6628 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 13, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Yielding to extraordinary economic pres­ Angola. Already cut off from South African TESTIMONY OF HOWARD sures from the U.S. government, South aid, which had helped stave off well funded PHILLIPS Africa agreed to a formula wherein the anti­ invasion-scale Soviet-led assaults during communist black majority Transitional 1986 and 1987, UNITA has been deprived by HON. DAN BURTON Government of National Unity, which had the Crocker accords of important logistical been administering Namibia since 1985, supply routes through Namibia, which ad­ OF INDIANA would give way to a process by which a new joins liberated southeastern Angola. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES government would be installed under United If, in addition, a SWAPO regime were to Thursday, April 13, 1989 Nations auspices. use Namibia's Caprivi Strip as a base for South Africa also agreed to withdraw its anti-UNITA Communist forces, UNITA's Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I estimated 40,000 military personnel from ability to safeguard those now resident in would like to enter a statement by Mr. Howard Namibia, with all but 1,500 gone by June 24, the liberated areas would be in grave ques­ Phillips of the Conservative Caucus into the to dismantle the 35,000-member, predomi­ tion. RECORD. In view of recent events in Namibia, nantly black, South West African Territori­ America has strategic interests in south­ al Force, and to permit the introduction of ern Africa. The mineral resources concen­ I think it is very important for all of us who are 6,150 U.N. troops and support personnel, concerned with events in southern Africa to trated in South Africa, Namibia, Zaire, and many from anti-democratic Communist re­ other parts of the region are essential to pay attention to the views of a man of Mr. gimes, to oversee elections scheduled for No­ Phillips' stature and experience. U.S. defenses and to our industry. In many vember 1, 1989. cases, the only other source of supply are The statement follows: Because the United Nations has provided SWAPO with tens of millions of dollars in Soviet-controlled. The sea lanes around the TESTIMONY OF HOWARD PHILLIPS, CHAIRMAN, Cape of Good Hope and up the south Atlan­ THE CONSERVATIVE CAUCUS, INC. subsidies and has repeatedly declared the guerrilla organization to be "the only legiti­ tic transport Persian Gulf oil for America Mr. Chairman: Recent events in Namibia mate representative of the South West Afri­ and western Europe. underscore the risks to U.S. security inter­ can people," South Africa's decision to ac­ Walvis Bay, a magnificent deep-sea port ests implicit in Chester Crocker's 1988 quiesce in U.N.-supervised elections has on Namibia's Atlantic coast, is now a West­ Angola/Namibia accords and Andrew been widely perceived as a victory for ern asset. If SWAPO has its way, that asset Young's 1978 U.N. Security Council Resolu­ SWAPO-and a defeat for the anti-Commu­ will be transferred. tion 435 on which the accords are premised. nist blacks who have opposed the Moscow­ And of course, Zaire, to the north of In the first test of good faith by the par­ trained group's strategy of violence and Angola, will be the next target of Soviet am­ ties involved, the Communists have flunked. terror. bitions, once Moscow has installed its Disregarding cease-fire pledges signed by In all societies, there is a natural desire to SWAPO surrogates in Namibia and consoli­ the president of SWAPO <South West "be with the winner". In Africa, failure to dated control of Angola. Africa Peoples Organization) on August 12, support the prospective victor can have The Crocker accords have diminished, 1988, and again, on March 18, 1989, the fatal consequences. Accordingly, those Na­ rather than enhanced, the prospect of genu­ Soviet-allied terrorist organization has once mibians who worry about the physical secu­ ine national reconciliation and free elections again made clear its overriding adherence to rity of their loved ones after a new govern­ in Angola. While the South Africans had the notion that political legitimacy, as well ment will have taken power and once South completely removed their 3,000 personnel as power, comes from the barrel of a gun, Africa and the U.N. have both left their from Angola before September 1 last year, Despite the explicit requirement, solemn­ country, may well decide to vote for the Cubans need not complete the with­ ly guaranteed in Geneva by both Cuba and SWAPO out of fear, rather than on the drawal of 50,000 of their soldiers until July Angola, that all SWAPO armed forces basis of adherence to its Marxist-Leninist 1, 1991, more than two years from now. would be confined to bases north of the agenda. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine According to UNITA, the agreement­ 16th parallel in Angola, some 120 miles that Namibians, other than for reasons of which is, after all, between Communist north of the Namibian border, and to have intimidation, would knowingly risk surren­ Cuba and the Peoples Republic of Angola­ its troops enter Namibia only after having dering the freedoms they now enjoy:-to does not cover another 10,000 Cuban troops, left their weapons in Angola, heavily armed own and dispose of one's private property.­ some 20,000 Cubans who now claim Angola SWAPO guerrillas instead crossed into Na­ to enjoy religious liberty, and-to enjoy the citizenship, 2,500 Soviets, 2,500 East Ger­ mibia on April l, six weeks prior to the date freedoms of speech, press, and association mans, 3,000 North Koreans, and assorted of their scheduled arrival on May 13, at a which have been the norm in Namibia in its other Communist soldiers from Portugal time when South African troops were being pre-"independence" status. (private mercenaries), North Vietnam, and confined to base, and U .N. personnel had The consequences of a SWAPO victory in elsewhere. not yet arrived at their assigned border des­ Namibia would be adverse for those beyond Jonas Savimbi has told me that, at this tinations. the new nation's borders who love liberty, as point, a military victory to end the war is Yet there is no provision in the accords to well as those within. not possible. So he hopes America's promise penalize either Communist Cuba, Commu­ No provision of the agreements would bar of negotiations will be fulfilled. But, what nist Angola, or Communist SWAPO for this a SWAPO government from welcoming to incentive is there for the Communist incum­ major violation. Namibia foreign troops to assure the con­ bents to negotiate themselves out of Whether their objective was to infiltrate tinuance in power of an unpopular one­ power-especially so long as they are col­ thousands of guerrillas for purposes of in­ party Communist tyranny, just as soldiers lecting hundreds of millions of dollars annu­ timidation, or even to establish military from Cuba, East Germany, North Korea, ally from U.S.-based multi-national petrole­ bases inside Namibia, it is clear that ·North Vietnam, and the Soviet Union now um conglomerates such as Chevron, Conoco, SWAPO's Marxist-Leninist leaders remain protect totalitarians in Luanda from the and Texaco? Even the Kennedy family's determined to achieve power at any price. hostility of the Angolan people. Citizens Energy Corporation is getting a Doctrinally committed, as they are, to the Nor do the accords preclude the possibili­ piece of Angola's action. creation of a one-party state, the ruthless ty that Angola-based Soviet battle tanks, jet Clearly, there is considerable imbalance in terrorists who set SWAPO policy can no fighters, attack radar, and helicopter gun­ the accords, which must be rectified to en­ more be looked to as harbingers of democra­ ships, now aimed south toward Namibia, hance the prospects for liberty and democ­ cy in South West Africa than could the will in a few years be emplaced on Namibia's racy in both Angola and Namibia. Congress original Bolsheviks have been heralded as Orange River border with South Africa. has had no formal role in shaping the deal, champions of human rights for the people Neither can neighboring Botswana fail to be which was brokered by Assistant Secretary of Kerensky's Russia. wary, given Communist expertise in subver­ of State Chester Crocker. But Congress does Under the agreements signed by Angola, sion and intimidation in service to a "revolu­ have a prospective fiduciary duty to assure Cuba, and South Africa, SWAPO has al­ tion without borders". that U.S. interests are protected as the plan ready been handed a great victory at the But those in the region who lose the most is implemented. After all, American taxpay­ bargaining table, despite a long history of from these accords are Dr. Jonas Savimbi's ers are being asked to cough up, for starters, failure on the battlefield. anti-Communist UNITA freedom fighters in some $129 million in aid to the 6,150 e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. _ • , _ .. ___ .., ·----._j,•.. ..- •• • • __._I. •'·"'- ---· ...... • r.1.... L~ -·' -- -- ... • .... ( ..._ April 13, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6629 member U.N. "peace force" in Namibia and How tragic if "Africa's last colony", in seance of sharing sinners. Humility offers half the 90-person U.N. team which will theoreti­ consequence of SWAPO taking power under the solution to any family problem.
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