:Ieanlng Iners Rain and Drizzle Iowa City's Top Marks in the 50s Murder Cases " Cloudy Weekend owon See page 6 3 and the People of Iowa City Ington Established in 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Member oC Associated Press - AP Leased Wire 8lJd Photo Service Iowa City, Iowa. Thursday. No\'ember 14, lw.i7 Burma's Win'Hailed By Pres. Hancher U Win, Burmese Ambassador to His visit here is sponsored by the the United States, was welcomed SUI Asian Foundation. He will give I' 10 the SUI campus Wednesday af· lectures before students in ome oC lemoon by President Virgil M. their regular classes in geography, Hancher. political science, oriental art, reo The Burmese politician and dip. !igion and journalism. loma! will stay here through Nov. The ambassador will address the 23 and give a number of lectures . Iowa City Rotary Club this noon in different SUI colleges and and speak to the Kiwanis Club schools. Nov. 19. U Win's plane from Washington The SUI School oC Journalism, was grounded because of fog in in cooperation with 0 r i e n t a I Moline, 111 ., and the ambassador Studies, will sponsor a lecture by had to take an air line limousine U Win on "Burma's Foreign Pol· to Iowa City. icy ," Nov. 21. e Yqu Missile Progress Seen; 'Will Meet Challenge,' Demands Austerity President Tells Nation OKLAHOMA CITY (.fI - Presi· dent Eisenhower, cau tioning that "there I danger ahead {or rree men everywherr," told the nation Wednesday ni ~ ht America m'lst spe nd sub tantially more money on weapons o( the future to meet Russia's challenge. In a nationwide television·radio :lddres, the President recalled the days of Hitler and declared hot enough people took the Nazi dictotor at his word. "We shall not make that mis· take agoln," Mr. Eisenhower said in a peech prepared for delivery at Municipal Auditorium. In talking ror the need to hik~ d fense spending, Mr. Eisenh4IWcr said Americans are not willing to "sacrifice security wor hlp!,ing J balanced budgel,l' It was lhe second of a series of "chins up" talks designed to bolster the public's confidence in America's defense and ability to HA VANA, Cubn I.fI - Fidel Cas· overtake and surpass In the space tro's rebels wllh torch s In Uleir age. fi ts were reported Wednesday Besides cautioning that it will launching a widespread campaign be necessary to spend more mono of burnln, sugar cane fields in an ey than in the past on the missile effort to topple Cuba's President and satellite programs, Mr. EI­ Fulgencio Batista. senhower called Cor a stepped·up Reports from Oriente, th east· education program to provide for ern prOvince where Castro and training of more sclentlsts. abou~ 600 rebels are holding out He also said there must be an in the mountains, saId the torch increase In basic research in the ha. been put to 6,000 acres. des· light of Soviet deY(!lopmenls. troylng 125.000 tons of sugar worth Mr. Eisenhower said that even ncarly two million dollars. under the Russian totalitarian sys· Troops at Yara. near ManzanU· tern it is possible, "to produce 10, kUled three rebels and wound· some r-emarkable material1lit ed two who were trying La burn a achicvements ... cane field. A foreman attempting "When such competence In to fight a fire also was killed. things material is at the service In the past 24 hours {Ires were or leoders who hove so little reo started around Nlquero, Pilon. gard for things human, Dnd who Campechuela and Calcito, all in command the power of an empire the area or Castro's Sierra Maes· there Is danger ahead Cor free tra hideouts. men everywhere. That is the rea· In Pinar del Rio. the western son why the American people province, more than 50 tobacco have been so aroused about the warehouses have been burned in earth satellite." he added. the past month. But the President. as he did in Widely distributed bulletins, addressi ng the nation last week, which appear to have been print· said that "free men are meeting ed in Miami. Fla.. apepal to Cu· and will meet this challenge." bans to burn sugar and tobacco He said there must be two tests crops. first, if the project is designed ror scientific purposes, the size STALIN'S COMEBACK and cost must be tailored to the 1scientUic job to be done. MOSCOW (W! - H.... 'I • politi. c.1 ..ote from Sovl.t c.... r.1 Secondly. he added, if it Is somp. Alia: The nowlpo,.r Turlc.mon ultimate derense project, its ur­ Ilkr. (Sp.rIe) ...achln. Moecow gency for this purpose must be judged in comparison to the prob- W... suy reported tho TUrMen· lltan vIII.,. of Voroshllov of. flclaUy changed Its name to EISENHOW&R- "Stolin Villa.o." (Continued on Page 6) : Marvin Glen Biggerstaff. 39, is ed to grant such a request. I her attorney, Ralph Neuzil. and re· . in Johnson County jail faCing a Bartley asked lor a preliminary ported that sbe thought Biggerstaff Inauguration oC an experimental though such a system operates we· preliminary hearing Saturday in hearing and Ivle granted the rc· was (ollowing her. "campus shuttle" bus service to cess fully at other major univer­ connection with the fatal shooting quest, selting It for 11 a.m. Sl:\tut. Biggerstaff spe nt Tuesday eve· serve SUI students and staff mem- siUes," Huit said. of his estranged wire, the mother day. ning playing cards at the home of bers commuting between the east "However," he continued, "tbe o{ two children. Biggerstaff sobbed during the Ira Hall on S. Riverside Drive, and west parts of the campUi was Parking Committee feels that the Biggerstaff was arraigned Wed· proceedings. He awoke in his cell where he had been staying since announced Wednesday by Dean of experiment Is well worth tryin& as nesday in police court on a charge at 8:30 Wednesday mortling without his wife brought divorce action, Students M. L. Huit at the ml\t!ting another means oC easins the city of murder. He is being ~eld without knowing his wile was dead. Police Tucker said. of the Student Counci.\. and campus parking problem." bond. said he broko into lears when told He left about 1 p.m . and appar· His wire, Mrs. Donna Belle Big· the news. ently arrived at his wife's apart. , Beginning Wednesday moming. Two buses will be rented from gerstaff. 24, died early Wednesday Biggerstaff was given a 3O-day ment only minutes beforepoUce . Nov. 22, two buses wtil start at op- the Iowa City Coach Company for morning in University Hospitals suspended sentence Oct. 26 for as· were called, the county attorney posite ends of the campus at 7:23 the experimental period. Huit ..id, while doctors tried, vainly to check saul t and battery after charges Isai d. a.m. and make four round trips and drivers will be furnished by the bleeding that caused her death. were filed by his wife. Police said the gun used in the each hour until 1:23 p.m.. when the company. She was shot in the abdomen and Biggerstaff and his wife had a shooting was empty when it was each will start Its last "run" of the The buses will be especially left forearm by one bullet from a long rccord of marital di(ficulties. ; recovered. It is owned by Ira HaU day. Fare will be five cents per marked, as will their loadln,-un· .22 caliber automatic pi stol. County At the time oC the shooting, Bigger· IJr .• who lives with his Cather on ride. loading zones. Students and Staff Coroner George D. Callahan said staH was under a restraining order S. Ri verside Drive, they said. Present plans are that the ex· members will be expected to Ibow death was caused by internal bleed· from District Court Judge James A neighbor of Mrs. Biggerstaff. perimental shuttle service will be their University 1.0. cards. 'Hull ing. P . Gaffney prohibiting him rrom Mrs. Edna Dayton, 421 S. Dubuque tried through Dec. 20, when SUI said. ' Police answered a call about 1 molesting or com municating with St., sai4 Wednesday she waS "not students begin their Christmas va· Eastbound buies will leave from a.m. Wednesday to the apartment his wi fe. surprised" to hear or the shooting. cation, except for the period from the northeast corner of the F",eld· oC Mrs. Biggerstaff at 421 S. Du­ The injunction was issued Oct. 30, She said she heard the couple Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. when students house, stoppin& to unload or load buque St. As they knocked on her following the filing of a divorce suit arguing in the hallway of the apart· will have their annual Thanksgiv- other passen,ers at the southwest door they heard a shot. by Mrs. BiggerstarC Oct. 26. The meRl house Sunday. Biggerslaff ing holiday. Ientrance 10 tile Medical Labora· Officers broke the door down and suit was the third she had filcd wanted to take the two boys with 1 Huit said the experiment Is being torles Building, University Ubr"". entered the living room. They said since the couple was married seven him and his wife objected; she undertaken upon recommendation at the top of the EJl&jneeriDg BuIld· they round Mrs. Biggerstaff bleed· years ago. said.. of the University Parking Commit· ing at the e»mer of Clinton ing on the noor and her husband A suit riled in 1952 was dismissed I Mrs.
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