J. DEXTER J. GALLIMORE K. WADA J. KROLIK T. ALMEYDA M. STALEVSKI E. STURM S. LAMASSA B. VOLLMER S. KAMENO T. STORCHI-BERGMAN C. RAMOS ALMEIDA S. GARCIA-BURILLO A. DORODNITSYN WWW.TORUS2018.ORG C. RICCI M. BALOKOVIC C.-H. CHAN J. BRAATZ S. MATEOS R. MORGANTI R. DAVIES TORUSACES 2018 V. IMPELLIZZERI. STORCHI BERGMANN . HÖNIG • THE MANY F K. TRISTRAM • T . COMBES • S . PACKHAM • ALO • F. BAUER. LIRA • • F C OF AGN OBSCURATION. ARÉV . KROLIK • N. LEVENSON • P SOC: A. ALONSO HERRERO • P M. KISHIMOTO • J Sponsors: CONICYT, NRAO, ESO, MAS TORUS 2018: The many faces of the AGN obscuration Puerto Varas, Chile 10-14 December 2018 For the past 30 years, a toroidal structure in the equatorial plane around active galactic nu- clei (AGN), the so-called dusty and molecular torus, has been considered a cornerstone of unified schemes of quasars and Seyfert galaxies. However, this picture has recently been challenged through high spatial resolution infrared observations by the discovery of polar elongated dust structures, rather than doughnut shaped distributions. Similarly, recent spatially unresolved X-ray obser- vations have provided critical new insights into the toroidal obscurer and scatterer, potentially requiring a reinterpretation of long-established concepts. The first ALMA observations, for their part, have led to contradicting interpretations: either the submm emission is indeed dominated by a rotating torus structure, or it is dominated by an outflow, which would be more compatible with the elongated dust shapes seen in the infrared. Together with a dramatic increase in computational power, these observations have triggered a renaissance in modelling of the nuclear material, with models for the first time trying to not only explain the SEDs but also the spatial distribution of the dusty and molecular material. Further observational results are expected to revolutionise this picture in the coming years through the increased spatial resolution and sensitivity of ALMA and JWST, as well as the new generation of high-resolution X-ray spectrometers such as XARM. Continuing the long tradition of international TORUS workshops, we are congregated here in Puerto Varas, Chile, to investigate the many faces of AGN obscuration. Considering the new theoretical and observational work carried out across the electromagnetic spectrum, the scientific goal of the workshop is to critically assess and challenge our current "common knowledge" and "widely accepted" torus picture. What do we really know for sure? What do we only think we know? And what is it that we do not know? CHAIRS: Franz Bauer Violette Impellizzeri Konrad Tristram LOC: Mar´ıaJos´eSep´ulveda Paula S´anchez-S´aez Polina Ruvinskaya Federica Ricci Juli´anMej´ıa-Restrepo Darshan Kakkad Paulina Jir´on Claudio Ricci SOC: Almudena Alonso Herrero Patricia Ar´evalo Franz Bauer Francoise Combes Sebastian H¨onig Violette Impellizzeri Makoto Kishimoto Julian Krolik Nancy Levenson Paulina Lira Chris Packham Konrad Tristram Thaisa Storchi Bergmann Schedule overview For the latest version, please consult on the conference website at http://www.torus2018.org/programme.html DYN: Dynamics Friday, December 14th Thursday, December 13th Wednesday, December 12th SUR: Torus in its surrounding E&P: Evolution & Parameter Space Title Title Torus Dynamics Water Megamasers A radio absorption study of AGN tori The dusty molecular torus of Seyfert galaxies is full of surprises Dynamics (Bianchin, Brum, Carpes, Ilha, Venanzi) Opportunities with the James Webb Space Telescope What optical long-baseline interferometry can do for you ELT/METIS and the torus Opportunities for torus observations with the SKA and other new radio facilities Evolution & Parameter Space The complex nuclear regions of young radio galaxies Obscuration Beyond the Torus: Assessing AGN Environments and Obscuration as a Function of Merger Stage An extreme population of heavily buried AGN: Identification and host galaxy characteristics Torus in its surroundings The many 'faces' of the molecular torus of NGC1068 The counter rotating molecular torus in NGC1068 ALMA reveals a rotating dense molecular torus in NGC 1068 NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) resolved by ALMA Circumnuclear Multi-phase Gas in the Circinus Galaxy Revealed with ALMA The compact molecular torus in the Circinus galaxy constrained by ALMA A new dynamical model of AGN tori Dynamical pictures of tori and the multi-phase ISM Title Nuclear obscuration properties in AGN Constraints on the Properties of the Torus from the NuSTAR Survey of Nearby Obscured AGN Resolving X-ray Obscuration Biases with Isotropic AGN Selection -- First Results from the NuLANDS Legacy Survey Reflection and Reprocessing in Swift/BAT AGN: Evidence of a Broad Range of Covering Fractions? Evolution & Parameter Space (Ricci, Vecchi Ricci, Diaz, Diaz Santos, Yan, Lyu, Walter) A conference summary: is our changing look now only partially obscured? Hydrodynamical models of obscuring accretion disks and winds Radiative hydrodynamics of dust and gas in the “torus" Simulating nuclear fueling in realistic environments Molecular Gas in the Nuclear Regions of Nearby Dual AGN Dynamics The Effect of Extended Hard X-ray Emission on AGN Torus Parameters Covering fraction of the obscuring material around AGN Probing the Nature of the Obscuring Torus via Megamaser Activity BASS Survey: The Covering Factor of Dust and Gas in Swift/BAT AGN Type Type Review Invited Invited Talk Posters Talk Invited Talk Talk Discussion Invited Talk Talk Discussion Invited Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Invited Invited Type Review Invited Talk Talk Posters Closing Remarks Review Invited Talk Talk Talk Discussion Talk Invited Talk Talk LUNCH BREAK Speaker LUNCH BREAK Speaker J. Gallimore J. Braatz S. Kameno A. Alonso-Herrero COFFEE BREAK LUNCH BREAK N. Levenson W. Jaffe / V. Gamez L. Burtscher R. Morganti S. La Massa & C. Packham COFFEE BREAK R. Morganti R. Pfeifle C. Carroll N. Levenson & L. Burtscher Free Afternoon S. Garcia-Burillo V. Impellizzeri M. Imanishi A. Audibert T. Izumi K. Tristram C.-H. Chan K. Wada COFFEE BREAK Speaker C. Ramos Almeida M. Balokovic P. Boorman L. Lanz COFFEE BREAK Chairs R. Davies A. Dorodnytsin D. Williamson D. Angles-Alcazar E. Treister A. A. Herrero & S. Hönig End of day M. Elvis S. Mateos A. Constantin K. Ichikawa End of day J. Gallimore T. Izumi A Constantin J. Braatz M. Imanishi R. Morganti C. Ricci G. Fabbiano Impelliizzeri 5 min 30 min 25 min 25 min 20 min 10 min 30 min 20 min 25 min 20 min 20 min 40 min 30 min 25 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 25 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 25 min 25 min 30 min 30 min 25 min 20 min 20 min 15 min 30 min 30 min 25 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 40 min 20 min 25 min 20 min 20 min 105 min 105 min 105 min Duration Duration Duration 09:00 09:30 09:55 10:20 10:40 10:50 14:30 14:50 15:15 15:35 15:55 16:35 11:20 11:45 12:05 12:25 12:45 14:30 11:20 11:45 12:05 12:25 12:45 14:30 14:50 15:10 15:35 16:00 09:00 09:30 09:55 10:15 10:35 10:50 17:05 17:35 16:30 16:55 17:15 17:35 17:55 18:35 11:20 11:40 12:05 12:25 12:45 17:40 Time Time Time Tuesday, December 11th Monday, December 10th Wednesday, December 12th SUR: Torus in its surrounding R&V: Reprocessing & variability S&C: Structure and composition Title The Resolved Size and Structure of Hot Dust in AGN Spatially resolved ordered rotation of a quasar broad line region - measuring sub-parsec structures around AGN with GRAVITY Spectro-Interferometric Signatures of the Broad Line Regions in Active Galactic Nuclei A very compact torus Title The torus in its surroundings The star formation -- AGN link on 100 pc scales: Stellar populations in the nuclei of ultra hard X-ray selected AGNs On the importance of polar dust in AGN The central parsec of the nearest AGN: challenges to the tourus The many faces of the torus Review Structure & Composition Hot, cool, dark and bright: The various shades of dust around AGN Structure and composition (Agís González, Dall'Agnol de Oliveira, Kawamuro, Leftley, Lopez-Rodriguez, Rouan, Wildy) The characteristic sizes of individual broad and narrow line region clouds Ubiquitous Extended Fe K-alpha emission in AGN Geometry of the X-ray obscurer Hard Continuum and Fluorescent Iron Emission Beyond the Torus Structure and composition Title Models of thick turbulent gas disks with magnetocentrifugal winds in AGN and their application to Circinus and NGC 1068 Towards a new paradigm of dust structure in AGN: Dissecting the mid-IR emission of Circinus galaxy A bowl-shaped dust torus geometry for the Seyfert 1 galaxies 3C120 and WPVS48 Using temporal variations of AGN emission line profiles to get indications on the structure of both the BLR and the dust torus The Inner Torus/BLR "Disconnection" Rapid Reformation of the Innermost Dust Distribution in the Changing-Look AGN Mrk 590 A tidal disruption event in Arp 299 with much of its emission reradiated at infrared wavelengths BAT AGN prefer circumnuclear star formation Does star formation play a decisive rolein active galactic nuclei fueling? Torus in its surrounding (Adhikari, Aydar, Azadi, Cassanta, Fuller, Kamali, Lopez-Rodriguez) The three dimensional distribution of AGN gas clouds at 1-100 pc scales High resolution imaging of the molecular torus in NGC 1052 with VLBI Reconciling X-ray and IR observations of the Circinus Galaxy The effect of circum-nuclear discs on the central gas and dust distribution Hypercat - Hypercube of AGN tori Reprocessing & Variability Reverberation mapping the nuclear dust emission in AGN from modeling to large surveys Insight on quasar changing-look physics
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