Vol. XVIII. APRIL, 1916. No. 52. /" B11 IlHA NE GNAM IAlI SCH()OL M,IA(iAZIN E. 0'' * 9J IllB risbane : OUTIDGE 'PRINTING CO., LTD 398 QUEEN STREET I916. Vol, XVIII. APRIL, 1916. No. 52. HRISBANE GRAMMAR SCHOOL MAGAZINE. risbant : OIJTII,(;I. I'HINING CO., LTD .8 QUEEN STREET i9g6. The Outridge A * LGENUIN- Self-filing - TIME I Fountain Pen SAVER - I- I Simple Syringe Action. Actual Length 6t inches. 14ct. Gold Nib. n .1 Manufactured Specially for * Outridge Printing Co. Ltd. SPECIAL OFFER of Free Trial and Guarantee. This Ienp will b. sent you Postage Paid on receipt of Postal Note for 5/ (Stamps will be accepted if more convenient). Yoi will ble Pleased with the pen, but we guarantee to send your Money back if yu are not Satisfied, provided you return it I within 7days. How to order. Send your name and address with postal order. The Pen will be in your hands by the next mail.-- - Order Now. I Outridge Printing Company Ltd. H-- Quee.C98 Street, Brisbane. I. Brisbaue Grammar SchMel Matue. 3 BRISBRN3 Grammar schooI (IbaOa3tne. Index to No. 52, Vol. XVIII. Ptre Page ~ , hooiln,'I t it i l .. .. 5 Il'he('h rlirsford ('n , .. 31 Editorial .. ...... 7 ('ricket Nots .... .. 3! I)igtni Ietur Hos " .. It Swimming .. .... 4r~ ITh. Ioll of Hitnour . .. It( Howing Note .. .. 47.. Wa\\'r Notes .. .. ..2t (oloirs. 1915 .. 4 .latri(ulntion rxt ilinti iniw :.. ( ';iilet NwIot .... i.t, I'nivleri y Sc iil,.harshi,. .. .. 33 ''enini. Tour ann .! 19..15 (t (Quleenl'( ull( ('iivil ,Serv'ice, E:. li - I' nnllll;.illrlNo t e . ,(";' a l on . .. •~.... 34° Icc w n:1 )V I.. i..lliri 4'( rv Not . .. .l AWeinwaI nre at tihe Sthl in .unior ('ilet Notes l. , th,. Year 191 .. .. 34 lu., Notiw. ." .. t Sii(cc ses \\',n Ib ()hl Ih,\' iii (h lhn " .. 3.: the 'tear 1II15 .. .. 34 ,h ttiis .... tIPr ['niversit v Sc'hliiir- .. : *ii . 'If Snxamination S ' 'CesIs of PIi'! M:lrri nc.'i .. .. oy .. .. .. .. :3 Iwatlh .. .. Ei D. J. CLARKE, Obatmaccutical ibcrmast. ,' FINNEY' OLD BUILDINGS, EDWARD STREET. BRISIAWE. Advertiuments. We supply HAID-SEW SCHOOL BASS, any size, from 65/, as shown on sketch, guaranteed to last during the full period of your school career. iWe also stock Presentation Bags of every description, together with Leather Sporting Good L,IH L SO ISS Saddle I anuess Makers, glall St, PItri lBight. W[L] wish you success In all \our stuidies, and that all the ' Exams." I)e passed with "flying colours" and don't :', forget that if you, boys, req lire a ;O()I) P()KET KNIFE. or any girl a pair of IFIRST-CLASS SCISSORS, our store is alwa~s at \'our service, where a good relhable article can always be purchased. We have also High-class Brushes and ('mhbs, and other Nic-nacs suitable for presents. DON'T FORGET OUR STORE s .. W0dson # Go., IRONMONGERS, 152 Queen Street, Brisbane. Sohool Institutions. School Committee. SrORTS' MASTER .. .. .. .. Ma. S. STEtPHNSON HON. TREASURER .. .. .. MR. R E. THWAITrS CRICKET CAPTAIN .. .. .. .. ATN FOOTBALL CAPTAIN .. .. 4 ROWING CAI TAIN .. .. .. .. W. \V. WILSON ('OME ITTEE .. T. LAWTON, \. (;KIENNING, W'. W. \\ILSON, A. I. AxON T. HEIN. W. S. LFSLI, W'. ATT oW Dxi E(;ATE TO ( '.L.T.A. .. .. .. M. \. S. SwVNN OTHER CAPTAIN :-2nd, W. S. LESI.IE; 3rd, T. STIEI. ; 4th, F. '. SIAw; 5th, IL. D. BENNETT; 6th, A. R. FRASER ; 7th. 1. MuNR ; Nth, J. C ARITy. I.ibrarians.-N. E. TOMs. N. HENNETI. '. H~.se Prefects.-H. ''. ANDERSON. R. S. H. BROWN, '. (. (CoV, 1. LA" ION, F. S. Lo<I School Prefects.- II. \'. \NIERSON, R. S. H. BROWN. F. R. ('ORV A. E. MASON, F. ( . No\IMINSEN B.G.S. Magarinc. HonoaRaR MANAGER .. .. ..... MR. A. J. MASON, EDITORS . .. .. .. i. HARRIS \ (KE\ IN(, Cadet Corps.-OT BATTALION SENIOR CADETS. OFFICER COMMANDING SIXTH BATTALION CAPTAIN F. S N. BOUSFIELD E. COMPANY. OFFICER COMMANDING .. .. I.IEUTENANT A. J. MASON SECOND IN COMMAND .. .. LIEUTENANT E. FISOHER PLATOON COMMAN, ER.. .. 'ND I.IEI'IENANT L.. I. A.- IIC iEI.I 'OMI'AN SbERGEANT-MA'OR .. .. T. HEI. ('OMI'ANY ()I.ARTIER-MASTER-SEIEANT . .. :. (. WVAGNER PI ATOON SERI E. NTS .. I. L. i. 1OR,.,N, I. IL iAMS, II. GASTEI. R. A IAX\WHI.I SEOTION COMMANDERS SEREANTh '. I~HIG(., A. ANON ; CPOPORALS . ( REINNING, ( U. BOY('I, X N . F. lhISTON, J. f. ('RIlI \ F. ( . HARRIS, . V. (. ;OIRT/, II. PARN, (,. ILAKIV, N ('. 1). I). ('oIl'ANv- -No. 14 PLATOON. PLATOON COMMANDER .. .. .. 2ND I.IEUTENANT A. E. MAO N PLATOON SERGEANT .. .... F. C. NOMMENSEN SEITIoN ('OOMMANI ERS ('ORIORALS I I. HA RRIS, \ . ". I.LSl i.. T C MIll 1 R Band BUGlERS .. .. CORPORALS StrESS, '. CAMPBELL, T. ROIMERTSON, .\t'TI. II. V Af. Et)\VARI)S '"lER .... .. .. T. LAWTON IIfRUMMERS .. .. R. J. IIENDESHON, U. REISS. NI. J. MORGAN junior Cadets. (OMMANI)ERS .. .. .. MESSRS. DOVEY ANI CONNAI INSTRUCTOR iv I'HYSICAL EXERCISES . .. MR. J. J BETTS 1 G.S.O.B.A. lion. Sec. Ma. J. G. NO.LAN., Bris. Grammar School, and Ireas. or " Ky-vam," Bismarck St., Clayfield. P G.F.C.: Hon. Sec., MR. B. SuAw, cio. Harrngtons Ltd., Queen Street I '4 A; Brisbane Grammar School /- SMAGAZINE. Publised Three T'imes a Year. Vol. XVIII. AtPRIL, 19 1t. No. .. Subscriptions, Is. 6d. per annum, or Is. d. posted, are payable to the Busimes Manager A. J. MASON, Boys' Grammar School. The Editor will welcome contributions or correspondence from present or pas members of the School. Subscribers are requested to inform the Business Manager of amy change * Address. 0 Ci aorial. And it's not for thl, sake of a ribl)ond coat, ()r the seltish hope of a season's fame, lBut his ('aptain's hand on his shoulder smote, "P'lay up! play up! and play the game!" .\y fTh, are tin wor(s tihat ever\' schoolbo" should have instilled into his Ilind until, tnall\. It. adopts then ,, his motto. Then. indeed, will he worth\ to follow in the footsteps of those who,. ill tllis great wa\\'ll, arell serving thleir King and Country. That tie School is lacking in the nunmber of lmen sent forth by herr can WvCU IeI, said with trlth, fllor all('ila', as is shlo'wn on our " HRoll of Hlonwi'ur," there has been a iresponse to the " Call " of ,\'er 545 Old H(I'hs, a nullllll'r thatll will compare)llll favourably with hatiil of ai\ other .\istrlian sclol. In this numlllber we are inserting tihe )lotograihs (if severa1l of thile Old Hows wh have ii, bl, given tlheir ]i\,s f(or tle (t'fl Sce of freedlom. Nor is the Vounger generaltionll forlgetting its duty during the a r, for, although idrill was suspended dluring the last quarter of !15, there were nlan who attended the parades \oluintarily; 8 Br'sbane Gramma, Schol Magasine. those who were not patriotic are sorry now. as they have to, make up all drills missed then. ,\t the end of 191.5 there was a sufficiency of officers and N.C.().'s; now, however, there art several vacancies, both for commissioned and non-commissioned rank. due to the usual Christmas exodus. As regards our scholastic successes of last year, who can say that we ought not to be proud of them. The honour of first place in both the Senior and Junior was gained for the School by L. I. A. Micheli and V. Grenning, while we also obtained six out of the twenty University Scholarships. We heartily congratu- late the above-mentioned two, together with F. Paterson E. Foster, 0. Tiegs, 0. Hirschfeld, and 0. Blakey, winners of University Scholarships. S. Ross. who won the Thallon Medal and all those who passed the Senior and Junior. Our annual Swimming Sports were held in the Spring Hill Baths on March 10th, and some excellent swimming and exciting finishes were witnessed. A. I.inton, who has the makings of a champion, secured the School (Championship, after a strenuouii S' 'h tussle with C. H. McCowan, and further enhanced his record 1h\ winning the School Handicap from scratch. The School upheld its reputation at the Secondary Schools' Swimming Sports on March 16th, by carrying off eight out ,t ten events, and securing second place in each of the otlhit t wo. Last month the Schlool Rowing Club's fleet was augmentvd by the arrival of an excellent new practice four from Melixnrni Rowing is booming at present, and the newly-formed Grammar --'0: School Rowing (lub is now iof respectable disnsriiions, and befor many years we max' expect to see it an indeplendent club, possessing a shed of its own. The members of the First (rew have now I)et'fn together for about a month, and seemi determined to retricr' their defeat of last year. May they do so ! Mr. Pennycui, k ably assisted by Mr. Potts and Mr. Fischer, is lending invaliiabh aid to the Rowing Club by initiating new members into the :11 (,f rowing, and bv correcting the faults of tihe m(,re explrienml'i llelll Iers. SLast Noveimber, we finished up a very successful spo,,rtiii * i' year by defeating Ipswich at Cricket, thus retaining the ('lhelinsf,<l Cup for antlher year. D)uring the year we also defeated TI' woomtba; at lx)th cricket and football, and drew with Ips\\ at football Unfortunately, we cannot do likewise this \ear., ' *,^Toowoomba i;. already beaten us at cricket ; nevertheless we Ih' to retrieve our misfortnues in tile remaining matches. Althoiiu i certain niembevs made "good round scores." we can assure *ir' =. Brisbane Grammar School Magazine. 9 readers they avenged themselves at dinner time I In tlhe Old Boys match, however, the Old HBoys were ldefeated b\v seven \wickets tlIhu consoling us for the To\\lllla (defeat.
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