of Low Prices. one the democrats would have to Continuing he paid that the demo- of dollars have been stricken from the fight (he may have prophesied better rolls in this city, we have gone cratic banner had no such words on than he knew) after it was aver there its folds as envy, malice and hatred, through the books of the various wouldn't be a black republican left -*&p-^ - -=Sp-- /jit but those other democratic words: wards and separated the mortgage in the country, and the democratic ma- "Peace on earth, good will to man." property from other personal prop- jorities would be BO great that no re- And the Colonel's speech was un- erty, and find the result, by wards. turning- board would dare to go back doubtedly a brilliant specimen of it. to be: of the returns. (Laughter..) 1st Ward $231,400 The "Colonel" siaid his voice should THOSE 2d 190.1)00 Th erepublican party had no prinei- t>e heard from now until the close of 3d 114,000 iples, it was founded on hate and 4th W21,200 the campaign in the. interest of the 5th 10.000 •malice. "Take the hearts out of the democratic party. It is certainly to Gth 17.r,.7.j0 republicans, boil them down and turn be hoped BO. Total $1,048,950 the product into their own stomachs, It is perfectly safe to estimate of :uid they would die in fifteen minutes." In another column a correspondent that amount a cool $1,000,000 will "They exist on the same food that presents some good points on the ne-CLOSING OUT be entirely lost to the assessment roll.
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