. ■ • Puke of the M eatbw hnds? Wood-Ridge » Corfaodt » fart Rulhetfad » Rutherford « lyndhurst E lla R t 17 flooding resources of borough employ­ packages overseas By Carol Romeo ees and police in order to con­ LYNDHURST — Reporter L y n d h u rs t Elks N o . 1505 is trol and maintain order dur­ looking for the names of local EAST RUTHERFORD — ing the floods. Cassella and the council residents who have a son, The mayor and council are have been asking the state and daughter, grandchild, moth­ requesting support from Department of Transportation er, father, sister or brother Acting Gov. Richard Codey, (DOT) for several years to fix who is serving in Iraq or 36th District Legislatures and the flooding problem in antic­ Afganistan to send care pack­ neighboring municipalities ipation of the opening of ages to. that immediate action must be Xanadu and the new Giants Contact Joe Bradley at 201- taken to alleviate flooding con­ Stadium. “The DOT first came 864-9764 with names, or send ditions before additional con­ to one of our council meetings the name and address of the struction is done in the area. as far back as 2-3 years ago," the servicemen or women to: A recendy-passed re s o lu tio n Cassella recalled. “DOT offi­ LyndhuHt Elks No. 1505, PO stated that “during periods of cials gave us the standard ‘yes, Box 147, 251 Park Ave., heavy rains, a serious flooding we will help,’ but nothing sig­ * Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, Attn: condition exists, creating a nificant has been done." Joe Bradley, Veterans dangerous and hazardous con­ DOT officials are aware of C h a irm a n . dition." According to East the problem caused when Rutherford Mayor James heavy downpours overwhelm Cassella, in addition to dam­ CarlstadtRec the drainage system along age to property owners and Route 17 — a state highway, presents 'Shrek 2' any vehicles unfortunate Cassella explained. *The high­ CARLSTADT — Carlstadt enough to be traveling way drainage system flows into Recreation will present through the flood, Route 17 “Movies Under the Stars,” traffic is diverted through the Please see FLOODING sponsored by JR Higgins municipality and requires the Realty, on Friday, Sept. 30 at 8 on Page 6 p.m., on Lindbergh Field. The movie event will fea­ ture “ Shrek 2." Parking will Lyndhurst tax reval be available at Interstate Place and in the Sun Chemical parking lot. winds down; rates Admission is free to all resi­ Photo by Jeff Fucci dents; bring blankets/lawn chairs. Raindate Friday, Oct 7. Erick Mundaca (far left) being led by Rutherford Police into municipal court on Sept. 27 for his first court appearance. He is d x irg ed with firing three rounds from a .25 caliber semi-automatic affected next summer handgun into a house on West Pierrepont Avenue Sept. 24. By Susan Moeler property owners will have an Kip Center offers o p p o rtu n ity to discuss any c o n ­ R eporter - W in «lug solutions cerns they have about their assessments. M cGuire said that R U TH ERFO RD — 55 Kip LYN D H U RST — D e n is he and representatives from Center w ill host a seminar on McGuire, tax assessor for the re-evaluation company Saturday, O ct 8, from 10:30 Wesmont issues discussed Lyndhurst, said that he would be available to review a.m. to 11:30 a.m., on the expects the town’s revaluation any assessment issues with tax­ topic of Reverse Mortgage company to give him their payers after the new values are F in a n c in g S o lu tio n s. T h e p ro ­ By Jeff Fucci inform ation in time for him to Senior R eporter publicized. He said, “Everyone gram will be conducted by meet the New Jersey State valu­ will have an opportunity to be Ava Harrison from Wells a tio n d ate o f O ct. 1. T h e new WOOD-RIDGE — M aps h e a rd ." Fargo. All are welcome. Call assessment numbers will be and issues were expanded as McGuire also said that 201-460-1600 for more infor­ presented to the public begin­ the planning board held its Lyndhurst’s revaluation com­ m a tio n . ning in late November or early second meeting to review pany, Realty Appraisal, from D ecem ber. Wesmont Station, Somerset West New York, is the oldest in Any increases resulting NA Rec is seeking Development’s 67-acre, “live, the state. On an earlier occa­ from the revaluation in work and play” community sion, he asserted, “We have the Halloween help progress will not affect the tax proposed for the Curtiss best re-evaluation company in N O R T H A R U N G T O N — rate until next summer, said W right property. the business.” North Arlington Recreation Debbie Ferrato, Lyndhurst’s After detailing the 5.9 acres is looking for volunteers and Chief Financial Officer/Tax of assorted public parks and sponsors to assist with its C o lle cto r. green spaces in the plan, engi­ Please see U X RIVAL Halloween Haunted House McGuire emphasized that neer Mike Dipple explained and Hay Ride scheduled for on Page 6 that most of the develop­ Friday, Oct. 28. Contact ment’s trees would be new, Jeannette Stroz at 201-991- addressing residents’ ques­ N eighbors learn luxury condos 5356 for further information. tions about towering oaks and maples that had grown m ay replace Spring Air See Page 4 for more through Curtiss W right’s slop­ Bogota mayor said he has now ing blacktop parking lot. F fo to b y Jeff Fucci community news... By Tony Attrino been retained as a public rela­ “This area is currently not Reporter Engineer Mike Dipple irons out the details of landscaping, tions person for the condo­ more than cliff, ” Dipple said, drainage, utilities a n d snow removal for the V o d R id g e Panning minium’s developers, indicating Wesmont’s main, NORTH ARLINGTON — Board at the second of four meetings Sept. 20 regarding me pro­ Salvatore R. Catania and cross-shaped park, which will A pair of luxury home devel­ posed Wesmont Station redevelopment of Curtiss Wright. Lubomir Martonski. need stairs and grading where opers wined. and dined resi­ Meanwhile, construction workers continue remediation work on the CNL has been building lux­ the blacktop has been torn up dents at Roma Restaurant last sloping, 67-acre industrial site, having so far tom up overgrown ury homes in Bergen and and milled. “Once it is dis­ week while pitching a defini­ trees a n d the crocked blacktop they w ere poking through.________ Passaic counties for more than turbed, we won’t be able to tive design for “La Bella View” years, according to preserve those trees.” borough has to give a tax cred­ — an exclusive condominium engineer, said such organiza­ Lo n e g a n . “In a plan like this, very few tions often fail to keep their it to the homeowner»," Sarlo development that would As they sipped wine and of the trees end up remain­ agreements. said. replace the old Spring Air munched on eggplant parme- ing," echoed Somerset owner “Sometime* they work for Neglia and Sarlo shared the Mattress facility on Schuyler san paid fo r by the developers, Ralph Zucker. “To paint a false the long term, sometimes concern that alleyways on A ve nue. residents were shown a video picture is counterproductive they're a short-term fix," Wesmont’s east end, nick­ T his project is designed to «U p jiBaom r of the project The video juxta­ for all o f us." Neglia said. “I have to assume named “hammerheads," appeal to North Arlington res­ posed photographs of the Pubïshed Weekly Zucker and his associates at some point in time, the would be difficult to plow in idents," said Bogota Mayor existing crumbling buildings 251 Ridge Rood said the new trees would meet municipality w ill be asked to storms ranging from Steve Lonegan, who spoke on with a three-dimensional com­ Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Shade Tree Commission handle garbage and snow.’ Northeasters to 6-inch accu­ behalf o f the project's contrac­ puterized animation of mod­ guidelines and would be die Mayor Paul Sarto, who also m ulations. tors,'CNL Developers Inc. “It For advertising rates, em homes set against a pole responsibility o f several home­ sits on the board, said home­ Though Dipple explained w ill upgrade real estate values blue sky, a sparkling swimming pleat* call 201-3103161. owners’ associations. owners’ associations absolutely how plows would push snow to in the area and improve the pool and a spacious under­ for editorial, daswfied», According to Somerset could not take on the two serv­ the right and left of roads, quality o f life. It’s a win-win sit­ ground parking garage. attorney Patrick McNamara, uation." & legal notices, please ices. leaving residents "ample garbage collection and snow Hired last year by Mayor col 201-438-8700. “It’s a responsibility of the rem oval w ould be as w ell. municipality. I have to pick it Please see Russ Finnan to lo o k in to the Please see www.UaderNewspapen.net But Mike Neglia, borough up and plow*, otherwise, the borough’s finances, the O 2005 Uefcr UC m M V T r 9 *’.., ■ , t h e l e a p e r its n e e d a f o r k id s NORTH ARUNC to re-introduce the.
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