ffirs.qxd 4/1/07 7:51 AM Page i THE BATTLE OVER THE MEANING OF EVERYTHING • Evolution, Intelligent Design, and a School Board in Dover, PA Gordy Slack John Wiley & Sons ffirs.qxd 4/1/07 7:51 AM Page ii Copyright © 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741 www.josseybass.com No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permit- ted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978- 646-8600, or on the Web at www.copyright.com. 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ISBN 978-0-7879-8786-2 (cloth) 1. Kitzmiller,Tammy—Trials, litigation, etc. 2. Dover Area School District (Dover, Pa.)—Trials, litigation, etc. 3. Evolution (Biology)—Study and teaching—Law and legislation—Pennsylvania—Dover. 4. Intelligent design (Teleology)—Study and teaching—Law and legislation—Pennsylvania—Dover. I.Title. KF228.K589S59 2007 344.748'41077—dc22 2007005825 Printed in the United States of America first edition HB Printing 10987654321 ftoc.qxd 4/1/07 7:53 AM Page iii • contents Prologue v 1 The Takeover 1 2 The Train to Dover 16 3 The Theory Is Not a Fact 23 4 Assembling Goliath 43 5 Thomas More and ID Lite 61 6 ID Heavy and the Wedge 74 7 Down by Law 85 8 Search and Replace 98 9 The Varieties of Materialistic Experience 109 10 The Flagellar Fandango 124 11 Liars for Christ 144 12 The Unraveling 158 13 The Fortieth Day 170 14 The People’s Court and the Gospel According to John Jones 182 15 Afterword 199 Notes 209 Acknowledgments 219 About the Author 223 Index 224 iii fbetw.qxd 4/1/07 7:50 AM Page iv For my sons Leo and Jonah: may you continue to joyously pursue the truth and to regard with skeptical respect those who swear to have found it • flast.qxd 4/1/07 7:52 AM Page v • PROLOGUE The intelligent design movement had taken the nation by storm, and in the process I had lost a bet. Sort of. In January 1998, my father and I had marched down Berkeley’s Col- lege Avenue, overdressed in suits and sweating like Mormons at the equa- tor. It was extraordinarily hot, and the midday sun raised bubbles in the asphalt.We were arguing about evolution, as usual, as we raced toward Boalt Hall, the University of California at Berkeley’s law school.We were going there to meet Phillip Johnson, professor of law,author of a book called Dar- win on Trial, and the founding father of what my dad described as the “neo- creationist” intelligent design (ID) movement. I was an editor at a natural history magazine, and the theme of my work was evolutionary biology.That fact was a big bee in the bonnet of my dad, a Princeton-trained experimental psychologist who, to my dismay, had recently turned super-Christian anti-evolution neo-creationist proponent of ID. He’d been corresponding with Phil Johnson and had somehow talked him, and me, into having lunch together. When we burst into his office ten minutes late, breathless and hot, Johnson offered us each a glass of water. I would have much preferred a dou- ble scotch.What the hell was I doing here? Why had I, a science writer and evolutionist, agreed to have lunch with a crusading creationist lawyer? How could this possibly turn out well? v flast.qxd 4/1/07 7:52 AM Page vi • prologue • Johnson, at fifty-six, looked older than his years. He was a short, squarish person with mischievous crinkly eyes and a thin wisp of gray hair that breached the top of his shiny head. He expressed lots of both confi- dence and humility, and they commingled disarmingly. Despite his mission, he had none of the fundamentalist preacher about him. He was urbane, articulate, and smart as a whip; not at all what I expected to find in the guy who’d resurrected creationism from the dung heap of America’s really bad twentieth-century ideas. We walked the short distance to the comfortable, redwood-shaded Berkeley Faculty Club. Once we settled in to our meal, Johnson and I argued intensively, ceaselessly, but civilly for an hour and a half, taking turns so we could eat our chicken and mashed potatoes between bursts of rhetoric. Though the intelligent design movement was still an infant, all of its basic arguments were already in place. Johnson argued that evolution was an ideology, not a science; that what passed for scientific proof in evolu- tionary biology was neither scientific nor proof but rather rhetoric resting on bad philosophy. Evolution was bad science, he said, but what this debate was really about was neither evolution nor ID, but the worldviews they enabled. Evolution, he said, permits a relativistic, purposeless, Godless view of the world, in which self-aggrandizement and pleasure are sufficient ends in themselves, and the only objective measure of goodness is repro- ductive fitness. I stood up for evolution, citing the ever-stronger evidence found in the fossil record, the avalanche of new genetic evidence, and lab work directly observing evolution not only in microorganisms but in big ones such as fruit flies. Natural selection had not only helped create a coherent narra- tive about the source of life, I said, but also helped create drug-resistant pathogens and the new medicines used to treat them. Johnson shook his head. No, he said, and cited a new book in which Lehigh University biochemist Michael Behe allegedly took apart each of Darwin’s claims. In addition to revealing Darwin’s fallacies, Behe also showed that the biological world was riddled with structures which were vi flast.qxd 4/1/07 7:52 AM Page vii Prologue complex in a way that Darwin’s step-by-step natural selection couldn’t begin to explain. Design—intelligent design—was the only other explanation, Behe and Johnson said. If there’s any evidence for natural selection, Johnson said, it is only for minor changes within a species.The big stuff, evolution of new kinds of life from old ones, complex ones from simple ones, birds from dinosaurs, just doesn’t fly, he said. It couldn’t.You don’t find an organism with half a lung, half an eye, half a flagellum, he said. “What about lungfish?” I asked. “Aren’t they a likely candidate for the ancestor to all terrestrial vertebrates? Don’t they have something like half a lung?” “No,” he said. “Yes,” I said. “No,” he said. Neither Johnson, the lawyer, nor I, the science writer, could settle the question there.Although we were both better equipped with facts and the- oretical understanding than most people having this debate, it still boiled down to a basic difference. I believed in evolution, he did not. Darwin’s theory of evolution was, for me, a fundamental belief. If nat- ural selection couldn’t explain some irreducibly complex structure now, I said, one day either it, or some other natural process, would be able to. I just knew it. “Okay!” he said, as if crying Eureka! “You’ve said it! You assume that even if Darwin’s theory is wrong, that one day there will be some other nat- ural, mindless, unintentional explanation of life’s history . that’s exactly the assumption that props up the whole materialistic view of the world. It locks intelligent design out of science by definition, whether there is evi- dence for design or not.And that’s exactly the view of the world that ID is going to bring down like a house of cards,” he said, not even trying to sup- press his impish smile.
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