— _ If I li'A >'.. 1997 JMUTodiball Preview Supplement seeminside Hwris, *1 TODAY: Sunny, high ,7 T 70°F, low 46°F. z. ^ FRIDAY: Partly cloudy, U A high71°F,low48. ** V \ ** SATURDAY: Partly cloudy, Zirkle House premiere high 75°F, low 53°F. See Style page 13 THURSDAY UNIVERS1T Campaign on the commons Dave's Taverna Before students reach voting booths, Jim Gilmore, requires two LD.'s Republican gubernatorial candidate, mingles with JMU by Mitch Vakerics chairman of JMU College contributing writer ULMORE Republicans, said. "Jim Gilmore is the "** dovcmor choice of the students." After taking a shower, putting on some cologne or Gilmore attended public high perfume and checking yourself out in the mirror one school, the University of Virginia, last time, don't forget two I.D.'s if you plan to go out - AiL GILMORt graduated from U-Va. law school, and drink at Dave's Taverna. GILMORt served in the U.S. Army and is there- For the last eight months, students wanting beer at I MORE ^ fore a man of the people, Rexrode Dave's Taverna have shown two forms of identifica- said. tion to receive service. Dave Miller, owner of Dave's Before Gilmore spoke, Paul Harris, Taverna, feels he is protecting his business and his who is running for the 58th District of servers with the policy. the House of Delegates, spoke about "I may lose business from under-age drinkers, but the Republican movement. "We need that's fine. I have no problem asking to see two GILMOR to move Virginia forward," he said. LD.'s," Miller said. Governor. "Our motto is faith, family, freedom. The Alcoholic Beverage Control brought Dave's We trust in God and in family. There Taverna up on charges last winter for are no second-class citizens in serving alcohol to minors. The Virginia. minors in question UlfWMI GOVIRNOK "Don Beyer and his followers are were carded, like the drivers that signal with their but only it:ADI £v right blinker on and then turn left. produced BRYAN M A HI ,KR/ionlribuling photographer They pretend to be liberal, but they oneLD. Republican gubernatorial candidate Jim Gilmore speaks before a crowd of sup- are not. we will not be fooled Brought porters on the commons Tuesday afternoon. again," he said. on by a Gilmore began his speech by talk- strong push Republicans, began at 4 p.m. when ing about his goals for Virginia and by ABC offi- by Harmony Horowitz supporters of the Gilmore ticket gath- the national government. He ex- cials to curb contributing writer ered to display Gilmore banners, pressed deep gratitude to the College under-age Jim Gilmore arrived on the com- stickers and buttons. Although these Republicans for their support and drinking, Miller mons for a rally Tuesday afternoon to visuals attracted passersby to stop help with his election. "College decided to chants of "Go Jim, Go!" from about and find out about the College Republicans make a genuine contri- require anyone 100 people. Student admirers who Republicans, that was not the main bution to democracy and people who looks under wanted to shake the Republican purpose. everywhere," he said. "It is the most the age of 30 to produce two forms of identification. gubernatorial candidate's hand "The purpose of this rally is to let important contribution that students ABC officials encouraged Miller to require two immediately surrounded Gilmore. Gilmore's ideas be known before the I.D.'s from persons requesting alcohol. From the per- The rally, held by the College November election," Dave Rexrode, see CAMPAIGN page 2 spective of the ABC, it is a privilege to have an alco- hol license and a privilege for people to drink, not a right, Miller said. The loss of revenue from under-age drinkers will Ashby residents face not make or break his business, Miller said. There is much less risk involved when two I.D.'s are required, and he is willing to go the extra mile, he said. Virginia state law has a minimum requirement for relocation after fire bartenders and servers to verify, legal drinking age by "[Ashby Crossing's] manage- requesting a valid driver's license, military I.D. or by Andi Metzler ment had to honor those leases passport. The showing of a second I.D., which can be assistant neivs editor because they didn't expire until anything from a library card to a check book, is not Subletters left a charcoal grill August," she said. required by law but recommended by the ABC, unattended, causing a fire at Holsinger would not comment Miller said. Ashby Crossing apartments last on the identity of the students People under the age of 21 who use their friends' spring that damaged two build- who left the grill unattended and driver's licenses to get served alcohol will be hurt by ings and forced 30 tenants to whether there is legal action this new rule because most people will not lend their relocate. being taken against the students. entire wallet, Miller said. The May 25 fire began in After the fire, Ashby Crossing Junior Ryan Delaney said, "They're going to lose a building 1250 and was carried by management terminated these lot of business, but it is understandable considering wind to building 1240, said June students' leases and the students what happened to them last year." Holsingcr, Ashby Crossing and were responsible for finding Junior Ryan Rees said, "There's really very little College Park property manager, housing elsewhere. Harrisonburg they can do to stop under-age drinking. I have Current management does not Fire Department, which classified friends who trust me and will not hesitate to give me allow grills, but the subletters the fire as accidental, declared two I.D.'s." whose charcoal grill caused the building 1250 uninhabitable, JM's Bar and Grill and Awful ArthuVs only ask for fire signed a lease under the for- prompting about 30 tenants to PHOTO COURTESY OF KYLE BUSS a second I.D. if they suspect the first one is fake. Biltmore, a bar and grill, which will open sometime mer management, which allowed Fire blazes at building 1250 of Ashby Crossing charcoal grills, Holsinger said. see ASHBY page 2 May 25. The building was deemed uninhabitable. in September, will only require one I.D. 2 Thursday, Sept 4,1997 THE BREEZE Campaign continue^from page 1 can make." It matters what individuals do and who "To the press alone, chequered as is elected as a result, Gilmore said. His plat- it is with abuses, the world is form includes the New Century Scholarship indebted for all the triumphs Program, which would allocate $2,000 to which Itave been gained by each student annually toward tuition to reason and humanity over error Virginia college students. and oppression." "1 am committed to higher education and — James Madison to liberties of people," Gilmore said. "The freedom of the press must be sound and Editor KristenrMss secure. There are big differences in the race. I Managing editor Laura L. Wade am committed to the people, better educa- Technology manager Brian Hlgglns tion and saving money. The election matters Ads manager Erin M. CaMaghan and it matters whether you involve yourself Neus editor Courtney A. Crowtey by voting, participating and committing." News editor Rob Speirs Another platform in Gilmore's campaign Asst. news editor Andi Metzter calls for the elimination of the personal Opinion editor Kelley BlassJngame Style editor km Vegas' Teip Focus editor Chris KMmek "I am not a Republican. Asst. style/focus editor Julian Walker It was interesting to Sports editor Steven M. Trout Asst. sports editor Seth Burton observe, but I hope Copy editor Lisa Fox rr Photo editor Jenntfer Baker [Gilmore] doesn't win. Asst. photo editor Ed Dyer BacTran Graphics editor Thomas Scala BRYAN MAHLEK/conlribuling photographer senior Advisers Rip Da Lues, Jim Gilmore converses with reporters on the commons Tuesday whHe Gilmore supporters wave Alan Neckowttz, signs. Supporters for democratic gubernatorial candidate Don Beyer also made an appearance. David Wenoemen property tax on cars and trucks. The tax cur- rently affects all Virginia car owners, regard- less of income. campus to help people understand politics." largest organization of teachers in Virginia Ty Cobb, chairman of Virginia College Another College Republican, sophomore decided to endorse Don Beyer so early in the Republicans, said, "The biggest victory is for Laura Sammon, said, "There is no question campaign." The Breeze is published Monday the students to have the opportunity to see in my mind as to voting for Gilmore. He However, Gilmore and his supporters are and Thursday mornings and hopeful. Kevin Funk, a College Republicans distributed throughout James these figures and to see their commitment." believes in the individual, and Paul Harris is Madison University and the local Crowd reaction varied. Senior Bac Tran a good example that anyone can make it." member, said, "We are ahead in the polls, it Harrisonburg community. said, "I am not a Republican. It was interest- College Democrats going by "Students is an uphill battle against Don Beyer. With Comments and complaints should ing to observe, but I hope [Gilmore] doesn't for Don Beyer" also came to the rally, wav- the support of hard-working people, we will be addressed to Kristen Heiss, edi- win the election over Beyer's money cam- tor. win." ing banners in support of Don Beyer. Mailing address: Junior Chris Neff, a College Republican, Students for Don Beyer Chairman Jamie paign. We will continue to hold grass rallies Vie Breeze said, "Any political activity on campus is Gregorian said, "Gilmore supported a nine- until Gilmore's ideas are known." Anthony-Seeger Hall productive, and the College Republicans ty-million- dollar cut in education.
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