. ' ufol NASA TECHNICAL ···NASA -TM- X.-536-55 _. ·' ' Septeinber 14, 1967 A PROPOSED HYPOTHETICAL EXPLORATION MISSION IN THE FLAMSTEED CRATER REGION OF THE MOON 'v' •> \. By Otha H. Vaughan, Jr. Aero-Astrodyna1llics Laboratory NAS·A George C. Marshall Space Flight Center~ Huntsville~ Alabama ·. '. .. ···- -- - TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM X-53655 A PROPOSED HYPOTHEl'ICAL-EXJ;>LGRATION ~tsS:i:GN IN THE FLAMSTEED CRATER RE~ION oF THE gooN ~y Otha H. Vaughan, Jr. George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama ABSTRACT A hypothetical 14-day lunar surface mission is proposed for two astron~tits to investigate the lull,ar terrain and larger features about a preseiected landing site. Becau~e the Surveyor I spacecraft soft­ landed in the Flams-t~ed Cr~ter r'eglon and demonstrated that a,n up.manped spacecraft can safely Land in thi.s particular area, this site' will, for pul;'.poses of this paper, be c9p$ide:J;"ed a suitable site in which to carry out a proposed scient'ific exploration mission. The pl;'oposed mi~sioil will be· supp_orted by a lupa,r shelter (to be' ia,nded up tq six months before the 'manned' landing) which will serve both as a shelter and a cottnnunica­ tions center wit:h t.he earth. A smail rovtng veQ.:icle will be usE!d for m,armed trave.rses within a radius of. eigh~ ki-lometer~ abol1t th~ shelter, and a, flying vepich~ will be. us.ed for f1 ights up to 30 kilomet.ers away. scientific instrumerttat:i.on will be provided for experiments in several disciplin~s. ·The g~plogical and geophysical investigations :i-nclude (1) sample collection, seismic, IIIC!-gnetic, and gra:v'ity surveys' and long- tel:-~ tic;J.al and. quake measurements and (2) measureft1ents of ra~iation, temperature, micronieteoroid flux, etc. An engineering investigation on the S1,1rveyor I spacecrl:ift and its components will also be conducted. NASA - GEORGE C. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER '< .l :.....- . •.), ,i"" ~· . ~ : ~ 1 : • t i.': r . .. ::• r·. ..3·:·i.b ..t''?dt:.Jj :.i\(..; .. :r~<·:-il-.!.~ ;;.:::fj __ :t r;·)J::r~.. ·~·f:~Xt..(<~3 :: t .J k~:ti.. f~-~ ··~ :::.z. ·.. ~ .. ~:.ty· ;,..:·:o.i~f'~: ' f.,f~ ·.j •. ' ,~·-~· ~::-:;r:;·~'J.' ~=·r~;:·~;·:;:J'.ti!'/ ·l~- ·?;·t<i"~~- ~'~·t·~.,.,.} ~-~~-~ ::f._.,_j~(-/.]~,l :-~J .. ~ h!iJ.:,. J:l.~~,.,i'.'~"··~-:~;-r.~~ > NASA - GEORGE C. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER Technical Memorandum X-53655 A PROPOSED HYPOTHETICAL EXPLORATION MISSION IN THE FLAMSTEED CRATER REGION OF THE MOON By Otha H. Vaughan, Jr . .l \; LIST OF 'ILLUSTRATIONS FiBure Title Page 1 Mission Landing Regioil ....................... 9 2 Mission Landing Site at 100 Meter Resolution .. 10 :3a S!lrveyor .I S_ite at 8 Meter Re~olution ....... _.. U_ 3b Surveyor I Site at 1 Meter Resolution .......•. 12 4 Lunar Shelter Concept •........................ 13 5 Roving Vehicle Gori<;:epts .......•..•...•......•. 13 6 Flying V~4icle Concept ......•................. 14 7 3- Meter Hand Drill •.••••. , ..•.•.•..•••.•...... 14 8 Surveying Staff._..•..••.•.•••..••...•••....... 15 9 Emplaced Remote Scientific· Station ...•.....••. 15 10 Tools and Carrier ........................•.... 16 lla Flams 'f:7et;:!d ¢ .................................. 17 llb F-la.riis teed f3 •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• 17 12 Landing Site and Typical Sorties ••••••••.••.•• 18 iii c c ··: 'r::if 'I-; ·.. ~' (I , .... ~-- __ . ri'~~,.~<J_'I,( ··n::c.d_,.,,,,( _. ,. _ _· _:r:t:; __ . _ .... ·.. ,. .. _: . ·.···· , _ ____: . :,,., ,,,..;_..,."'A hyp~c;i.~l;l¢:;~ic:alr:.;J.4.;-:daiY.""-luharJ s:urfa.c-e~:.m'i's'sfi'oii :]fs')!p,t'opo·se'd~'·:f'Or4'fw'o-- as tro- "'· · ·.:..t.-,.·;t:.~, :·.. ~ r:~.>..,"- ~:·,-:~.-~~-'.l"~,-:.,7::_· :~,,~;.z.~~.;.. ..,,... · ...~·;:r.~- ~- _~ · ":.::· __·-J.;.,. -~!. 1 : . .:_.> .... · ·-·~:.::~ :;, _.:v::- -'~.,- ~J . ."'_;; ·• ·-·\ . i... __ .__ :.., ---. .::~·-~~~. __ ,.,_ ->·-:~ . :...; ::::..:~·;.·.:~-·--~-.:~.. ~'{A,--. :· . · -- · ,. :1i:" n~l!-:ts.~;. :t:o >;ip:Ves·t-i'g:ate.~vthe~jil uiiar'();i;:et.ta-in , 0ai:J.d''i'llai;'ge:t;~£e'a::tu:f~es . 'aooutf:r'ai:;pr e:..' ·~~~:~~~~~P~£~~i~!~!i~~~~~~~!~itii!iil'i}i!i:;L ~ cj:~pti~:i§ eJ;C!> l~r atiol;l m:!.s ~ ion~ : 'rb:e. ·propg~:·g~cl 'fil:i:s.~;ioi1: will 1'.ii! .~ )lpi?'Oi~t:ea·. by a ly,l;lB:r she]. fer (to be lap.d~d til?: to six iti6i:itihs before the' tnap.rti=.d ta.tiding) whic~ will. ser'?:e bot4 B:s a~{~·:l~~::f.~,~-~;r~pd~ ·ai ~t;nilit~~p.ic.;atigrt,s c~~ter ~:U::p fh~ eart:h. A !?$.U :rov;ip.g. v:e.hicle w~ll be used £or fu.;lnn~·d t:rav:er,~~~ w:i.thi£l ~-radil1s of~igh1: kiJ~m~t~rs about .the sh¢i~e.r, artci a ·fly:i,ng y~p.ic,ie will ; :<;"; ~~1ii~;f:! ~,:~~~r~!-~h·~~~ti~~~~~:I~~~~!pth::.!~;t~iy~i~:~7~!~~~~~~~~~~{~~~~i·~Zt~!in ~rtd .geoph)tsic~~-· .inve~tig~tic;)ns l,.ncl_ude (1):.' satti.pl'g ~9H~ct~9n, s,E!'is~;ic, : :J::~:~:ll:j;:~~~~~~~~~~te~~§,;t~;:~!;f:~:r:%l!g:~~!~~1t~~a~~tJt~~~~!~'ti~e~i~~:m:~~~ Aii engirl¢e;riJ;lg investiga:tio_tl on the Surve)rpr I sp~c~craft and its ~bl:n· f?tKneK~·s;:r,w:f.1;~~,r-a:ats'6·"'b~·; cb;nc:'lli.ct:id~.·; :J.n·~·:~.:-::f;Ji:,_,,,: ·,-.::, ~~tqi-i:.:..,; ,..·r ('.i:'Y -~!'.~<<'!":'!:;~. _--.--,-:-~~ ":'"'. ;.-;;-.-....-~-~,---·--~-~~ ' -~ ~ . -:~- '•,._· ' . : . - - ·~~ ·t oi'iJi,y: ·: ; ,; : liNTRODUG:T·ION .· ~J' . '.~:if',:. 5/(~:;)4·.-- ..1 e-. t · ~-I~ s ~).~~\ ·. 6.0~rr _:-;'[ 1-~;r; li.~ -~ 7J D;iscusf:?ed ;is a hypo.the~ic:ai l~nar stni~~ce exp~_ora.tion mi~sioh deve\oped ~:;~~i~iif~it!~:;~t~!::t~~~~~~rm;H~I~l~~Mrt~{Ji1:~it~I~i· · · <;te·~:cribed is a .propc:j~fed. l4•day ef,i:or't·A,:y. .~t, asttoixa'uts to inves~:f..ga~e. s'tru~d. that. the hypotijeti,caLfu~~sion describeci' li~r·e. will b~ th~ actual mi,ss ion· perf.ormed~ at·. trut't. time·. · · ' ' ......,.:.~,;~t:.;; .' ,;3/ ~'f,~of,.t~:f;.'"__ ,~1:·l'>--"11l-.:4'"-ii f,",i·~~4"f-'t~~'t~i~'<""' - - .. - __ ;__ -- :., -- -- ----~' ------- - . - -T!le· Crf!:ter F!rutfitt:ee'aJ'''~fi"'t-t~og({~lf~~S:'~'errr'cjc~aii.li~ Proc:e par urn (£lgtire _1), is a ~r:ight cT,ater: about 2(f kin in:d1ametf;lr near the south rim of a .dis- ~~r~!~~tJtit~~,f~~t~~l~~~1,f~~~J:;;~~:s . .., :>right C:x~te:t:_s a1;1p :['a,ys • Be~¢~.i;!,s)~1i:.1:_h:i,s s:ite 'Wa$ photographed by Otbiter I in med~~ -t:'esoli.ttion- anq .. -by- -Ot-b:i."ter: ·:II$. in '~.ot~~ ·wecli4in~ and-high- resolu­ ~iOq (8--:m~t~r and 1-ineter, · tespect:i;vely), w~ ,now_.luive ep.o1,1gh iqforllla~ion ~-j}) .~.. ~-::r n -.-~'t,·r.'-~-i ·., - . ~-~ ~-. ..:. ,-- ;~ > ~,~_ _:-:_ ,_.. ! !._ •••.· •· _._ ~-? :'r --.:.>,·:' :: ~-~'-T.#.1. r:c ~·~-}l~t~ --~-· -. _ ""-~ --~ ' )C>- .. t' e•- ~- • t ~-:1) J.:.;:jzfj; ~~t:J~~i~~~r .,_~- i"I;;b:~:~~~;{~;~i~~;,;fc,i. 1t./ dcJJ !)~?- -,. r· ·~:'0~_qf.;._~~- tl;lree selected remote sites. (3) 'J?p. su~vey;.;ci;i):trtfciY:'-~;r:an:~ r,,~tutn s.~Jec;t~d E1'amples f:rorn thf;l S~iv:~yoz;, .!, ,~.p~t:iqi-aft .',:f:qj" efl.gi,rt~ering. ai1~1Y,E1.fS which Will b~ "~~rformed at -the lunar sliJ;fter. · :~i~!~~!~~;,llil~~;~itli~~~~~1~;~~f~t1~~!!t~~~~1t~~~~r~~g sc ~s~'n:i..~- g~~)tqg4~aJ hi~~~~:t4:g~t'ioni:w:iilih ~~n~+~9.e 'fdEft:~~:--- -~~~·tQ_~ N eg~~_acts J.e tw.e.i:!.Iii·~~the.£mA·d ·~r;'its tr~Ciitigl:a~phtc ·:un1it~:T s_amp-·]fioo 6¥1: c. gn:tT &'na.;. ~n.:~emmon ,:.·. n.ibel:I~a·l~s,;, !a;;d~Jci'~§·_c:rr¥B iing'i'tlie~.~s- tri1c-tuta l~sB:na ~.. g eorii~rp.b&csmea;.~u:i1'~~ ;-"-·3 If . nf. £ ~"' ~ u?-~-;~~~b:~:~ i 1"cr~\~:e~:. 6£ -4~:£-:ii.!:'!~~.~ t;"'·s-:ities_,~sfi~6lla;~;~·e:·.,:,.. ;~: .. t!i'ifl~~r.-· ·t!<?~·a~f·~~:iP.e -}).tli'e·\;i!g'e !:·al).d• ,·,!t~;¥~tt~~hi¢k.n.~~s· :e-£ ('t11e·$:.~:};~;_~·t.~r· ' . ~,., tl'ie eratel:~(f f;l:tn .. "':: i':aa:i-t~6P. to:::~:Q:~~~·I;!fJ~ 9~-~~-u~gy,~·~:ra~~.Q-¥~~·tt~r:3.l;ip.. · ... ~:£.:q£Q~~s.11.~~terr~s~£te r~ l ~-~n~h~arr3-:..metEn:: i-hot'e~;',i tt;;i e·ach:h5-:f . th"~~~ :en~~·e:~ ~~d·tt'~t-s.:f'id~·se.w4::11'Toef: d~;l:lSled, •. a,c:J ·~ .;a~eJ; ~fa'ricl; logg-~d~~i~~~p~rtii-~t;:.ctlie (enipl.ac£ein~·rttttv·~f~·tfi.-e· ~·~-r~~~:~~£i-t;;;f8~t~~}tions. ·I 1:J:.J,; ;· :;)r:; .:"lt,; ·}·:·'1 ~: f..f.?(! ~~(s.:jlif-·· }J·~,(~~- ;~-~J ~ 2:.:1 t-7 -·~:r?.;:.~f -i~~~-Jti.:;:~~~:i~'J.-S~'.fi~l!. ~::-;.. ?~~{i~:- :-$i~\{~i'__ ·J~f~-) ·: b:-;3-~J.'~f~t>i ·. • ·· - • ~ t "t..:~. t -· • .. -. _:;:~_r.-:: -('' L."':·.lJ..-~-~·1~1· • t:; =.:i·!I_.r;._:;_+ -- :.--~~{~-~ __ ._ .._..-_~;;, ----- ~- ·-:--- -- ·-· ~.-. of each type o~ m1.ssion may not· b~ achieved because of time 13-n.d mobihty r~;_st~rict:ions, it is not _expected that many ·,pre"planned activities will require mod ifica tipn ..., ,.. - ..... :, .. ( ·... ', , _,._::-~_:-_:__ , .. ··'····.: -'-.'.'!:-.../ :-;:: ~1 'r.~~t- ~.;...1... ~ r,:.:.t·· l, 1 __ -,'- "·~.3 . • ,. ~ l:~~.i :(';'. ,_.., ·:-· 3 {jJ_ _..· (1) A lunar shel tet (figure 4) with a roving yehicle and a flying veh.i.~le 9D b_qa-r;cl .:w.UJ ~se.r.Ye.. !3-.S .. a ..ba.;$·~_.,;oJ cOP'?r'?.~io.ns r (:J;ood, ·:~_q_-.~1:-:;:J:..; ·--::1.--:~;.:';J~~/ ..r:d.-:. :;:'"..,_: _(;:.J-.U~---~-!:i.lt::~;-.1 ~:•·-·~""'"'~ .v.. .i:;-r::!-,..:~.J., 1 "":"';··~·: ~- ...~~- --'~.:7-t.J-.....::;:~· ·-~'-"' \.
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