Beat Boxer |6DP&ODÀLQ9LVLW_'HSXW\+HDG%R\&DPSDLJQ | 0U+DGHQ_+HDG*LUO)XQGUDLVHU December 2013 | Winter It's Showtime! Les Misérables: Student Stars Shine On Stage Welcome To Our New Academy Ormiston Victory Academy's new building opens New Beauty Salon Opening Ceremony Students welcome the latest business venture “Achievement is outstanding because every student matters” (Ofsted 2013) December 2013 Victory Flag: Winter :HOFRPHWRRXU¿UVW Our students deserve to feel rewarded Blake; the RAF; a practising social worker Follow us Beauty@Victory for true hard work - and for giving above and the most recent one was delivered by edition of the new and beyond to their community. You will Archant Education Correspondent, Martin read in this edition about how many of our George, for students desiring a career in Victory Flag magazine. students have contributed, but I must draw journalism. We know that if our students It's been an incredibly busy term at Victory your attention to the articles regarding have high aspirations for the future, they - not just the move into our amazing new the work of the Deputy Head Boy and can engage more readily in their studies. building! Thanks to all of you who have Head Girl - Mitchel and Rachel. Just I know that for our young people, VHQWZDUPZLVKHVIRUP\¿UVWWHUPDV two examples of the wonderful students education is also about fun. We have Principal - I'm thoroughly enjoying the job at Victory. introduced a wider range of enrichment and I feel truly privileged to work alongside Back in September, I spoke of my intention activities - these include new sports like such dedicated professionals. I am grateful to ensure our students have clarity about squash at Barnham Broom, swimming at for your patience with the issues that come the future and that their aspirations are the Olympic pool at UEA, karate taster as a result of moving into a brand new high - it's our duty to ensure our careers sessions and boxing! space - it's back to business as usual. guidance is exemplary. So far this year Additionally we have planned a delivery Despite gaining the 'outstanding' grading we have welcomed a range of support - SURJUDPPHXVLQJ&DPRXÀDJHG/HDUQLQJ this year, everyone at Victory is committed Gareth Farr from Arts Ed has worked with & Inspire International - this includes to continuing to improve and ensure our Sixth Form students to support those sessions to aid our examination year the judgement remains forever. We are who want a career in performing arts; students in managing pressure and constantly rethinking the ways in which we the Norfolk County Council musicians sessions for our gifted students to help to serve your children to ensure the very best group have delivered a rock session to support their creativity. Year 7 to engage them, in learning an outcomes for every child. We want you to be informed when it comes instrument; a trained independent careers I'm in awe of the lovely, articulate, talented to the great opportunities here at Victory. adviser has worked with Year 11 students students we have. It's an honour to work We take every opportunity to celebrate on a one-to-one basis; many of our with them. I've been thrilled to appoint a success - everything from our new Twitter students attended the construction and brand new student leadership team with account to the all-new Flag is designed engineering conference at The Royal Norfolk true leadership responsibilities - not just in to embrace what makes Victory a happy Showground last month and a group of 20 The first beauty salon Year 11 but also in Sixth Form. Our Year 12 learning environment. students were fortunate enough to attend and 13 students deserve the chance to be the Big Thinking conference led by Norfolk We want every parent to have a copy of this within an Academy part of a full university-style student union. Chamber of Commerce. magazine - and to feel as proud as we do of Victory Academy. We have also run a series of highly successful Working Lunches. Each one $OOWKDWUHPDLQVLVWR of these sessions involves a professional Beauty YLVLWLQJWKHDFDGHP\WRR̆HUVWXGHQWVD ZLVK\RXDOODYHU\PHUU\ true insight into their career. Some of these sessions are pictured in this edition - this &KULVWPDVDQGDWUXO\ @ Victory term they have included a visit by Donovan MR\IXOVXFFHVVIXOQHZ\HDU ,ORRNIRUZDUGWRVHHLQJ \RXDJDLQVRRQ State of the art facilities, We have a male and female team of latest technologies co-presidents; a sixth form council and a Naomi Palmer wider team of executives who are attached WRWKHGL̆HULQJDUHDVRIOHDGHUVKLSDW New opening hours: 3ULQFLSDO Victory. Our Year 11 core leaders have 2UPLVWRQ9LFWRU\$FDGHP\ Monday 9am – 1pm actually appointed the rest of the team Tuesday 2pm – 6pm themselves! The next step is to extend )ROORZXV#9LFWRU\$FDG Thursday 9am – 3pm this to our lower year groups to ensure everyone feels part of our academy. Friday 9am – 1pm I've spent a great deal of time talking to our Extended Opening Times for 2014 students about our rewards system and we IN YOUR NEW ISSUE are all in agreement that it needs a major Welcome from Principal Palmer ................ P3 Singing For All Cluster Choir ................... P14 We offer a full range of beauty review. One of our outstanding English Austrian Teachers Visit .............................. P4 Interview with Mr Haden ........................ P15 teachers, Miss Meehan, has taken on the Beat Boxer ................................................... P5 Celebrating the Memories ....................... P16 treatments. Full price list available role of developing this so we look forward Typhoon Appeal .......................................... P5 New Water Feature .................................. P17 to the details being released soon. We want Ring for appointments Les Misérables It's Showtime! ................P6-7 New Academy Caterers ............................ P17 the new system to be personalised and to Our Visitors ............................................. P8-9 Children In Need ...................................... P17 on 01603 742 310 ex 234 acknowledge most the students who are Chemistry Visit ........................................... P9 Helping to Make A Change ...................... P18 working hard and contributing their very Welcome to Our New Home ............... P10-11 Channel that Energy into a New Sport .... P19 best to every lesson. Victory Academy, Beauty Salon Opening Ceremony ....... P12-13 Netball Victory ......................................... P20 Middleton Crescent, Deputy Head Boy Starts Campaign ......... P14 Year 11 Squad Looking Good .................. P20 Costessey, Follow us @VictoryAcad The Victory Flag is printed on 100% recycled paper. Norwich, www.ormiston.org Design by www.fusional.co.uk NR5 0PX. www.ormistonvictoryacademy.co.uk | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 3 December 2013 Victory Flag: Winter Typhoon Appeal As soon as our students heard DERXWWKHGHYDVWDWLQJH̆HFWVRIWKH typhoon in the Philippines, they set to work on a fund-raising mission - £250.00 and counting so far! Beat Boxer Some students choose to use their break times relaxing in a quiet corner with friends, 2XUVWXGHQWVDQGVWD̆EHQH¿WHGLQ forward to keeping in touch, and further RWKHUVQHHGWROHWR̆VWHDP $XVWULDQ7HDFKHUV DYDULHW\RIZD\VLQFOXGLQJGL̆HUHQW opportunities to work with the New Ideas interpretations on the question of German Of Language Education. by playing football. at Victory Academy responsibility for World War One in a Victory students were Year 13 history class. thrilled to be given At Ormiston Victory Academy The Austrians were impressed DGL̆HUHQWIRUPRI we are proud to work with entertainment when with our modern new build, a beat boxer from The NILE, a world-leading centre the 'well behaved, positive and Garage Performing ambitious students' and are of excellence in language Arts Group came to taking back to Austria a variety visit. Students enjoyed teacher education. of new strategies including a unique performance the displaying of 'aims and This past week we welcomed nine Austrian and have been invited outcomes' in each lesson. Trainee Teachers to our Academy to to attend a bespoke observe the outstanding learning and We wish them all the best in workshop in January teaching that is taking place in Norwich, their studies to become fully at The Garage! and to discuss education pedagogy. TXDOL¿HGWHDFKHUV$QGORRN 4 Follow us @ VictoryAcad | www.ormistonvictoryacademy.co.uk www.ormistonvictoryacademy.co.uk | Follow us @ VictoryAcad 5 December 2013 Victory Flag: Winter 7KLV'HFHPEHUWRFRPPHPRUDWHWKH\HDU DQQLYHUVDU\RIWKHODVWRFFDVLRQZKHQ/HV0LVpUDEOHV ZDVSHUIRUPHGE\RXUVWXGHQWVLWZDVVKRZWLPHDJDLQ Helen Curson, Head of Performing Arts at Victory, who (with her amazing team) facilitated the entire production said: ³,DPVRSURXGRIKRZKDUGRXUVWXGHQWVKDYHZRUNHG ±LW¶VZRQGHUIXOWRKDYHDOLYHEDQGSOD\LQJDVSDUW RIWKHSHUIRUPDQFH,NQRZKRZPXFKRXUVWXGHQWV YDOXH3HUIRUPLQJ$UWVVRLW¶VYLWDOWKH\KDYHWKHVH RSSRUWXQLWLHV´ 2XUVWXGHQWVDQGVWD̆KDYHZRUNHG primary schools who thoroughly Naomi Palmer, Principal was delighted FRPPLWPHQW±DQG,IHHOFRPSHOOHGWR tirelessly to create this amazing show – enjoyed the experience. with the results: JLYHDVSHFLDOPHQWLRQWRWKHJURXSRI it’s involved months of perfecting through YROXQWHHUVIURPRXUFRPPXQLW\ZKRKDYH Lewis Aves, who played the leading role ³7KHUHLVDFOHDUWUDGLWLRQRIH[FHOOHQFH constant rehearsals. Was it worth it? GHGLFDWHGPDQ\KRXUVWRVHWEXLOGLQJDQG of Jean Valjean, said “Although I feel LQ3HUIRUPLQJ$UWVDW9LFWRU\$FDGHP\ It most certainly was! SURGXFWLRQ±ZHDUHVRIRUWXQDWHWRKDYH DOLWWOHQHUYRXVWRKDYHVXFKDJUHDW
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