THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD, BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Memorial Day a solemn but special time in Belmont BY DONNA RHODES [email protected] of onlookers in prayer, re- BELMONT — Whether membering both those who you remember it as Decora- served the country in both tion Day, or have always the past and the present. known it as Memorial Day, “Those in uniform now the gratitude and respect for are with us in our hearts, as servicemen and women who well as those who have gone have died is still the same. before,” Boucher said. To pay tribute to those res- Stevens then took the podi- idents of Belmont who um to say Memorial Day is a served the nation, a parade time to honor all fallen sol- in their honor made its way diers. along Main Street Monday, “They were our heroes. stopping before the war me- Our fathers, husbands, morial on Church Street for brothers and sisters…we a brief ceremony. could never repay them, and Robert Stevens, Comman- they would never ask,” said dant of the Charles G. Kil- Stevens. born American Legion Post He asked that people 58 in Belmont, led the cere- pause to remember those monies, which began with who are still missing in ac- the raising of the flag by Vice- tion, along with the men and Commander Woodrow Fogg women of the police and fire and Leonard Hooker, Adju- departments who also give tant. Post Chaplain Father freely and willingly of their Boucher then led the crowd SEE MEMORIAL, PAGE 12 DONNA RHODES Girl Scout, Brownies and Daisy troop members from Belmont were a patriotic bunch as they made their way to the monument on Church Street as part of the Memorial Day parade and ceremonies. Tilton School graduates take the next step BY DONNA RHODES [email protected] Bag piper John Newman led a TILTON — Skies were cloudy, procession of the student body, but the smiles were bright last Sat- which then lined the path for the urday,as the 166th Commencement Class of 2011, applauding them as of the Tilton School got underway they made their way to their seats on the lawns sprawling before the in front of the large crowd. DONNA RHODES school gymnasium. Academic Dean Dr. Margaret W. As part of the Memorial Day ceremonies in Belmont Monday, the Charles Family and friends gathered to Allen told the graduates that de- Kilborn American Legion Post 58 dedicated a polished granite bench to send 85 graduates from several spite the overcast weather, “rays of honor former chaplain Fred Livingstone at Penstock Park. On hand for states and countries around the sunlight will come forth today” as the dedication were Livingston’s wife, Virginia (seated), and daughters world off on their next journey in the class, a diverse group young Laura Williams (left), with husband Lance from Concord, and Kathleen life. men and women made up of many Albert and her husband Steven of Northfield. cultures, religions and languages, DONNA RHODES Carey Spanos and Logan Stanley, presi- set out on a new adventure beyond dent and vice president of the Tilton the halls of Tilton School. She New bench pays School Class of 2011, led the procession- hoped all they had learned during al of graduates onto the lawn of the their time in Tilton would sustain school as the 166th Commencement got them in their lives, but reminded underway last Saturday morning. tribute to former SEE GRADUATES, PAGE 10 Legion chaplain BY DONNA RHODES gesture on their part, and WRHS honors those who serve with flag from Iraq [email protected] thank them all for remem- BELMONT — The Town bering Fred this way. It real- BY DONNA RHODES of Belmont received a pol- [email protected] ly means a lot to us,” she said. ished granite bench to adorn Livingston’s two daugh- TILTON — Students at Penstock Park on Main ters, Laura Williams and Winnisquam Regional High Street during Memorial Day Kathleen Albert, and their School paused last Thursday ceremonies Monday, a gift to husbands accompanied Liv- morning for a moment of re- the town from Charles Kil- ingston, and were equally membrance and respect for born American Legion Post emotional about the tribute. Armed Services members 58 in honor of former chap- “I get choked up just who died in service to the lain Fred Livingston. thinking about it,” said country. Post Commander Bob Williams. Stevens said they were Outside the school, mem- She and her family gath- pleased to present the bench bers of Social Studies classes ered around the bench after to selectmen and the town in and the new History Club a ceremony at the nearby hopes that it would help res- gathered around a World War war memorial monument to idents enjoy the park, and the II monument with Army Na- take photos and reflect on the history it represents in the tional Guard member Capt. gift from Livingston’s fellow founding of Belmont. Peter Cartmell, who has Legionnaires. Money to purchase the served during two tours of Both daughters said their permanent memorial tribute duty in Iraq, both in 2005 and father would be both hon- came from donations by the ored and humbled by the trib- again in 2009-2010. N.H. State Police Benevolent ute, and Albert added he The flag he presented to Association and many com- would also be very proud to the school district on May 26 munity members when Liv- be remembered in such a ingston passed away on June wonderful way by his INDEX DONNA RHODES 13 of last year. friends. ■ Capt. Peter Cartmell of the Army National Guard, Company C, 3/238th Aviation Medevac Unit from Concord Livingston’s family was stood at attention after he and Winnisquam Regional High School teacher Dave Rogaki, also a veteran, laid Williams, who lives near- on hand for the Memorial before a memorial to fallen soldiers of World War II last week. Cartmell’s son Matt and WRHS student Pat by in Northfield, said the Day ceremonies and bench Sanborn stood nearby to display the American flag Cartmell presented to the school, which was carried by the bench will be a touching re- Community Commentary ..A5-6 dedication, honored to see Concord unit during 11 hours of combat service in Iraq. minder of her father each their husband and father me- Editorial Page .......................A4 time she drives through Bel- morialized in the town’s mont. North Country Notebook .....A7 had actually been flown over combat time from Dec. 2-15 in nificance that want to dis- newest park. A second bench will be Iraq in a helicopter from his 2009, including a Medevac play them. We were happy we Virginia Livingston said Schools..............................A7-8 added to Penstock Park in the unit as part of Operation mission to transport wound- could bring one here to Win- she was very touched by the near future, and other plans Culture................................A11 Iraqi Freedom. Under the ed Special Forces personnel. nisquam High School,” he generosity of Post 58’s cur- include a garden, shrubbery command of pilot Junker “We’ve flown a number of said. rent chaplain, and all of the Obituaries...........................A12 and a plaque to explain the Dustoff, the stars and stripes these flags during our tour of WRHS social studies members who knew her hus- ©2011, Salmon Press, LLC. significance of the old pen- Cartmell presented to the duty, and hold onto them to teacher Denise Lessard said band for many years. Call us at (603) 279-4516 stock now visible over the school had seen 11.7 hours of bring back for places of sig- “I think it’s just a lovely email: [email protected] SEE WRHS, PAGE 11 Tioga River. 2 June 2, 2011 LOCAL NEWS WINNISQUAM ECHO ■ Bedford Quilt Guild donates quilts to Veterans TILTON — It was a spe- the NHVH women veterans. have it.” Hampshire Veterans home ment to nursing home cul- only long-term care facility cial day for the women veter- In addition, Wanda Makela Evangeline Tappin, who was one of just four New ture change and quality of in the Granite State that is ans of the New Hampshire of the Bunkhouse Quilt Shop was an Army nurse in World Hampshire nursing homes to life. Located on a 30-acre cam- dedicated exclusively to vet- Veterans Home (NHVH) in Lyndeborough donated 25 War II, said, “They are really win the first Quality of Life pus bordering Tilton’s 55- erans, NHVH’s mission is to when 11 members of the Bed- handmade pillowcases. lovely and it was such a Award from the New Hamp- acre Buffalo Park conserva- provide high quality, profes- ford Friendship Quilt Guild The presentation became thoughtful gift. We all appre- shire Department of Health tion area, NHVH has the ca- sional long-term care servic- (BFQG) thanked them for even more meaningful when ciate the quilts and the hard & Human Services (DHHS) pacity to care for 250 men and es to the Granite State’s eld- their service and brought the Veterans Home ladies work it must have taken to in 2007. NHVH was recog- women who have served erly and disabled veterans them each a beautiful hand- joined the quilters for coffee, make them.” nized again in 2009 by DHHS their country and fellow New with compassion, respect, made quilt. refreshments, and lots of NHVH Commandant Bar- for its continuing commit- Hampshire citizens. As the and dignity. Fay Shedd, BFQG Com- conversation. Several of the ry Conway was impressed munity Service Chair, ex- quilters sat with the NHVH with the quilts, and very plained, “We wanted to rec- ladies who received “their” grateful to the quilters for ognize the contributions of quilts and explained the their generosity.
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