Tongguang Zhai ———————————————————————————————— Tel no: (859) 257-4958 (office) Postal address: 163B F. Paul Anderson Tower (859) 396-0924 (home) Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering E-mail: [email protected] University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506, USA Academic Degrees D.Phil. (Ph.D.), 9/1994 B.Sc., 7/1983 University of Oxford, England University of Science and Technology Beijing, China Research Interests • Fatigue life prediction: identification of fatigue weak-link density and strength distribution, quantification of fatigue crack initiation and resistance to fatigue crack growth due to crack deflection at grain boundaries, • Optimum alloy design through micro- and macro-texture control, • Failure analysis, Materials characterisation, processing and modelling, etc. Education and Career 6/2007—Present Associate Professor Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0046, USA 8/2001—5/2007 Assistant Professor Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0046, USA 8/2000—6/2001 Postdoctoral Research Associate Light metals research center, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0046, USA 1/1995—7/2000 Research fellow Department of Materials, University of Oxford 10/1994—12/1994 Research Assistant Fraunhofer Institute for NDT (IzfP), University Building 37, 66123 Saarbrueken, Germany 10/1991—9/1994 D. Phil. student Department of Materials, University of Oxford Academic Awards and Honours ● NSF CAREER AWARD: 7/2007-6/2012 ● Visiting Professorship: University of Hong Kong (June, 2009), Sichuan University (June, 2005). ● Excellent Teacher Award by College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, 2002/2003. ● Buehler Technical Merit Paper Award, 4/1994, jointly by International Metallography Society and Materials Characterisation, Paper 48) in the publication list. ● Senior Academic scholarship awarded by German DAAD to carry out joint research at Martin- Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany (15 September—14 October, 1997). ● Advisor to the Student Chapter for Materials Science and Engineering (2001-2004). ● Invited talks − Invited lectures, (2004-2009), (i) Hong Kong University, (ii) Central South University, (iii) Sichuan University, (iv) Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, (v) University of Science & Technology Beijing and (vi) Wuhan University. − Invited talks, Fatigue and corrosion properties in Ti alloys after surface enhancement treatments (12/2004), Tubular Goods Research Centre for China National Petroleum Corporation, China. − Invited paper, A mechanism for fatigue crack initiation in pure metal (invited, 2003), Symposium on Lifetime Science and Engineering, TMS meeting (USA), 2003. − Invited talk on the Effects of Macro- and Micro-texture on Fatigue Properties of Al-Li alloys to Alcoa Technical Centre (June 7, 2002). − Invited seminar on Fatigue Damage in Single crystal Al to National Institute for Applied Science in Lyon, France (April 1996). − Invited talk on Nano-second Time-resolved Acoustic Microscopy of Polymeric Coating on Metal Surfaces at The Fifth International Union of Materials Research Societies—International Conference on Advanced Materials, 13-18 June, 1999 in Beijing, China. − Invited seminar on Fatigue of Metals to Metal Research Institute (Chinese Science Academy, July 10, 1999). Reviewer & Moderator ● Student Supervision: 6 PhD students (four graduated), two postdoctoral researchers, and 7 visiting scholars. ● Reviewed articles for Acta Materialia, Materials and Metallurgical Transaction A, Philosophical Magazine A, Materials Science & Engineering, Materials Science and Technology, International Journal of Fatigue, and Journal of Materials Technology, etc. ● Co-organizer of Symposium on Al Alloys (at TMS meeting 2010) and James Morris Symposium on Automotive Al Alloys (TMS Meeting 2006). ● Chaired sessions at TMS annual meeting in March 2004 and February 2005, and at The 7th International Conference on Fatigue’99, 8-12 June, 1999, Beijing, China. ● DEPSCoR Committee Member of Kentucky and Served on NSF review panels (2007-2010). ● Reviewed many research proposals on NSF Review Panels (2004-2008), , Oak Ridge National Lab (2005- 2008) and King Fahid University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia (2005 & 2002). Research and Work Experiences Current & finished projects 1. Quantitative Understanding of the Effects of Micro- and Macro-texture on Fatigue Crack Initiation and Early Growth in high Performance Alloys (current) Sponsor: NSF CAREER AWARD 2. Effects of micro- and macro-texture on the fatigue properties of AA 2026 Al alloys. (current) Sponsor: Alcoa 3. Development of Continuous Cast 2000 Series Al Alloys. (completed) Sponsor: DoD 4. Quantification of texture evolution in Continuous Cast 3000 series Al Alloys. (completed) Sponsor: NSF 5. Study of residual stresses and micro-texture effects on the fatigue properties of Ti alloys. (completed) Sponsor: Department of Defence 6. Study of Sm-Co permanent magnets. (completed) Sponsor: KSEF and Semicon Associates 7. Refractory metal resistant spot welding. (completed) Sponsor: Semicon Associates 8. Separation of Radio-active Tc from pure Ni by an evaporation method. Sponsor: Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute 9. DURIP: Field emission gun SEM/EBSD/EDS (completed) Sponsor: DoD Courses Taught • Materials Senior Design • Failure analysis • Metals and alloys • Transmission electron microscopy/scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction • Physical metallurgy • Deformation processing • Materials laboratory technologies • Advanced Physical Metallurgy • Advanced Materials Thermodynamics List of Publications Indexed by SCI 1) Q. Zeng, T. Zhai (2010), “Texture evolution as a function of temperature in a continuous cast AA3004 Al alloy”, Scripta Mat., to be submitted. 2) W. Wen, T. Zhai (2010), “Local texture effects on short fatigue crack growth in an AA8090 Al alloy”, Acta Mat., to be submitted. 3) Q. Zeng, X.Y. Wen, T. *Zhai, (2010) A Study of Recrystallization Textures in Hot Band of a Continuous Cast Al-Mn-Mg Alloy, Mater. Sci. Tech., in press. 4) X.Y. Wen, Y. Liu, L.R. Tong, Q. Zeng, T. Zhai, Z. Li (2010), The effect of Fe content on recrystallization texture evolution, microstructures and earing of cold rolled continuous cast AA5052 alloy sheet, Mater. Met. Trans. A, accepted. 5) Y.B. Zhang, J.H. Xu, T. *Zhai (2010), Distributions of Pore Size and Fatigue Weak Link Strength in an A713 Sand Cast Aluminum Alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, pp. 3639-3644. 6) E.A. Kenik, Q. Zeng, T. Zhai, (2009), Characterization of Continuous Cast AA2037 Al Alloy, Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 15, Supplement S2, 2009, pp. 1072-1073. 7) Q. Zeng and T. *Zhai (2009), Study on the formation of P orientation in CC Al-Mn-Mg alloy by EBSD method, Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 15, Supplement S2, 2009, pp. 404-405. 8) T. *Zhai, X.P. Jiang, J.H. Xu, Q. Zeng, W. Wen (2009), Misorientation Gradients by EBSD in Hot and Cold Deformed Alloys, Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 15, Supplement S2, 2009, pp. 400-401. 9) Q. Zeng, X.Y. Wen, T. *Zhai, (2009), A Study of the Evolution of P Orientation {011} in a Cold Rolled Continuous Cast AA 3004 Aluminum Alloy after Annealing, Mater. Met. Trans. A, vol. 40A, pp. 2488-2497. 10) Q. Zeng, S. Ma, Y. Zheng, T. *Zhai, (2009), Diffusion behaviour of Re and its effect on diffusion of Al in Ni, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 468, pp. 164-169. 11) J.H. Xu, E.W. Kenik, T. *Zhai, (2008), Brittle fracture in 50Mo-50Re alloys in slow strain rate tensile testing, Phil. Mag. A, Vol. 88, pp. 1543-1553. 12) J.H. Xu, T. *Zhai (2008), Positive Strain-Rate Dependence of Ductility in a 50Mo-50Re Alloy, JOM, Vol. 60, pp. 75-78. 13) J.H. Xu, T. *Zhai (2008), Small-scale resistance spot welding of refractory alloy 50Mo-50Re thin sheet, JOM, Vol. 60, 79-83. 14) J.H. Xu, T. *Zhai, J. Ferrel, M. Effgen (2008), Anomalous Strain Rate Effect on plasticity of a Mo-Re alloy at room temperature, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Vol. 479, 2008, pp. 76-82. 15) Q. Zeng, X.Y. Wen, T. *Zhai, (2008) Quantitative Evolution and Evolution Rates of Texture in AA5052 Al Alloy Hot Band during Single Pass Hot Rolling, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 476, 290-300. 16) Y.C. Wu, S.L. Wu, Y.Q. Chen, S.J. Wang, T. Zhai (2007), Coincidence Doppler broadening study of decomposition of continuous cast AA 2037 Al alloy, Physica Status Solidi (c), 4, No. 10, pp. 3497-3501. 17) X. P. Jiang, J. H. Xu, Q. Zeng, C.-S. Man, M. J. Shepard, T. *Zhai (2007), Effects of shot-peening and re-shot- peening on the four-point bend fatigue behavior of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Vol. 468-470, pp. 137-143. 18) J.H. Xu, T. *Zhai, J. Ferrel, M. Effgen (2007), Optimization of resistance spot welding of Mo-Re alloy sheet, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 366, n 3, Jul 1, 2007, pp. 417-425. 19) Wen, X.Y., Long, Z.D., Yin, W.M., *Zhai, T., Li, Z., K. Das, S., (2007), Texture Evolution of Continuous Casting AA5052 Aluminum During biaxial Stretching, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Vol. 454-455, pp. 245-251. 20) J.X. Li, X.Y. Wen, C.-S. Man T. *Zhai (2007), Fatigue of Continuous Cast AA5754 Al Alloy Sheet, Materials Science & Technology, vol. 23, pp. 324-332. 21) Li, J., Zeng, Q., Wen, X.Y., *Zhai, T. (2007), Concurrent Precipitation and Mechanical Properties in CC AA 5083 Al Alloys, Materials Science & Technology, vol. 23, pp. 225-228. 22) Qingjun Zheng, Sike Xia, Alan Dozier, T. Zhai, Jeff Whillhite and Michael P. Effgen (2006), Isothermal aging-structure-property relationship of SmCo 2:17 Magnets, Mater. Sci. & Techn, vol. 22, pp. 1476-1482. 23) S.L. Wu, Y.Q. Chen, Y.C. Wu, X.Y. Wen, T. Zhai, (2006), Positron Annihilation of Continuous Cast AA2037 Al alloy Hot Band during Annealing, Journal of Physics, vol. 55, (in Chinese), pp. 6129-6135. 24) T. Zhai (2006), Strength Distribution of Fatigue Crack Initiation Sites in an Al-Li Alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol.
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