Spartans' Fleming turns big loss into gain, page 6 af)Aff2 11( Volume 82, No. 21 Serving the San Jose State University Corn m unity Since 1934 Wednesday, February 29, 1984 Fullerton interested in OSU presidency By Mark Katches Santa Cruz home was rine negative SJSU President Gail Fullerton factor. said she is interested in the Oregon SJSU President one of six candidates sought On the positive side, Fullerton State University presidency, but said she is involved with several choosing to leave SJSU would be a programs at SJSU that she would difficult decision. Education in mid-March. Fullerton and said she was im- taking part in the selection process. their interviews. The final candi- like to see completed. "I'm thinking about it," she said Fullerton travelled to Oregon pressed. Fullerton did not pursue the dates will meet with students and Redeveloping facilities for the of the chance to head north. "But last week and was the first candi- "She is a very competent ad- OSU post but was nominated for it. faculty on the Corvalis campus by School of Engineering, refining cur- haven't packed my bags yet either." date interviewed. In her two-day ministrator. She has proven that at "They sought me," she said. "I next Monday. riculum, and funding the Beethoven Fullerton is one of six candi- stay on campus, she met with stu- San Jose," Wolfard said. "She could haven't been offering my resume Fullerton said she spent several Center are a few things Fullerton dates being considered to replace dent and faculty leaders and also be beneficial here." around or anything." rewarding years in Oregon receiv- said she would like to follow up on as the retiring Robert McVicar at OSU. met with members of the commu- Milosh Popovich, chairman of The candidates include Charles ing her doctorate 40 miles from Cor- SJSU president. She said she is happy at SJSU, but nity. the 16-member presidential search Ping, president of Ohio State Uni- valis at the University of Oregon at She has encountered support would not disclose whether she will "If I wasn't serious in looking at committee, said OSU is interested in versity; Allistar McCrine, presi- Eugene. from the SJSU community. accept the position if it is offered. the situation, I wouldn't be here," Fullerton because of her outstand- dent of Humboldt State University; Fullerton, who replaced John "A student who I couldn't see McVicar's replacement will be Fullerton told the OSU Daily Ba- ing record at SJSU. Fullerton is an John Burn, former acting director of Bunzel in 1978, said she created a list and I have no idea who he was named by April I. Fullerton said. rometer, the campus newspaper. excellent candidate, Popovich said, the OSU Marine Science Center; of positive and negative aspects to walked by on his way to class and First, the presidential search com- OSU Student Body President but no comparisons will be made and Clifford Smith. former vice help evaluate both universities. Al- said, 'Stay with us, Mrs. Fullerton.' mittee at OSU will send names of Sharon Wolfard is serving on the until all interviews are complete. president of OSU. though she would not reveal all her "He obviously knew who I vias. three semi-finalists to the Regents presidential search committee. She McVicar said he would not com- Two more candidates will not be pros and cons, she said the long and I was very moved by what he of the Oregon State Board of Higher was present at the interviews with ment on Fullerton because he is not officially named until the day of commute to San Jose from her said It touched me.'' Victims of incest All in a-rrow' plagued guilt by By Melissa Calvo The hopelessness a child can feel, "Lying in the room in the dark of the night. in a terrified way, wait- ing for that door to open," is an ex- ample of the suffering a victim of in- cest can feel, according to SJSU Counselor Wiggsy Sivertsen. Sivertsen, along with Rosemary Lutus, graduate student of psychol- ogy, counsels a group of incest sur- vivors from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Mondays. Survivors are those people who have been the victims of incest. In- cest is defined as sexual activities between persons too closely related to marry legally. Sivertsen said she began this program after noticing an increas- Wiggsy Sivertsen ing number of students who have SJSU counselor problems because of incest. People who have incestous cally defined survivors as the cre- relationships feel betrayed because ators of the crime, she said. "this person who is supposed to be She went on to explain the incest your caretaker, is taking advantage case of a 5-year-old girl, whom a of that power position." she said. judge said was seductive and ma- Sivertsen . also said that survi- nipulative and he could understand vors are very withdrawn. why the man approached her. "They have a really hard time Another reason that some fe- being open, sharing, trusting and male survivors feel guilty is because getting close to people. they've had orgasmic experiences "They will have frequently cas- as molested adolescents, she said. ual sexual relationships, but have "They feel really shamed and difficulty with intimate that denies the biological reality of relationships," she said their existence," she said. Much of those sexual problems Sivertsen said that the major are associated with the element of component of incest is the secret: guilt that incest survivors have es- without the secret, it cannot exist. pecially women, she said. But there are those who will not "Women grow up feeling guilty tell. Craig Sailor and part of that, the Mental Health "Imagine having something Profession has to eat because they happen to you that makes you so un- Reminiscent of Robin Hood, Jonathan Ong takes careful quires skill and concentration," the junior graphic design really are responsible for having comfortable for such an extended aim for the bullseye in a beginning archery ('lass. "It re- student said. "It's an escape from the regular classes." perpetuated that thought." Sivert- period of time that you can't talk to sen said. anyone about ," she sa id. The old books on incest clini- continued on back page planned Business degree Fraternity donates $250 to teach new technology to SJSU Marching By Carl Miller up with with the quick changes in Band The SJSU School of Business is technoloy. We want to teach stu- By Patty Kamysz ATii is hoping the donation planning a new major for next se- dents to manage technology sys- Scott Pierson, director of the will encourage other fraternities mester called Information and Re- tems at a cost businesses can pay," SJSU Marching Band had good to jump on the bandwagon and source Management, designed to he said. reason to smile Monday af- offer funds for the uniforms. produce students who can manage According to Lehane, engineers ternoon. He was handed an enve- Houston said. the rapidly changing information are creating and developing high lope containing a check for 8250 In return for the money, technologies, according to Business technology information systems so a gift from Alpha Tau Omega. Pierson said the band will place Prof. John Lehane. fast, businesses are having trouble The check, presented by ATO's and other donors names "The IRM major will teach stu- managing the technology. three members from the frater- on the bands' garment bags. Dur- dents to coordinate business com- nity, will enable the band to buy ing the first event of next year all puter systems, information net- "Businesses are looking I or one new uniform. According to donors will be publicly an- works, word processing. and someone who can create a good Pierson, they need IRO uniforms nounced. telephone networks," Lehane said. business information system that is for next year's programs, but are SJSU's present uniforms are Thirteen sister business schools cost effective and gets the job done, having difficulty raising the esti- 15 years old. and Pierson said the in the state schools system already as a businessman sees it," Lehane mated $45,000 in funds. time is past due for new ones. have IRM majors, he said, while said. In response to the band's re- "They've been around since SJSU's is still in the planning stages. John Gessford, Los Angeles quest for aid. ATO decided to 1969." he said "The average life Considering that SJSU is located State University Assistant Dean of show their support by giving the of a uniform is no more than to near the heart of Silicon Valley, this Business, said his school has a money, said Tim Gale, vice pres- years." fact may seem strange. major called Information Manage- ident of the chapter. Also present In addition, he said the white. "The reasons the SJSU Business ment Systems I 1MS), similiar to yesterday were AT() president navy and sky blue uniforms are School is behind are insufficient SJSU's slated program. Bill Baron and public relations not even the school colors. The equipment, not the right type of in- "We have about 1,000 students officer Jeff Houston. new uniforms are the correct col- structors, and not a good idea of in the program and they seem to do Currently, the band has ob- ors: blue, white and gold. what we want to do," Lehane said. very well," he said. tained enough donations to buy 50 "They're going to look strik- The IBM major is needed, Le- The IRM degree is applicable uniforms, with ATO's contribu- ing from a distance," Pierson said.
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