SCHOOL BOARD MEETING APRIL 25, 2017 PAGE 1 OF 10 APPROVED: MAY 9, 2017 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SESSION OF THE STAFFORD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD HELD APRIL 25, 2017, 7:00 P.M., AT THE ALVIN YORK BANDY ADMINISTRATION COMPLEX. THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS WERE PRESENT: HOLLY H. HAZARD, CHAIR, HARTWOOD DISTRICT; C. SCOTT HIRONS, VICE-CHAIR, FALMOUTH DISTRICT; CHRISTOPHER CONNELLY, GARRISONVILLE DISTRICT; JAMIE L. DECATUR, GRIFFIS- WIDEWATER DISTRICT; PATRICIA A. HEALY, ROCK HILL DISTRICT; AND DEWAYNE MCOSKER, JR., GEORGE WASHINGTON DISTRICT. ALSO PRESENT WERE DR. W. BRUCE BENSON, SUPERINTENDENT; AND ROBERTA EURING, CLERK OF THE BOARD. IRENE M. EGAN, AQUIA DISTRICT, PARTICIPATED TELEPHONICALLY UNTIL 9:07 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order. 2. CLOSED SESSION IT WAS MOVED BY MR. HIRONS AND SECONDED BY MS. HEALY, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.2-3711(A) OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA, 1950, AS AMENDED, THAT THE STAFFORD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD CONVENE A CLOSED MEETING TO DISCUSS AN APPOINTMENT OF PERSONNEL PURSUANT TO THE PERSONNEL EXEMPTION AT SECTION 2.2-3711(A)(1) OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA, 1950, AS AMENDED. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Christopher P. Connelly, Jamie L. Decatur, Irene M. Egan, Holly H. Hazard, Patricia A. Healy, C. Scott Hirons; and Dewayne McOsker, Jr. 3. CLOSED SESSION CERTIFICATION/ACTION 3.01 Closed Session Certification IT WAS MOVED BY MR. HIRONS AND SECONDED BY MS. HEALY: WHEREAS, THE STAFFORD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD HAS CONVENED A CLOSED MEETING ON THIS DATE PURSUANT TO AN AFFIRMATIVE RECORDED VOTE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE VIRGINIA FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT, AND WHEREAS, SECTION 2.2-3712 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA REQUIRES CERTIFICATION BY THIS SCHOOL BOARD THAT SUCH CLOSED MEETING WAS CONDUCTED IN CONFORMITY WITH VIRGINIA LAW: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE STAFFORD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT, TO THE BEST OF EACH MEMBER’S KNOWLEDGE, (i) ONLY PUBLIC BUSINESS MATTERS LAWFULLY EXEMPTED FROM OPEN MEETING REQUIREMENTS BY VIRGINIA LAW WERE DISCUSSED IN THE CLOSED MEETING TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION APPLIES, AND (ii) ONLY SUCH PUBLIC BUSINESS MATTERS AS WERE IDENTIFIED IN THE MOTION CONVENING THE CLOSED MEETING WERE HEARD, DISCUSSED, OR CONSIDERED. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Christopher P. Connelly, Jamie L. Decatur, Irene M. Egan, Holly H. Hazard, Patricia A. Healy, C. Scott Hirons; and Dewayne McOsker, Jr. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING APRIL 25, 2017 PAGE 2 OF 10 APPROVED: MAY 9, 2017 3.02 Action from Closed Session – Appointment of Personnel – 2.2-3711(A)(1) IT WAS MOVED BY MR. HIRONS AND SECONDED BY MS. HEALY THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD APPROVE THE SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION FOR THE CLERK OF THE BOARD. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Christopher P. Connelly, Jamie L. Decatur, Irene M. Egan, Holly H. Hazard, Patricia A. Healy, C. Scott Hirons; and Dewayne McOsker, Jr. Dr. Benson announced Melissa Hall as the next Clerk of the School Board. 4. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A moment of silence was observed at this time followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Colors presented by Brooke Point High School Navy JROTC. 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – APPROVED AS AMENDED IT WAS MOVED BY MR. HIRONS AND SECONDED BY MR. MCOSKER THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD MOVE AGENDA ITEM 10.07 FROM CONSENT ITEMS TO ACTION ITEMS. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Christopher P. Connelly, Jamie L. Decatur, Irene M. Egan, Holly H. Hazard, Patricia A. Healy, C. Scott Hirons; and Dewayne McOsker, Jr. 6. AWARDS The Principal of Mountain View High School (MVHS) Jim Stemple, recognized the MVHS State Champions 5A Field Hockey Team. The Principal of Brooke Point High School (BPHS) Tammy Houck, recognized the BPHS State Champions 5A Wrestling Team. Assistant Principal of Athletics and Activities at Colonial Forge High School (CFHS) Jeff Berry recognized the CFHS State Champions 6A Wrestling Team AND State Champions 6A Girls Basketball Team. Executive Director of Transportation and Fleet Services Barry Suddeth recognized the Region 3 School Bus Roadeo. Apple Federal Credit Union Assistant Branch Manager Tonda Lovelace recognized the 2017 Service Employee of the Year. 7. CITIZEN COMMENTS Dakota Kahley and Karen Huezo, Y Street, requested the School Board amend their tobacco policy to: include no tobacco on all school property; a definition of tobacco; and requiring consequences for visitors who do not adhere to the policy. Karen Wright stated that her granddaughter attends Margaret Brent Elementary School (MBES) SCHOOL BOARD MEETING APRIL 25, 2017 PAGE 3 OF 10 APPROVED: MAY 9, 2017 and would like to know the requirements that would allow her to continue attending MBES after elementary school redistricting. Kristine Kainu stated that she is against the ES redistricting due to program capacity issues. Cimone Wright stated that her daughter is thriving at MBES and she would like to know how she can continue attending MBES after the elementary school redistricting. 8. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Mr. Hirons stated the Finance and Budget Committee (FABC) had a meeting on April 24, 2017. He stated that staff requested the FABC’s guidance on procurement thresholds. 9. SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS Dr. Benson stated that the Stafford Education Foundation recognition dinner will be on April 26, 2017, at Mountain View High School at 6:00 p.m., where 18 teachers and 5 students will be recognized. He stated that Electrify Your Strings Concert will be held at North Stafford High School on April 28, 2017. 10. CONSENT ITEMS – APPROVED IT WAS MOVED BY MR. HIRONS AND SECONDED BY MR. CONNELLY THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Christopher P. Connelly, Jamie L. Decatur, Irene M. Egan, Holly H. Hazard, Patricia A. Healy, C. Scott Hirons; and Dewayne McOsker, Jr. The Consent Agenda items were as follows: 8.01 Approve the Minutes for April 11, 2017, Regular Meeting; 8.02 Approve the April 25, 2017, Personnel Report of Resignations and Appointments; 8.03 Approve the Adoption and Purchase of Social Studies (K-12); 8.04 Approve Employee Rates for Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Health, Dental, Vision and Employee Assistance Program for Fiscal Year 2018; 8.05 Approve 2017-2018 Annual Plan for Special Education; 8.06 Approve the 2017 - 2018 Stafford Head Start Early Head Start Refunding Application for $2,472,422; Including the Philosophy, Policy Council Bylaws, Policies, Annual Self-Assessment, Annual Plan and Goals; and 8.07 Approve Courthouse Manor Subdivision as a Non Transportation (Walking) Zone for Stafford Elementary School. 11. ACTION ITEMS 11.01 APPROVE SPARTAN OAKS SUBDIVISION AS A NON TRANSPORTATION ZONE FOR STAFFORD MIDDLE AND BROOKE POINT HIGH SCHOOL- APPROVED IT WAS MOVED BY MS. EGAN AND SECONDED BY MR. HIRONS THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD APPROVE THIS AGENDA ITEM. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Christopher P. Connelly, Jamie L. Decatur, Irene M. Egan, Holly H. Hazard, Patricia A. Healy, C. Scott Hirons; and Dewayne McOsker, Jr. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING APRIL 25, 2017 PAGE 4 OF 10 APPROVED: MAY 9, 2017 Ms. Egan explained that the Spartan development is a buy-rite development. Due to this being a buy-rite development, it precludes the county or school division to have any say in what resources or infrastructure is included in the development, to include proffers and sidewalks. Ms. Healy stated that she would like a report generated for next school year, approximately a month after school starts, regarding any safety concerns. 11.02 APPROVE AN OPTION FOR FALMOUTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REDISTRICTING EFFECTIVE THE 2017 - 2018 SCHOOL YEAR IT WAS MOVED BY MS. HEALY AND SECONDED BY MR. MCOSKER THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD APPROVE OPTION 1 FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REDISTRICTING. Final Resolution: Motion Fails Yea: Holly H. Hazard, Patricia A. Healy, and Dewayne McOsker, Jr. Nay: Christopher P. Connelly, Jamie L. Decatur, Irene M. Egan, and Scott Hirons IT WAS MOVED BY MR. HIRONS AND SECONDED BY MS. DECATUR THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD APPROVE OPTION 3 FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REDISTRICTING. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Christopher P. Connelly, Jamie L. Decatur, Irene M. Egan, Holly H. Hazard, Patricia A. Healy, C. Scott Hirons; and Dewayne McOsker, Jr. IT WAS MOVED BY MR. MCOSKER AND SECONDED BY MS. EGAN THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD APPROVE OPTION 2 FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REDISTRICTING. This motion was not voted on due to the previous motion passing unanimously. Mr. Hirons made it clear that the music room in Falmouth Elementary School (FES) would not be moved. Mr. McOsker stated that he made a motion for option 2 that will move 117 students from Margaret Brent Elementary School (MBES) and Ferry Farm Elementary School (FFES). He stated he did this due the length of bus rides and traffic concerns that he tried to address with the SB over a year ago. He stated that in 2008-2009 when the England Run Point neighborhood was being developed, it was identified to attend FES. Due to the renovations at FES, the students were sent to FFES. The issue with this has been the long bus rides that get students to school at 8:58 a.m., which is only 2 minutes before start time for instruction, which leaves them little time for breakfast. He stated that MBES needs some relief due to its high capacity percentage. Mr. McOsker suggested that the SB postpone the MBES relief issue for a year and bring Rockhill Elementary School (RES) and Hartwood Elementary School in as a way to relieve the high capacity percentage at MBES. Mr. Hirons stated that he believes option 3 is the best interest of the students at FES. He stated that he has not seen any evidence that when England Run Point was being built, the children were slated attend FES.
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