21862 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 27, 1973 formation with respect to the possible control; to the Committee on Merchant Ma­ By Mr. RANGEL: grounds for impeachment of the President of rine and Fisheries. H.R. 9026. A b111 for the relief of Knicker­ the United States; to the Committee on the bocker Hospital, New York City; to the Com­ Judiciary. mittee on the Judiciary. By r. SMITH of Iowa: PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. ROE: H. Res. 474. Resolution creating a special H.R. 9027. A b111 for the relief of Maria committee to investigate campaign expendi­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Grazia Bongiovanni; to the Committee on tures; to the Committee on Rules. bills and resolutions were introduced and the Judiciary. severally referred as follows: By Mr. BENNETT: PETITIONS, ETC. MEMORIALS H.R. 9024. A bill for the relief of Feliciano Mecaraeg; to the Committee on the Judi­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Under clause 4 of rule XXII, ciary. 247. The SPEAKER presented a. petition of 266. The SPEAKER presented a memorial By Mr. KOCH: Louis Mira, San Luis Obispo, Calif., relative of the Legislature of the State of Utah, rela­ H.R. 9025. A bill for the relief of Israel to redress of grievances which was referred tive to canine toxicants used for predator Wald; to the Com~ittee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on t:a.e Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ENDANGERED SPECIES ARE BEING Thanks to the energetic parts of the wild­ days? The administration's price check­ THREATENED life and conservation movement, Congress has expressed interest in preventing further de­ ers have dealt with the ~ validity of general struction. But the interest is not yet great, increases. But no Federal agency to my HON. FRANK ANNUNZIO at least not in the sense that strong legisla­ knowledge is policing inventory markups tion has been passed. The 1969 endangered in the retail establishments and, in a OF U.LINOIS species conservation act has too many weak time of perilous inflation, it seems to me IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES parts to be effective; for example, there is no that this is a matter demanding atten­ Tuesday, June 26, 1973 :federal control over killing native endangered tion. species, and the import of furs from a foreign Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, I want Inflation is caused by a number of endangered spec.tes is banned only ~hen the forces in an economy. Too much money to call to the attention of my colleagues animal is nearly gone. an editorial that appeared in today's Currently, several much-improved bills are chasing too few things. Price and cost Washington Post with reference to the before the Senate Commerce Committee and boosts leapfrogging all along the line Endangered Species Act. It discusses the the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries from producer to consumer. HeavY Gov­ necessity of passing a strong endan­ Committee. Whatever bill finally emerges, it ernment spending. But too little is said seems sensible that the ultimate authority about those profit-hungry dealers who gered species bill. rest with the federal government, not the The Endangered Species Act of 1973 take advantage whenever possible of individual states, many of which have proven their trusting customers by boosting 1s now being considered by the House indifferent to the problem. With little open Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com­ opposition to the bills, there is no reason­ prices on their stocks on hand. These mittee. This bill has been cosponsored except congressional inertia-for inaction. It people give inflation a big shove. by over 70 Members of the House, in­ is true, the survival of animal life is not a What can be done about them? Com­ cluding myself, and if passed, would burning political issue of the day, but there plaints can be made to consumer protec­ protect species of fish and wildlife 1s the recent observation of Dr. Lee M. Talbot t~o.n bureaus which, in turn, might. pub­ of the Council on Environmental Quality: liCize a profiteer. But this necessitates an threatened with extinction. If we allow .. During the past 150 years, the rate of ex­ the extinction of our endangered spe­ angry buyer with strong evidence of termination of mammals has increased 55- fraud, a wrong that is not clearly defined cies, then the entire balance of nature fold. If (these) exterminations continue to may be destroyed and eventually our increase at that rate, in about 30 years all in the deed of gouging by the inventory entire environment may be threatened. the remaining 4,062 species of mammals will price hiking route. This bill contains strong provisions to be gone." With such a thought before it, The problem could be too big and too deal with violators of protective regula­ Congress has an important obligation to act. important nowadays to be left to the tions specified in the legislation, and is Another lost opportunity on Capitol Hill individual. The Feder~ Government, it could mean a. number of lost species else­ appears to me, has both a responsibility designed to promote the long-term sur­ where. vival of the human species by insuring in this situation and the means whereby continuation of the balance of nature. it can be corrected~the taxing author­ Certain sections of the bill will put strict MARKING UP THE INVENTORIES ity. Undue profits reported in conse­ controls on those who persist in killing quence of marked up inventories ought to rare animals. We have a worldwide be spotted easily on tax returns and made problem in this area and it is impera­ HON. JOSEPH M. GAYDOS the target for "excess" levies high enough tive to demonstrate to the rest of the OF PENNSYLVANIA to stop them. world that the United States is willing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We had our "war profiteers" in times to take an important step in restoring Tuesday, June 26, 1973 past-people who took advantage of na­ nature's ecological balance. tional difficulties to unfairly line their The editorial follows: Mr. GAYDOS. Mr. Speaker, a constit­ uent has told me of picking a "49 cents" pockets at the expense of the public. PROTECTING ENDANGERED SPECIES Now, apparently, we have "inflation America. has long been a. nation of pet price sticker from a food package bought owners, and there surely is no shortage of in a supermarket and finding "39 cents" profiteers" who warrant measures against dogs and cats. But large numbers of other stamped beneath. themselves as strong as those which were animals exist, ones that will never be pets Others, so I am informed, have had applied in wartime. but which nevertheless deserve to survive as species and play their roles as nature in­ like experiences. They have noted ink tended. Most of us seldom or never see such blurs on plastic tops and lids caused by AMENDMENT TO H.R. 8947 creatures as the cheetah, of which only 2,000 abrupt price alterations, always upward, are left, or the Puerto Rican parrot, down made while the products were on the to 15 or 20, or the red wolf, which is almost shelves. HON. PAUL N. McCLOSKEY, JR. wiped out. These animals and some 900 This denotes, of course, that old busi­ OF CALIFORNIA others are seriously endangered or are be­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES coming threatened with extinction. They are ness practice of, when opportunity per­ 1n this precarious state because we have been mits, marking up the inventory. In the Wednesday, June 27, 1973 overhunting, polluting and exploiting them, case of the "49 cents" sticker covering the Mr. McCLOSKEY. Mr. Speaker, when as 1! the animals' breeding capacity is as 39 cents originally stamped price, the the Public Works Appropriation bill, limitless as our folly. To date, more than 225 species and sub-species 0'! birds and mam­ markup was in the neighborhood of 25 H.R. 8947, comes on the :floor Thursday, mals have disappeared from the earth since percent, a hefty profit indeed. I intend to offer an amendment to de-· ,1600. They won't be back. · How much of this is going on these lete ~ funds for construction of the New June 27, .1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21863 Melones Dam project on the Stanislaus miration and respect of all who know the like. The staffs of standing committees River in California. him and I join with his many friends in have developed some expertise in these ar­ Mr. Speaker, the text of my amend­ cane fields, but they generally are overworked public acknowledging his many contribu-. and ill-equipped for full-blown research. ment to preserve one of the last white­ tions to the Legion, to his community, In an effort to close the ignorance gap, water stretches of River in California and to our society. Kennedy-and others-thought up the OTA. follows, placed in the RECORD at this The office would not wait upon the introduc­ point pursuant to rule 23, clause 6: tion of bills. It would seek to anticipate Floor amendment to H.R. 8947, the Public technological areas of probable legislative Works-Appropriations bill: OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY activity, in order to keep Congress informed "On page 5, line 17, strike $864,569,000, and ASSESSMENT on the impact, for example, of new pesticides insert in lieu thereof $848,569,000. or super-tankers. "On page 6, line 6, and provided further, The board is to consist of six senators and that no part of this appropriation shall be HON. OLIN E. TEAGUE six representatives. In odd-numbered Con­ used for construction of the New Melones OF TEXAS gresses, the chairman will come from the Lake project." Senate, in even-numbered Congresses the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House.
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