Hollins University Hollins Digital Commons Hollins Student Newspapers Hollins Student Newspapers 9-28-1929 Hollins Student Life (1929 Sept 28) Hollins College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers Part of the Higher Education Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons, and the Women's History Commons Recommended Citation Hollins College, "Hollins Student Life (1929 Sept 28)" (1929). Hollins Student Newspapers. 12. https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers/12 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Hollins Student Newspapers at Hollins Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hollins Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Hollins Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. , I ' ( , ... \ 1 l t J L- '-_ [ \ () I.l \ I I I I I I ( ) 1.1.1 :\ S co I. 1, 1''.( ', 1'',. SI -: I)'IT\IBI<R IlOLL! :\S, \ . I RC 1:\ L\ :\ I ' .\1 BE R I ---- Hollins Welcomes You! ... New Faculty Members STUDENT GOVERNMENT Welcomed to Hollins ANNOUNCES THE HONOR II I" 1\1\ J.~.. ~ : ""'f'''''''T~ rOR ",.,,~.,,~ IS FORMI"LL I UI LI' .. ., I The most pronounced of a II the striking ., I UULI1 I ~ t ~[~~fUll changes that have occurred at Hollins ~or the sessioll of 1929-1930 are the changes 111 the Eleanor vVilson, President of the Student Last \'Car we started the custom of announc­ Facult\·. A number of the departments of Both', formally opened College Student Cove.rn­ ing the' honor students for the session at the instru~tion ha\'e been greatly broadened by men't for the sessioll 1929-J930, at a meeting first convocation. It gives me p leasure to the addition of new members to their staffs. of the Student Body, on September 20th. follo\\' this precedent and to announce to the Hollins " 'eleomes into her Faculty t\\·o of her Miss \Vilson addressed the meeting as fol- College the honor students for the year. O\\'n graduates. Miss Virginia Rath, who 100<;s: . Honor students are those who have averaged I recei yed her A. B. degree at Hollins and M. A. "The meeting marks the sixteenth opening 2.3 merit points for each ho~r of , ...~o~k taken at Columhia Cniversity, is Director of Physical of Student Government at Hollins. For sixteen the previous session and, m add.lHon: are Education; and Dr. Marguerite C'. Hearsey, years Student Coyernment has heen developing good citizens of th~ .Colle~e comn:un/ty. rhose I A. B., Hollins College, M. A., Radcliffe Colle~e, ~lnd gro\\·ing. \Yhen ,,'e consider th~ \Halth of of us who are fanllhar WIth Hollll1s standards I Ph. I)., Yale l~niversity, comes back to Hollms wisdom our goyerIlment has had time to ~c­ recognize that an average of 2.~ merit points I as Professor of English. Dr. Hearsey has been quire, assuredly \\'e feel the challenge that Ilt~s for each hour throughout a sessIOn represents a memher of the Faculty at hoth Bryn Mawr before us. I n its ~ixtetn yea rs of age the:e IS a sustained intellectual effort as \\'ell as good alld V\7ellesley since her graduation from represellted the thought of .many matl~re Ifllnds. mental ability. I doubt if any student achieves Jlollills. Should \\'e not 1w fillt'd \\'Ith a certain a\\'e tn this without a real lovt' of the adventure of • • I 0:\ P ;\CE TWO, think that we who are so young In comparison ( CO~" II:-dj ED COLUM~ O~E) learning. These honor students are the leaders to this age are 110\\' taking this government into ---- v--- in scholarship in College. I think the most our hallds to mold it illto ne\\' shapes, and make Plan Memorial Garden valuable contribution any student can make to the effort to help it de\'elop further in \\ ' isd(~m? her College is to quicken and lengt~en the ]n order to do thi~ \\'t' ourseh'es mu~t cert~l1nl." For Hollins' Grounds intellectual life of the College by bell1g the g\'()\\', reach up to the high standards of best !'chol a l' she can be. I t is easy to lose sight our go\,erIlll1ent and sho\\' tha.t .we are . really of this in the applause of the sports and the The memon" of Luc\" Preston Beale, a Hol­ capable of posse~sing the pl'\nlege ot ~elf­ I excitement of the elrama. But, just the same, lins student of 186+, i; to he perpetuated by a gc)\·ernment. the College perishes that does not nuture garden, the gi ft of her daughter, Lucy Beale , .T his, the n , pre sen t s the c h a II ell g e h d (? r e u s scholars. Recognizing the value of the scholar lIuffman (Mrs. Oscar C.). and appears as a difficult task, yet there IS one to our College life, and wishing to create The announcement of this gift came as a \\·ho can help us surmount our problems, olle conditions under which students achieving a delightful culmination of the Il!eeti.ng on \\'ho has seen e\'el'\' \'ear's gro\\·th of Student high standard can \\'ork in greater indepen­ Alumnx Da\'. This loye'" memOrial IS most eO\'emment at I (01 (ills, one ,,·ho represellts dence and freedom, the Faculty exempts. all fittillg, for Mrs. Beale \\ ' a~ one \'\'hose garden much of the " ' i~d()m that is hers, and one ,,·ho honor students from regulations regardlllg \\'as her life-long delight. has the patit'llce alld \\ ' illingne~~ to gU.ide us in absence from class, except those pertaining to Mr. alld Mrs. Iluffmall spellt a fe\\' days our undertaking. Thi~ person I IlO\\' Introduce announced \\'rittens, laboratory work and holi­ a t 11 0 II ins t h is fa I I and \ \. i t h the he I p of a to \·ou." da\·s. Iionor students use their own discretion 1.... 1 .. 1 . " r ;,~: R',J:;oh.c, tin itled In (uftS <llld lak;Jtg \\ eek-t'llcb. ~ .u': J 1I11~ IlalltJdltct:(lII, , ••. '. 11, ..... , ' • . • <111, a;);Jll~ ,U~U ; ' i .J.t-:. lIlat the site hack ot the Lihrary \\'mIld be the I Deall of the College, addressed the meetillg: most fa vorahle for the ga rd en. I f it is located The Iionor Students are: "Of all the importallt things taking place h(,re it \\·ill extelld from the ham to the road SENIOR CLASS-Margaret Baker, Esther during thc first week of school llothing is as In' the Sciell('e lIall. Bonnet, Dewar Cordoll, Betty C. Ingles, Jane important for the good alld happille~s of the . This gift \\'ill count materiall.\· to\\'ard the Jones, Dorothy Quarles, Emily C. Sal.lIld.e~s, College as the issues of this meeting," qaU'd endowment fund as an\' increase in the \'alue \ 'irginia Speiden, Dorothy To\\'les and Vlrg1l11a Miss V\ ' illiam~oll, \\·ho proposed to ~pelld the of the property In' imp;'o\,ements counts on the V\' ebb. time allotted to her ill discu~~illg the hOilOr tot a I a moun t. ] (' I\' I OR CLASS-Man" Belle Deaton, ~ .\stelll, which i~ the \ · cr.\ · plll~e of the \\'hole o , M erl eCru bhs, Cha rlotte ' Patch, Jessie G. or gall i I' a t ion 0 f ~ t u d t'll t ~ elf -go \'t' rIllll e 11 t. , The Student Government ! Poll a rd, EI izaheth Sneider, Ma rga ret Stephens, "E\'{'n one of liS COllle~ to Collegc," ~hc COll­ , Sa rah V\Telch and Katherine Wilson. tilllled :'with illdi\ ' idu~1 :1lT1hitioll~ alld ;Iilm. Group Leaders, 1929-30 SOPIIOMORE CLASS-Elizaheth Adkins, The fi'r~t thillg that mects YOll i~ thl' dClIlalld Leonora Alexander, Elizaheth Ender, Ethel that \(HI hl'COIIlC ;1 Illl'lllhcr of ;1 grollp. \\' hcII I K eesler, Man- Alice McConnell, M'Clain' COUllcil \\ i~hes to allllOllnce that the follo\\'­ \Oll ("olne to Iioilill" \ ' CllI hC('flll1C;1 1Ill'IIlIH'r of Mooklar, Eliz;heth Rice and , Pauline Towers. illg girls \\'t' IT selccted to sen'e as group leaders ';1 large grollp, ~trctclr ' illg h;l('k illto the gellera ­ ] \\'ant to congratulate these students on for the ~C~SiOll of IC)2C)-1 930 : tioll, of lIollill~ girb \\· 110 han' gOllC heforl' attaining this goal. \\'e look to you for fine S F ~ lOR S-;\1argaret Baker, Elizaheth a II d reach i II g for \\' :1 r d i lIto t he flit II r l', i II C III d i II.g leadership in aCHlemic \\·ork. Stimulated b.\· the ~tlldl'llt~ of this gCllcratioll. To grasp thl~ Bloullt, Fallilie Botsford, 1 ~ lizah('th Fentress, your ardor and enthusiasm for study and it~ take~ illlaginatioll. l ' lltil \\c, a~ illdividllals, I)c\\,ar Cordon, ;\Iice IJarris, Frances lIenritze, ',e\\':1rds, your fello\\' students will enter more get the idl'a of ollr~ch ' cs a~ a 1I1< 'lll1)('r of this Bett\· POlllllot, Ruth StOlle, Angie Turner, ~criously and eagerly into the \\'ork of the \ ' irginia \\'chh, J)ruc \Vil son and Florencc great Ilcllills grollp \\T lack the key to, alld ne\\' seSSIOll. { ' 11 d C I'\\'()od. the ill~piratioll for, ~itll : ltioll~ t";lt Lice ll" n ·n .\· Reading, just hefore College opened, Francis day. 1 l ' N I () R S- Elizaheth LO\'e, Louise Mc­ Bacon's \\'onderful littl e hook, Till' "1dtVal1(l'­ M~llan, fc~sie Pollard, Charlotte Patch, Preston lIlf'llt oj r l'arnil1(J.
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