OFT'ICE OF THE DISTIUC-I'SESSIONS JUDGE BILASP R C.G. ::C) R D E R:: NO. Q lt-rt-il2003 BILASPUR, DATED I I In supersession ol earlicr work distribution orders I, Arv nd Kumar Verma, Distlict & Sessions Judge, Bilaspur, in exerc of power confelred b5'r,irtue of Sr-c.15 and 21 (3) (4) of the C.G. Civil Co rt Act, 1958 & section 10 (3) of Cr. P.C. I herebv distribute the Civil, Cl im, Special Cases, and Sessions Trials. Other Criminal Wor.ks and applica rons, except Nlagisterial Jurisdiction arnongst thc Courts/Tr.ibunals of B spur Civil District/ Sessions Division in the following manner.:- ') The Distlibution l\Iemo shall come into force from 01/02/2021 however, it shall not affect the pending civil or cr.iruinal works. Area of S.N. Name of Exercise of Iiind of cases Remarks Court Jurisdiction .) I I 5 I District Sessions l. Sessions Trial, (Except triable by F T.C. & & Division Special Judgc, -4trocities), Criminal ppeals Sessions Bilasp ur & Criminal Revisions (Except Sess s Sub Judge Division, Pendra Road). & 2. Cases under trational investigation agenc 2008:- M.A.C.T. ( l) As per Gazetle notification No. S.O. 2s7(E), Bilaspur dated 25th November, 2019, U/s. II o N.t.A. Act,2008 Civil District Bilaspur, Mungeli. Janjgir- Champa Korba. Raigarh. Jashpur, S uja At Anrbiklpur. Balrarnpur-Ramanujganj. uraJpur. Korea at Baikunthpur of State of Chhattis h. (2) As per notification F.No. 8542/27 6A(XI. B/C.G./2015, dated 01.09.2015, U/s. 22 of N.I.A. Act, 2008, All Civil Disr cts of Chhattisgarh except Civil District Uttar' Bastal Kankor., Bastal At Jagdalpur, Daksin Bastar Dentcwada, Kondagaon. Civil 3. Cases of the Protection of Human Ri ht Act, District f 993.(As per Notification No. F/D. Bilasp u r 329/1496/21-B/08, Dated r8.02.2008) -1. Appeals undcr.the Food Safety Stan .{ct. 2{)06 (No. 34 of 2006) (As pr:r Notifica ion No. F- 25-8/2011/I)V55, dated gth Ocrob 2Ot7) Civil Distr.ict Bilaspur as Food Safety Appellate Tr.ibunal. 5. To hear and decide the application nt by Collector/Cornpetent Authority under tlon 6(2) and objoctions under. Section 6(5 of the Chhattisgalh Pr.otection of De ositors Interest Act, 2005. (As per Notificat n No. 9742I3446/XXI-B/2015, Raipur. dated 09/10/20r5). 6. Cases Undcr Section 36-A8 of thc rugs & Cosmetics ..\ct, ..1940 Related Adu terated Drugs and sprlrious Drugs or other O nces. (As per C.G. Govr. Law & Le slative Department, i\Iantrala1,a, Naya Raipur Notification No. F.No./lB4lXXI-B/C. ./20t6 dated 12/01i2016 : 7. Cases under The Coal Bearing Areas (acquisition And Development Act, 1957. 8. Cases under Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, The Securities Contract (Rogulations) Act. 1956, The Depositories Act.1996 (As per notification no. S.O. 6033(E) Nerv Delhi dated 04th December 2018). f) Applications for transfer of Criminal & Civil Cases l/S 408,409 Cr. PC & 24 C.P.C. 10. BaiI petitions LI/s 438 and 439 Cr.P.C. (except Jurisdiction given to A.S.J., Pendra Road & Special Judge (Atrocities), Bilaspur. 11 All Civil Suits of valuation of Rs. 40,00,001/- & above with MJC and Execution proceeding connected thereto. 12 AII Arbitration cases under Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 for entire Civil District Bilaspur. 13. All Motor Vehicle Accident Claims arising out from the area of Police Station Koni, Seepat & Pachpedi. 1.1. All Claim Cases Under Fatal Accident Act. 1855 cases (except jurisdiction given to Addl. District Judge, Pendra Road) 15. AII Cases under the Co-Operative Societies Act above Rs. 40,00,,000/- (except jurisdiction assigned to ADJ Pendraroad. and CJ-I. Pendraroad . 16. AII Casc" u-(rer the Public Trust Act. 1961. 17. AII Cases under the Trade Mark Act, 1999 aud Cop.' right Act. 1957. 18. All Cases under thc Company Act triable b1' District Judge. 19. All Cases under the State Financial Corporation Act. 1951. 20 All Civil & Criminal Cases not assigned to any other Court under this Distribution Memo. 27. Civil Appeals, Misc. Appeals arising out of Judg;rnent /Decree and Order passed by 1st CJ-I Bilaspur & CJ-I Bilha. 22. All Appeals untler the C.G. Municipal Corporation Act. All the Criminal cases under section 84 of the Rights of Person with Disabilities Act 2016 (No.49 of 2016) As per C.G .Govt. Law and Legislative Affairs Deptt. Mantralaya Mahanadi Bhawan, Naya Raipur Notification No. 10059/ 2991/ )L\I- B/C.G./2018 Na1'a Raipur Dated 9 Oct. 2018. t4 Suit undcr ihe specific ReliefAct. 1963 (47 ol 1963) and specific Rcliel (Amendment) Act. 2018 in respect of contracts relating to infrastructurc r(') ects Above Rs l0 Lacs. lri;t I)isrrihurion ol /o:/:01 I -t ,) Special Judge (Atlocity) Bilaspur (Additional Charge given to ADJ VACAN'I' (F.T.C.), Bilaspur) 3 Addl. District & Sessions I All Sessions Trial, Crirninal ppeals, Sessions Divi sion, Criminal Rcvision l\Iisc. Crimina Cases, Judge (F.T.C.),& Bilaspur Bail application as mil)' be mado over by Special Judge District & Sessions Judge, Bilasp ,) (Atrocities - All Sessions Trial undor Rap Cases (Addl.Charge) triable b5' Special Judge (As per grstly Bilaspur NIemo No. 1009/II- ll-r-2/2012 ilaspur Dated 08/02/2013) with Conne d Misc. Cr. Cases and Bail Application (except S.C./S.T. Civil District Bilaspur a Addl. Distlict & Sessions Judge Pendr.a ad) D All thc cases under Plotection of hildren Civil flom Sexual Offences Act, 2012 tr able by District Special Judge (As pcr Notifica n No. Bilaspur 3528/2f-B/f3 Raipur Dated 30/ 412073) with Connected Nlisc. Cr. Cases d Bail Application arising out of ( peI Notification No. 4069/1135-21B/l Naya Raipul Dated 25/04/2016) (excopt .C./S.T Civil Distlict Bilaspul and Addl. D strict & Sessions Judge Pendraroad). .l Cascs filod lelated to Applications /S 4lof Juvenilc Justice (Car.e & Prote ion of Childre n). 5 All Civil & Climinal l\Iatters tr.a sferred or made over by the District & essrons Judge, Bilaspur. (i "{ll Sessions Trial undcr Rape Cases tliable b1' Special Judge under S &ST (Prevention of atrocities) Act. Mi . Judl. Cases trnd Bail Petitions. All thu cases under Protection of hildlen from Sr:xuiri Offences Act, 2012 t ble by Special Judge under SC & ST (Pr ention of Atlocities) Act I\{isc. Judl. Ca s and Bail Pctitions I Spccial C:rses under SC & ST (Pre ntlon of Atrocitics) Act, 1989 I All Sessions Trials, Nlisc. Judl. Ca s and Bail Petit.ions under. SC & ST (Pre entron of Atlocities) Act, 1989. (As per O r No. 7262lll-2-Il2018 Conldl./2018 ilaspur Dated 30/11/2018 Additional Cha { - Additional Sessions 1 -{ll Sessions Trial, Criminal ppeals. District & Division, Criminal Revision l\Iisc. Criminal Cases, Sessions Bilaspur Bail application as may be made ver by Judge, I Fast Distlict & Sessions Judge, Bilaspur Track Special Court (Fol ') All thc cases under Protcction ol' hildren exclusiue liom Sexual Of fences Act, 201 2 tri ble bv heafing of cases Spccial Judge (As pcr Notillcati n No. uttder POCSO 11325/3i6liXXI-B/CGil9. Act) Itaipur Dated 05-ll-2019) rvith Connccrcd Misc. C Cascs 2 $i,r! Di bution 0l/1,120: I ,+ rnd Bail Application arising out of Police Station- Civil Line Bilaspur, Sarkanda, Hirri, Chakarbhatha, Bilha, Kota & See t 5 Additional Sessions 1 All Sessions Trial, Criminal Appeals, District & Division. Criminal Rcvision N{isc. Criminal Cases, Sessions Bilaspur Bail application as may be made over by Judge, II Fast District & Sessions Judge. Bilaspur. Track Special 2 All the caser under Protection of Children Court from Sexual Oflences Act, 2012 triable by (For exclusiue Special Judge (As per Notification No. hearing of cases I 1325 133621XXI-B/CG/l 9. Raipur Dated 05- under POCSO I l-2019) rvith Connected Misc. Cr. Cases and Act) Bail Application arising out ol Police Station- Koni, Torwa, Takhatpur, City Kotwali Bilaspur, Tarbahar, Sakri, Masturi, Ratanpur & Pachpedi. 6 Addl. District & Sessions 'Vr,:ant Court Judge, Bilaspur 7 1"tAddl. District Sessions 1. All the oases under Prevention of & Division, Corruption Act with Connected lVlisc. Cr. Sessions Judge/ Bilaspur Cases and Bail Application. Special Judge ., All Sessions Trial, Criminal Appeals, (Under Criminal Rer.ision 1\,Iisc. Criminal Cases, Prevention of Bail Application as may be made over by Corruption Act), District. & Sessions Judge, Bilaspur. Bilaspur o. AII the cases under Indian Electricity Act (r\s per Notification) with connected Misc. Cr. Cases & Bail Petitions for the area of Bilasput Naear Nigam & Rural area. 4. All Civil & Llriminal matters transferred or Civil made over by the District & Sessions District Judge, Bilaspur. Bilaspur 5. All reference under Land Acquisition Act. (Except 6. Cases uncler l{ental Health Act, 2017. Jurisdic 7. AII Cases and Appeals under Succession tion Act 1925 (Except those which have been given to assigned to CJ-I, Bilaspur & Cases under AddI. the Guartiian & Wards Act (Except the District J'.uisdicti.:rn given U/s 7 of the Family & Court Act. 8. Ail cases under Provincial Insolvency Act. Sessions o An1' 615". rvork entrusted by the District. Judge & Sessions Judge, Bilaspur. Pendra 10. All cases under section 264 of Indian Road Succession Act 1935. 11. All Proceeding Civil & Criminal Cases connected \racant Courts of ADJ/ ASJ' Bilaspur. t2. All cases under Co-opetative Society Act' Rs. 50,001/- to Rs. 40,00.000/- 13. All cases under Gualtlian & Wards Act 1890.
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