Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Thirty-Second Anniversary Celebration Program Welcome Binny Margolese, President Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Video Presentation (Jeffrey Reches, RC Video) Award Presentation Rabbi Menachem Goldberger Louis and Gail Feinstein Lev Avraham and Rachel Rosenstock Moshe and Shula Davids Concert with Yehuda Green Dancing Music by Zemer 2 3 בס״ד בס״ד Message from Message from Rabbi Menachem Goldberger Binny Margolese, President Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Congregation Tiferes Yisroel קהילת תפארת ישראל קהילת תפארת ישראל 6201 Park Heights Avenue 6201 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 Baltimore, MD 21215 Shalom and welcome dear friends, Adar 5778 B”H Dear Friends and Family, Each year we come together to celebrate with our shul community, and with With gratitude to Hashem, we are thrilled to be here at Congrega- the Jewish community at large, the joy of working together in building a clos- nd er relationship with Hashem and with Klal Yisroel. Perhaps one could ask, tion Tiferes Yisroel’s 32 Anniversary Celebration! Thank you “Why is that a cause for celebration?” It’s a good question. Maybe we should for joining us as we honor and recognize some incredible individ- just pat each other on the back, say yasher koach, and move on. I’d like to uals who have contributed tremendously to our shul and to our share my thoughts on this topic with you. Baltimore community. A big part of life is coming to an understanding of and clarifying our mission here in this world and then going about trying to accomplish that mis- Louis and Gail Feinstein have been dedicated shul members for sion. We’re striving to fulfill our purpose on earth. The Ramchal describes many years. Louis was an officer of the shul and has dedicated his this in the beginning of his great work, “Mesillas Yesharim,” (“The Path of time, love and energy to behind-the-scenes activities that are at the the Just”), as the foundation of piety and the underpinning of our service to very foundation of Tiferes Yisroel . Gail works to ensure new Hashem. This involves devotion to our mission of serving Hashem and the members or visitors to our community have a place to feel com- hard work of going about it. But that's not enough. There’s something miss- fortable and welcomed. Together they have impacted our shul in ing. beautiful ways, and we are proud to call them our honorees. If we take a step back we can allow ourselves to feel a great sense of happi- ness in simply being able to serve G-d as a Jew. “Asher bachar banu mikol Lev Avraham and Rachel Rosenstock have been an integral part ha’amim.” Without thinking about how and where and why — just letting it of Tiferes Yisroel for quite some time now. With weekly inspiring seep into our bones. We can say to ourselves, “Thank you Hashem, for divrei Torah and their efforts in preparing and editing the weekly granting us the ability to be amongst those who strive to serve you. Thank Lev Echad, they have not only grown in their yiddshkeit, but have you for allowing us to integrate eternal life into our very being with every breath we take.” Yes, we have to evaluate, reevaluate, examine, reexamine, also helped the shul and its members as a result. It is in actuality do teshuva and better ourselves. I believe that those significant endeavors are OUR honor to have them as honorees this year. enhanced and improved when we take a moment and relish the life and pur- We are proud to present the Jewish Leadership Award to Moshe pose Hashem has granted us. Just take it in. and Shula Davids. Their warm smiles brighten our community, The month of Adar is a month of great joy. We celebrate Hashem sparing our and their willingness to help others extends far beyond our shul. lives from Haman’s evil decree and the fact that we accepted anew the holy Torah. Wrapped up in that joy is the joy of simply being alive as a The tremendous amount of respect that I know my mother had for Jew. From there, our avodas Hashem takes on a different flavor and a new them is testimony itself to their merit in being honored with this depth of appreciation. award . Thanks for joining us tonight. Mazel tov to our honorees, Louis and Gail Feinstein, Lev Avraham and Rachel Rosenstock, and our Jewish Leadership We look forward to joining together in recognition and celebration Award recipients, Moshe and Shula Davids. May Hashem grant you and all of our honorees, awardees and our entire kehillah. Thank you for of Klal Yisroel nachas and bracha l’orech yomim tovim. your support and involvement! B’lev sameach, Binny Margolese Rabbi Menachem Goldberger 4 5 Honorees the Shambergs. Aaron introduced the two, and unbeknownst to them, the Louis and Gail Feinstein seeds for a future life together were sown that day. The following summer, Louis returned to Baltimore and to Rabbi Gold- berger’s shul, where Gail was now a regular attendee. Mazel brought Louis and Gail to the same Shabbos tables — at all three meals — on Louis’s first Shabbos back from the Holy Land! Conversation ensued, followed by the formation of a slow but steady bond that led to dating and, finally, marriage in January of 1998, with Rabbi Goldberger, of course, as mesader kiddushin. The new couple settled into Gail’s apartment, and within a year a son, Yaa- kov Chaim, was born. Sadly, Yaakov Chaim a”h, was born with medical challenges, and passed away after only one year of life. Reflecting on this Congregation Tiferes Yisroel is proud to announce that Louis and Gail Fein- part of their early married life, Louis and Gail are quick to point out that, stein are this year’s anniversary concert honorees. despite the pain of such a loss, there was an incredible outpouring of compas- sion and a remarkable level of support by the Rabbi and Rebbetzin and the Louis, a native of Baltimore, grew up in a warm, traditional Jewish TY kehilla that, to this day, have left a deep and indelible impression upon home. His connection with a former college fraternity brother who had be- this resilient couple. Louis and Gail have been blessed with three more chil- come an Aish HaTorah rabbi based in Potomac, Rabbi Chaim Feld, first led dren — Sivia, 17, Avraham Meir, 14, and Eli, 11, and much of their energy him to Rabbi Goldberger. Through his friendship with Rabbi Feld and his and dedication to their Judaism is invested in their parenting. family, Louis began to experience the beauty and depth of a Torah life- style. But with his second year of law school beginning, Louis was unable to The Feinsteins have always sought to make a contribution to Rabbi Gold- continue to go to Potomac for Aish HaTorah events, so Rabbi Feld then rec- berger’s shul. As a new member, Gail was a regular on the old Motzei Shab- ommended that he contact Rabbi Goldberger and Etz Chaim’s Rabbi Porter bos cleaning crew, and has also put her efforts over the years into arranging in Baltimore. Louis soon went to an Etz Chaim class led by Rabbi Gold- and promoting shiurim given by the Rabbi and Rebbetzin, contributing to berger and, inspired by the Rabbi’s words, decided to see what his shul was Camp Shabbos and Camp Yom Tov activities, shalosh seudos meals and holi- like. When Louis showed up on a Friday night several days before Rosh day events. After suggesting to the Rabbi that a hospitality coordinator would Hashanah, he was moved by the incredible spirit of the davening and the gen- relieve him of this responsibility, she was immediately “hired” and has served uine welcome he received. He decided then and there to come regularly to in the role for 13 years. Not only does she ensure that visitors to the commu- “Rabbi Goldberger’s shul.” nity have places to stay and Shabbos and Yom Tov meals to share, but she is a resource for those looking to relocate to Baltimore. A therapist by profes- Gail, a Milwaukee native, grew up in a close-knit family with a strong Jewish sion, Gail readily shows empathy and grace and makes it easy for guests with identity. Active in B’nai Brith and Reform youth groups as a teen, Gail at- whom she interacts to view Tiferes Yisroel as a natural stopover and desira- tended college at the University of Michigan, later moving to Oregon in ble spot to revisit. search of spiritual community and the beauty of nature. Ironically, Gail and Louis attended the University of Michigan at the same time but were not des- Louis was a shul officer for three years and served as the Purim card coordi- tined to meet until years later. It was in Oregon that Gail met a group of nator. He is a dedicated, familiar, and welcoming face on Shabbos, offering a Shomer Shabbos people for the first time, and this encounter inspired her to smile, a handshake and a kind word to veterans and newcomers alike. As study in Israel, where she learned at the Midreshet Rachel Seminary for members of the kehilla, Louis and Gail are the preeminent face of all that is warm and welcoming about Tiferes Yisroel. eighteen months. She decided to return to the United States to attend graduate school in social work, and it seemed that everyone she knew in Israel and Both Louis’s and Gail’s parents have developed a warm relationship with the Milwaukee told her that the place for her was Rabbi Goldberger’s shul.
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