Numerical Dharmas 1 NUMERICAL DHARMAS IN ENGLISH & PALI A list of teachings in numbered sets (NDEP) How to use. The NDE is listed alphabetically both in English and in Pali, and cross-referred to the Pali terms. Use this only for looking up numerical teachings. Each number is internally indexed (The ↓ means “Look under this Number.”) For other terms and those marked with ↑, look up in the main (alphabetical) dictionary, the right arrow → means “see also (under),” and ← see preceding header. Started 101203 heedfulness ↑appamāda. 1 Ones happiness, highest ↑nibbānaṁ paramaṁ sukhaṁ. abandoned ↓to be abandoned. hard to penetrate ↑duppaṭivijjha. abhiññeyya↑ highest goal ↓highest good. āhāra ↑āhāra 4. highest good ↑param’attha. all beings are sustained by conditions ↑sabbe sattā highest happiness ↓happiness, highest. saṅkhāra-ṭ,ṭhitikā →saṅkhāra (1.4). highest truth ↑parama,dhamma ↑param’attha sacca. all beings are sustained by food ↑sabbe sattā āhāra-ṭ,- heedfulness ↑appamāda. ṭhitikā ↑āhāra 4. heedlessness ↑pamāda. appamāda↑ indriya,saṁvara↑ arise, should be made to ↓should be made to arise intrepidity ↑vesārajja. awakened one ↑Buddha. kalyāṇa,mittatā↑ awakening ↑awakening ↑bodhi. kāya.gata,sati↑ ayoniso manasikāra↑ majjhima paṭipadā↑ bhāvetabba↑ mano↑ buddha ↑Buddha. middle way ↑majjhima paṭipadā. cessation ↑saññā,vedayita,nirodha. mind ↑citta. conditioned states ↓the best of conditioned states. mindfulness regarding the body ↑kāya.gata,sati. conduces to decline ↑hāna,bhāgiya. nibbānaṁ paramaṁ sukhaṁ↑ conduces to distinction ↑visesa,bhāgiya. nibbāna↑ consciousness ↑viññāṇa. nirvana ↑nibbāna. courage ↑vesārajja. nirvana, highest happiness ↑nibbānaṁ paramaṁ cultivated ↓to be cultivated. sukhaṁ. death-free ↓nirvana. noble eightfold path ↑ekâyana. decline ↓conduces to decline. one or oneness in meditation ↑eka (2). dictinction ↓conduces to distinction. one-going ↑ekâyana. Dharma (true teaching) ↑saddhamma. one-pointedness of mind ↑ek’aggatā. difficult to penetrate ↓hard to penetrate. pahatabba↑ diligence in wholesome states ↑appamāda. pamāda↑ duppaṭivijjha↑ parama,dhamma↑ eka ↑eka (2). param’attha↑ ek’aggatā↑ param’attha sacca↑ eka puggala dullabha sammā,sambuddha↑ pariññeyya↑ ekâyana↑ penetrate ↓hard to penetrate. foremost of conditioned states ↑saṅkhāra (1.9) rare individual: the fully-self-awakened one ↑eka pug- fruit of recluseship ↑sāmañña,phala. gala dullabha sammā,sambuddha. fully understood ↓to be fully understood. realized ↓to be realized. goal ↓highest good. refuge ↑one true refuge. good ↓highest good. restraint ↑saṁvara ↑indriya,saṁvara. hāna,bhāgiya↑ sabbe sattā āhāra-ṭ,ṭhitikā↑ →āhāra 4. Dictionary of Early Buddhism (2016) Numerical Dharmas 2 sabbe sattā saṅkhāra-ṭ,ṭhitikā↑ →saṅkhāra (1.4). forms ↑rūpa 2. sacchikatabba↑ fundamental texts ↑pāvacana 2. saddhamma↑ giving ↑dāna 2 sāmañña,phala↑ hospitality ↑paṭisanthāra 2. saṅkhārā ↑saṅkhārā (1.9). karma ↑kamma 2. saññā,vedayita,nirodha↑ karmic courses of action ↑kamma,patha 2. sense-restraint ↑indriya,saṁvara. liberations ↑vimutti 2. should be made to arise ↑uppādetabba. meditations kamma-ṭ,ṭhāna 2. should be understood ↑abhiññeyya. mental cultivations ↑bhāvanā 2 →kamma-ṭ,ṭhāna 2. spiritual friendship ↑kalyāṇa,mittatā. mind and body summum bonum ↑parama,dhamma. monastic community or order ↑saṅgha 2 tathagata↑tathāgata →2. nirvana ↑nibbāna 2. tathāgata↑ noble individuals ↑ariya,puggala 2. thought ↑mano. pains ↑dukkha. to be abandoned ↑pahatabba. peregrinations (of the Buddha) ↑carika 2. to be cultivated ↑bhavetabba. purity ↑suddhi 2. to be fully understood ↑pariññeyya. quests ↑pariyesanā 2. to be realized ↑sacchikatabba. rare persons ↑dullabha puggala 2. true teaching ↓Dharma. sacrifices ↑yañña 2. unwise attention ↑ayoniso manasikāra. saints ↑ariya 2. →4 →8. understood ↓should be fully understood. samadhi ↑samādhi 2. uppādetabba↑ sensuality ↑kāma 2. uposatha ↑uposatha. →4. states that are world-protectors ↑loka,pāla dhamma 2. vesārajja↑ states that invoke grace ↑sobhaṇa,karaṇa dhamma 2. viññāṇa↑ states that beautify one ↑sobhaṇa,karaṇa dhamma 2. visesa,bhāgiya↑ striving ↑padhāna 2. wise attention ↑yoniso manasikāra. sufferings ↑dukkha 2. yoniso manasikāra↑ supports ↑saṅgaha 2. talks ↑kathā 2 →desanā 2. tathāgata ↑tathāgata 2. 2 Sets of two teachings ↑desanā 2 ↑sāsana 2. abundance ↑vepullā 2. texts, fundamental ↓fundamental texts. achievements ↑iddhi 2. “thus come” ↑tathāgata 2. arhats ↑arahata 2 →4 →5 →60. truths ↑sacca 2 →desanā 2 aryas (noble saints) ↓ariya. truths ascertained by the Buddha himself ↑upaññāta bases of meritorious deed ↑puñña,kiriya,vatthu 2. dhamma 2. burdens ↑dhura 2. two-facultied ↑dv-indriya. calm and insight↑samatha,vipassanā. views ↑diṭṭhi 2. views ↑diṭṭhi 3. →2. concentration ↑samādhi 2. virtues of great assistance ↑bahu,kāra dhamma 2. concepts ↑paññatti 2. virtues of the Buddha ↑buddha,guṇa 2. conciliation ↑saṅgaha 2. wanderings (of the Buddha) ↑carika 2. conditioned things ↑saṅkhāra 2. →3 →4. welcome ↑paṭisanthāra 2 conditions for right view ↑sammā,diṭṭhi paccaya 2. world-protectors ↑loka,pāla dhamma 2. courses of karmic action ↑kamma,patha 2. worship ↑pūja 3 (types of) worship. dharmas ↑dhamma 2. dhyanas ↑jhāna 2. dispensations ↑sāsana 2. 3 Sets of threes dukkha ↑dukkha 2. abandonment ↑pahāna 3. duties ↑dhura 2. abstinences ↑virati 3. expositions ↑desanā 2. accomplishment ↑sampatti 3. extremes ↑anta 2. admonition code ↑ovāda pāṭimokkha = buddh’ovāda faith ↑saddhā 2. asava (angl) ↑āsava 3. →4. feelings ↑vedanā 2. →3 →5 →6. attainment ↓accomplishment. http://dharmafarer.org 3 Numerical Dharmas awakening ↑bodhi 3. knowledge ↑ñāṇa 3 (2) (exeg) noble truths bad conduct ↑duccarita 3. knowledges ↓true knowledges. bases of meritorious action ↑puñña,kiriya,vatthu 3. latent tendencies ↑anusaya 3. →5 →7. →10. learning ↑wisdom. baskets of teachings ↑tipiṭaka. liberations ↑vimokkha 3. Buddha’s advice ↑buddh’ovāda 3 ↑ovāda pāṭimok- mental cankers ↑āsava 3. kha. mental cultivation ↑bhāvanā 3. →2 →4. →kamma-ṭ,- Buddha’s conduct ↑buddha,cariyā 3. ṭhāna 40. Buddha’s virtues ↑buddha,guṇa 3. →2 →6 →9. mental proliferation ↑papañca 3 or papañca,dhamma Buddha’s ways of teaching ↓dynamics of the Buddha’s 3. teaching. misconduct ↑duccarita 3. cankers ↓mental cankers. natural laws ↑dhamma,niyāma 3. characteristics ↑ti,lakkhaṇa. observance ↓uposatha. characteristics of the conditioned ↑saṅkhata lakkha- once-returners ↑sakadāgāmī 3. →5 ṇa. Opp ↑asaṅkhata lakkhaṇa. perversions ↑vipallāsa 3. characteristics of the unconditioned ↑asaṅkhata lak- piṭaka ↓ti,piṭaka. khaṇa 3. Opp ↑saṅkhata lakkhaṇa 3. priority, levels of ↑ādhipateyya 3. children (sons) ↑putta 3. proficiency ↓proficiency. cravings ↑taṇhā 3. →6 psychic display ↑iddhi,pāṭihāriya 3 ↑pāṭihāriya 3. complexes ↓conceit. purposes ↑attha 3. conceit ↑māna 3. purposes (ethical) ↑attha 3 (1). concentration-signs ↑nimitta 3. purposes (teleo) ↑attha 3 (2). contentment ↑santosa 3 = santuṭṭhi. recommendations of a true individual ↑sappurisa cycles (of lives and deaths) ↑vaṭṭa 3. paññatti 3. divine messengers ↑deva,dūta 3. →4 →5. refuges ↑saraṇa 3 = tisaraṇa. dominance, levels of ↑ādhipateyya 3. roots ↑mūla 3 or akusala,mūla 3. doors of action ↑dvāra 3 ↑saṅkhāra 3 (1). →6. rounds (of lives and deaths) ↓cycles (of lives and dynamics of the Buddha’s teaching ↑buddha,dhamma deaths). desanā 3. samadhi ↑samādhi 3 (1) (sutta) concentration ethical states ↑dhamma 3. ↑samādhi 3 (2) (Comy) (levels of) concentration. existence ↑bhava 3. →loka 3 →bhūmi 4. →2. faculties ↑indriya 3. seclusion ↓solitude. fetters ↑saṁyojana 3. sectarian beliefs ↑titth’āyatana 3. feelings ↑vedanā 3. →2 →5 →6 shopkeeper, qualities ↑pāpaṇīka,dhamma 3. fires – family ↑aggi 3 (3); psychological ↑aggi 3 (1); shrines ↑ cetiya 3. social ↑aggi 3 (2). signs ↑concentration-signs. formation(s) ↑↑saṅkhāra. skills ↑kosalla 3. full understanding ↑pariññā 3. solitude ↑viveka 3. giving, excellence of ↑dāna,sampatti 3. sons ↓children. goals (teleo) ↑purposes. spheres ↑avacara 3 ↓worlds. goals (ethical) ↑purposes. streamwinners ↑sotāpanna 3. gods ↑deva 3. suffering ↑dukkhatā 3. good conduct ↑sucarita 3. sure course or practice ↑apaṇṇaka paṭipadā 3. good dharma ↓true teaching. tepiṭaka ↓tipiṭaka highest good (ideals) ↑anuttariya 3. →6. ti,piṭaka↑ – the 3 baskets. ideals ↓highest good. trainings ↑sikkhā 3 = ti,sikkhā. inflows ↑influxes. true knowledges ↑vijjā 3. influxes (psych) ↑āsava 3. true teaching ↑saddhamma 3. intoxications ↑mada 3. understanding, full ↓full understanding. jewels ↑ratana-t,taya = ti,ratana. unsatisfactoriness ↓suffering. karma ↑kamma 3. unwholesome thoughts ↑akusala vitakka 3. karma-formations ↑saṅkhāra (1). unwholesome roots ↑akusala mūla 3. knowledge ↑ñāṇa 3 (1) (time). virtues of the Buddha ↓Buddha’s virtues. Dictionary of Early Buddhism ©Piya Tan, 2016 Numerical Dharmas 4 volition ↓formation(s). Dharma teaching, modes of ↑modes of Dharma teach- volitional formations ↑abhisaṅkhāra 3 ↑saṅkhārā 3 ing. (2). dhyana ↑jhāna 4 →2 →5 →8 →rūpa jhāna →arūpa wholesome roots ↑kusala mūla 3. jhāna. wholesome thoughts ↑kusala vitakka 3. distortions ↓perversions. wisdom ↑paññā 3. divine abodes ↑brahma,vihāra = appamañña 4. worlds ↑loka (1) (exist), ↑loka (2) (cosm), ↑loka (3) →kamma-ṭ,ṭhāna 40 (med) →bhūmi. ↓spheres. divine messengers ↑deva,dūta 4 →3 →5 efforts ↑padhāna 4 ↓samma-p,padhāna 4. factors of growth ↑vuḍḍhi 4. = vuḍḍhi,dhamma 4. 4 Sets of fours ↓ariya,vuḍḍhi 5 abandonment ↑pahāna 4. failure or falling away ↑vipatti 4. Opp ↓sampatti. almsfood uses ↑paribhoga 4. faith ↑saddhā 4. alternatives ↑koṭi 4. false friends ↑mitta paṭirūpaka 4 = bad friends ↑pāpa analytic
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